All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 328 The Source of Luck

Xu Chenzhou compared the difference between the five-clawed dragon soul and the six-clawed dragon soul.

After upgrading the Five Emperors Dragon Soul to six claws, his combat power has at least increased by 50%.

A 50% increase in combat power may not seem like a big deal, but you have to know that Xu Chenzhou's base strength is already very terrifying.

With his current base strength, a 50% increase in combat power is already an astronomical figure.

The progress from five claws to six claws is so impressive. If he breaks through in the direction of nine-clawed golden dragon, Xu Chenzhou dare not imagine how much his combat power will rise.

You have to know that nine is the extreme number, which also means perfection.

Obviously, for the Five Emperors Five Dragons Five Elements Mixed Cave Gong, the difference between using the nine-clawed golden dragon soul to condense a combat body and using the six-clawed golden dragon to condense a combat body is absolutely a world of difference.

However, it is not easy to advance to the nine-clawed golden dragon. Just breaking through from the five-clawed real dragon to the six-clawed real dragon, Xu Chenzhou has consumed an astronomical amount of human luck.

As a member of the human race, the method to obtain the luck of the human race is actually very simple. As long as you make contributions to the human race, you can naturally gain luck.

It sounds simple, but in fact, the simpler the thing, the more difficult it is to operate, otherwise the luck of the human race would have been plundered long ago.

Xu Chenzhou can feel that the more the Five Emperors Dragon Soul breaks through, the more luck of the human race it needs to absorb, and it is increasing by multiples.

In other words, if he wants to break through to the Nine Claws realm, the amount of luck he needs is dozens of times the luck he got at the beginning.

In the future detected by the master of the Tianji clan, Xiong Qingqing, as a genius commander, led the army of the human alliance to attack the machine alien coalition forces, directly repelling the coalition forces for dozens of light years and taking back thousands of life planets from them.

The Tianji clan spy used the trap array to use Xiong Qingqing as a trigger to withdraw her future luck in advance, which condensed the strong luck that could allow Xu Chenzhou's five-clawed true dragon to break through to the seventh level.

You know, this luck was condensed by Xiong Qingqing saving hundreds of billions of human beings.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou only got a small part of this luck at the beginning.

But even if it was only a small part, it was equivalent to the contribution of saving hundreds of billions of lives.

If Xu Chenzhou relied on himself, it would be very difficult to get luck that was dozens of times greater than this luck.

If Xu Chenzhou really wanted to do it, he would not be completely helpless. Whether he learned from Zhang Junbao to preach in the star field world, or to gather more good things from other worlds and contribute them to the human race, he should be able to complete this level of luck accumulation.

But the problem is that Xu Chenzhou's cultivation level does not support him to make such a big move for the time being.

A small extraordinary fifth level, not even a god and demon race, suddenly took out so many good things, affecting the entire pattern of the human race in the star field.

There is no need for the alien race to take action, many people in the human race in the star field want Xu Chenzhou to die.

It seems that if you want to obtain the luck that can make the Five Emperors Dragon Soul advance to become a Nine-clawed True Dragon, you have to rely on the performance of the Tianji clan spies.

Xu Chenzhou has actually fully understood the essence of this sacrificial array.

If he does it himself, he can also achieve the same effect as the Tianji clan spies.

With the sacrificial array in hand, Xu Chenzhou can extract the luck of anyone if he is determined to do it.

However, with the Tianji clan spies taking the blame, Xu Chenzhou naturally does not need to do it himself.

Just wait for the Tianji clan spies to take action.

There are obviously several Tianji clan spies operating in secret on the Shuilan Star written by Xu Chenzhou, but there has been no news about them during this period.

I don’t know if they are holding back a big move in secret.

This made Xu Chenzhou feel a sense of crisis.

After all, the magical powers of the Tianji clan master are indeed very strange, and no one knows what kind of trump cards these Tianji clan spies will have in their hands with the Tianji clan master as a backer.

After advancing to the fifth level of the extraordinary, Xu Chenzhou's strength increased greatly, and he no longer took these Tianji clan items that did not even achieve the level of gods and demons seriously.

However, Xu Chenzhou also understood the principle of a lion fighting a rabbit, and he had to do his best.

Don't underestimate these Tianji clan spies and end up in a ditch.

It seems that he still has to find a way to quickly improve his combat power.

Xu Chenzhou thought about how to quickly improve his combat power at the moment. After thinking about it, he still focused on the eighteen secrets of the golden-horned beast that he had just obtained.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Luo Feng, I don't know if it's convenient for you to do something. Can you give me a blood sample of the golden-horned beast, and send me a metal combination for practicing the first level of the original world.

I want to study whether the effect of the original world of the golden-horned beast can be reproduced through genetic technology."

As the eighteen secrets of the golden-horned beast, the original world is very effective. Let's not talk about the effect of enlarging and shrinking the body. Just being able to increase the combat power by three times is terrifying enough.

You should know that Xu Chenzhou's breakthrough from the five-clawed true dragon to the six-clawed formation only increased his combat power by 50%, and once he cultivated the first level of the original world, he could directly conquer three times the combat power.

Although it is not known how much the original world potion made by genetic technology can replicate the efficacy of the original world technique, this idea is undoubtedly a very good breakthrough direction.

Luo Feng would naturally not refuse Xu Chenzhou's request.

Since he joined the group chat, he has received too many favors from the group friends, and the one who helped him the most is undoubtedly Xu Chenzhou.

Luo Feng was very grateful for Xu Chenzhou's invitation to join the chat group.

Although Luo Feng also knew that even if he didn't join the chat group, he could overcome obstacles all the way and successfully reach the highest level, but in that case he didn't know how many detours he would have to take.

He had read the information Xu Chenzhou posted in the group chat. As Xu Chenzhou's cultivation progressed, the information in the group chat became more and more abundant, and now it is no different from the original novel.

When other people read Luo Feng's information, their first impression was that Luo Feng's experience was truly wonderful, that he had traveled across the universe and was unmatched by anyone. It was simply extremely satisfying.

But only Luo Feng himself felt a mixture of joy and fear when he read this information.

Not to mention anything else, Xu Xin almost died just from the process of seizing the body of the golden-horned giant beast.

If Babata hadn't intentionally left his eternal love in advance, he might have had to wait until he became the disciple of the Lord of Chaos before he could hope to ask the Lord of Chaos to resurrect Xu Xin.

Furthermore, the process of recovering the Star Tower also made Luo Feng feel scared.

Five thousand years of loneliness, five thousand years of persistence, nearly dissipated countless times, wandering on the edge of life and death.

Perhaps for Luo Feng, who successfully conquered the Star Tower, this experience was nothing.

But for Luo Feng, who is only 18 years old now, he feels suffocated just thinking about it.

According to Xu Chenzhou's information, Luo Feng encountered more than just these two life and death crises. It can be said that he was almost wandering on the edge of life and death along the way.

So Luo Feng was really glad that he could join the chat group.

Because after joining the chat group, his life has undoubtedly entered a simple mode. Many crises in the past can now be solved without having to fight.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou made a request for the golden-horned giant beast Snow Liquid, and Luo Feng naturally would not refuse.

The golden-horned giant beast Luo Feng did not hesitate to use his claws to cut through the hard scales.

A long and continuous wound appeared on the right shoulder of the golden-horned beast, and then a column of blood spurted out, a full meter thick.

Under the control of Luo Feng's mental power, this blood condensed into a huge snowball in mid-air.

But this was not enough. Luo Feng felt that it was too difficult to study the secret of the golden-horned behemoth's genes with only blood.

Luo Feng felt that the scales, flesh, and blood of the golden-horned giant beast had their own special features.

The golden-horned behemoth's ability to grow or shrink at will is related to its scales, armor, flesh and blood.

If you want to study the mysteries of the world, these three kinds of existence are indispensable.

So Luo Feng used his claw again and tore off a piece of his scales with flesh and blood.

Luo Feng then stuffed these body tissues into a red envelope and gave it to Xu Chenzhou.

Luo Feng (Golden Horned Giant Beast): "Lord, you are out of sight, it's just a little blood!

Just say it directly, no need to be polite.

But group leader, are you really sure that you can recreate the world of this deity?

The information in my inherited memory tells me that except for the golden-horned giant beast, no living being has ever been able to successfully cultivate the world of deity. "

Although Luo Feng gave him blood scales and flesh, he still had some doubts in his heart.

Hong Yi (Lord of Daqian): “I am also reading the secret book [Original Heaven and Earth] at the moment.

I was thinking about whether I could modify [Immortal World] to be a technique that humans can cultivate, but my attempt was not successful. This technique is completely incompatible with human bodies.

In just two short hours, I died in the imprint of time at least twenty times.

There is no way to practice! "

Hearing Hong Yi's words, Luo Feng's face showed a disappointed look.

"If this is the case, then the group leader's attempt will most likely not be successful."

Hong Yi shook his head: "I don't think so, I feel that the group leader's approach may still be successful.

In fact, the information in your inherited memory is correct. The practice of the deity world is indeed only suitable for the cultivation of golden-horned giant beasts.

This technique is tailor-made for the golden-horned giant beast. Various metal combinations are combined with the special structure in the flesh and blood of the golden-horned giant beast, fitting together like a lock and key.

The only key that can open the lock of my heaven and earth is the flesh and blood of the golden-horned giant beast. If there is even the slightest deviation, it will not succeed.

My idea just now is obviously wrong, because I want the key of human flesh and blood to open the key that can only be opened by the flesh and blood of the golden-horned giant beast. It is normal that it cannot be opened!

On the contrary, the group leader's idea was more correct. He extracted the corresponding key from the flesh and blood of the golden-horned giant beast, and then opened the exclusive lock of the deity's world.

Maybe this is the right way to crack the art of deity heaven and earth. "

Zhang Junbao (Martial Arts Mythology): "Hong Yi is right, I just took a look at my world.

If the cultivation of the deity's world is related to the inner world, then even if the corresponding golden-horned behemoth gene is extracted, the group leader's plan will most likely fail.

But there is one detail. The golden-horned behemoth absorbs metal combinations generally through the internal world, and does not require direct digestion by the body.

But the original world is very special. In the process of cultivating it, these metal combinations need to be swallowed directly.

In other words, the world of the deity actually acts on the body of the golden-horned giant beast and has no connection with the world inside the body.

Without the participation of the inner world, the difficulty of deciphering the world of the deity has been reduced a lot.

So I also think that the group owner’s idea has a high probability of success. "

As Zhang Junbao joined the discussion, Luo Feng, Xu Chenzhou, and Zhang Junbao became more and more excited.

They even couldn't wait to enter the group's public space and began to study the operation method of extracting the golden-horned beast's genes.

The group's public space is completely different from when it was just opened.

On the east side is a hundred-meter-long Oriental Manor, Su's words are very exquisite, with small bridges and flowing water, Dongting flowers and bamboo.

This Oriental Manor was contributed by Zhang Junbao, and it is also the place where all the group members usually gather.

On the west side is a green grassland, on which hundreds of beasts are galloping, there are blue-scaled eagles, eight-treasure chickens and other wild beasts, as well as Chenghuang, Xuangui and other mountain and sea beasts from the prehistoric world.

On the grassland covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles, rare and exotic beasts from various worlds are gathered.

The space in the north looks quite sci-fi, with a virtual colorful whale projected in the sky at night, and white small flat buildings rising from the ground. There are also some robots from the Academy City patrolling around the small buildings.

In the small building are laboratories equipped with various equipment.

The source of these equipment is naturally Xu Chenzhou and Misaka Mikoto.

After showing the true combat power of the railgun, Misaka Mikoto can walk sideways in the academy city.

If Aleister doesn't come out, no one dares to mess with her.

I don't know who influenced Misaka Mikoto, but her style of doing things has become very decisive.

Finding a cockroach at home means there are a thousand cockroaches in the dark.

Misaka Mikoto believes that since the academy city will promote the Misaka sister cloning plan and the absolute ability plan, there must be many evil plans like these two plans behind the scenes.

So Misaka Mikoto began to sweep these laboratories that promote the dark plan.

Once she finds a possible target, the next step is to collect evidence. Once confirmed, it will be directly destroyed.

This is Misaka Mikoto's current style of doing things.

All researchers are detained at the base and managed by the Misaka War God Corps.

And the research equipment is confiscated and moved directly to the public space for everyone to use.

In addition to the equipment provided by Misaka Mikoto, all other research equipment came from Xu Chenzhou, a wealthy man.

For example, the gene spectrometer needed to measure the genes of the golden-horned beast was bought by Xu Chenzhou at a high price.

It is not that Xu Chenzhou has too much money to spend when buying these equipment.

Rather, they are indeed of great use to group members (including Xu Chenzhou himself).

Xu Chenzhou has always been committed to an idea, that is, to make money to spend.

As long as the money is worth spending, no matter how much money is spent, it can be said that it is not a loss.

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