All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 334 If the worst plan is so fierce, then what is the best plan!

Luo Feng looked at the original ancestor calmly and said slowly: "Just because they can't save you doesn't mean that I can't save you."

The original ancestor's face became very serious, and his temperament also began to change. From the gentle and gentle at the beginning, it became extremely terrifying, as if an extremely ferocious prehistoric beast had awakened from its slumber.

Luo Feng felt a little stressed just by looking at the figure of the original ancestor.

"Boy, you'd better think about some things before you say them. I'll give you another chance now.

Are you really sure you can save me?

If what you said was a joke, admit your mistake now and I will not hold you accountable. "

Luo Feng nodded with great confidence: "Of course I am sure."

After hearing Luo Feng's answer, the aura on the original ancestor became even more terrifying.

"Good boy, then I will believe you for once, if you can really save me from the suppression of the original universe.

Not to mention such a trivial matter as joining the core layer of Virtual Universe Company, no matter what your requirements are, I will satisfy you.

Even if you want to be the strongest person in the universe, I will try my best to achieve it.

But if you lie to me, I guarantee you will not be able to bear the consequences. "

After saying this, the original ancestor sighed again: "I don't need you to be 100% sure, as long as your method is feasible, I won't blame you.

Tell me, boy Luo Feng, how do you plan to rescue me from the eternal suppression of the original universe. "

Luo Feng waved his hand, and a huge white cloth appeared out of thin air, covering the entire grassland. There were also various kinds of food on the white cloth, and the variety was very rich.

This is a function in the virtual universe. You only need to spend the corresponding virtual universe contribution points to create whatever you want in the safe zone.

Luo Feng sat down on his own, picked up the things in front of him, and then said while eating.

"Senior Original Ancestor, the method of rescuing you is a long story. Sit down and talk slowly."

The original ancestor didn't have any airs, so he sat down opposite Luo Feng, picked up a piece of food that looked like a chicken drumstick and started eating it.

"What's the point? Just tell me quickly."

Babata also sat beside him with an expression full of eagerness to eat melon, waiting for Luo Feng to speak.

After Luo Feng finished eating the food in his hand, he slowly said: "Senior Original Ancestor, if you want to escape from the eternal suppression of the original universe, I have three strategies for you to choose from."

Even a person like the original ancestor couldn't control his expression when he heard Luo Feng's words.

The entire human race has worked hard for countless years, but no one has ever dared to say that they are sure to be able to save him. However, this star-level human kid in front of him actually said that he has three ways, which is simply a fantasy.

"Three strategies?

Boy Luo Feng, you don’t brag like this. Being able to rescue me from the eternal suppression of the original universe is already a great thing. You actually said that you have three other methods. How is this possible? "

Luo Feng stretched out his hand and pressed it in the air, then said: "Senior Original Ancestor, please be patient and listen to me slowly.

Let me talk about the last resort first, and it is also the most inefficient way, which is to wait. "


What's the use of waiting!

I have been waiting for countless years. If I wait any longer, I will have to wait until the original universe reincarnates and turns into original energy together with it. "

"Of course what I mean by waiting is not waiting in the ordinary sense, but waiting for a variable to appear.

Senior ancestors, have you ever heard of the concept of yin and yang? "

The original ancestor was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

The language used by Luo Feng to communicate with the original ancestor is the universal language. In the universal language, the two concepts of yin and yang do not have proper nouns, so Luo Feng uses a noun that approximates the concept instead. The two concepts he uses The expression of this noun in the universal language probably means light and darkness, but it also means stars and satellites.

However, the original ancestor quickly understood what Luo Feng meant by yin and yang.

After all, the philosophical principles between things are never separated from their origins. Although the original ancestor has not understood the yin and yang theory of the people on earth, he has also been exposed to similar principles.

Luo Feng then began to explain: "All things bear yin and embrace yang, and inject qi into harmony.

In the philosophy of the earth, Tao creates one, creates two, two creates three, and three creates all things.

These two refer to Yin and Yang.

Everything in heaven and earth has two sides. If there is yin, there will be yang. Yin and yang complement each other, which is the natural principle of the world. "

As Luo Feng spoke, he began to explain to the original ancestor the way of yin and yang he had understood.

Because of Zhang Junbao's relationship with the group, Luo Feng also had a deep understanding of the Tao of Yin and Yang.

Listening to his eloquent talk, the original ancestor couldn't help but keep nodding: "It's true, the Yin and Yang way you mentioned is indeed very mysterious. It seems simple but there are great truths hidden everywhere.

If you think about it carefully, everything in the world seems to really follow this law. "

The original ancestor recalled all the things he encountered in his long life, and they all corresponded to the Yin and Yang principles mentioned by Luo Feng.

Luo Feng continued: "Senior Original Ancestor, have you ever thought about it, since everything has yin and yang and opposites, is there something outside the original universe that is opposite to the original universe?"

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Yuan Zu knew what Luo Feng meant, and he immediately realized what Luo Feng wanted to say: "You mean there is something in this world that is opposite to the original universe, and it will appear in the near future, and it can even threaten the survival of the original universe."

Luo Feng nodded and said: "That's right, there is a thing in this world called the world beast, which exists in opposition to the original universe. It will only appear once every tens of thousands or even longer reincarnation eras.

Once the world beast is fully developed, it will destroy the original universe and directly devour it into its own power.

This is a world-destroying crisis. Once it appears, it is almost impossible to stop it. You can only wait for the destruction to come."

Then Luo Feng told Yuan Zu all the information he knew about the world beast, even including the magical powers of the world beast and the information about the habits of the world beast.

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Yuan Zu was extremely shocked: "How did you know such a secret?"

Although Luo Feng's words have not been confirmed, Yuan Zu has already felt that what Luo Feng said is true.

He is the strongest person in the entire universe except for the two holy land masters. He has an understanding of the various rules in the universe that ordinary people can hardly imagine. It would be fine if Luo Feng did not point out the existence of the world beast. Once he did, the original ancestor could immediately deduce that the world beast is indeed real.

The original ancestor frowned: "No wonder when I explored the universe, I always found that the inheritance of the universe cycle suddenly broke off in several periods, leaving only a few words of records. I thought it was a coincidence, but now I think it was all caused by the world beast.

So you want me to wait until this world beast comes out to make trouble, and then when the original universe encounters a crisis, I will have to release me to deal with the world beast?

Indeed, if we calculate the intervals between several major eras, it seems that it is indeed almost time for a new major era. So the world beast may have appeared in the universe.

But although this world beast crisis is terrifying, it is not necessarily a bad thing for me."

The original ancestor is very confident. Although Luo Feng described this world beast crisis as extremely terrifying, he still believes that as long as he can be released, he can easily solve the world beast crisis.

After all, according to Luo Feng, this world beast can not grow to its peak state as soon as it is born, and there is still a process of nurturing.

The original ancestor believes that it is not difficult to suppress the world beast that is not in its peak state with his own strength.

But Luo Feng just smiled and shook his head: "Don't think about it, the original universe will not let you out because of the crisis of the world beast.

For the original universe, the world beast is terrifying, but when it comes to threats, it is definitely not as threatening as you.

After all, what you did at the beginning was really shocking. You actually tried to destroy the original universe's original will and replace it.

You should know that even if the original universe is swallowed by the world beast, it will not be really destroyed. It will only temporarily become the origin, and it will naturally evolve into the original universe again in the future.

But if you really take over the body, then the original universe will lose itself forever from then on. Unless you, the original ancestor, encounter an accident while exploring outside, the original universe will never be able to regain freedom in this life.

For the original universe, what the world beast does is nothing more than seeking money, while what you, the original ancestor, do is to kill people. The harm between the two cannot be compared."

Hearing what Luo Feng said, the original ancestor's face turned a little red: "That's not it. It's because the two holy land masters never showed up, which made me think that reincarnation was a conspiracy of the original universe. Once I reincarnate, I will be bound by the original universe forever.

If I knew that reincarnation could really get rid of the influence of the birth and death of the universe, why would I try so hard to seize the original universe? Isn't it boring?

Okay, let's not talk about this. If that's the case, what's the point of waiting for the world beast to appear.

And according to your description, if I can't do it, who else in this universe can suppress the world beast.

Unless the two holy land masters can show up from the holy land universe, I'm afraid no one can suppress the terrifying world beast.

By then, the original universe will be swallowed up, and I don't think there will be a good end. "

Hearing the words of the original ancestor, Luo Feng laughed: "The person who can suppress the world beast is far away in the sky and close at hand.

As long as the world beast is suppressed, I can use this great achievement to negotiate with the original universe and release you. "

The original ancestor looked at Luo Feng in front of him with a strange look.

According to what he said, if he wants to get out of trouble, the best way should be to try his best to help this kid grow up.

This kid wants to get something for nothing.

He exchanged his full support for the information of a world beast.

However, I have to admit that Yuanzu was indeed moved by the information Luo Feng said.

In Yuanzu's mind, Luo Feng not only has a mysterious origin, but also masters the strange practice system called the Heaven Covering Method.

With the Heaven Covering Method, if Yuanzu's careful teaching and full support allow Luo Feng to become the strongest in the universe as a genetic warrior, there is indeed a great probability that he can suppress the world beast crisis.

So, do I have to help Luo Feng enter the core layer of this virtual universe company?

Forget it.

Apart from anything else, the information about this world beast alone is worthy of a place in the core layer of the virtual universe company.

Or in other words, he made a lot of money by exchanging this quota for the information of the world beast.

The original ancestor touched his chin: "If that's the case, I will trust you once.

After all, you even know the information of such a terrifying existence as the world beast, so why not take a gamble.

But according to you, suppressing the world beast and then negotiating with the original universe is actually the worst option.

Is it because it is too difficult to suppress the world beast, and you are not sure?

In this case, what are your middle and best options? I am really curious.

Tell me quickly."

Luo Feng smiled: "Of course, I didn't list it in the lower volume because it is too difficult to suppress the world beast.

The reason why it is listed in the lower volume is mainly because it takes too long to wait this time.

It will take endless years to wait for the world leader to appear and threaten the original universe. I really don't want to wait so long."

Luo Feng himself didn't know how long it would take to wait for the world beast to appear.

You should know that the appearance of the Jin world is tens of millions of years later, and after the appearance of the Jin world, it took another 1.6 trillion eras before the figure of the world beast really appeared in the universe sea.

Luo Feng does not intend to wait so long to subdue the world beast.

He gave himself 100,000 years, and within 100,000 years, Luo Feng planned to go to the universe sea to solve the crisis of the world beast.

After all, he has the chat group plug-in in this timeline. If he still has to practice for an infinite time to subdue the world beast like the previous years, it is really a waste of time.

However, if the world beast is subdued in advance, it will be difficult to force the original universe to agree to release the original ancestor because the threat of the world beast has not developed to the greatest extent.

Of course, Luo Feng did not intend to give the original ancestor a detailed explanation of the specific reasons.

After all, his idea is too fantastic. It is simply a fantasy for others to practice to the level of the strongest person in the universe within 100,000 years and then solve the crisis of the world beast.

But the expression on the original ancestor's face was much more relaxed: "It's good that you have confidence.

It takes a long time? What's the big deal! I can wait even for trillions of epochs.

As long as I can escape from the suppression of the original universe before the universe is born and destroyed, it will be enough for me.

But Luo Feng, you haven't told me what the middle strategy and the best strategy are."

Luo Feng smiled slightly and reached out, then took out a talisman. This talisman carried a breath of cutting through the sky and holding the secret of heaven.

Indistinctly, the original ancestor seemed to see the figure of a Taoist in black with four long swords on his back on this one.

Luo Feng said lightly: "The middle strategy is also very simple, and the key lies in this talisman."

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