All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 330 Ten billion Qianwu coins are not enough to buy a villa on Earth!

Time flies, and the time spent immersed in cultivation always passes so quickly.

Unconsciously, Xu Chenzhou has been practicing for another ten days.

During the practice, Xu Chenzhou can feel that his strength has improved every day.

This feeling makes people very addicted, just like playing a game, making people eager to break through to the next level.

However, Xu Chenzhou also knows that the current peaceful life is just an appearance.

In fact, the war started by the Tianji Clan has never subsided, and one day it will burn to Shuilan Star.

In other worlds, the friends in the group chat are also working hard.

Except for Zhang Junbao, there are threats that need to be solved in everyone's world, and it is not time to slack off for retirement.

In such a peaceful day, Luo Feng's spaceship x81 arrived at Qiulong Star.

Because the time to arrive at Qiulong Star was wrong this time, Luo Feng did not encounter Gaosheng.

After arriving at Qiulong Star, Luo Feng joined the nationality of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire according to the original timeline.

What Luo Feng had to do next was very simple, that is, to break through to the star level as soon as possible.

Because only after breaking through to the star level could he obtain the first legacy left by Hu Yanbo, and the amount of this legacy was very terrifying, a full 10 billion Qianwu coins.

What was even more precious was that the three legacies left by Hu Yanbo to him were all in the same account, which was also the account used by Hu Yanbo himself. At the same time, this account was also a five-star account of the Universe Galaxy Bank, with various privileges.

Among them, the most important privilege for Luo Feng was that he could sell various treasures to the Universe Galaxy Bank through this five-star account without having to worry about getting into trouble.

Although the 10 billion Qianwu coins left by Hu Yanbo to him seemed to be a huge amount, it was actually not enough to spend.

After all, in addition to the body of an earthling, Luo Feng also had a body of a golden-horned giant beast to support.

Every starry sky giant beast was a gold-eating beast, especially the golden-horned giant beast, which needed to eat all kinds of metals during its cultivation. The most efficient metal combination was so expensive that it was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In addition to the body of the golden-horned beast, he also wanted to take this rare opportunity to buy some resources to give back to his friends in the group.

For example, Xu Chenzhou needed to practice the metal combination of the original world, which was very expensive, and Luo Feng inferred that Xu Chenzhou might consume more than one metal combination during the research and development process.

There were many places to spend money, so Luo Feng needed a channel to cash out and exchange some treasures in the group chat that could not directly enhance his combat effectiveness for cash.

For Luo Feng, before officially joining the Virtual Universe Company, cashing out through the Universe Galaxy Bank was a very ideal way.

Of course, there was also a premise that the treasure Luo Feng took out could not be too precious. If the value of the treasure was so precious that it shocked the top management of the Universe Galaxy Bank, then even if he was a five-star customer, it would still cause troublesome consequences.

It was not easy for other warriors to break through to the star level.

There were many genetic warriors who were trapped in the ninth level of the planetary level and could not break through throughout their lives.

But this was not a problem for Luo Feng.

It had been a while since Luo Feng broke through to the ninth level of the planetary level.

In particular, he also possessed the golden-horned beast at the peak of the star level, and he was fully confident about how to break through to the star level.

After arriving at Qiulong Star, Luo Feng only took two days to successfully break through the bottleneck and reach the star level.

After reaching the star level, Luo Feng immediately went to the Universe Galaxy Bank.

On the way to the Universe Galaxy Bank, Babata surrounded Luo Feng and chattered.

"Luo Feng, your cultivation speed is really unreasonable."

"However, I think it's okay, not too fast."

Babata's virtual projection jumped on the ground barefoot, looking furious: 'You should know that even your teacher's cultivation speed was not as fast as yours.

With your teacher's talent, it took five years to cultivate from a warrior apprentice to the star level.

And you only took one month!

Do you know what it means to cultivate to the star level in one month?

Even the peak bloodline of the human race, the Manka Star, can't cultivate as fast as you.

When I just met you a month ago, you were just a warrior apprentice who had not even reached the planetary level. But now, in the blink of an eye, you have cultivated to the star level and even possessed a pure-blooded golden-horned giant beast.

It's really outrageous. "

Luo Feng ignored Babata's jumping, in fact, he didn't care much about his cultivation speed.

Because for the warriors of the Devouring World, the cultivation speed is not very important.

The real competition is the comprehension of the law.

A star-level who has comprehended the law can easily beat a universe-level who has not comprehended the law.

The more advanced the cultivation of the Devouring World is, the more important the comprehension of the law is.

In the Virtual Universe Company, once someone can become a member of the Original Secret Realm, no matter what his cultivation level is, whether it is star-level, universe-level or domain master-level, it doesn't matter.

As long as he is a member of the Original Secret Realm, he can immediately have an immortal god as a servant.

You must know that an immortal god can kill countless star-level warriors with a wave of his hand. Even if this star-level warrior understands the law, he cannot survive for one more second in front of the immortal god.

However, within the Virtual Universe Company, the status of the immortal god is still far lower than that of a star-level member of the original secret realm.

From this regulation of Virtual Universe Company, we can see the importance of law understanding for Devouring Warriors.

No matter how powerful the immortal gods are, if they don't understand the laws enough, they will most likely get stuck at a certain bottleneck and never be able to break through.

It is difficult for these immortal gods to even achieve lord-level immortality, let alone have the opportunity to become the Lord of the Universe or even the Lord of the Universe like those geniuses in the original secret realm.

Therefore, for the gene warriors who devour the world, no matter how fast they practice in the early stage, it is meaningless. Simply practicing fast is just reaching the bottleneck earlier than others. What is really important is the understanding of the law.

And Luo Feng's current weakness lies in his understanding of the law.

Although he is practicing so fast, in fact, Luo Feng has not even comprehended the field yet.

You must know that only after cultivating the field to the ninth level can you hope to understand the law.

In other words, the current Luo Feng is not even as good as Hong and Lei Shen in terms of law understanding.

Of course, I don’t know much about these Babatas.

After all, its owner Hu Yanbo is actually just an immortal god who can reach the level of a feudal lord, so how can he know such high-end information.

After arriving at the Universe Galaxy Bank, Luo Feng reported the account number and password Hu Yanbo left for him.

In an instant, Luo Feng could feel that the employees and managers of Universe Galaxy Bank looked at him differently.

From the original aloofness, he became extremely flattering, even with a hint of flattery.

Luo Feng checked the property left in Hu Yanbo's account, and it turned out to be exactly the same as what was recorded in Xu Chenzhou's information, totaling 10 billion Qianwu coins.

While Luo Feng was withdrawing money, Babata kept staring at Luo Feng's cold and handsome face, trying to see the shocked look on Luo Feng's face.

Unfortunately, what disappointed him was that Luo Feng's expression was extremely indifferent, as if this five-star account and the 10 billion Qianwu coins in the account were nothing.

Seeing this scene, Babata's face turned red: "Luo Feng, why are you so calm? This is the property left by your teacher. Have you seen the numbers on the bank account clearly?"

Luo Feng nodded: "Of course I can see it clearly. A five-star account still has 10 billion Qianwu coins. Teacher Hu Yanbo is indeed a generous person."

"Then why are you still so calm? Is it possible that you still don't know how amazing the purchasing power of Ganwu coins is!"

As he spoke, Babata began to mutter: "One dry witch coin can be exchanged for a thousand black dragon coins, a thousand black dragon coins can be exchanged for a thousand silver and blue coins, and 10 billion dry witch coins are equivalent to ten trillion black dragon coin

The 10 billion Qianwu coins your teacher left in your account are worth enough to buy the next Earth.

If you exchange 10 billion Qianwu coins for cultivation materials, it will be enough for you to use the top cultivation materials to cultivate to the cosmic level.

How can you be so calm when such a terrifying amount of wealth is placed in front of you? "

Hearing Babata's words, Luo Feng smiled and shook his head: "The wealth left by Teacher Hu Yanbo is indeed amazing, but I already knew what he left me, so I am so calm.

But what you just said is wrong. The earth is not so worthless.

In fact, 10 billion Qianwu coins may not be able to buy a villa on earth. "

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Babata's CPU burned to death: "What are you talking about? Ten billion Ganwu coins are not enough to buy a villa on earth, are you serious!

You have to know that there are countless living planets in the universe, and ordinary living planets like the earth are actually not very valuable.

It can be worth 10 billion Qianwu coins. That's the estimate I gave based on the premise that the potential of the people on earth is pretty good.

If it is a planet without intelligent life, generally speaking, between 800 billion and 2 trillion black dragon coins are enough to buy it. "

Luo Feng just laughed: "Do you think that the earth that can give birth to a genius like me, and besides me, also gave birth to figures like Hong and Lei Shen in the same era, will be an ordinary planet?

And let me tell you, Hong and Thor's talents are far from simple as you see now.

Especially for Hong, his real talent lies not in the laws, but in the understanding of the state of mind. If he showed his talents in this area, I am afraid that even the Lord of the Universe level would rush to accept him as his disciple. "

Babata was stunned when he heard this: "Really or not, Luo Feng, do you know what the Lord of the Universe is?

If Hong's talent is really as terrifying as you said, then being able to raise two monsters, you and Hong, at the same time, it seems that the earth is indeed not as simple as I thought.

But no matter how outrageous it is, a villa on earth cannot be worth 10 billion Qianwu coins. "

Luo Feng shook his head and said with a smile: "How is it impossible? The origin of the earth is related to a huge secret. If the true origin of the earth is told to the major forces in the human race, let alone spending 10 billion dry witch coins. If you buy a villa, I’m afraid there will be people rushing to buy it even if it costs one hundred billion Qianwu coins or one trillion Qianwu coins.”

Hearing this, Babata couldn't help scratching his head: "Luo Feng, what secrets does the earth have? Tell me quickly, don't be the Riddler!"

Luo Feng did not keep the secret. Babata was an intelligent life loyal to him anyway. Luo Feng did not need to be on guard against Babata.

"This matter is a big secret in the universe. It is related to a strongest person in the universe and a master of the universe. Have you heard of the Yanshen Clan?

Babata's eyes flickered. He did not expect that the secret Luo Feng mentioned was actually related to a strongest person in the universe.

For such a supreme existence as the strongest person in the universe, ordinary immortal gods like Hu Yanbo who had just become a marquis-level immortal god had no right to contact them. Even Hu Yanbo had difficulty in getting access to the information about the strongest person in the universe.

However, Babata had some understanding of the Yanshen Clan.

"I heard about it. When I followed your teacher to travel the universe, I once heard a king-level immortal god talk about the information about the Yanshen Clan.

It was a powerful branch that once belonged to the human race. The patriarch of the Yanshen Clan, Yan Di, was a powerful master of the universe, and his combat power ranked among the top in the entire human race.

But later, for some unknown reason, the Yanshen Clan, led by the patriarch Yan Di, judged the human race. "

Luo Feng nodded and continued: "In fact, the origin of the Yanshen Clan is related to the strongest alien universe I just mentioned.

The Yanshen Clan is actually a branch of the human race carefully cultivated by the strongest alien universe, and has unparalleled physical talents.

However, after the strongest alien universe cultivated the Yanshen Clan, he found that the physical talents of the Yanshen Clan could not meet his needs.

So he turned around and began to study another branch of the human race, and the focus of research also shifted from physical talents to mental will. This branch of the human race is the human beings on Earth.

The Earth is the cradle that the strongest alien universe spent a huge price to carefully build to nurture the human beings on Earth.

So although the physical talents of the human beings on Earth are average, they have extraordinary talents in mental will, which is why Hong can have a mental talent that makes the Lord of the Universe look at him.

In addition, all creatures born on Earth, even if they are not from the human lineage of Earth, have talents in mental will far beyond ordinary people. "

After saying this, Luo Feng turned to look at Babata: "This is the big secret I mentioned. After knowing this secret, do you still have any questions about what I just said?"

Babata is an intelligent artificial life. It should not be difficult for an intelligent life to control its emotions, but at this moment, Babata did not have the calmness that an intelligent life should have.

The whole person stared with his eyes wide open, his mouth wide open, and he completely lost the ability to think.

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