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Chapter 332 I can rescue the original ancestor

This shadow looked like a man with a slightly thin figure. He stood quietly behind Luo Feng, with a trace of doubt on his face.

Luo Feng glanced back if he was aware of it, but saw nothing.

This is normal, the virtual universe is a secret method performed by the original ancestor.

Luo Feng is now in the virtual universe. If the original ancestor doesn't want Luo Feng to see him, then how can Luo Feng see the original ancestor.

However, although the original ancestor could not be seen, Luo Feng knew that what he just said must have attracted the original ancestor's attention.

The origin of the virtual universe is extremely confidential information among the entire human race.

Those who can know this information, in addition to the top executives of Virtual Universe Company, must be at least a strong human being at the level of the Lord of the Universe.

Luo Feng is very familiar with the virtual universe created by the original ancestor.

Through Xu Chenzhou's information, Luo Feng knew that although the virtual universe was a secret technique cast by the original ancestor, the person responsible for the daily operation of the virtual universe was actually the core of a mechanical master.

This master of the mechanical group was enslaved by the original ancestor and managed the new universe's large and small information according to the original ancestor's will.

With the computing power dominated by the machine race, nothing that happens in the virtual universe can escape his eyes and ears.

As a newcomer who has just joined the virtual universe, Luo Feng has a stellar level of cultivation, but he casually reveals such secrets in the virtual universe. How could he not attract the attention of the master of the mechanical race?

This is also the reason why Luo Feng suddenly told Babata about the origin of the virtual universe.

Hearing what Luo Feng said, Babata was stunned again.

Although he has been with Luo Feng for a long time, Babata has gradually become accustomed to many things.

After all, his master always casually tells some secrets that can scare people to death, but the origin of the virtual universe is still beyond Babata's imagination.

This virtual universe that can cover the entire universe is actually just a secret technique performed by a strong human being. How is this possible!

And if these are true, then how did Luo Feng know about this matter.

At first, Babata still didn't believe it, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt that the secret revealed by Luo Feng made sense.

Indeed, if the virtual universe is the product of a secret method, then all the doubts just now make sense.

Why haven't the mechanical tribes who are good at science and technology created their own creations after the virtual universe has been around for such a long time?

The answer is simple, of course, because the virtual universe is not a creation of science and technology at all, so of course the machine race cannot imitate it.

Babata asked anxiously: "The great pioneer of the human race?

Who is it, which great being can actually create such a terrifying secret method?

Luo Feng, please stop being so secretive and tell me quickly! "

Although Babata is an intelligent life, his master has been the human race since his birth, so in Babata's heart he believes that he also belongs to the human camp, and Babata is proud of everything the human race has.

So at this time, he couldn't wait to know which great human being created the virtual universe.

The expression on Luo Feng's face became very respectful and he said: "The great pioneer who created the virtual universe is called Yuan Zu. He is the first strongest person in the universe in the human race, and he is also the leader of the virtual universe company, the most powerful force in the human race. The founder is the greatest being in the history of the human race. Not only that, even in the entire original universe, and even in the cosmic sea outside the original universe, the original ancestor can be regarded as the strongest person in these three reincarnation eras. , and the person I admire the most among the entire human race.”

Although Luo Feng's words were addressed to the original ancestor and contained a certain element of performance, in fact, this was what Luo Feng really thought in his heart.

After reading the information Xu Chenzhou gave him, Luo Feng admired the original ancestor very much.

If the human race did not have the existence of the original ancestors, it would be absolutely impossible for the human race to become one of the four peak races.

The original ancestor has devoted his whole life to the human race. He not only cultivated powerful beings such as the Lord of Chaos City, the Founder of the Giant Axe, the Lord of Darkness, etc., but also created a virtual universe, laying the foundation for the human race to become the pinnacle race.

It can be said that every human being in the entire original universe has received the kindness of the original ancestor.

For example, Luo Feng can now purchase so many cultivation resources so conveniently, and three of the contributions from the original ancestors are among them.

After hearing what Luo Feng said, although the original ancestor's face was still confused, the corners of his mouth involuntarily raised, revealing a smile.

After praising the original ancestor's achievements, Luo Feng went on to tell Babata about the deeds of the original ancestor that he knew about. There was no need to add any exaggeration. He just told Babata what the original ancestor had done. His eyes widened in surprise, and he listened intently to Luo Feng's speech.

The shadow of the original ancestor looked at Luo Feng with his hands behind his back. On the other side, his consciousness had already connected to the core of the mechanical group's master.

The original ancestor is retrieving all information related to Luo Feng through the virtual universe.

Logically speaking, as long as one lives within the territory of the human race, it is easy to investigate a person's information using the Virtual Universe Company's intelligence network. It only takes less than three seconds to investigate all eighteen generations of his ancestors.

However, there is very little information about Luo Feng in Virtual Universe Company, only a thin page.

It records everything Luo Feng has done since he came to Qiulong Star, including registering the nationality of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, what materials he bought through the virtual universe, etc.

The original ancestor read all these materials at a glance.

After reading it, the original ancestor found that Luo Feng was just like a person who suddenly jumped out of a stone, suddenly driving the x81 spacecraft to appear on Qiulong Star, and there was no information about Luo Feng before that.

Of course, the original ancestor has seen such people, generally speaking, they are from remote planets.

Those planets are so backward that even the technology of space navigation is not mature, which is equivalent to a civilization still in its infancy.

Not to mention the virtual universe login, these planets cannot even access the interstellar network.

Only such backward planets can achieve not leaving any information in the virtual universe.

The original ancestor's face became more confused.

If Luo Feng was from the human race of those backward planets, how could he know so many secrets, and even know everything he had done.

The original ancestor thought about it, and then activated the authority to investigate Luo Feng's information again.

He just retrieved only the information in the Virtual Universe Company, but this time it was different. Yuanzu directly retrieved all the information about Luo Feng in all cases.

As his direct power, Yuanzu has the right to retrieve all the information in the Virtual Universe Company at any time and anywhere, but Yuanzu cannot be so casual about the intelligence databases of the other five major companies.

This does not mean that the other five major companies do not respect Yuanzu.

To put it bluntly, this is a question of procedure and status.

Everyone respects Yuanzu, but each power has its own autonomy.

If Yuanzu is given the right to retrieve all the information in his power at will, then in a sense, the other major companies are equivalent to the power under Yuanzu.

This is of course not possible.

The major powers are independent of each other and check and balance each other, which is a way of checks and balances within the human race.

Yuanzu has the power to break this way of checks and balances, but he does not need to do so.

Now he is a ghost-like character, and he will not interfere with the operation of the human race unless it is necessary.

However, if Yuanzu wanted to retrieve the information of other major companies, the major companies would not refuse, but the premise was that Yuanzu must actively inform them that they needed to retrieve the information, and then retrieve it with the consent of the major companies.

In an instant, all the information about Luo Feng in the five major companies was presented to Yuanzu.

Then a message from the Universe Galaxy Bank caught Yuanzu's attention.

Yuanzu found that Luo Feng was the owner of a five-star account.

Then Yuanzu followed the clues and found that the original owner of the five-star account was the founder of the Yunmoxing force, a marquis-level immortal god named Hu Yanbo.

In an instant, all the information about Hu Yanbo in the Virtual Universe Company appeared in front of Yuanzu.

Yuanzu looked at Hu Yanbo's information while guessing Luo Feng's origin.

The information showed that Hu Yanbo fell 50,000 years ago.

Yuanzu nodded. It seems that this immortal god named Hu Yanbo left a legacy on an unknown small planet before his fall, and this legacy was later obtained by Luo Feng.

Moreover, the intelligence showed that Hu Yanbo was always accompanied by an intelligent life that looked like a child. This should be the intelligent life that was talking to Luo Feng about his glorious past.

But this was not right. Yuan Zu was still very confused. According to the intelligence, Hu Yanbo was only a marquis-level immortal. How could he know so many things about him?

Just as Yuan Zu was thinking, Luo Feng's story finally came to an end.

Babata asked Luo Feng with a curious look on his face: "But Luo Feng, this Yuanzu you are talking about is so powerful, he is invincible in the sky and on the ground, and he has made all the top tribes in the past three reincarnations in the universe bow their heads to him.

It stands to reason that with Yuanzu's great achievements, his reputation should be resounding throughout the human race.

Why have I never heard of Yuanzu's name after following my old master to venture into the universe for so long?

Could it be that because he is indifferent to fame and fortune, he prohibits other human strongmen from spreading his reputation in the human territory?"

Babata was very confused. His old master Huyanbo, as a marquis-level immortal, although he could not contact the core layer of humans, he also had a certain understanding of the core layer of humans.

Huyanbo had heard of the names of human high-level people such as the founder of the giant axe, the lord of chaos, the lord of darkness, etc.

If the human race has the strongest person in the universe like Yuanzu, then Babata, who has been following Huyanbo, should not have heard of it.

Luo Feng showed a smile on his face. He said so much just waiting for Babata to ask this question: "The reason for this is actually very simple, that is, the original ancestor has fallen."

"How is it possible! Luo Feng, didn't you say that the original ancestor's cultivation has reached a level that has never been seen before and will never be seen again? Before he went into reincarnation, he had already reached the peak of the strongest in the universe, and he was only one step away from breaking through the tenth-level true god!

His cultivation can be said to be invincible in the universe.

In addition, the original ancestor is also good at soul attacks. Only the strongest in the universe with the strongest treasure guarding the soul can survive under the hands of the original ancestor. With such means, even if multiple strongest in the universe besiege, they should not be able to do anything to the original ancestor.

How could such a being fall? Who is qualified to let the original ancestor fall! "

"There is really no one in this world who can make the original ancestor fall. The only person who can make the original ancestor fall is himself.

Babata, there is a saying on our planet, that is, cleverness leads to mistakes.

The original ancestor was smart all his life, but he was confused only once, and it happened that this time he was confused and was suppressed forever by the original universe.

I'm telling you, back then."

Hearing what Luo Feng said, Yuan Zu, who was originally calm, turned red and warm.

Although the original ancestor was just an avatar at this time, his cheeks still turned red.

The reason why he was eternally suppressed by the original universe was that he was too confident, to the point of arrogance.

In the cosmic sea, the creatures in the universe can only survive three reincarnations at most. One reincarnation is the birth and death of the universe. In the first reincarnation, the creatures in the universe live in the original universe.

After the original universe is shattered, the creatures in that universe will be banished to the cosmic sea, and then live through the second life of the universe and the third birth and death of the universe. After three reincarnations, the creatures in that universe will usher in their lifespan. the end point.

There is only one way to survive beyond the end of life, and that is to go through reincarnation.

This is a common sense that all races in the universe have reached a consensus on.

However, the original ancestor did not believe in the authenticity of reincarnation. In his opinion, reincarnation was just a conspiracy of the universe sea.

He only believes in himself and his own will.

So the original ancestor made a blatant decision to seize the original universe.

He wants to seize the power of the entire original universe and then transcend the limitations of reincarnation.

But living in the original universe and trying to seize the original universe is tantamount to courting death.

Even after the God King Sishanke of Jin was reincarnated into the original universe, he did not dare to use his original power at will, for fear that he would accidentally violate the supreme rules and be legitimately suppressed by the supreme rules.

You must know that the Supreme Rules are always watching the interior of the original universe. The original ancestor's behavior is tantamount to committing an honest crime in the police station. It would be strange not to be arrested on the spot.

After so much time passed, the original ancestor had already figured out how ridiculous his original actions were.

So seeing Luo Feng planning to retell his glorious deeds, the original ancestor could no longer hold back.

His body slowly turned from illusory to solid, and then he slapped Luo Feng on the shoulder.

"You kid, tell me what you are talking about so happily!"

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