All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 329 Secret Method of Virtual Universe

Most of the equipment he bought was in the field of genetics.

At present, compared with other worlds, the Star Domain World has a unique advantage, that is, the technology of the Star Domain World is extremely advanced.

Of course, the technology of the Academy City World and the Devouring World also has its own strengths, but in terms of genetics, Xu Chenzhou feels that the science and technology of the Star Domain World is still quite advantageous.

Especially the technology tree of the Star Domain Human Race, because of the existence of extraordinary warriors, it is very distorted, and it has gone very far in the field of genetics.

After all, the research and development of extraordinary warriors' skills is closely related to genetic science, and extraordinary warriors are the most populous way of cultivation for the Star Domain Human Race.

Xu Chenzhou must maximize this advantage.

These genetic devices in the group chat can help group members better analyze various special creatures and plants from different worlds.

In fact, Hong Yi has been studying these genetic devices during this period.

The foundation of practicing martial arts in the Yangshen World is diet, and various kinds of extraordinary rice determine the farthest distance a warrior can advance in martial arts.

Hong Yi has made many improvements to the ancient dragon tooth rice based on his understanding of Yangshen Taoism and Renxian martial arts.

The original ancient dragon tooth rice needs to be fed by the thunder pool during planting, and the yield per mu is not high. The yield per mu of the ancient dragon tooth rice that can be planted on one mu of land is only 100 jin. It is a really expensive rice variety with extremely high planting costs.

After Hong Yi's improvement, the ancient dragon tooth rice can be planted by arranging a formation with thunder stones, and the yield per mu is greatly improved. The yield per mu of one mu of land can exceed 700 jin.

The yield per mu alone is no worse than that of ordinary grains.

Such changes really make this extraordinary rice always have the opportunity to enter thousands of households.

The only drawback is that the efficacy of the improved ancient dragon tooth rice has been reduced a lot, and it is only about half the effect of the original version.

For the ministers of the Daqian Dynasty in the Yangshen world, the ancient dragon tooth rice improved by Hong Yi is already a shocking product.

But this is not enough, Hong Yi is still not satisfied.

In his opinion, he had mastered so much knowledge from different worlds, but he personally improved the ancient dragon tooth rice, but the effect of the ancient dragon tooth rice was reduced instead of increased. This was unacceptable.

So Hong Yi tried many different ways to cultivate the ancient dragon tooth rice that met his requirements.

Among them, the ancient dragon tooth rice was grafted with the spiritual plants of the prehistoric world, and the genetic equipment of the star domain world was used for genetic transformation, etc.

However, up to now, Hong Yi's exploration has not yielded any results, and he is still in the process of groping.

After entering the group public space, Luo Feng no longer hid his golden horned beast body and released it from the inner world.

After entering the group public space, the golden horned beast Luo Feng seemed very comfortable. He found a comfortable place to lie down and practiced the absolute space secret method on the ground.

This secret method is extremely complicated, and even if he wants to get started, it will take a long time.

And the human Luo Feng followed Xu Chenzhou and others into the laboratory.

Looking at the dazzling array of experimental equipment around him, Luo Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect that you, the group leader, actually put so many high-tech equipment in the public space.

I am on my way to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. When I arrive at Qiulong Star and inherit the legacy of Teacher Hu Yanbo, I will also take a look at what scientific research equipment is worth buying on Qiulong Star.

At that time, I will also contribute to enrich the laboratory of the group public space."

Luo Feng has already set off for the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

Even if he is on the x81 spacecraft, it takes about a month to travel between the Black Dragon Mountain Empire and the earth.

The state of entering the group space is different from crossing the world. In fact, Luo Feng's physical anchor point still exists in the real world and will move with the spacecraft.

So during the time the spacecraft is flying, Luo Feng basically stays in the group public space.

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Xu Chenzhou also nodded: "This is really great. To be honest, I am still envious of the various equipment of the Devouring World.

Let alone other things, I am very interested in the equipment of the Virtual Universe Company that can allow practitioners to directly reach the peak of their current realm.

However, you will definitely not find such high-end equipment on Qiulong Star, so just take a look.

Hu Yanbo's legacy is not much, so you should prioritize your own cultivation."

Luo Feng waved his hand: "Group leader, don't worry about the funding issue, I know it in my mind.

If it doesn't work, I will find the Universe Galaxy Bank to sell some less eye-catching items. Anyway, I have the five-star left by Teacher Hu Yanbo. VIP card, it is very safe to sell items in the Universe Galaxy Bank.

But what you said is right, the Qilong Star is just an inconspicuous planet in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and there is really nothing good on it.

If I really want to get some high-tech equipment, I have to wait until I enter the Virtual Universe Company and become a core member. "

Hong Yi: "I am looking forward to that day.

The group leader's information basically does not mention the technological level of the Devouring Universe Human Race, which basically exists only as a background.

But from some descriptions, I can feel that the technology of the Devouring World is extremely advanced, but it is slightly inferior to the cultivation of the Gene Warriors, which is why it has been marginalized.

Actually, what I am most interested in is the virtual universe technology.

The virtual universe of the human race is simply a bug-level existence. It ignores the communication distance. No matter where you are in the universe, you can access and communicate without any delay.

If you can get the virtual universe technology, no matter how large the territory is, no matter how far the distance between the territories is, you can also tightly unite into a whole. This is simply too useful.

The Yangshen world is not just the Great Thousand Worlds. Those middle and small worlds are also inhabited by human beings. I have long wanted to bring them under my command and establish a great alliance belonging to the human race.

However, communication between different worlds is a big problem. The barriers between the worlds are far apart, and even I can't manage different worlds well.

If I can also build a virtual universe in the Yangshen world, all these obstacles can be solved.

Unfortunately, the essence of the virtual universe technology is a secret method performed by the original ancestor, not technology, and there is no way to replicate it with technological means. "

Zhang Junbao nodded and said, "I am also very interested in the secret method of the virtual universe.

I don't have the same worries as you, Hong Yi. The Yitian world is very small, so I don't worry about management issues.

In my opinion, the virtual universe is an extremely powerful communication platform.

On this platform, everyone can speak freely, which can allow the sparks of thought between different warriors to collide violently, thus giving birth to the sweetest fruits. "

Zhang Junbao's face showed a thoughtful look: "But I don't feel sorry that the virtual universe is not science and technology.

If the virtual universe relies on science and technology, it will be too difficult to get it. This thing is definitely the lifeblood of the virtual universe company.

Luo Feng wants to get the virtual universe technology, at least until he becomes the master of the universe. "

Hearing what Zhang Junbao said, Hong Yi's eyes lit up: "Junbao, what do you mean?"

Zhang Junbao nodded: "The secret of the virtual universe is in the hands of the original ancestor. This is actually a good thing for us, because the original ancestor's current existence form is very special.

He was suppressed by the original universe will under the law, and there is no way to interfere with the material world. He can only contact the real world through the medium of the virtual universe.

Even the inheritance of Duan Donghe was placed in front of Yuanzu, but Yuanzu did nothing.

In other words, Yuanzu now poses no threat to Luo Feng.

With the trump cards in our hands, Luo Feng can contact Yuanzu in advance and obtain various resources in advance.

If Luo Feng can really gain Yuanzu's trust, it will not be difficult to obtain the secret method of the virtual universe at that time.

However, this matter still depends on what Luo Feng thinks.

It should be very safe to contact Yuanzu, but the problem is that Luo Feng must take out some real things to gain Yuanzu's trust.

After all, although Yuanzu can't interfere with the material world, he can contact people in the material world. Whether he tells the news of Luo Feng to Chaos City Lord or others, it may cause some unpredictable dangers. ”

Zhang Junbao turned his head and looked at Luo Feng: "Luo Feng, what do you think?

Should we try to contact Yuanzu, or keep a low profile and develop slowly according to the original trajectory. "

Luo Feng's expression was very relaxed: "I have already decided that I will contact the original ancestor through the virtual universe after I arrive at Qiulong Star.

Otherwise, I will have to stay at the star level for six or seven years.

After all, only by staying at the star level can I participate in the star-level universe genius conference and use it as a springboard to join the core layer of the virtual universe company. "

Xu Chenzhou also said: "I also prefer to contact the original ancestor. Based on the various performances of the original ancestor in the original timeline, I think the original ancestor is still trustworthy.

Besides, the original ancestor was suppressed under the laws of the original universe. If he wants to escape, the only variable is Luo Feng.

This was the case in the past, and it is even more so now.

With the cultivation of the original ancestor, it is impossible not to understand this.

Even if it is for his own sake, he will not reveal Luo Feng's news to other human high-level people. "

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but sigh: "But I think even if we get the secret method of the virtual universe, it is estimated that it will be difficult to perfectly replicate it in our world.

After all, this is a secret method that can cover the entire original universe, covering an unknown number of billions of light years, and it can be called a cosmic wonder.

With our current cultivation, it is too difficult to replicate it. "

Xu Chenzhou also nodded: "Of course, if the virtual universe secret method is really simple, how could the other peak races of the Devouring World not create their own virtual universe.

The real horror of the virtual universe secret method is its wide range, and it ignores all restrictions and restrictions and can be logged in at any location.

However, the purpose of our chat group itself is not simply imitation, but to learn from experience and turn it into our own things.

We don't have to completely replicate the virtual universe secret method. We just need to learn the knowledge in this area from the virtual universe secret method, and then apply the part that we can understand and use to other skills.

In particular, the specific conditions of each of our worlds are different. It is enough to study a virtual universe suitable for our own world. There is no need to replicate the original virtual universe. "

Everyone discussed what kind of virtual universe with its own characteristics should be developed if the secret of virtual universe can be obtained. After chatting for a while, everyone turned the topic back to the blood of the golden-horned beast.

After all, there is no way to obtain the secret of virtual universe, so it is too early to think so much now.

Everyone used various genetic engineering equipment in the laboratory to analyze the blood, scales and other tissues of the golden-armored beast.

You don’t know until you start studying. Only after you really start studying, you will know how special the blood gene of the golden-horned beast is.

Just the preliminary experiment, everyone found that the blood of the golden-horned beast has a strong affinity with metal. No matter what metal it is, using the blood of the golden-horned beast as a binder can easily fuse different metals together.

Even if it is two metals with very different properties, the blood of the golden-horned beast can be perfectly fused, and at the same time have some of the characteristics of these two metals.

If a monk who is good at refining can obtain the blood of the golden-horned beast, his refining level can be improved by at least 30%.

A small amount of the blood of the golden-horned beast has the effect of an adhesive, but a large amount of the blood of the golden-horned beast is different.

When the amount of the blood of the golden-horned beast reaches a certain level, it will in turn devour metals, allowing the blood of the golden-horned beast to acquire some of the characteristics of the devoured metals.

This may be the reason why the golden-horned beast can cultivate the secret method of the original world through different metal combinations.

At the same time, Xu Chenzhou also turned on the gene spectrometer and began to draw the gene map of the golden-horned beast.

The gene spectrometer that Xu Chenzhou bought is already a relatively advanced civilian product on the Blue Water Star, but even with such cutting-edge technology, it takes about fifteen days to draw the gene map of the golden-horned beast.

Of course, the instrument purchased by Xu Chenzhou cannot represent the genetic level of the human race in the star field. After all, the location of the Blue Water Star is a remote corner of the Star Field Alliance, not to mention that the instrument purchased by Xu Chenzhou is only a civilian version.

But what is more regrettable is that Luo Feng does not have the metal combination needed to cultivate the original world at this time.

Because there are many precious metals that do not exist in the mineral resources of the earth at all.

Therefore, if one wants to further study the relationship between the scales and blood of the golden-horned beast and its original world, he will have to wait until Luo Feng arrives at Qiulong Star and purchases the metal combination.

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