All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 335 The best strategy: violently attack the original will

"Can this talisman help me escape from the suppression of the original universe?" The original ancestor carefully looked at the talisman in Luo Feng's hand, his eyes a little confused. "This talisman does look a bit extraordinary, but it would be too far-fetched to think that just one talisman could save me!"

The look on Luo Feng's face was still very confident: "This talisman is called the Tian Jie Talisman, and it was a treasure given to him by one of my friend's elders. The Tian Jie Tian Talisman embodies my friend's elder's understanding of the great road.

The great path that my friend's elder understood is called Jietian, which means Jietian is a thin line. Heaven is me, and I am heaven.

If my friend's senior had taken action himself, not to mention the original will of the original universe, even the supreme will might not be able to see through this heaven-cutting avenue.

Although this talisman is not as powerful as my friend's senior who used it personally, holding this talisman can still block the secrets of heaven and cut off destiny. "

The expression on Yuanzu's face changed: "Indeed, when you took out this Heaven-cutting Talisman just now, I vaguely saw the figure of a black-clothed Taoist on the Talisman.

And the moment you picked up this Sky-cutting Talisman, I could feel that you disappeared between heaven and earth, and you could not even be found in the river of time, as if you had never existed in this universe.

It can be seen that what you said is true. This talisman does condense the Tao and Dharma of your senior.

But even if this Heaven-cutting Talisman is useful, how are you going to deliver it to me?

You must know that I am now suppressed within the laws of the original universe. If I had not cast the secret method of the virtual universe before being suppressed, even I would not be able to contact the outside world. "

Luo Feng raised the Sky-Judging Talisman high in his hand, threw it towards the original ancestor, and then said: "Senior, why should we cling to the body of this Sky-Judging Talisman? What is really important is the Tao and the Dharma on the Sky-Judging Talisman.

As long as you, the original ancestor, can understand the Tao and Dharma on this heaven-cutting talisman, then what if you can't get this talisman.

You can completely rely on your own strength to cut through the sky, cut off the secrets of heaven, and then break away from the suppression of the universe. "

The Sky-Judging Talisman in Luo Feng's hand is actually the projection of the Sky-Judging Talisman in the virtual universe. The real Sky-Judging Talisman is currently being held in his hand in reality.

The original ancestor can appear in any space in the original universe through the secret method of the virtual universe, so as long as Luo Feng does not receive the Tian Jie Tian Talisman in the storage ring, the original ancestor can see the real Tian Jie Tian Talisman through the virtual universe secret method.

As he spoke, Luo Feng's style changed again: "However, although this strategy has immediate results, it also has limitations.

After all, although you, the original ancestor, were suppressed by the original will of the original universe, ultimately, the real mastermind behind it is the Supreme Rule.

Therefore, even if you, the original ancestor, understand the way of intercepting the sky, it is best not to break away from the suppression of the original will in a big way.

It's best to separate out a bit of your soul and regain your soul, and then live a low-key life. "

Hearing Luo Feng's words, the original ancestor showed a wry smile: "Luo Feng, although you know a lot of secrets, you don't know much about the strongest person in the universe.

Every being who breaks through to become the strongest person in the universe must completely integrate the body and soul before breaking through, and there is no way to seize the body. "

Of course Luo Feng knows this. If he wants to become the strongest person in the universe in the Devouring World, the last step is to unite all the clones into one and become a divine body. After condensing the divine body and becoming a true god, all the magical powers of the clones will become ineffective, and even the clones will no longer exist. Not to mention replacing the body to seize the body.

But Luo Feng didn't panic at all.

The three strategies proposed by Luo Feng, the upper, middle and lower strategies, were the product of discussions between him and his friends in the group. Naturally, it would not be that simple.

The strongest person in the universe cannot seize the body. To put it bluntly, this is actually a limitation of the law of swallowing the world.

Logically speaking, the secret method of seizing the body of Devouring the World is not very difficult. Even a rookie warrior like Luo Feng who has just entered the warrior level can perform the secret method of seizing the body, let alone the strongest person in the universe who is at the peak of Devouring the Universe. .

Of course, this does not mean that strong men who devour the world cannot be reincarnated. For example, Mountain Guest used his life mark to enter the original universe and be reincarnated. Later, he also reincarnated into the Eternal Continent through reincarnation. .

However, the requirements for this kind of reincarnation are also very high, and there are various restrictions, so it is not so easy to achieve.

At least for the original ancestor, he couldn't reincarnate with just a trace of his soul.

It would be impossible for another person to solve this matter.

But the person in front of the original ancestor was Luo Feng.

Since devouring the world limits taking possession of the body, then just change the world.

All he needs is Luo Feng to take the original ancestor to travel to other worlds that allow body grabbing, and then let the original ancestor's soul be reincarnated in other worlds, and finally Luo Feng will take the reborn original ancestor back to the Devouring World. .

When raw rice becomes cooked rice, the original universe must recognize it even if it doesn't want to recognize it.

This is an absolutely feasible path.

Luo Feng himself had already tried such an act, thus obtaining two bodies: human Luo Feng and golden-horned giant beast Luo Feng.

With the backing of the power of the chat group, it is so willful.

Of course, Luo Feng would not tell the original ancestor the reason in such detail.

He said calmly: "Since I proposed this strategy, I will naturally have a way to help you regain your life.

Senior Original Ancestor, what you have to do is to understand the traces of the Great Way on the Jie Tian Talisman, and then successfully master the Tao of Jie Tian and send out a trace of soul from the suppression of the original universe.

Everything that follows will naturally be handled by me. "

Although what Luo Feng said seemed to be a fantasy, looking at Luo Feng's confident eyes, for some reason the original ancestor believed that Luo Feng could do this.

Luo Feng continued: "It's just that in this case, Senior Original Ancestor, you will have to start practicing again. All your past cultivation will be like the smoke of the past."

The original ancestor didn't care much about this: "If I can really seize my body, these are just trivial matters. Since I can become the strongest person in the universe once, I can become the strongest person in the universe next time.

However, it is not an easy matter to comprehend the Tao and Dharma on the Tian Jie Tian Talisman. Even if I want to comprehend it to the point where I can hide it from the original universe, it may take tens of thousands of years.

In this way, can you please not put away the Sky-cutting Talisman first? I will find a way to completely replicate it into the virtual universe, and then I will slowly understand it. "

Luo Feng nodded: "Of course, my friend also lent me this talisman temporarily, but I'm not in a hurry to return it.

Just wait until you, the original ancestor, tell me after you finish the reproduction. "

At this time, Babata, who had been sitting aside for a long time, suddenly spoke up and said: "Luo Feng, you have talked about the worst and middle strategies, but you haven't said what your best strategy is?"

The original ancestor also looked at Luo Feng eagerly, looking impatient.

Luo Feng looked at the curious eyes of the two people and said: "The best plan, the best plan is naturally the best way.

It's just that it's the most difficult to achieve the best strategy, so let me keep it a secret and I will tell you when the time is right. "

Naturally, the entire meeting between Luo Feng and Yuan Zu was broadcast live.

This has long been a common rule in group chats. If there are any major issues, you don’t have to worry about anything else. Anyway, it’s right to start the live broadcast first.

Not only because the group members like to watch dramas and no one wants to miss the show, but also if they encounter any danger during the live broadcast, the group members can also seize the time to rescue.

Luo Feng said in the group chat while trying to pass it off: "The best plan you guys came up with is really unreliable, and it makes me feel embarrassed to tell the original ancestors and the others."

Shi Hao (Overlord of the Virtual God Realm): "Brother Luo Feng, the idea we came up with is unreliable. Since the original will has imprisoned the original uncle, we can just beat him up.

This was the case when I was taming beasts in the wilderness. If those wild beasts dared to disobey, just give them a good beating. "

Yang Chan was also gearing up: "That's right, his original universe can suppress the original ancestor, so why don't we be allowed to rescue him? There is no such truth in this world.

Later, when I become a saint, I will inherit Teacher Tongtian's Four Swords of Killing Immortals, and then I will borrow the Mountains, Rivers, State Map and Lotus Lantern from Empress Nuwa, and then I will accompany you in the Devouring Universe to touch upon this original will and take a look. How dare the original will be so stubborn in front of us? "

The little girl also joined in the fun: "Sister Yang Chan is right, the group leader brother said that we will all become big shots in the future.

When we become big shots, we will all go to devour the universe to help. If the original will dares to be disobedient, we will kill him, devour him directly, and then replace him with a new original consciousness. "

Looking at the group of murderers in the group, Luo Feng couldn't help but shook his head.

If these killer stars really reach their peak state, let alone the original will of the original universe, even if the supreme rule comes in person, they may not necessarily be their opponents.

However, in Luo Feng's heart, he actually felt that what his friends said was right. Big fists are the last word.

If you can fight it, why bother negotiating?

To be honest, Luo Feng was not very happy with the Supreme Rules.

Regardless of whether it is the fact that the supreme rules force the creatures of the Cosmic Sea to enter the Eternal Continent through reincarnation.

Or in another timeline, he had some intrusions into the Supreme Rules after accepting it, which always made Luo Feng quite criticized.

If we can really unite all the friends to beat up the original will and the supreme rules in the future, then it seems to be a good thing.

The original ancestor heard that Luo Feng was unwilling to say it, so he didn't force it.

After all, he gained so much from meeting Luo Feng this time.

He had already resigned himself to his fate, but only after coming into contact with the Supreme Rules did he realize how ridiculous he had been.

The more he comes into contact with the Supreme Rules, the more the Original Ancestor understands how terrifying the power of the Supreme Rules is, so the Original Ancestor knows that his final fate must be to be destroyed along with the original universe.

But things are different now. The original ancestor learned from Luo Feng's mouth two methods to escape the eternal suppression of the original universe, and based on his knowledge, he knew that both methods were extremely feasible.

The two of them ate and drank while talking, and they almost finished all the food that Luo Feng had manifested.

Luo Feng quickly picked up the last chicken leg in his hand, then looked at the original ancestor and asked: "How about it, senior original ancestor, there may be something to these methods of mine.

So I want to join the core layer of Virtual Universe Company. How have you considered it?

The original ancestor couldn't help but laugh. Judging from the value of the information Luo Feng just revealed, it would be more than enough to exchange one of the most powerful treasures from his hands. What does it mean to join the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company? .

"I can promise you this.

Now I can give you two choices. The first one is that I can use the backdoor to let my apprentice directly order you to join the original secret realm.

The second option is that I can order the Universe Genius Competition to be held in advance, and then you can enter the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company by participating in the Universe Genius Competition.

These two options have their own advantages and disadvantages. The first option is easy to make enemies. After all, the number of places to join the original secret realm is limited. If you jump the queue in advance, you will naturally occupy other people's places.

But I have you, so it doesn't matter even if someone jumps up and down.

The second option has some risks. If you lose in the Universe Genius Competition, you will not be able to get a place to join the core layer.

But it doesn't matter. Although you can't get a place, I can also give you corresponding treatment in secret. In essence, they are the same. "

Luo Feng pondered for a moment, and finally chose the first option.

After all, with his current situation, participating in the Universe Genius Conference is undoubtedly bullying the weak.

Not to mention the wild man Rong Jun, I'm afraid that even Bo Lan, who once won the first place in the Universe Genius Competition, would not be his opponent.

It is better to let the Universe Genius Competition be held according to the original time node. In this way, with his help, Hong and Lei Shen in this timeline may have the opportunity to join the core layer of the Virtual Universe Company with their own abilities.

The original ancestor did not comment on Luo Feng's choice. Anyway, these two choices made no difference to him.

A mere core layer It was just a quota, a casual order.

Then Luo Feng made another request to Yuanzu, that is, to ask Yuanzu for the secret method of virtual universe.

This secret method of virtual universe is of no use to Luo Feng, after all, the original universe where he is already has a virtual universe built by Yuanzu.

There is a ready-made virtual universe to use, why should Luo Feng bother to build a new virtual universe himself.

He asked for this secret method mainly for the friends in the group.

Yuanzu did not refuse Luo Feng's request. He said: "Boy Luo Feng, if you want the secret method of virtual universe, I can give it to you.

If you just want to see the secret method of virtual universe, then it doesn't matter, but you must remember not to try to practice it. This secret method of virtual universe is very profound and mysterious. If you want to practice this secret method, you must have the cultivation of the strongest person in the universe.

If you want to comprehend this secret method with your current cultivation, it is undoubtedly a waste of time."

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