All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 324 Soul Jacket

The golden-horned giant beast has a height and body length of nearly a thousand meters after using its true form. From a distance, it is extremely shocking, like a giant golden mountain lying on the bottom of the sea.

It kept crying, begging, and struggling, but no matter how hard it tried, it could not break free from the four giant swords stuck in its body.

After entering the bottom of the sea, Luo Feng didn't hold back at all. He directly replaced the Green Scaled Eagle treasure among the six treasures operating in the Six Paths Reincarnation Fist with the Caozi Sword Jue, and then used the Caozi Sword Jue to draw out the long-gestated secrets in his body. Killing Immortal Sword Qi.

With the blessing of the Zhuxian Sword Qi, the power of his four swords to open up chaos has greatly increased, as if he really has a trace of the charm of the genuine Zhuxian Sword.

Before the use of Caozi Sword Art and Zhuxian Sword Qi, the combat power between Luo Feng and the Golden Horned Behemoth was about the same. The Golden Horned Behemoth couldn't do anything to Luo Feng, and it was also difficult for Luo Feng to subdue the Golden Horned Behemoth.

However, at this time, Luo Feng's Immortal Killing Sword Qi completely broke the balance.

The four swords that almost turned into reality opened the chaotic phenomenon and directly nailed the golden-horned giant beast to the bottom of the sea.

Especially the giant sword among the four giant swords that looks like the Killing Immortal Sword has a hint of Killing Sword Intent.

Under the suppression of this slaying sword intent, the golden-horned giant beast became extremely weak.

Because its energy, its spirit, and its body are all being destroyed by the Exterminating Sword Intent.

Luo Feng watched the golden-horned giant beast keep wailing and could feel that its will to resist was also decreasing.

But Luo Feng still didn't take action to seize the golden-horned beast.

He had one last preparation to make.

Luo Feng opened the chat group, enabled the group time travel function, and then set the anchor point of time travel in the world of Yangshen.

Regarding Luo Feng's cross-border request, Hong Yi had long known the reason, so he agreed to Luo Feng's cross-border application without hesitation and set the crossing location in an uninhabited palace.

An illusory light gate appeared next to Luo Feng. This light gate was as white as jade, with various complicated patterns carved on it. The bottom pattern vaguely resembled vines.

This light gate exudes a faint fluorescence in the dark seabed, just like a scene in a dream.

Luo Feng didn't hesitate at all. A dozen crystal-clear thoughts came out of his head, gathered in the air and turned into a looming human-shaped shadow, which then passed through the portal.

After this period of practice, his Taoist cultivation has reached the realm of ghost immortals. Although he cannot be called a thunder tribulation ghost immortal because he has not survived the thunder tribulation, he has just a few thoughts. It's not that difficult.

Luo Feng did this because he wanted to see if he could block the bugs in the original universe through the chat group mechanism.

In the Devouring World, once the secret method of seizing the body is activated, the soul will completely break away from the original body.

Different from the secret method of clone, the secret method of body seizing can only be exchanged from this body to another body, and cannot have multiple bodies at the same time.

For example, in the original timeline, after Luo Feng used the secret method of seizing the body of the golden-horned beast, the original earthly body was useless.

That's why Luo Feng in that timeline later used a precious clone quota to copy the genes of his original earthly body so that he could have his original body.

Luo Feng speculated that this thorough rule of seizing a body may be related to the original universe and the supreme rule.

It is difficult for others to avoid the rules of seizing a body, but it is the easiest for Luo Feng.

After all, even the supreme rules cannot enforce cross-border enforcement.

No matter how strong and overbearing your world-devouring supreme rules are, how can you still control the world of Yangshen?

Moreover, the way Luo Feng dealt with his original body in the original timeline does not apply to the current Luo Feng.

After all, Luo Feng's cultivation of the Heaven-Shielding Technique is all based on this body.

Luo Feng was not sure whether the new body recreated using the secret method of golden-horned giant beast clone could inherit the original body's cultivation of the Sky Covering Technique.

Therefore, the safest way is to complete the body retrieval while retaining the original body.

And by keeping this body, Luo Feng can save the time of gestating a human clone and return directly to his family.

After Luo Feng's soul and will left his body, he pushed his original body into the light door beside him.

After making these preparations, Luo Feng finally officially started to seize the body.

As Luo Feng's will and soul poured into the body of the golden-horned behemoth, the body of the golden-horned behemoth that was originally as large as a small hill began to shrink slowly, returning to its appearance of more than a hundred meters.

This phenomenon shows that the soul of the golden-horned behemoth has been greatly impacted. The impact was so great that the golden-horned behemoth could not help but release the secret method of heaven and earth.

After starting the fight, Luo Feng never stopped the group live broadcast, so the group friends have been paying attention to Luo Feng's movements.

Exactly as Luo Feng had expected, in the state of seizing the body, he was not only unable to use the chat group to chat, he could not even view the chat group panel.

Because in the process of seizing the body, his will has been in fierce conflict with the will of the golden-horned giant beast.

The secret method of seizing a body is not 100% successful. He must concentrate on it to completely destroy the golden horned beast's will and then occupy this body.

However, with the help of the soul mark left by Hu Yanbo, the soul of the golden-horned beast was completely unable to resist this power from the immortal god.

In addition, Luo Feng had made sufficient preparations for this time of possession. In addition, after practicing Yangshen Daoism, Luo Feng's spiritual power was much stronger than his own in the original timeline. In less than ten minutes, Luo Feng turned the soul of the golden-horned beast into a pile of soul fragments, and then swallowed it smoothly.

And the speed of absorption this time was also much faster.

After all, for Luo Feng now, absorbing soul fragments is simply a familiar thing.

In essence, absorbing the soul fragments of the golden-horned beast is not much different from absorbing incense when he practiced Yangshen Daoism.

And the digestion ability of the original practice of the Star Alliance Basic Body Strengthening Practice in the chat group can also play an effect on swallowing soul fragments.

So the absorption process that took more than a day in the original timeline only took an hour to complete successfully.

The whole process of possession was very smooth, without any special bumps.

After successfully possessing the body, Luo Feng began to adapt to this body.

The body of the golden-horned beast is different from that of humans, and it is not easy to control it freely.

The pupils were full of bloodthirsty red. Even though Luo Feng had prepared in advance, he was still affected by the fierceness in the soul of the golden-horned beast.

His eyes gradually became cold, as if he was brewing a murderous intention, which was completely different from Luo Feng's original calm and calm personality.

But then Luo Feng suppressed the impulse of killing in his heart, because he knew that this was just the emotion left by the golden-horned beast and he couldn't be swayed by it.

Because the next step was the biggest difficulty, Luo Feng had to adjust his soul to adapt to this body.

When Luo Feng's soul was 100% compatible with the body of the golden-horned beast, the blood inheritance memory of the golden-armored beast would be completely integrated into Luo Feng's soul.

In this way, Luo Feng could inherit all the legacy of the golden-horned beast, including the knowledge and skills in the blood inheritance memory.

For Luo Feng now, this is a terrifying wealth.

And the chat group members who were watching the live broadcast also expressed great expectations for this.

They may not be able to practice the skills of the golden-horned beast, but there must be something they can learn from it. Such a huge amount of secret skills is undoubtedly a treasure trove.

The skill of taking over the body that Luo Feng studied this time is called the Soul Coat Taking Over the Body.

In Luo Feng's view, the process of taking over the body is actually very simple. There are only two steps. The first step is to defeat the opponent's consciousness and soul and then devour it. The second step is to adjust one's own soul to fit the body.

If it is a special race with blood inheritance, there will be a third step, absorbing the opponent's blood inheritance memory.

The first step is not difficult for Luo Feng. After all, he has the soul mark left by Hu Yanbo, and the soul mark has the immortal level of soul power. With the level of enemies he has encountered so far, Luo Feng does not think that there will be enemies who can resist the immortal god-level power in their soul.

The second and third steps are actually not difficult. It's nothing more than a water grinding skill. As long as the skill is deep, the iron rod is ground into a needle. The possession of the body is completed, and the next thing is nothing more than killing time.

The essence of the soul coat possession method that Luo Feng carefully studied this time is also in the two steps of soul matching the body and accepting the inherited memory.

After all, Luo Feng does not want to waste time on this kind of slow work.

The subtlety of this method is that Luo Feng added a step between the first and second steps of possession. After defeating the opponent's consciousness and soul, a small part of the opponent's soul fragments is left, and then it is woven into a soul coat according to the opponent's soul breath.

This soul coat has the opponent's soul breath and the opponent's soul shape, which is equal to the soul of the person being possessed.

Of course, the coat, since it is called a coat, must be hollow inside.

There is only the shape of the opponent's soul, and everything else must be annihilated in the process of weaving.

In short, this soul coat is a buffer bridge between the soul of the possessor and the body of the possessed.

The possessor only needs to put on this soul coat to transform his own soul into the possessed person, and achieve a 100% fit with the body of the possessed person. No more time is needed for running-in, and the body of the possessed person can be perfectly controlled directly.

In the subsequent process, the soul-stealer only needs to continuously digest the soul coat on his body, and he can slowly increase the connection with the soul-stealer's body until he reaches a 100% fit.

With such a wonderful method, Luo Feng would naturally not waste it. He did not completely devour the golden-horned beast, and left a small part of the golden-horned beast's soul power according to the operation method of the soul coat possession method.

Then he used the method he had researched to weave a soul coat in the shape of a golden-horned beast.

With this soul coat, Luo Feng's soul is no different from the golden-horned beast in terms of appearance.

The moment he put on the coat, Luo Feng felt that the gap between himself and the golden-horned beast's body seemed to have disappeared.

After all, the essence of this soul coat is made of the golden-horned beast's soul, and there should be no gap between it and its body.

With this soul coat as the basis, Luo Feng felt that the body of the golden-horned beast was as easy to control as his original human body.

Of course, relying on the soul coat to quickly master the body after taking over is only a means. If Luo Feng wants to take over the body perfectly, he still has to thoroughly digest this soul coat and slowly improve the compatibility between his soul and the body of the golden armored beast in the process.

However, with the help of the soul coat, this process will become extremely smooth and can be completed in just a few hours.

With this soul coat, Luo Feng's soul and the body of the golden-horned beast have been extremely compatible, and the knowledge in his blood is surging out like the Yellow River opening the floodgates.

Countless mysterious and special secrets turned into streams of memory and flowed into his mind.

These secrets in the memory are not only profound and vast, but also accompanied by picture speeches and video explanations.

The memory of blood inheritance, surging, surging, and surging, made Luo Feng's brain a little painful.

But at this moment, the soul coat of the golden-horned beast played a role again.

As a buffer between the golden-horned beast's body and Luo Feng's soul, it also played the role of carrying knowledge at this time.

With this soul coat, it is like having a golden-horned beast helping him to accept this terrifying torrent of memories.

Luo Feng's brain quickly classified and allocated some of the knowledge that he was not so anxious to remember to the soul coat.

And the blood inheritance allocated to the soul coat will naturally not be wasted.

When the soul coat is digested later, Luo Feng will naturally be able to completely digest the knowledge stored in it.

With such a server as an external storage, Luo Feng's absorption of the blood inheritance memory of the golden-horned beast has become more and more comfortable.

In addition, he now has the soul and Taoism of the ghost fairy level.

The computing power of a ghost fairy-level Taoist master is so terrifying. Countless thoughts are flying in Luo Feng's mind, dividing the inheritance memory as vast as a river into a stream, and absorbing it into his mind in different categories.

His speed of absorbing blood inheritance memory is ten times faster than Luo Feng in the original timeline.

The memory to be absorbed was reduced to one tenth, and then the absorption speed was ten times faster. As a result, Luo Feng's speed of absorbing the blood inheritance of the golden-horned beast increased by a hundred times.

It took Luo Feng sixteen days to complete the process of matching the body, and then another sixteen days to accept all the memories!

But now Luo Feng only took less than half a day to completely complete the possession of the body. Not only did he match the body of the golden-horned beast, but he also completely accepted the inherited memory in the blood of the golden-horned beast.

This time was much shorter than Luo Feng's original estimate. He originally thought that no matter how smooth this possession was, it would take three or four days.

But this is not surprising, after all, Luo Feng's preparations this time were too thorough.

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