All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 33 Why not travel the world with Miss Guo (I slept for eleven hours and woke up at seven o&#

After listening to Master Jueyuan's words, Abbot Tianming's originally ecstatic heart suddenly cooled down as if a bucket of cold water was poured on it.

What the hell?

Jueyuan said this in a human language!

What do you mean you don't need it anyway, just leave it to Shaolin.

It's as if the 72 unique skills of Shaolin Temple are some kind of rotten street stall stuff.

You should know that any one of the 72 unique skills of Shaolin Temple that is put on the Jianghu is a magical skill that countless people will scramble for.

Ordinary martial artists would be so happy that they can't sleep if they can learn one.

As a result, now in Jueyuan's mouth, it is evaluated that you don't need it anyway.

This makes Abbot Tianming feel angry.

In addition, he also has to give out two peerless magical skills, Yijinjing and Xisuijing.

Unlike the 72 unique skills of Shaolin, these two peerless magical skills are the real bottom-line goods of Shaolin.

To pass these two scriptures to two outsiders, this makes Abbot Tianming feel more uncomfortable than killing him.

But there is no way, the situation is stronger than people.

The long sword in Zhang Junbao's hand floated, as if it would be unsheathed in the next second.

Faced with such a sword fairy-like method, Abbot Tianming had no confidence that he could save the lives of the monks of Shaolin Temple.

"Amitabha, good, good! Everything is up to Zhang Daxia's wishes. Give me half a day, and after the transcription is completed, the two scriptures will definitely be delivered to you."

After agreeing to this matter, Abbot Tianming led the monks of Shaolin Temple into the temple.

Shaolin Temple was really embarrassed today, even more embarrassed than the time when Huogong Tou Tuo, they really had no face to stay any longer.

Only Xu Chenzhou, Master Jueyuan, Zhang Junbao, Guo Xiang, and He Zudao were left at the gate of Shaolin Temple.

Master Jueyuan chanted a Buddhist name, walked up and talked a lot with Zhang Junbao.

Most of them were some experiences of traveling in the rivers and lakes and told Zhang Junbao to take care of himself.

He didn't care how Zhang Junbao got his martial arts, but only cared whether Zhang Junbao could take care of himself in the rivers and lakes from now on.

He knew that after what happened today, this disciple would never be able to serve him again.

After saying that, Master Jueyuan waved his hand and walked into the temple. His roots were still in Shaolin Temple after all.

After saying goodbye to his master, Zhang Junbao felt a little lost.

Xu Chenzhou patted Zhang Junbao on the shoulder.

"It's just a temporary separation, what's there to be sad about. If you miss your master in the future, you can come back to see him at any time. Does Shaolin dare to stop you? With Master Jueyuan's martial arts, there is no pressure to live another forty years. There will be plenty of time to meet in the future."

Hearing the group leader's words, Zhang Junbao felt relieved.

Yes, unlike the original trajectory, today's master did not pass away, what's there to be sad about.

The road is long, and there are still many days to come.

And He Zudao, the Three Saints of Kunlun, who had watched the good show on the side, also wanted to leave at this time.

Zhang Junbao's flying sword skills dazzled him, and countless sword ideas emerged in his mind. He couldn't wait to find a place to retreat and verify his ideas.

In fact, he also wanted to know how Zhang Junbao practiced such a magical swordsmanship, but it was a taboo to rashly inquire about other people's martial arts in the martial arts world, so He Zudao did not ask.

He told Zhang Junbao the whole situation when he met Yixi and Xiaoxiangzi, and then left quietly.

At this time, everyone in the chat group was chatting enthusiastically.

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "I really envy Junbao. He solved the biggest problem in his life so easily and broke his fate. His life will be smooth sailing and there will be no more obstacles."

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "Thanks to the group owner, the chat group, Brother Han and Brother Hong. Thanks to meeting you, I was able to change my fate and let Master Jueyuan survive."

Xu Chengzhou (group owner): "Don't be envious. Being able to join the chat group is the biggest opportunity. Breaking the trajectory of fate is a small matter. But Junbao, have you thought about where to go next?"

Zhang Junbao scratched his head and left Shaolin. Although the world is big and the years are long, he doesn't know where to stay.

According to the records of the original book, after Zhang Junbao left Shaolin, Guo Xiang once gave him a gold bracelet and asked him to go to Xiangyang to join Guo Jing and his wife. However, Zhang Junbao didn't want to live under someone else's roof at that time, so he didn't go to Xiangyang. He

carried an iron bucket up to Wudang Mountain, found a cave, drank mountain spring water when thirsty and ate wild fruits when hungry, practiced the Nine Yang Manual in seclusion for more than ten years, and finally realized the principles of Tai Chi and became a master of his generation.

But this time is different from that time.

At that time, Zhang Sanfeng had just been driven out of Shaolin and was being hunted by Shaolin monks. His master had just died and he was a down-and-out man.

At this time, Zhang Junbao, with a single sword, suppressed Shaolin, and suppressed the world's largest martial arts sect. It was a time of high spirits, and the mood was different, so the choice was naturally different.

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "I don't have any idea! Jianghu is big, but I don't know where my home is."

Hong Yi (Daqian Xiucai): "If you ask me, Junbao, you might as well establish the Wudang Sect in advance. Anyway, with your current martial arts and fame, it's easy to establish a sect in Jianghu."

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "No, no, I'm only 17 or 18 years old now, and my martial arts are very sparse and ordinary. I have such strength entirely by relying on the Taoist magic of the realm of driving things. It's too early to establish a sect."

Xu Chenzhou smiled: "I have an idea. Junbao, you have been staying in Shaolin Temple for many years, and you don't know much about this world, so you are confused and don't know where to go. In this case, you might as well find a guide who is familiar with this world and travel around the world with her. When you have seen the whole world, you will naturally know what you want to do."

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "The group leader's suggestion is good, but where can we find such a suitable guide? It's a pity that He Daxia left too hastily just now, otherwise it would be a good choice to travel around the world with him . "

Xu Chengzhou (group leader): "A suitable guide, isn't this far away and close at hand? Miss Guo Xiang is known as the Little East Evil. She started traveling in the martial arts world when she was a teenager. She has seen countless storms and waves. Traveling with her in the martial arts world can not only increase your knowledge, but also have a beautiful woman to accompany you. Isn't it wonderful?"

Zhang Junbao (a wanderer in the martial arts world): "No, no, I have only met Miss Guo twice. It is too presumptuous to ask her to travel together with me."

Looking at the message in the group chat, Zhang Junbao blushed and his heartbeat accelerated slightly. The scene of traveling with Guo Xiang arm in arm appeared in his mind.

Although he had a lot of thoughts in his mind, Zhang Junbao still gritted his teeth and rejected this tempting proposal.

Although the children of the martial arts world are not particular about trivial matters, his relationship with Miss Guo is still too unfamiliar. If he makes this request, what if Miss Guo thinks he is a pervert?

In fact, with Zhang Junbao's character, he would not be so worried about gains and losses if he were to replace anyone else.

But the person opposite is Guo Xiang. Perhaps Guo Xiang is the only woman in the entire world of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber who can make Zhang Junbao so hesitant!

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