All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 336 Secret Method of Virtual Universe

After the original ancestor finished speaking, he looked Luo Feng up and down again, as if he wanted to completely remember Luo Feng's figure in his mind, and then raised his hand and threw a white token to him.

Luo Feng brought him too many surprises today.

"The secret method of the virtual universe involves so many aspects that if it were recorded in written language, even tens of millions of books would not be able to write it down.

In addition, the use of this secret method is really limited, so I did not leave a copy in reality.

However, when I was suppressed in the original laws of the universe, I was really idle and bored. In order to find something to do, I sorted out the secrets of the virtual universe.

After you have this token, you can enter the storage room where I store the secrets of the virtual universe at any time in the virtual universe. There are some basic books in it. You can read more, which will be helpful for your early understanding of the rules.

As for the subsequent advanced parts, you should wait until you become an immortal god before studying them. "

After saying that, Yuan Zu did not give Luo Feng a chance to say goodbye to him. He waved directly and his body slowly disappeared into the air.

Seeing that the original ancestor left so decisively, Luo Feng shook his head helplessly.

He also wanted to ask for some more benefits from the original ancestor.

After all, as an original ancestor, anything exposed on his hands would be an extremely good thing for him.

Unexpectedly, the original ancestor left so decisively, without giving him a chance to speak.

However, Luo Feng didn't have many regrets. After all, the two most important purposes of his meeting with the original ancestor today had been achieved. The rest were just minutiae. There would be many opportunities to speak to the original ancestor in the future.

After the original ancestor appeared, Babata, who was originally very lively, became very quiet. Luo Feng could clearly feel that Babata's expression became very nervous.

It wasn't until the original ancestor left that Babata relaxed.

He walked up to Luo Feng, his whole body in an extremely excited state.

"Luo Feng, Luo Feng, is the Lord who just spoke to us really the Original Ancestor!

I never thought that I, Babata, would one day be able to face the strongest person in the universe.

I think back when I followed my old master across the universe and starry sky for countless years, the strongest person I met was just a cosmic venerable.

I didn't expect that just after following Luo Feng for a short time, I would be lucky enough to see one of the strongest people in the universe and such a great pioneer of the human race.

I'm so excited! "

Seeing Babata's face flushed, as if he had succeeded in chasing stars, Luo Feng showed a smile.

"How about it? I told you that I would take you to see big scenes. I didn't lie to you!"

Babata clenched his fists: "Of course not, Luo Fengqian is really awesome.

But you are obviously just an ordinary earthling, how come you know so many secrets?

I really want to know why! "

As he spoke, Babata didn't know what he was thinking of. He shook his head and said: "Forget it, Luo Feng, you are already very happy without hiding it from me. As for your secrets that you want to tell me, you will naturally tell me."

Luo Feng smiled. He never intended to hide the secret of the chat group from Babata.

When the time is right, he might even take Babata with him to travel to other worlds and see the scenery of other heavens and realms.

Luo Feng chatted with Babata for a while, and then activated the token left to him by the original ancestor and entered the storage room where the secrets of the virtual universe were stored.

This storage room occupies a huge area, as big as a giant palace.

There are countless books densely packed inside. From the inside to the outside, it is as vast as the stars in the sky.

Luo Feng made a rough count and found that the number of books in the storage room was at least over 100 billion.

Moreover, each book is very thick, and you can tell at a glance that it is extremely rich in knowledge.

In the center of the storage room, there is a stone tablet. On the stone tablet is a star map of the vast universe. Countless stars are connected together, revealing endless mysteries.

After entering this storage room, Luo Feng understood why the original ancestor did not leave the inheritance of the secret method of the virtual universe in the real world.

It's really because it takes too much time to record the secrets of the virtual universe.

Just these vast books, I don’t know how long it will take to sort them out.

If the original ancestor hadn't been suppressed under the original universe, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the heart to sort out the secrets of the entire virtual universe in such detail.

Just after Luo Feng entered the storage room, the white token in his hand suddenly emitted a burst of colorful light, and then projected the figure of the original ancestor.

"Luo Feng, I didn't expect you to be so impatient after we were separated just now.

Let me explain to you that the stone tablet in the middle of the storage contains the complete secret method of the virtual universe. However, it is extremely difficult to learn the secret method of the virtual universe through the stone tablet. Not only must you have a deep understanding of the rules, but you must also have a lot of knowledge. Inferior to my understanding.

After all, the purpose of my virtual universe secret method is to perfectly replicate the laws of the original universe, create a virtual universe that is not inferior to the original universe, and then use this virtual universe to usurp the original universe, so it involves all aspects of the entire original universe. law.

It can be said that there is no human being in the entire human race who can directly use the stone tablet to learn the secrets of the virtual universe.

Even my two most proud disciples, the founder of the Great Ax and the Lord of Chaos City, can't do it.

That’s why I compiled so many prerequisite books for learning the secrets of the virtual universe.

These books introduce the laws that need to be comprehended in learning the secrets of the virtual universe from the simplest to the most complex.

While studying these books, you can comprehend the secrets of the virtual universe at the same time, so that the difficulty of learning the secrets of the virtual universe will be reduced a lot.

I arranged them in the storage space from the simplest to the most complex.

Before you become an immortal true god, you only need to study the books on the first three hundred rows of bookshelves.

Believe me, they will be of great help to you. If you can thoroughly learn all the books on these three hundred rows of bookshelves, I guarantee that you will have the ability to compete with the immortals of the Marquis level with the realm master. "

After saying this, the figure of the original ancestor disappeared directly.

Only then did Luo Feng understand why there were so many books of the original ancestor's virtual universe secrets.

It is not surprising that there are so many books to record all aspects of the laws of the original universe and explain them from the shallow to the deep.

Luo Feng looked at the books in this storage room with a fiery gaze.

In this case, the value of the books in this storage room is too great.

You should know that the books in this storage room are all left by the original ancestor of the first person in the original universe. It is simply an encyclopedia of the law of the swallowed universe.

It can be said that taking a few books out at random is not inferior to the value of the beast god statue obtained by Luo Feng in the original timeline.

With these books left by the original ancestor himself With the guidance of the law cultivation given below, Luo Feng will definitely be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort when he comprehends the law of the original universe.

He originally asked Yuanzu for the virtual universe secret method just to benefit the group members, but he didn't expect to get such a heavy reward by accident.

No wonder Yuanzu left without leaving anything for Luo Feng. It turned out that everything he wanted to give was in the virtual universe secret method.

Luo Feng tried it and wanted to upload all the information in the entire storage room directly to the chat group.

The logic of uploading the skills in the chat group is very simple. As long as the group members have the ownership of the skills, they can directly use the chat group's authority to upload the skills with one click.

It is obvious that after obtaining this token, Luo Feng had the right to use this storage room.

So he successfully uploaded all the books in this library, including the stone tablet in the center, to the chat group's practice space.

Luo Feng was already the number one in the chat group's practice space. Now with the addition of these vast books attached to the virtual universe secret method, the number of books he uploaded directly surpassed the original second place Hong Yi by a hundred streets.

What's more terrifying is that the books uploaded by Luo Feng are of high quality.

These vast books were all written by the original ancestor himself, and they contain the original ancestor's understanding of the law.

Even if there are slight differences between the laws of different worlds, for other groups For friends, the books provided by Luo Feng are extremely valuable reference materials.

The entire chat group became lively again.

Everyone was watching Luo Feng's live broadcast, so almost all group members remained online.

Zhang Junbao (Lord of the New Dynasty): "Luo Feng, your execution is really too strong. I just mentioned to you a few days ago that I wanted to see the secret method of the virtual universe. It has only been a short time, and you actually got the secret method of the virtual universe (monkey likes.jpg)"

Hong Yi (Lord of the Great Thousand): "Luo Feng is really good (monkey likes.jpg)

But there are some headaches next. Although the original ancestor's virtual universe secret method is good, it is indeed too advanced.

Not to mention the structure of the secret method itself, even the explanation book attached to it seems quite difficult to us.

Under this premise, it may be difficult to disassemble the core of the virtual universe."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "What's there to be afraid of if there are difficulties? Just try more.

We don't need to completely copy the virtual universe secret method, we just need to get inspiration from it.

The virtual universe we need covers a much smaller area than the original ancestor, and it doesn't need to be as 100% realistic as the original ancestor.

So the difficulty of research and development and the difficulty of application should be reduced a lot.

Find a time to brainstorm and discuss several available research and development paths. Anyway, there is a time imprint function, so everyone can do whatever they want, and they can always try out feasible solutions. "

Lu Mingfei is also very interested in the virtual universe secret method.

He always feels that the virtual universe secret method will be helpful in resolving the dispute between the hybrids and the Dragon King in the Dragon World.

In fact, it is precisely because of his stay in the Monster Hunter World that Lu Mingfei's attitude towards the dispute between humans and dragons is not as extreme as that of the hybrids in the Dragon World.

In the Monster Hunter World, although hunters will hunt those natural disasters and ancient dragons that are causing trouble, they actually protect most dragons.

In addition to the necessary food, some traps used for research purposes are also used. The dragons caught in the trap will be released back into the wild after research.

So Lu Mingfei didn't have the idea of ​​killing all the dragons. Of course, Lu Mingfei would not be lenient towards those evil dragons who were causing trouble, such as Odin.

But for some humans who could coexist peacefully with humans, such as Fenrir and Xia Mi, Lu Mingfei didn't intend to kill them all.

Lu Mingfei had a hunch that the secret method of the virtual universe might become a bridge for mutual understanding between dragons and hybrids.

And to put it bluntly, it's still unclear what his identity is now?

After all, even Xu Chenzhou's information did not clearly tell Lu Mingfei what his origins were.

So Lu Mingfei also participated in it with great interest: "In this case, it's better to have a day than to choose a day. It happens that today is the weekend, so why not set the time for the party today."

Originally, the time for the next party was scheduled for Sunday of the next week, but since Lu Mingfei proposed it, Hong Yi and Zhang Junbao would naturally not refuse. Xu Chenzhou has been on vacation recently. He has been practicing at home for a long time and is naturally free at any time. Xiao Nannan, Shi Hao, Yang Chan and others have no arrangements, so the plan was quickly finalized.

Don't look at the group members laughing and joking when they are in the group, once they do something, everyone is vigorous and resolute.

After the plan was finalized, everyone quickly began to prepare various materials needed for the party.

Luo Feng took out a lot of specialties he bought from Qiulong Star from the cabin, and Xiao Yangchan took out various spiritual fruits that he had collected during this period from the storage ring.

Little Shi Hao rushed around in Shi Village with his short legs, and took the beasts he had just hunted from his uncles.

Xu Chenzhou also went out to buy food for the first time in a long time, and bought a lot of special foods from the supermarket.

Soon everyone gathered in the group space.

Since this gathering was a public event for the entire chat group, and some group members had exhausted their download quotas.

In theory, according to the rules of the chat group, no matter what the level of the practice is, a practice will only be counted as one download.

But the problem is that many of the books uploaded by Luo Feng are not actually part of the virtual universe secret method.

The real virtual universe secret method is actually only that stone tablet.

Many other books are prerequisites for learning the virtual universe secret method.

So the chat group directly classified the introduction books of different laws as a practice method. If you want to download all the data that Luo Feng just uploaded, you need at least 300 download quotas.

So after obtaining Luo Feng's consent, Xu Chenzhou temporarily lifted the download restrictions on the virtual universe secret method.

During this group chat, all group members can download books on the secrets of the virtual universe at will.

The atmosphere at the party instantly became lively.

After all, this is a rare opportunity to get something for free.

Speaking of getting something for free, who doesn’t love it!

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