All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 331 Alarming the Original Ancestor

It is no wonder that Babata behaved like this. The secret that Luo Feng just said was too horrifying.

Although Babata's old master Huyanbo once roamed the universe, he could easily draw a line to make a large area of ​​the starry sky, including the earth, a restricted area, and make the Black Dragon Mountain Empire bow down to him, as if Huyanbo was such a great figure in the universe.

But in fact, Huyanbo is just a marquis-level immortal. For Huyanbo, a king-level immortal is a great figure.

The powerful Demon Hand King who killed Huyanbo was actually just a king-level immortal.

Above the realm of the king-level immortal, there are two realms, the Lord of the Universe and the Lord of the Universe, and then the strongest in the universe.

In front of the strongest in the universe, a marquis-level immortal like Huyanbo is no different from an ant.

The strongest in the universe can easily crush countless marquis-level immortals, just like a marquis-level immortal can easily crush countless ordinary gene warriors.

Anything that slips out of such a remarkable person's hand is enough to make the Marquis-level immortals fight to the death.

The Earth is the place where the strongest person in the universe spent huge power to create the Earth lineage. If this is true, then the value of the Earth is simply inestimable. Once it is spread out, it will make the four peak races crazy.

In Babata's view, the Earth is a very ordinary planet in the universe. Although there are geniuses like Luo Feng among the humans on Earth, most humans actually have ordinary talents. If not, he would not have slept on Earth for 50,000 years before choosing Luo Feng as the heir of the Meteorite Ink Star.

Now Luo Feng told him that the Earth is such a precious existence.

This is completely contrary to Babata's cognition over the past 50,000 years.

It took Babata a long time to come back to his senses: "Are you saying that the human race on Earth originated from the strongest person in the universe?

The human race on Earth is a race that can be compared with the strongest race, the Yanshen race, and the talent of the human race on Earth is actually in the aspect of mind and will!

This, this, this, is it true?

But if it is really as you said, then the value of the earth is simply inestimable.

You are right, how can a mere 10 billion Qianwu coins be qualified to buy a villa on Earth.

If this news really spreads, 10 billion Qianwu coins can only buy a villa in the slums of the earth. Rent a small bungalow.

And even for this small bungalow, you have to have a certain background to be eligible to rent it, otherwise, no matter how much money you have, you are not eligible to move to Earth to live. "

Luo Feng nodded: "Why should I lie to you about this kind of thing? If you continue to follow me, you should be able to meet the strongest person in the universe in a short time."

Babata nodded. If the earth was really created by the strongest person in the universe, then he would naturally have some plans. As the most talented person on Earth, Luo Feng should have the opportunity to contact the strongest person in the universe.

Then Babata became happy again: "Good, good, good! As expected of my old master, I really have hope to avenge my old master.

With your talent, Luo Feng, you have a very high probability of becoming an immortal god, and the Earth clan is a terrifying clan that can be compared with the Yanshen clan.

I am afraid that your future achievements will not be weaker than the terrifying emperor Yandi of the Yanshen clan.

If Luo Feng can become the master of the universe, the Demon Hand King will not even be an ant in front of you.

I didn't expect that the old The master drew a restricted area casually, and actually drew the earth in it.

I'm afraid the old master himself didn't know that the most valuable thing in his wealth was the earth, and its value far exceeded the meteorite.

No, no, no, the value of the meteorite is probably not even a hair of the earth compared to the earth.

And at the last moment, the old master happened to land on the earth, which can be said to be God's will.

Now the old master can rest in peace even if he dies!"

Hearing Babata's sigh, Luo Feng smiled.

God's will?

It may be true. After all, for ordinary people, the meaning of the strongest person in the universe is no different from God's will.

Not to mention that the original body of the mountain guest is the God King of Jin, who is considered a top-notch strongman in the entire Devouring Universe, and his status is thousands of times more noble than that of the ordinary strongest person in the universe.

But there are still some small problems with what Babata said.

Hu Yanbo doesn't need to rest in peace after accepting him as his apprentice. When he becomes the master of the universe, he will naturally pull Hu Yanbo out of the long river of time and space.

Luo Feng was not in a hurry to tell Babata about the resurrection of Huyanbo. This matter was too far away. Telling Babata too early would only make this kid wait too anxiously.

Luo Feng looked at Babata sideways and found that Babata's virtual projection was still excited.

He smiled and said, "Okay, it's just a small matter. There's no need to be so surprised.

He is just the strongest in the universe. I will take you to see the big scene. Remember not to be too surprised later."

Hearing what Luo Feng said, Babata was a little puzzled: "What big scene to see?

I just learned the secret of the earth. What big scene can surprise me now.

And Luo Feng, your current cultivation has just broken through to the star. Why can you speak so arrogantly? What do you mean by just the strongest in the universe? This is the strongest person in the entire universe!

The earth can be related to the strongest in the universe because you were born well.

This is Qiulong Star. It is just a public planet of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. I don't believe you can surprise me with anything. "

Luo Feng did not answer Babata.

He brought Babata to the branch of Virtual Universe Company on Qiulong Star and bought thirty anonymous accounts and thirty consciousness sensing helmets.

An anonymous account is very cheap. One account only needs two thousand Black Dragon coins. It is nothing for Luo Feng who holds Hu Yanbo's 10 billion Qianwu coins.

In the original timeline, Luo Feng only bought ten anonymous accounts and ten consciousness sensing helmets.

This time, Luo Feng bought twenty more devices to access the virtual universe.

The reason why he bought so many anonymous accounts was naturally for the group members.

Although the power system of the Devouring World is very powerful, it does not exist like the Primordial World or the Perfect World, which can see through the secrets of heaven and master the power of the universe. All information exists, so it is not dangerous to travel to the Devouring World.

Especially Hong Yi, Zhang Junbao and others are very interested in the secrets of the virtual universe. They may be interested in the Devouring World to experience the magic of the virtual universe one day, so Luo Feng made preparations in advance.

After purchasing the account, Luo Feng found a secluded place to log in to the virtual universe.

It was obviously the first time to enter the virtual universe, but Luo Feng's performance was very familiar.

Registering an account, entering the virtual universe, the whole set of operations is smooth, and it is not like someone who has never been in contact with the virtual world.

After all, for Luo Feng, the experience of entering the virtual universe is no different from entering the group chat public space, and the group chat public space even feels more real to him.

This is a very mysterious difference. To be honest, for ordinary people, the experience of entering the virtual universe is no different from that in the real world. However, compared with the experience of entering the group space, Luo Feng always feels that there is a strange sense of unreality after entering the virtual universe, as if there is an imperceptible barrier between this world and the virtual universe.

In the virtual universe, the human kingdom is divided by continents. The location of the universe country is xx continent, and the major empires in the universe country are xx islands.

Since Luo Feng entered the virtual universe on the Qilong Star of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, he appeared on the Black Dragon Mountain Island under the Qianwu Continent after entering the virtual universe.

There are a wide variety of items to buy in the virtual universe. At least for star-level warriors, money can buy them. Everything he needs.

Especially since Luo Feng has the assistance of the intelligent life Babata, Babata's data computing ability can quickly help Luo Feng screen all the product information on the Internet and find the cheapest and most suitable products for Luo Feng.

With 10 billion Qianwu coins in hand, and with the assistance of Babata, Luo Feng went on a shopping spree on the virtual universe network.

First of all, there are various metal combinations that are helpful for the cultivation of the golden-horned beast.

For the golden-horned beast, the metal combinations that can be selected for cultivation are quite diverse, with many different ways of matching.

After all, most ordinary golden-horned beasts are wandering in the universe. If they want to swallow metal, they can only rely on themselves to find and fight for it. It's good to have metal to swallow, so how can they specially collect the most suitable metal combination for the growth of the golden-horned beast.

But Luo Feng is different from these ordinary golden-horned beasts. He has the support of the human race, one of the four peak races, and has the convenient tool of the virtual network.

Those metal combinations that ordinary golden-armored beasts can't collect even if they risk their lives can be purchased by Luo Feng, who has a virtual universe, with just a few clicks of his fingers.

Of course, this also has a prerequisite, that is, Luo Feng must be rich enough.

After all, the price of these metal combinations that can promote the growth of the golden-horned beast is not cheap.

The metal combination for the star-level golden-horned beast to devour in one year will consume more than 60 billion black dragon coins.

This price is undoubtedly an astronomical figure for ordinary star-level warriors.

For them, the difficulty of earning 60 billion black dragon coins is probably no less than the difficulty of those golden-horned beasts wandering in the universe to collect this set of metal combinations.

Of course, this is nothing to Luo Feng now. 60 billion black dragon coins are only 60 million Qianwu coins.

He waved his hand and directly bought enough metal combinations for the golden-horned beast to devour for two years.

Luo Feng, who had 10 billion Qianwu coins in his hand, didn't even feel heartache when he spent this money.

In addition, Luo Feng also ordered Babata to order many items through the Internet.

There are various high-tech fortresses, weapons, supplies, cultivation resources, scientific research equipment and scientific books, spacecraft, and many specialties of Qionglong Star.

Luo Feng directly set the place of receiving the goods as his X81 spaceship.

Since the merchants are all located in Qiulong Star, there is no need to deliver the goods through space express, so the speed of arrival of these materials is also very fast.

This spaceship is made of pure natural metal, without a trace of alloy. In the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, it is a luxury that only powerful people can own.

So after seeing the X81 spaceship, these delivery people did not dare to have any other thoughts and obediently handed the goods to Luo Feng.

After purchasing all these things, Luo Feng started the X81 spaceship and embarked on the return journey.

He had already done what he was supposed to do on the Qiulong Star, so there was no need to stay any longer.

After the spaceship started, Babata asked curiously, "Luo Feng, didn't you say you would take me to see the big scene? Why are you setting sail to return to Earth now? Is this big scene on Earth?"

Luo Feng smiled and shook his head, reaching out to take out the virtual universe login device.

"Of course not, the big scene I'm talking about is in the virtual universe."

The X81 spaceship was in navigation, but this did not affect Luo Feng's entry into the virtual universe.

The virtual universe secret method performed by the original ancestor was very mysterious, and the traces of the secret method were spread throughout the original universe. As long as you are a human, no matter where you are in the original universe, you can enter the virtual universe through the landing device.

When Luo Feng followed the instructions of the hermit to find the Nine Tribulations Secret Book and was trapped in the Ice Prison, he was able to enter the virtual universe through the virtual universe landing device.

You must know that the Ice Prison is known as the Jedi, which has trapped many immortals at the king level, but it still cannot prevent the human race from accessing the virtual universe.

Later, after Luo Feng entered the universe sea, he was still able to communicate with the human race through the virtual universe, which also shows the value of the virtual universe secret method.

Babaka was a little stunned when he heard this: "Luo Feng, you don't want to take me to play online games, do you?

There are indeed many big scenes in those online games, and some online games are even made directly with the battlefields of the four peak tribes as the background.

But those games are virtual, no matter how big the scenes are, what's the use."

Luo Feng took Babata directly into the virtual universe, and then began to answer Babata's questions

"Of course I'm not taking you to play games. Although the Internet is virtual, some things on the Internet are real.

I ask you, do you know the origin of the human virtual universe?

Why can only the human race have such a heaven-defying existence as the virtual universe, and the other three tribes are not jealous at all, and have not tried to imitate a virtual universe of their own.

Especially the mechanical race, the technology of the mechanical race is far superior to that of humans. It doesn't make sense that humans can develop a virtual universe while the mechanical race can't."

Babata's face showed a thoughtful look: "Your question really hits my blind spot in knowledge.

The virtual universe is the lifeblood of the virtual universe company. How can ordinary immortal strongmen know its origin?

But what you said, Luo Feng, makes sense.

In theory, if we compare the level of technology, the human race will never be the opponent of the mechanical race. Many of the technologies used by the human race now are actually learned from the mechanical race.

As a result, the human race can actually develop something as amazing as the virtual universe, and it has not been imitated by other races for so many years.

Why is this so?"

Luo Feng smiled, he looked up at the sky and said slowly: "The reason is actually very simple,

Because the foundation of the virtual universe is not science and technology, in fact, the essence of the virtual universe is just a secret method, a secret method that can cover the entire universe.

And the one who performed this secret method is the greatest pioneer of the human race. "

After Luo Feng said this, the entire virtual universe space was in turmoil in a place where no one could feel it. Countless information was gathered to the central processor that manages the virtual universe-a mechanical race universe master who was enslaved by the original ancestor, and then triggered a certain rule imprinted in the core of this mechanical master, so Luo Feng's words were passed on to a great existence by the mechanical race universe master through some connection.

Then a shadow in a white robe appeared behind Luo Feng.

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