All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 32 Shaolin Bleeding and Yijing Marrow Washing

This scene almost completely destroyed the worldview of the monks in Shaolin Temple.

It was possible to leave marks on the eyebrows of the 108 Arhats in an instant.

This means that if Zhang Junbao wanted to kill the 108 Arhats, he only needed such a moment.

If the high-end force could not be compared, the human wave tactics would have no meaning at all.

In other words, Shaolin Temple had no way to deal with Zhang Junbao and was completely suppressed!

The old monk in Xinchan Hall opened his mouth, with mixed feelings in his heart, as if he wanted to say something.

He wanted to loudly ask Zhang Junbao why he hid his martial arts when fighting with He Zudao.

If he had used such a magical sword technique earlier, how could Shaolin Temple still embarrass him.

But he looked at Zhang Junbao and couldn't say anything.

The young man in front of him was only seventeen years old, and he had such a heavenly cultivation. If he was given more time, I don't know how much he would grow.

Invincible in the world? Land immortal?

What's more, there is an unfathomable helper standing beside Zhang Junbao.

Who is this person called the group leader by Zhang Junbao? Judging from Zhang Junbao's respectful attitude towards this group leader, I'm afraid that this group leader's strength is even more terrifying than Zhang Junbao.

Thinking of this, the old monk of Xinchan Hall couldn't help but shudder. If he angered these two, there might be no Shaolin in the world tomorrow.

"It's me, the old monk, who was reckless. Zhang Daxia's magical power is unparalleled. Even if there are more monks in Shaolin Temple, how can they be Zhang Daxia's opponent? The old monk is convinced and completely convinced."

The old monk of Xinchan Hall no longer dared to be stubborn. Even though his face was red, as if blood could drip, he still gritted his teeth and said this.

After saying this, the old monk of Xinchan Hall also felt a burst of annoyance and heartache.

Zhang Junbao was originally a Shaolin disciple. If today's incident had not happened, if nothing unexpected happened, this flying sword technique would have been passed down in Shaolin Temple in the future.

With this flying sword technique passed down, Shaolin will firmly hold the position of the leader of the martial arts world from now on, and no one can shake it.

Abbot Tianming also stepped forward.

"It is easy to resolve enemies, but it is difficult to make them. Junbao, you and Shaolin have a deep relationship, and we are as close as a family. There is really no need to fight each other."

"Let's stop here today. We Shaolin have completely admitted defeat!"

Guo Xiang watched this scene from the side, and her mind was almost taken away by Zhang Junbao's charm at this moment, and her eyes were full of brilliance.

A single man and a single sword, suppressing Shaolin, which young girl in love would not admire such a young hero.

If Guo Xiang had not always been obsessed with Yang Guo in her heart, she would have been conquered by Zhang Junbao's charm and fallen into him at this time.

"Just now they were shouting for war and killing, wishing to destroy Zhang Junbao's martial arts, but now they want to end the matter with just one word of surrender. Shaolin has a good plan."

Everything that just happened was seen by Guo Xiang. What kind of person is the little East Evil? He was born in Peach Blossom Island and grew up with the East Evil Huang Yaoshi since he was a child. He also has a close relationship with the hero Yang Guo. He comes into contact with various heroes every day and develops a heroic spirit.

She really can't stand Shaolin's attitude and can't help but speak for Zhang Junbao.

Xu Chenzhou looked at the expressions of the Shaolin monks and felt funny in his heart.

Just now they were all fierce and ferocious, unwilling to listen to even a word of explanation. The eighteen disciples of the Bodhidharma Hall and the 108 Arhats of the Arhat Hall wanted to kill Zhang Junbao on the spot.

Now that they find that they can't win, they want to turn hostility into friendship and become as close as a family.

Being arrogant at first and respectful later, it's funny.

Xu Chenzhou said solemnly: "This little girl is right. Brother Junbao has suffered such a great injustice. This matter is not so easy to resolve."

Tianming Abbot had a bitter face: "This donor, please make any request. We are the ones who did something wrong in this matter."

Xu Chenzhou laughed: "The cause of this matter is that you said Junbao secretly learned Shaolin martial arts, so use Shaolin martial arts as an apology! My requirements are not high. Shaolin's 72 unique skills plus the two internal skills of Yijinjing and Xisuijing will be enough. By the way, don't forget the bet you promised us before, and remember to announce to the martial arts world to apologize to Junbao."

After hearing this, Tianming Abbot's face turned ashen and his fists clenched tightly.

The 72 unique skills of Shaolin and Yijinjing and Xisuijing are almost all the foundation of Shaolin. If these things are given away, it is equivalent to giving away the lifeblood of Shaolin.

But he didn't have the courage to refuse this request.

With the martial arts of these two people, it would be too easy to destroy Shaolin Temple.

If your fist is not as big as others, you will not have the confidence to speak.

After hesitating for a long time, Abbot Tianming gritted his teeth and said: "This request is really difficult for my Shaolin to do. Please forgive me. The inheritance of martial arts is too important for Shaolin. If all these martial arts are given away, then Shaolin Temple will no longer be Shaolin Temple. Can you change a request? As long as it does not violate the morality of martial arts and the rules of Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Temple will definitely agree."

After saying this, Abbot Tianming looked at Zhang Junbao with pleading eyes.

Since this group leader is standing up for Zhang Junbao, as long as Zhang Junbao lets go, these compensations can naturally be exempted.

But how can Zhang Junbao be soft-hearted? Zhang Junbao has seen everything Shaolin Temple has done to him.

Especially in the original fate trajectory, Shaolin Temple's behavior today also directly led to the death of Master Jueyuan, making Zhang Junbao even more unable to forgive Shaolin.

If he hadn't worried that Master Jueyuan would be embarrassed, Zhang Junbao would even want to abolish the martial arts of several people who took the initiative to attack him, such as Master Wuxiang.

"Abbot Tianming, I think the request made by the group leader is very reasonable. If you can't meet our requirements, the Thunder Suspense Sword in my hand will not agree."

After saying that, Zhang Junbao waved his hands, and the Thunder Suspense Sword slowly floated in the air again.

At this moment, Master Jueyuan sighed leisurely.

"Junbao, for the sake of your master, you should take a step back."

Hearing Master Jueyuan's words, Abbot Tianming was delighted.

The person who has the deepest bond with Zhang Junbao in the entire Shaolin Temple is undoubtedly Master Jueyuan, and Zhang Junbao was brought up by Master Jueyuan.

As soon as Master Jueyuan spoke, Abbot Tianming knew that Zhang Junbao would definitely be soft-hearted.

Shaolin martial arts are saved!

Master Jueyuan, you did a great job!

Master Jueyuan paused and continued.

"The 72 Shaolin unique skills are the foundation of Shaolin's survival. It is inappropriate to give them away rashly.

And the 72 Shaolin unique skills are not the most profound martial arts of Shaolin Temple.

With the skills you have shown now, there is not much benefit in getting them.

However, Shaolin slandered you for stealing martial arts, and now it is reasonable to use martial arts to compensate.

However, this time the compensation is only the Yijing and Xisui Sutras.

As for the 72 Shaolin unique skills, you don't need them anyway, so leave them to Shaolin!"

Zhang Junbao nodded: "Okay, everything will be done according to what Master Jueyuan said."

In fact, if Shaolin's pursuit today would not kill Master Jueyuan, Zhang Junbao's punishment for Shaolin would not be so severe.

After all, after so many years, he still has some feelings for Shaolin.

Since this is Master Jueyuan's opinion, Zhang Junbao will naturally follow it.

Besides, Zhang Junbao is not very interested in the 72 Shaolin unique skills.

The 72 Shaolin Kung Fu skills are considered magical skills by ordinary people, but for Zhang Junbao, who is backed by the chat group, they are just average.

There is neither genius conception nor special effects.

It is a useless skill, which is really insignificant.

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