All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 325 Is there a bug in the original universe will?

Luo Feng, who had traveled to the Yangshen World, was now beside Hong Yi.

Before taking over the body, Luo Feng used his soul power to push his original body into the Yangshen World.

After Luo Feng's original body entered the Yangshen World, Luo Feng's thoughts, who had been waiting on the side, could not wait to enter the body.

This body was originally Luo Feng's body, so his thoughts naturally blended in with him without any barriers.

At this time, Luo Feng felt that his state was quite strange.

It was as if he had changed from one person to two people.

Because he could see through the live broadcast screen of the chat group panel that another part of his thoughts was devouring the world and taking over the body of the golden-horned beast.

Obviously, he and that part of his thoughts were essentially the same person, but at this time he could only understand what the other self was doing through the live broadcast screen. This feeling was really quite wonderful.

In fact, as a cultivator who practiced the soul and Taoism, Luo Feng often separated his thoughts to do different things.

But at that time, because all the thoughts were in the same world, there would be a connection in the dark, which made Luo Feng feel that all these thoughts belonged to him.

At this time, he and the other part of his thoughts were in two different worlds of the heavens, and the connection between them was completely cut off. Luo Feng could also see what his other half was doing through the live broadcast, so Luo Feng was so uncomfortable.

After crossing into this world, Luo Feng began to wait quietly for the other self to complete the possession.

Not long after, Hong Yi also came to this hall and brought some fine wine and food to enjoy with Luo Feng.

The two drank and chatted while watching Luo Feng take over the golden-horned beast in the live broadcast.

Hong Yi also admired the soul coat possession method developed by Luo Feng.

This soul coat possession method sounds simple, but in fact the operation is quite exquisite.

After all, it is difficult to condense the soul that has been completely broken into pieces into strands of silk threads and weave them into shape again.

The method of weaving the soul coat alone is mixed with knowledge from many different worlds. For example, the method of changing the soul breath uses his Yi Yi Dao, and the restoration of the broken soul uses Zhang Junbao's Nine Turns Resurrection Method, etc.

In fact, Luo Feng's ability to complete this secret method of taking over a body was also inseparable from the help of many group members.

Seeing that Luo Feng in the live broadcast had completed the possession of a body, Luo Feng in the Yangshen World stood up and said goodbye to Hong Yi. He couldn't wait to go back and test whether his plan to get the bug of the supreme rule would succeed.

If it succeeds, it won't be long before he can return to his family.

Hong Yi sighed: "Alas, Luo Feng, you told me before that this possession would take at least three days, but I didn't expect it to be completed in half a day.

The results of my recent reforms are very significant, and Daqian has changed a lot, so I was planning to take you around to see the changes in Yujing City during this period."

Luo Feng smiled and replied: "This time the situation is special, I can't stay for long.

I will definitely come again when I have time, and you must take me around then.

I want to see how much Daqian has changed under your governance."

Hearing this, Hong Yi raised his head and smiled: "Haha, then it's a deal.

With the help of the resources of the chat group, Daqian has changed a lot during this period, and I guarantee you will be shocked by it."

After saying goodbye to Hong Yi, Luo Feng turned his head and entered the light gate and returned to the Devouring World.

After returning to the Devouring World, he felt his own state, and then a hint of joy appeared in the eyes of the human Luo Feng.

His attempt was successful.

Before using the clone talent of the golden-horned beast, he had two bodies.

He could feel that his soul and the golden-horned beast Luo Feng in front of him had a very close connection. The two people had the same thoughts and souls, as if the same thought was controlling two perspectives at the same time.

This feeling was exactly the same as when he had split his mind to do different things before.

But what was even more amazing was that Luo Feng felt that he and the golden-horned beast in front of him were two different individuals in a sense.

This feeling was very split, I was me, and I was not me.

Obviously, the two individuals in front of him were part of Luo Feng, but under the definition of the rules of the Devouring Universe, the golden-horned beast Luo Feng and the human Luo Feng were two completely different individuals.

In the Devouring World, there are many special beings with the talent of clones, but no matter how many clones these creatures have, they are actually one person under the definition of the rules of the Devouring Universe.

For example, the characteristic soul slavery of the Devouring World, if one avatar is enslaved by the soul, then all avatars will be affected by the slavery at the same time and become the most loyal servants of the master. Moreover, when the practitioner becomes the strongest in the universe, no matter how many avatars he has, they will merge into one at the moment of becoming the strongest in the universe, leaving only one body.

This is also a manifestation of the rules of the Devouring World.

Luo Feng can feel that although the human Luo Feng and the golden-horned beast Luo Feng are both parts of him at this time, the existence form between the two is indeed similar to the relationship between avatars, but the relationship between the human Luo Feng and the golden-horned beast Luo Feng actually breaks through the rules of the Devouring Universe.

They seemed to be two individuals, and would not be affected by the connection of souls.

In other words, if the human Luo Feng was enslaved by the soul of another person, the golden-horned beast Luo Feng could still remain awake and independent.

Moreover, Luo Feng felt that his two bodies did not need to merge into one when breaking through the strongest in the universe, and could remain independent and break through to the strongest in the universe separately.

This was really an unexpected gain.

Originally, Luo Feng tried to use the bug just to more safely retain the cultivation of the Heaven Covering Method, and to take advantage of the Devouring World Rules to have an extra clone.

Unexpectedly, in the process of taking over the body, the golden-horned beast Luo Feng was recognized as a complete individual by the Devouring Universe Rules.

Under this premise, Luo Feng, who traveled to the Yangshen World, was recognized as another complete individual by the Devouring Universe Rules after returning.

In fact, Luo Feng's situation had already confused the original universe will.

Obviously, Luo Feng's taking over the body was successful, and it had already given the golden-horned beast Luo Feng a new identity, but the original Luo Feng popped up again from some corner.

This directly caused a conflict in the operating rules of the original universe will, which is simply a bug.

What the hell is going on? Anyway, the original universe will has never seen it.

Although the original universe will is very powerful, it still needs to act according to the rules.

So it can only add a new identity to the original Luo Feng.

In a place where Luo Feng can't feel it, the original universe will descended on the earth. A huge and vast will with a confused and chaotic atmosphere locked on the two Luo Fengs.

Obviously, the situation caused by Luo Feng's bug was completely beyond the expectations of the original universe will. For such an unstable factor, the instinct of the original universe made it want to correct it.

But Luo Feng's behavior did not touch the rules, so it could not manifest its power to punish Luo Feng.

The conflict between these two rules caused the original universe will to fall into chaos.

Of course, Luo Feng at this time had no way to detect the arrival of the original universe will.

For him, the current original universe will is too powerful, and he doesn't even have the ability to observe the original universe will.

Luo Feng can't observe it, but someone can observe it.

This person is the hermit.

In the void, a figure with two horns on his head, wearing green clothes, and perched high on a stone mountain appeared above the earth.

There was a puzzled look in his eyes.

"What happened to the original universe will? Why is it so chaotic? Even when my life imprint took over the body of a special life and entered the original universe, it didn't make such a big fuss.

I just left for a while while that kid took over the body. Why did the original universe will descend on the earth and fluctuate violently?"

His light golden eyes cast towards the earth, and countless information flowed into his mind along his gaze, as if at this moment the entire earth no longer had any secrets for him.

Then the hermit saw the extremely chaotic original universe will twisting and rotating above the earth, as if it was about to appear and descend to the world at any time, but it was bound by some rules and could not really descend.

And right below the chaotic original universe will, there were two figures standing and looking at each other.

It was the human Luo Feng and the golden-horned giant Luo Feng.

The moment he saw the two phantoms, the Mountain Sitting Guest's eyes, which were originally slightly narrowed, suddenly widened, as if he had seen something incredible.

He was so shocked that he stood up from the remaining stone mountain.

If other powerful people in the universe saw this scene, they would probably be shocked to the point of dropping their eyes.

Mountain Sitting Guest, Mountain Sitting Guest, the King of Jin was able to make a name for himself in the original universe because he always appeared in front of people in the image of sitting cross-legged on a stone mountain.

Even when he was fighting against others, the Mountain Sitting Guest always looked at ease and never left the mountain under his feet.

Even the Lord of Chaos City and the Founder of the Giant Axe had never seen the Mountain Sitting Guest standing up from the mountain.

And the Mountain Sitting Guest was so shocked because of the shock that Luo Feng brought to him.

With the severity of the Mountain Sitting Guest, even if Luo Feng was covered by the soul coat, he could still see at a glance that the golden-horned beast had been possessed by Luo Feng.

If that was all, it would be impossible for Zuo Shanke to be shocked.

Luo Feng's possession of the golden-horned beast was Zuo Shanke's plan. Although Luo Feng's possession was a little faster at this time, it was still within the acceptable range for Zuo Shanke.

After all, as the ruler of Jin State, a god-king-level existence, Zuo Shanke had seen countless geniuses. It was just that the possession was a little faster, which was nothing special.

But why was there a human Luo Feng standing next to the golden-horned beast Luo Feng after he had completed the possession?

Moreover, Zuo Shanke could feel that the human Luo Feng and the golden-armored beast Luo Feng were two individuals who had no relationship at all, and there was no spiritual connection between the two. Obviously, Luo Feng did not rely on the clone talent to do this.

Now Zuo Shanke understood why the original will was so chaotic. This situation completely violated the supreme rules and was beyond Zuo Shanke's cognition.

Even on the original continent, he had never seen anyone who could do such a thing.

Not only that, the soul coat possession method used by Luo Feng when he possessed the golden-horned beast also shocked Zuo Shanke.

Even from his perspective, this secret method of weaving soul coats has some merits, and some of the ideas in it made him feel that he had gained something.

"Turtle, did I pick up a treasure this time!

With such a talent, if he can successfully conquer the Star Tower and become my disciple, then it is not completely hopeless to seek revenge on the Kingdom of Dashi"

Zuo Shanke secretly exclaimed in his heart, looking at Luo Feng with a burning gaze.

In fact, at the beginning, Zuo Shanke was not particularly concerned about what happened on Earth.

Zuo Shanke did not care about the birth, aging, illness and death of ordinary people on Earth. For him, the only thing that really mattered was the existence of the Earth itself. As for the life or death of the creatures living on Earth, it didn't matter.

After sensing that the inheritance on the Meteorite Star was obtained by someone, Zuo Shanke turned his attention to the Earth, strictly speaking, to Luo Feng.

Then Luo Feng immediately showed a terrifying speed of cultivation. He cultivated to the ninth level of the planetary level in a short time, and then successfully captured the spaceship X81.

This was beyond Zuo Shanke's expectations. According to his original plan, he would release a golden-horned giant beast egg that was about to hatch on the earth in a while.

At the normal cultivation speed of earthlings, when the golden-horned giant beast egg hatched, Luo Feng should have the cultivation to take over the golden-horned giant beast egg.

But he didn't expect that Luo Feng's cultivation speed was so fast that he didn't look like an earthling.

As a powerful person who created the earth lineage with his own hands, Zuo Shanke's understanding of earthlings far exceeded that of every earthling.

The talents of the earthlings he created were almost all in the field of will, and their physical talents were quite ordinary. How could they cultivate so fast?

Luo Feng's cultivation speed was so fast that even among the Yanshen Clan, another lineage of creatures he created, who were good at physical talents, he could be regarded as a genius.

This fast cultivation speed made Zuo Shanke wonder if Luo Feng had genetic mutations and turned into another race.

He had already prepared the egg of the golden-horned beast, and with his means, he could naturally keep the golden-horned beast on the verge of hatching.

But now it was obvious that the golden-horned beast egg that had been prepared long ago was no longer useful.

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