All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 326 The deeper you go, the more you crave knowledge

According to Luo Feng's growth rate, by the time the golden-horned beast in the egg hatches, it will be too late.

Helplessly, Zuo Shanke can only urgently adjust the plan to find another golden-horned beast that meets his requirements.

But it is not easy to find a golden-horned beast at the peak of the star level in a very short time.

The number of golden-horned beasts is very rare, distributed throughout the original universe, and their cultivation is basically far beyond the star level.

Even if Zuo Shanke is the strongest in the universe, he has to travel through most of the original universe to find such a suitable target.

After sensing that Luo Feng had subdued the x81 spaceship, Zuo Shanke threw the star-level golden-horned beast to the earth through the space-time wormhole.

In fact, after throwing the golden-horned beast to the earth, Zuo Shanke was also closely following Luo Feng's every move, so when Luo Feng fought the golden-horned beast, Zuo Shanke had already been shocked once.

After all, Luo Feng used the sky-covering method when fighting the golden-horned beast.

The hermit saw the potential behind this strange method that he had never seen before. This is a cultivation system that is completely different from the method of cultivating the world's genetic energy, and it is of great reference value.

Thinking of this, the hermit was a little annoyed. He should not have left the earth when Luo Feng was taking over the body.

Since he had already discovered that Luo Feng was not simple, he should have stared at him closely to see what secrets this kid had.

But this can't be blamed on the hermit. After all, he had already waited until Luo Feng successfully took over the body of the golden-horned beast. According to his judgment, there was nothing to see later.

According to common sense, it would take at least half a year for Luo Feng to complete the possession of the body. He, the hermit, is not Luo Feng's nanny, so how could he stay by Luo Feng's side all the time.

"It seems that I have to add more burdens to this kid. If he can successfully conquer the Star Tower, he will definitely be the best candidate for my disciple."

The hermit raised his hand and threw it. A black metal plate flew out of his hand and fell straight into a ruin.

As for the secrets of Luo Feng, although Zuo Shanke was a little curious, he was not obsessed.

What he needed was a helper who could help him fight against the Kingdom of Dashi.

And Luo Feng was the most suitable human on Earth to be his apprentice after so long.

So the more secrets Luo Feng had, the happier he would be if he could become stronger.

Luo Feng was gradually getting familiar with the feeling of controlling two different bodies at the same time.

He knew that Zuo Shanke must be watching him in secret at this time.

After all, the golden-horned beast would appear on Earth at this time, which itself explained a lot of problems.

The sky-covering method he showed in the battle against the golden-horned beast, and the scene of the human Luo Feng traveling back and forth, must have been seen by Zuo Shanke.

With such a strongest person in the universe watching him in secret, it was inevitable that some secrets of the chat group would be exposed.

However, Luo Feng knew Zuo Shanke's real purpose, so he was not worried about it.

After all, what Zuo Shanke was doing was to use all means to cultivate the strongest helper.

In the original timeline, Zuo Shanke absolutely gave everything to Luo Feng. Whether it was the God King-level treasure Star Tower or the Supreme Secret Book of Yuanshu, they would make countless people jealous on the Origin Continent, but Zuo Shanke gave them all to Luo Feng without hesitation.

Zuo Shanke had already done so much to train his helper, so as long as he didn't directly expose the secrets of the chat group, Luo Feng didn't think that the secrets he showed would make Zuo Shanke attack him.

When it was time to leave, the human Luo Feng didn't let the golden-horned beast Luo Feng stay alone at the bottom of the sea.

With a flash of golden light, the huge body of the golden-horned beast escaped into the inner world, leaving only a slowly rotating sphere covered with strange golden patterns and emitting a faint golden light. This was the pronucleus of the golden-horned beast.

The inner world of the golden-horned beast is in the pronucleus.

The pronucleus is the lifeblood of the golden-horned beast. As long as the pronucleus is not destroyed, the golden-horned beast will have a chance to recover no matter how horribly injured it is. Once the pronucleus is destroyed, the golden-horned beast will die immediately.

Since the current human Luo Feng is not the clone of the golden-horned beast Luo Feng, the pronucleus will not be integrated into the body of the human Luo Feng, so the human Luo Feng can only carry the pronucleus with him.

Seeing Luo Feng drill out from the bottom of the sea, unscathed, the human officers who were using satellites to observe the sea surface conditions cheered.

In fact, they had known that Luo Feng would win, after all, Luo Feng showed such a huge advantage in the battle with the golden-horned beast.

But knowing that he would win is one thing, and seeing Luo Feng really win, everyone's hanging hearts were completely put in their stomachs.

And the diplomats of major forces who had arrived in Jiangnan Base City a long time ago also started to move. This time they came to Jiangnan Base City with a mission.

Luo Feng showed too many amazing secrets in this disaster of Devouring Beasts. Whether it was his astonishing combat power or the spaceship X81 that could travel through the stars, countless people were jealous.

But no matter how jealous they were, they dared not have any bad thoughts about Luo Feng, and could only use gentle means to contact Luo Feng.

After Luo Feng returned home, he received requests from these diplomats to visit him.

But Luo Feng refused all of them, and only had a brief chat with the Chinese diplomats to reassure them.

After surviving the disaster of the golden-horned beast, he was like a dragon going out to sea. His eyes were already on the universe. Luo Feng didn't care about the conflicts between the major forces on Earth.

Compared with the vastness of the universe, the struggles between the forces on Earth were as ridiculous as children playing house.

When he becomes the Lord of the Earth and joins the Virtual Universe Company, the human race on Earth will naturally thrive under his protection. Even if the major forces are fighting happily now, it will be meaningless at that time.

After returning home, Luo Feng first greeted his parents and younger brother.

Seeing Luo Feng coming back, Luo Hongguo showed a hint of surprise on his face: "Xiao Feng, didn't you tell us that you were going to do something big and it might take a long time to come back?

How come you're back in just over a day? Is it because things are not going well?"

Feeling his father's doubts, Luo Feng's expression was also a little sad.

Usually, he often doesn't go home for three or four days when he goes out to practice, but this time, he spent less time dealing with the disaster of the golden-horned beast than when he usually practices.

If I had known, I would not have told my parents about this matter. I would have made the two old people worry for nothing.

However, he did not expect that his behavior of catching the Supreme Will bug would actually succeed.

Otherwise, after losing his original body, it would take him eight months to breed an Earthling clone through the inner world of the Golden Horned Beast. Even with the time acceleration function of the chat group, it would take a month.

In addition, he did not have many points, and he could only save them by daily sign-in, which would take at least three months.

Fortunately, it succeeded, otherwise it would be a bit troublesome. Three months is not too long or too short, and it is enough for many things to happen.

After returning to the room, the first thing Luo Feng did was to sort out the inheritance of the Golden Horned Beast that he had just obtained in his mind.

The Golden Horned Beast has existed for a very long time, which can be traced back to the early days of the birth of the original universe. In such a long period of time, the number of inheritances carried in the blood of the Golden Horned Beast is simply astronomical.

With the help of the chat group, these inheritance memories can also be uploaded directly, which undoubtedly greatly facilitates Luo Feng's operation.

After sorting out the inherited skills, Luo Feng uploaded them to the group's public space.

In an instant, Hong Yi was kicked down from the top of the group's skills upload list by Luo Feng and fell to second place.

The number of cultivation skills of the entire Daqian Dynasty added together is not as many as the number of skills uploaded by Luo Feng alone.

Of course, in addition to the skills of the Golden Horned Beast, Luo Feng also uploaded the inheritance of the Meteorite Ink Star.

However, it can also be seen from here how huge the inheritance memory of the Golden Horned Beast is.

The cultivation knowledge in the inheritance memory of the Golden Horned Beast alone has 18 special secrets and 3199 ordinary secrets.

Moreover, each of these secrets involves many different knowledge. One secret may require hundreds of books and tens of millions of Chinese characters to record.

This knowledge gift package is like a depth charge, which directly blows out a group of group members who are lurking in the group.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Great! Thank you Boss Luo for the knowledge gift pack. Let me see what good stuff there is!"

Lu Mingfei rubbed his hands excitedly, and then looked through the secrets uploaded by Luo Feng to the group chat with anticipation.

The secrets in the Golden Horned Beast's memory are quite diverse, including secrets from different factions such as controllers, illusionists, animal trainers, puppeteers, hunters, fighters, etc., and 18 of the special secrets can only be practiced by the Golden Horned Beast.

Killing enemies, illusions, animal training, puppet making, soul control, infiltration assassination, head-on confrontation, space control, clones, accelerated recovery, a dazzling array of secrets with different functions made Lu Mingfei dazzled, and for a moment he didn't know which book to start with.

After praising Luo Feng for his boss' generosity, other group members also opened the skills space one after another, and then fell into the dilemma of choice.

Due to Xu Chenzhou's regulations, the number of download quotas for each group member in the practice space is limited.

Only by uploading a practice can you get a new download quota. At the beginning, uploading a practice can get a download quota for three practices. Later, due to the surge in the number of practices in the group chat, the exchange quota of one for three obviously could not meet the increasing demand of group members for exchanging practices. Therefore, Xu Chenzhou simply increased the exchange quota ratio to one for ten and supplemented the download quota of group members who had uploaded practices before.

For this rule, the group members in the group have no complaints. They know that this rule is to make the group chat environment more positive.

Moreover, this rule is aimed at all group members in the group. As the group owner, Xu Chenzhou has no privileges. Even if he wants to download practices in the group practice space, he must upload practices to obtain quotas. What he can do is just to adjust the exchange quota according to the development of the chat group.

For a wealthy person like Hong Yi, download quotas are nothing. Although the number of skills he uploaded is not as many as Luo Feng's, the gap is not that big. Even if he wants to download all the skills uploaded by Luo Feng, it is more than enough.

For some group members who do not have enough skills, the quota of 1 for 10 is not enough.

For example, Lu Mingfei and Zishou are like this.

The number of cultivation techniques in Wu Geng's world is not that large. Although Zishou has also collected some cultivation techniques for Qigong practitioners and uploaded them to the group chat, the number of techniques he uploaded is too small in the face of the current size of the group's public space. Even if the ratio is one to ten, it is far from enough for him to download all the cultivation techniques he likes.

And Lu Mingfei is even worse.

At this time, Lu Mingfei is struggling. He has not much download quota left. So although he is very envious of many of the techniques uploaded by Luo Feng, he can only weigh in his mind which techniques to use the remaining download quota on.

As he picked and chose, Lu Mingfei suddenly felt a little aggrieved.

As the only person in the chat group who has resources from two worlds, the number of cultivation techniques he can upload to the group chat is actually at the bottom of the group chat.

The alchemy, pharmacy and casting techniques in the Monster Hunter world are actually quite good.

But the problem is that Lu Mingfei doesn't know any of these things!

In the Monster Hunter world, he is a pure hunter. He can kill dragons easily, but alchemy is beyond his range.

The limit of what he can do is to identify some herbs and simply prepare a few bottles of recovery potions.

It is too late to learn this knowledge now. He has not found a way to return to the Monster Hunter world until now.

As for the Dragon Clan World, it is even more of a desert of extraordinary knowledge.

The Dragon Clan is an extraordinary species that relies on the power of blood to fight. For them, the way to master power is to tap their own blood, and the hybrids, as an extension of their power, naturally follow a similar idea.

So the practice of exercises is completely incompatible with the environment of the Dragon Clan World.

Only some things like blood burst and the alchemy of hybrids can be uploaded as knowledge.

But the problem is that after returning to the Dragon Clan World, Lu Mingfei has not had much contact with hybrids, and naturally Lu Mingfei has no understanding of the alchemy of hybrids.

So the knowledge he can upload to the group chat, in addition to the use of several weapons in the Monster Hunter World, is only the knowledge about the Word Spirit that he has studied himself.

The knowledge of the Word Spirits that Lu Mingfei researched was extremely valuable. For example, the Seven Dragon Hunting Methods, each Word Spirit chat group identified it as a different method, which directly allowed Lu Mingfei to obtain a download quota of 70 books.

But this was not enough. The more he studied the Word Spirits, the more Lu Mingfei desired knowledge.

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