All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 333 Why should I help you

The sudden appearance of the original ancestor did not scare Luo Feng, but instead frightened Babata who was listening to the story carefully.

He is an intelligent life and has extremely strong sensing ability in the virtual universe. Logically speaking, there should be no existence within the territory of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire that can hide from his eyes and ears.

However, the original ancestor suddenly appeared behind Luo Feng, completely hiding it from Babata's perception.

Babata looked at the original with some nervousness: "You, you, you, who are you, where were you hiding just now!"

Compared to Babata's panic, Luo Feng's reaction was much calmer.

He slowly turned around and said: "Baba, don't be rude. The person in front of you is the protagonist in my story just now, the first strongest person in the universe and the founder of the Virtual Universe Company. "

After saying that, Luo Feng turned around and bowed to the original ancestor: "This junior has met the senior original ancestor, and just mentioned the past of the senior, which was really a last resort. I hope the senior can forgive me.

After all, if I don't do this, there is no other way for me to meet my original ancestor. "

This answer shocked Babata directly.

"Really, really! I actually saw the original ancestor!"

To be honest, he had been shocked by Luo Feng many times today, but he couldn't blame him for making a fuss. It was true that every secret Luo Feng revealed was more shocking than the last time.

Babata looked at the thin man in white robes in front of him with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

There was also a hint of surprise in Yuanzu's seemingly calm expression.

He waved his hand and said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, those things you mentioned are all from the past. I'm usually very bored when I'm alone.

It's quite interesting to hear it again from your mouth now. "

After finishing speaking, the original ancestor waved his sleeves and walked up to Luo Feng, looking at Luo Feng up and down.

The virtual universe is a secret method cast by the original ancestor. It is extremely mysterious and can read all the physical states of the lander and reproduce all the cultivation of the lander.

Therefore, there is no difference between Luo Feng's body and his real body at this time.

The more he looked at the eyes of the original ancestor, the more surprised he became, because Luo Feng's physical fitness was so strong, and there were several traces of energy flowing in Luo Feng's body that even the original ancestor could not see through.

"It's weird! It's weird!

You have just stepped into the stellar level of cultivation, how did you know so many secrets, and you can even reveal my identity at once, as if you had expected that what you said would lead me out, it is really interesting. !

And your body is also very strange, with several traces of power that even I have never seen before. "

The trace of power that the original ancestor noticed was of course the Heaven-Shielding Technique. When he planned to attract the Original Ancestor's attention, Luo Feng had no intention of concealing the secret of the Heaven-Shielding Technique.

The method of covering the sky itself is a bargaining chip that he is prepared to expose.

Originally protected by the chat group, even if he is now in the original ancestor's territory, it is impossible for the original ancestor to detect the traces of the sky-shielding method before he casts the sky-shielding method.

However, Luo Feng came to see the original ancestor this time for an important purpose, which was to gain the original ancestor's trust.

If he doesn't show anything real and just relies on empty words, how can he possibly make the original ancestor who has been in the universe for countless years trust him.

Luo Feng's attitude towards the original ancestor was very respectful: "Reporting back to my predecessor, the traces of power you noticed are the cultivation methods I obtained from a strange place. This cultivation method is completely different from the cultivation methods of genetic warriors.

This method of cultivation begins with crossing the sea of ​​suffering, building a Taoist palace, opening the four poles, transforming into a dragon, and ascending to the Immortal Platform. Step by step, it develops various secret realms in the human body, taps into the infinite potential hidden in the human body, and finally cultivates to become an immortal, capable of Mastering infinite power is not inferior to the cultivation methods of genetic warriors. "

In fact, in the original timeline, even if the original ancestor was Luo Feng's ancestor, Luo Feng was not as respectful to the original ancestor as he is now.

But now is different from that time. At that time, the cultivation gap between Luo Feng, as the Lord of the Universe, and the original ancestor was not that big, so the relationship between the two was more like a year-end friendship.

But at this time, Luo Feng was just a star-level warrior. Facing the pioneers of the human race, as the original ancestor, the strongest person in the universe, of course he had to be respectful enough, otherwise it would be a bit rude.

Although Luo Feng only said a few words, the original ancestor had already had a preliminary understanding of the Heaven Covering Method from Luo Feng's narration.

Listening to Luo Feng's description of the cultivation path of the Heaven-Shading Method, the original ancestor couldn't help but feel happy. He looked at the traces of power in Luo Feng's body, and then compared them one by one with the cultivation path Luo Feng just mentioned, and fell into deep thought. middle.

What a genius the original ancestor was. When he first analyzed the Xihuang situation coming down from the Duandong River, his comprehension speed was several times faster than Luo Feng. In terms of understanding, it can be said that no one in the entire original universe could surpass it. Its right.

Just relying on the very little information in front of him, the original ancestor constructed the general outline of the sky-shielding method in his mind.

This cultivation method is simply a strange cultivation method that he has never heard of or seen.

In the eyes of the original ancestor, the method of covering the sky is completely different from the cultivation method of genetic warriors. It is unique and ingenious. It actually uses the various secret realms existing in the human body as its source, and builds a foundation for becoming an immortal step by step.

Even from his point of view, he can feel how high-end this cultivation path is, and it does not fall behind the genetic warrior cultivation method at all.

He couldn't help but sigh in admiration: "Okay, okay! This cultivation method is really wonderful! It's something that no one before me has thought of, and it's eye-opening for me."

After praising him, he said, "So, Luo Feng, what is your purpose in bringing me out this time? You can't be asking me to come out and appreciate your cultivation method, right?"

Luo Feng smiled and shook his head, "Of course not. Asking you to appreciate this cultivation method is certainly one of the reasons why I want to meet you.

But in fact, the main reason why I decided to bring you out is because I want to join the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company through your relationship."

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Yuanzu widened his eyes in disbelief: "You brought me out in such a big way just to join the Virtual Universe Company?"

At this moment, Yuanzu's whole mind was confused. What kind of identity is he? He is the first strongest person in the universe of the human race, the founder of the Virtual Universe Company, and even has a master-disciple relationship with the current strongest person in the human race, the founder of the Giant Axe.

He can make the entire human race tremble with just a word.

Originally, Yuan Zu thought that Luo Feng had some shocking plan to call him out, but it turned out that Luo Feng went to great lengths to bring him out, and his purpose was to use his relationship to join the core layer of the virtual universe company.

This is simply killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Joining the core layer of the virtual universe company is a trivial matter, and it can be done by just finding a king-level immortal.

Even if Luo Feng wants to join the strongest original secret realm in the core layer, he doesn't need to do it himself.

As long as he asks a universe venerable to take action, spend some more favors, and Luo Feng's talent is not too bad, it can be done.

Luo Feng scratched his head: "I also know that asking you to do this for me is a bit exaggerated, but I really can't find any other way.

I know that in a few years, the Virtual Universe Company will hold a Universe Genius Competition, and then I can join the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company by passing the competition.

But I really don't want to wait that long.

And in addition to this request, I have something else to tell you."

Luo Feng naturally knows how difficult it is for others to understand his way of doing things.

But the problem is that if Luo Feng doesn't find the original ancestor, he really doesn't know who to find.

If Luo Feng doesn't want to waste these years, he has only one choice, that is, to contact the original ancestor in advance.

As a native born and raised on Earth, even if he has the chat group plug-in, it is very difficult to join the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company in advance.

Let alone the immortal king, for Luo Feng now, even an ordinary immortal god is an existence that he can't reach.

Without the background of the Virtual Universe Company, ordinary star-level universe-level people are just ants in front of the immortal gods. Even if he knows the development of the future trend, it is almost impossible for him to be related to the king-level immortals.

And if Luo Feng wants to become the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company according to the normal way, he needs to go through a long period of assessment.

At the beginning, with his resource support, Xu Xin also spent more than a hundred years to pass the assessment and become a member of the lowest level of the four secret realms by virtue of his achievements in expanding the company.

Of course, as a genius warrior, Luo Feng wants to pass the assessment of the core layer more easily than Xu Xin does business, but conservatively estimated that it will take at least ten years to be promoted to the core layer through normal channels.

This is unacceptable to Luo Feng.

Ten years is actually nothing to the people of the Devouring World, and it will pass in the blink of an eye.

But in addition to them, the friends in the group are also the objects of Luo Feng's secret competition.

Although the relationship between everyone is good, Luo Feng does not want to be left far behind by the friends in the group.

In fact, Luo Feng has long stopped considering other people in the Devouring World as competitors.

Because Luo Feng knew that even if he didn't change anything and just followed the original path and practiced step by step, he could still become the strongest person in the Devouring Universe.

But it took ten years.

How long had Luo Feng joined the chat group, and the friends in the group had changed so much? Luo Feng really couldn't imagine how strong his friends would be if he stayed where he was for ten years.

He didn't want to be the weakest in the group.

In this way, he would have to pretend to be a grandson in the battle session after each gathering.

Then again, if he really had to endure ten years, Luo Feng might as well wait until the Universe Genius Competition started to participate in the competition.

After all, the Universe Genius Competition will officially start in five or six years, and it would be faster than taking various tests with great effort.

After hearing what Luo Feng said, Yuan Zu was even more speechless: "Let's not talk about how outrageous it is that you went to so much trouble to win me out just to join the Virtual Universe Company.

Let's just say that you know that the Virtual Universe Company will hold the Universe Genius Competition in a few years, why can't you wait a while!

Anyway, I see that your cultivation has just reached the first level of the star level. In a few years, you will just cultivate to the peak of the star level, and then join the virtual company through the Universe Genius Competition. Isn't it just right.

Could it be that you don't have the confidence to pass the selection of the Universe Genius Competition with your own strength? If so, then it is even more impossible for me to help you through this backdoor."

Yuan Zu frowned: "If so, then there is no room for negotiation on this matter.

It doesn't matter to me to let you join the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company, but why should I help you?

When I was not suppressed by the original universe forever, I followed this principle when managing the Virtual Universe Company, and that was fairness!

It would not benefit me at all to help you join the Virtual Universe Company through the back door, and it would also destroy the rules I have always adhered to. This is absolutely impossible. "

Luo Feng did not argue, because it would take too much time to explain to Yuan Zu why he was eager to join the Virtual Universe Company.

Stellar peak?

It doesn't take him several years to cultivate to the peak of the stellar level. With sufficient resources and the time acceleration of the chat group, it will take at most two or three months to successfully break through.

After cultivating to the stellar level, what should he do next? Is he stuck at the stellar level and not break through?

You must know that his current body is different from the original timeline. It is not the clone of the golden-horned beast. He can't enjoy the bonus of the golden-horned beast's realm breakthrough and can only rely on his own hard cultivation.

Luo Feng just said lightly: "I ask you to help me, of course, it's not an empty talk."

As he said, he took a step forward and said: "If I tell you that I have a way to help you break free from the suppression of the original universe and save you, is this bargaining chip enough for you to help me join the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company. "

Hearing Luo Feng's words, even Yuan Zu couldn't help but take a step forward.

"Can you save me?

Do you know what you are talking about!

I am eternally suppressed by the original universe, and even the Chaos Axe and the others can't save me.

You are just a little kid at the star level, how can you save me? "

The original ancestor was eternally suppressed by the original universe. If he said that he didn't want to come out, it would be a lie.

After all, if he couldn't get rid of the suppression of the original universe before the birth and death of this universe, then he would be reborn with the original universe, and be ground into chaotic airflow by infinite law fragments, and then become part of the virtual universe.

He said he didn't believe it, but thinking of the various strange things Luo Feng showed, the original ancestor was extremely eager that what he said was true.

This very anxious little kid not only mastered a cultivation method that was completely different from that of the genetic warriors, but also knew everything about him. All kinds of strange things made the original ancestor feel a little eager.

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