All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 327 Are the mixed-bloods living a life too comfortable?

For him, sometimes the development of a word spirit requires reference to more than a dozen different cultivation techniques.

Looking at the dazzling list of books in the group's public space, Lu Mingfei often drools.

It's not that he doesn't work hard, but that the group members are too awesome.

He is the only one doing research and development, and no matter how hard he works, it's just a drop in the bucket.

How can the knowledge produced by one person be compared with the whole world?

Speaking of the whole world, Lu Mingfei thinks of Zhang Junbao.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhang Junbao and Lu Mingfei were in a similar situation.

Although there are many martial arts in the Yitian world, the number of martial arts that can meet the upload requirements is actually only 70 or 80 books.

After uploading these 70 or 80 books, Zhang Junbao has exhausted all the martial arts resources in the Yitian world.

Later, Zhang Junbao also embarked on the road of research and development like him.

When he just started to develop the Jindan martial arts, Zhang Junbao often worried about the download quota.

If you want to create a cultivation system of your own, there is too much knowledge to refer to. Zhang Junbao wanted to download all the cultivation techniques in the group chat at that time.

But the problem Zhang Junbao faced was the same as Lu Mingfei. No matter how high Zhang Junbao's comprehension was, it was still too difficult to rely on his own strength to create so many techniques that met the requirements of the chat group upload.

It was impossible to fight the whole world with one's own strength.

This was also one of the reasons why Zhang Junbao publicly taught the Jindan martial arts in Xiangyang City.

These warriors in Xiangyang City were not only his disciples, but also the descendants of the Jindan martial arts, and also a Palu.

Zhang Junbao said that he would teach them the basic knowledge of the Jindan martial arts and a basic Peiyuan Gong, and the specific cultivation techniques needed to be created by these warriors themselves.

After seeing Zhang Junbao's magical powers and knowing that practicing the Jindan martial arts could lead to longevity, who among the warriors in the world could not be crazy about the Jindan martial arts.

Some warriors even tried to figure out how to practice martial arts, and they didn't even eat or sleep. They didn't know how to rest even when their hair fell out. They were like crazy.

From Lu Mingfei's perspective, these warriors were more useful than Palu. After all, even if it was Palu, you had to feed them, drink them, and give them a place to sleep, otherwise they would get upset.

And Zhang Junbao completely let these warriors go. Zhang Junbao only needed to preach in Xiangyang City from time to time, and they would work hard to produce a book of practice martial arts, and they were grateful to Zhang Junbao.

The practice martial arts produced by these warriors, which were unique, were almost all uploaded to the chat group by Zhang Junbao.

So at this time, in the martial arts version of the group chat, the number of martial arts uploaded by Zhang Junbao ranked third, only behind Luo Feng and Hong Yi.

Thinking of this, Lu Mingfei's eyes began to flash with wisdom.

He was thinking whether the hybrids in the dragon world were living too comfortably.

Xu Chenzhou was also browsing the gift package of skills that Luo Feng had just uploaded in the skills space.

He had no worries about downloading quotas.

There weren't many other things in the star domain world, but there were many skills for cultivation.

There were countless different skills for cultivation in each of the ten extraordinary paths.

Although it was not easy to obtain the high-end skills, the low-end skills could be bought with money.

The popularity of Qiankunyiqi rice on Shuilan Star was enough to support him to buy skills with krypton gold in exchange for download quotas.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou's ranking in the skills upload ranking list of the group chat was not low, second only to Luo Feng, Hong Yi, Zhang Junbao, and Xiao Yangchan, ranking fifth.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou was studying the eighteen special secrets uploaded by Luo Feng.

There were two types of secrets in the inheritance of the golden-horned beast, special secrets and ordinary secrets.

Although ordinary secrets themselves could only be practiced by golden-horned beasts, they were actually basically created by golden-horned beasts to comprehend the secrets of cultivation of other races.

In fact, as long as some of the parts are slightly changed and deleted, it can be transformed into a method that humans can practice.

The eighteen special secrets are different.

According to the inherited skills of the golden-horned beast, these eighteen special secrets are developed for the racial characteristics of the golden-horned beast itself, and only the golden-horned beast can practice them.

Some secrets are based on the inner world of the golden-horned beast, and some are based on the ability of the golden-horned beast to evolve by swallowing metal.

For example, the special secret of the original world, which allows the golden-horned beast to enlarge and shrink its body at will and can strengthen its combat power several times, is based on the ability of the golden-horned beast to swallow metal.

If you want to practice the original world, practice is actually secondary. The main thing is to eat the metal combination directly into the stomach, so that you can get the ability to enlarge and shrink the body through these metal combinations.

Such a practice is simply a death for humans to practice. First, humans do not have the digestive ability to digest metals. Second, even if humans digest these metals, they can't get the ability to enlarge and shrink the body through these metal combinations like the golden-horned beast.

Xu Chenzhou was very fascinated by these secret methods that could not be practiced.

Because the more he read, the more he felt that the 18 special secret methods in the inherited memory of the golden-horned beast were very interesting.

Let's take the secret method of the original world as an example.

If there is no physique of the golden-horned beast, swallowing these specific metal combinations will not be able to obtain the effect of the original world.

However, these metal combinations must have certain mysteries, otherwise how could the golden-horned beast obtain such a terrifying ability.

Xu Chenzhou guessed that it might be because some fragments in the golden-horned beast's genes can react chemically with these specific metal combinations, thereby activating this ability.

If some blood of the golden-horned beast can be taken for detailed research, it may be possible to extract this gene fragment.

With the technology of the star world, if there is such a gene fragment, it is not impossible to extract it.

Then these gene fragments can be combined with metal combinations to make gene medicines, which should be able to replicate the effect of the original world.

Not to mention that it can achieve the effect of the original world, even if it is only one-third of the effect, it is a great thing.

In addition to the original world, the other seventeen special secrets of the golden-horned beast also have their own merits, and they all have their merits, which gave Xu Chenzhou a lot of inspiration.

He has been completely at home recently. The war on the front line is getting more and more intense, and it may push the front line forward at any time and approach the defense line where Shuilanxing is located.

At such a critical moment, Xu Chenzhou immersed himself in cultivation without distraction.

Because he knew that the only thing he could trust in such a situation was his own strength.

He wanted to break through to the sixth level of extraordinary as soon as possible and become a god-demon-level warrior.

Xu Chenzhou believed that with his foundation, once he could break through to the sixth level of extraordinary, even if the Tianji clan really ignited the war to Shuilanxing, Xu Chenzhou had the confidence to protect the people he cared about.

The results of this period of closed-door cultivation were also quite significant. Xu Chenzhou had completed several personal achievements. The group points of some group friends had been exhausted, but Xu Chenzhou's group points were fully able to meet the consumption of daily time acceleration at this stage.

After so many days of closed-door cultivation, Xu Chenzhou completely adjusted the conflicts between the extraordinary organs in his body and thoroughly blended them.

Just a few days ago, Xu Chenzhou had successfully broken through to the fifth level of the extraordinary, and condensed the fifth core extraordinary organ of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Mixed Hole Art, the Green Emperor Wood Dragon Brain.

Yes, that's right, the fifth core extraordinary organ that Xu Chenzhou cultivated was his brain.

In fact, it is not only the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements, Mixed Hole Art, but almost every martial art that can be practiced into a top-level God and Demon Battle Body has almost all condensed a core extraordinary organ at the fifth level of the extraordinary.

If you practice martial arts without practicing the brain, it will be a waste of time.

Without an extraordinary brain, how can you control the extraordinary organs of the whole body.

Only by turning the brain into an extraordinary organ can you bring out the full potential of the God and Demon Battle Body.

In fact, there are two schools of thought among extraordinary warriors regarding the transformation of the brain.

If it is those martial arts techniques handed down from ancient times, the transformation plans for the brain are generally more emotional.

After the warriors who practice these techniques transform their brains into extraordinary organs, they will generally gain talents such as the clear sword heart, the supreme sword madness, and the cicada's foreknowledge before the autumn wind moves.

The closer the techniques are to the current era, the more rational the brain transformation plan is.

The so-called rationality, to put it bluntly, is computing power.

Modern warriors refer to the structure of quantum computers and optical computers when creating techniques. The stronger the techniques, the stronger the computing power of the extraordinary brain.

The Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Cave Technique was created about a thousand years ago, so its extraordinary organ transformation plan is relatively moderate. While improving computing power, it also slightly improved Xu Chenzhou's perception of the Tao.

In addition, the Qing Emperor Wood Dragon Qi bred by the Qing Emperor Wood Dragon Brain can greatly improve Xu Chenzhou's injury recovery speed.

Xu Chenzhou tried to cut off one of his arms, and under the effect of the Qing Emperor Wood Dragon Qi, it took only two hours to completely regenerate the arm.

You must know that his arm is not an ordinary person's arm.

Almost every part of his hand is an extraordinary organ. It took only two hours to grow it again from nothing, which is already quite amazing.

If this recovery ability is used on ordinary people, it can definitely bring the dead back to life, which is even more terrifying than the effect of Qianyuan Rejuvenating Dew.

Of course, in order to give birth to this arm, Xu Chenzhou also took a lot of high-energy food in the process. After all, the Qingdi Wood Dragon Qi can speed up the recovery of injuries, but it cannot generate matter out of thin air.

After practicing the Qingdi Wood Dragon Brain, Xu Chenzhou felt that the speed of his thinking had been greatly improved again.

His brain seemed to have become a quantum computer with super computing power, which could calculate tens of millions of times at the same time. No matter how complex the numbers were, he could calculate the answer instantly.

Of course, this computing power is not without limitations. A real quantum computer can perform multi-threaded computing. As long as the performance allows, a quantum computer can add different computing projects infinitely.

However, it is very difficult for humans to do this. Except for some people with special talents, ordinary humans basically do things in a single thread. At most, they can occasionally do two or three things at the same time that do not require too much thinking capacity, such as cooking and listening to music at the same time.

After transforming the brain into a super organ, the brain of a super warrior is naturally much stronger than that of an ordinary human, but even so, there are only a dozen or so threads of thought that can be carried out at the same time in their minds, which usually results in a huge waste of the computing power comparable to that of a quantum computer.

But Xu Chenzhou is different. In addition to transforming his brain into a super organ, he also has hundreds of thousands of thoughts.

And this is also the most awesome thing about Yang Shen everywhere. These hundreds of thousands of thoughts can do some unrelated things at the same time.

It is equivalent to these hundreds of thousands of thoughts can mount hundreds of thousands of threads of thought at the same time.

It’s just that the computing power of a single thought is not strong. Some more complicated things require multiple thoughts to be aggregated together before they can be carried out.

But now everything is different. Xu Chenzhou’s Qingdi Wood Dragon Brain has a huge amount of redundant computing power.

And these hundreds of thousands of thoughts can just use these redundant computing powers.

The terrifying multi-threaded thinking ability, coupled with the computing power comparable to that of a quantum supercomputer, is simply a match made in heaven. Xu Chenzhou is even more like a quantum computer than a real quantum computer.

After condensing the Green Emperor Wood Dragon Brain, Xu Chenzhou took advantage of the past few days to condense some auxiliary extraordinary organs that needed to be condensed for the fifth level of the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, Five Elements Mixed Hole Art.

These cultivation resources were prepared by him early in the morning, and because of his deep understanding of the Five Elements, the conflicts between the extraordinary organs in his body were minimal, and even if he condensed the auxiliary extraordinary organs continuously, it would not cause a huge rejection effect.

In other words, Xu Chenzhou is now only one step away from breaking through the sixth level of the extraordinary and becoming a god-demon warrior.

As long as he can completely run-in these organs with his body and adjust them to a perfect state, he can naturally enter the sixth level of the god-demon level and condense the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Mixed Hole Combat Body.

As the highest-level martial arts in the collection of the Martial Arts Association, the Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Five Elements Mixed Hole Art is naturally not to be underestimated.

The Five Emperors, Five Dragons, and Mixed Hole Combat Body it condensed is considered the top among the extraordinary warriors in the entire Star Domain Alliance.

Not to mention that Xu Chenzhou also incorporated many great treasures into the process of practicing the Five Emperors, Five Dragons and Five Elements Mixed Cave Technique.

Whether it is the various treasure runes of the Perfect Law, or the nine golden elixirs in his spine that have been integrated with the Xuanyang Great Sun Art, or the White Emperor Gengjin Sword Bone that has been integrated with the Grass Sword Art in his body, etc., they can all make his combat body more powerful.

In addition, Xu Chenzhou once obtained the blessing of the luck of the star domain world, and under the blessing of luck, his Five Emperors Dragon Soul has undergone a transformation.

Under the influence of luck, the four dragon souls nurtured in his body broke through from five-clawed real dragons to six-clawed real dragons.

The transformation of the Five Emperors Dragon Soul can undoubtedly increase the power of the Five Emperors and Five Dragons Mixed Cave Combat Body.

And the six-clawed real dragon is not the limit of these dragon souls. If he gets great luck again, the dragon soul in his body will have the opportunity to break through to the level of the nine-clawed golden dragon. In this case, I am afraid that the power of the combat body he finally condenses will be greatly improved.

Thinking of this, Xu Chenzhou began to think about how to obtain the luck of the human race in the star field.

This is not a simple matter. Xu Chenzhou can feel that the luck required to transform all the five emperors' dragon souls into the level of the nine-clawed golden dragon is simply an astronomical figure.

And he must complete the transformation of the dragon soul before advancing to the sixth-level god and demon level.

Because for extraordinary warriors, the initial quality of the combat body condensed when achieving the sixth-level god and demon level has extraordinary significance.

Achieving the sixth-level god and demon level represents the rebirth of extraordinary warriors. The stronger the initial quality of the condensed combat body, the wider the growth space of the combat body, and the more terrifying the potential of the new warrior.

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