All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 337 Let Heaven and Earth do it for you

Even Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but download a few more books introducing different laws in the group exercise space.

Although he has no shortage of download quota, prostitution itself can bring happiness.

The atmosphere on the field gradually became silent after eating and drinking.

Because everyone is immersed in the process of studying the secrets of the virtual universe.

As they watched, everyone's expressions became more and more solemn.

Because this set of virtual universe secrets is too profound.

The complexity of the various structures is far beyond everyone's imagination.

If you want to construct a virtual universe in reality, the first thing you need to do is to reproduce a universe model that is similar to the laws of the real world.

This is extremely difficult, extremely difficult.

To achieve this, one must understand more than 80% of the laws of the entire universe. Only then can one have the opportunity to build a virtual universe model.

This is also the reason why among so many of the strongest people in the universe who have swallowed the world, no one has ever been able to reproduce the secret method of the virtual universe of the original ancestor.

Even the strongest people in the universe do not understand more than 80% of all the laws of the original universe. The only ones who can do this are the original ancestors who are considered to be geniuses.

Xu Chenzhou closed his eyes to deduce, and a virtual shadow of the original universe model appeared in front of him.

Laws are criss-crossed and nested into a miniature universe.

Countless spiritual thoughts intertwined in his mind, thoughts spurted out one after another, and even his mental power began to burn, constantly accelerating Xu Chenzhou's thinking speed, but no matter how hard he tried, the miniature universe that appeared in front of him It never takes shape.

Let alone taking shape, even a general framework cannot be built.

The completion of the universe he constructed cannot even reach 0.01%.

His current accumulation is still too shallow. Even if he once witnessed the creation and destruction of the universe in the eyes of Master Tongtian when he understood the Zhuxian Sword Intent, such an opportunity was not enough for him to understand virtual reality. The secret of the universe.

Xu Chenzhou couldn't do it, and naturally others couldn't do it either.

Zhang Junbao frowned and looked at the stone tablet in his hand. Big beads of sweat dropped from his forehead. Hong Yi also had a serious face. Countless thoughts were flying behind him, constantly changing into various shapes. Everyone was doing their best. , but still can’t scratch the surface of the secret method of the virtual universe.

The members in the group are still too immature. It is still an impossible task for the current chat group members to understand the original secrets of the virtual universe.

At this chat group gathering, everyone unanimously turned on the time acceleration function.

Therefore, the time in the group public space has directly increased ten times.

The friends sat there for three whole days, and almost all the food they brought was eaten by everyone, but still nothing was gained.

Luo Feng couldn't help but shook his head and sighed and said: "No wonder the original ancestor told me not to be too obsessed with the advanced parts of the virtual universe's secrets. I only need to study the books on the three hundred bookshelves he designated for me. .

Sure enough, the original ancestor was right, the secret method of the virtual universe is still too advanced for me now.

Even thinking about walking without learning how to run is still a bit whimsical.

However, these three days of meditation have been of great help to me. "

As he spoke, Luo Feng stretched out his right hand and grabbed it into the air. A black energy field wrapped around his right hand with a strange wave.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou said in surprise: "Okay, Luo Feng! I didn't expect you to understand the realm so quickly.

I remember that when you faced the golden-horned giant beast before, your martial arts realm had only reached the level of the sixth-level Thunder Sword. In just a few days, you had made rapid progress and directly understood the realm.

After Thor reached the realm of the Nine-Level Thunder Sword, he was stuck in that realm for more than ten years before he further understood the realm under Hong's guidance.

If Thor knew that you understood the realm so easily, he would have to doubt his life. "

There was a trace of humility on Luo Feng's face: "My cultivation environment is much superior to that of Thunder God. The Master of Thunder God took so long to realize the power of the field because there was no one to guide him.

And I have the law books left by my original ancestors, so understanding the realm is a natural thing for me. "

Xu Chenzhou looked around again and then asked: "Except Luo Feng, did anyone else gain something?"

Xiao Shi Hao stood up: "Brother group leader, I seem to have realized the power of the domain just like brother Luo Feng."

As he spoke, Xiao Shi Hao also stretched out his hand. A golden light was wrapped around his two short hands, which was clearly the power of the domain.

Xiao Shihao then said: "Although this kind of power has different operation modes from treasure arts, they are basically a way of using power. Although I have not practiced genetic martial arts, I can still use it in this way. energy.

It's just that maybe because of what I just realized, my domain power doesn't seem to be as powerful as the domain power used by brother Luo Feng. "

Zhang Junbao nodded: "All Dharmas are universal and all aspects are changeable, so all changes are inseparable from its sect.

I discovered this after coming into contact with many cultivation systems in different worlds. Although the fundamental energies of these cultivation systems are different, the techniques of using energy are actually universal to a certain extent.

Just like the magic of Xiao Shihao's world, I can also reproduce some of them through the internal energy of Jindan martial arts.

However, doing so will not bring out the true power of these techniques because of the different nature of the fundamental energy.

Xiao Shihao, the reason why you can't bring out the true power of the domain is because the fundamental law in your body is the perfect law, and the energy you control is the divine power of the perfect world.

Since Xiao Shihao, you have comprehended the power of the domain, why not try to change it into a form suitable for the perfect law. "

As he said, Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand and slashed out a crescent-shaped arc of light.

A moon-like knife light flashed, and the palace on the full moon came to life. It was the great Qinglin Eagle magic.

You must know that Zhang Junbao's cultivation system is very pure. He has never practiced the perfect law and the sky-covering law. In addition to the soul and soul Taoism, the only extraordinary power he cultivated was the Jindan martial arts he created.

"Using different energy systems to drive the techniques of other cultivation systems, it is necessary to adjust the details of the techniques to adapt to the differences between the root energies.

If I can't completely absorb and use it, then it's better not to use it.

To be honest, I spent so much time and only successfully modified this Green Scale Eagle Treasure into a version suitable for the Golden Core Martial Arts.

As for other treasures, I am still powerless at present. "

Hearing Zhang Junbao's words, Xu Chenzhou also nodded. He was also doing this.

After joining the chat group, he tried to apply the cultivation systems of different worlds into the framework of the combat body. In fact, Xu Chenzhou did a pretty good job.

The Caozi Sword Art, Zhuxian Sword Intention, Nine Yang Magic Art and other magical skills from different worlds have been transformed into a part of his combat body system by him, and can continue to become stronger as his martial arts skills grow.

After Xiao Shihao spoke, several group members spoke one after another.

They all benefited a lot from their comprehension in the past few days.

It's just that their gains were not to comprehend the power of the domain, but to enhance their understanding of the laws with the help of the books left by the original ancestors, thereby improving their own cultivation methods and tricks.

For example, Lu Mingfei improved the seven dragon hunting methods he developed, making the seven dragon hunting methods more powerful. Powerful.

However, so far, no one has proposed how to replicate the secret method of the virtual universe in different worlds.

Xu Chenzhou saw that no one spoke, so he stood up.

In fact, he already had an immature idea about how to replicate the secret method of the virtual universe.

However, it is still difficult to perfect this idea for the time being, so he wanted to learn from other group members to improve his idea, so he didn't say it immediately.

However, everyone's research is now in trouble, and it seems that his immature idea is needed to break the deadlock for everyone.

"I have an idea that we may have fallen into a misunderstanding. The ultimate purpose of the original ancestor to set up the secret method of the virtual universe is to seize the virtual universe.

It is precisely because of this that the original ancestor's virtual universe secret method requires the caster to comprehend more than 80% of the laws of the virtual universe.

After all, if you don't understand the laws of the original universe at all, then using the secret method of the virtual universe, let alone seizing the original universe, is probably just delivering food to the original universe.

However, our purpose is different from that of the original owner. All we need is to build a virtual universe that can be contacted and logged in at any time.

In this case, why should we work so hard to build the universe framework ourselves?

The existing universe framework is between heaven and earth, we just need to find a way to replicate it into the secret method. "

Hearing Xu Chenzhou's words, Zhang Junbao's eyes lit up: "The group leader is right, I understand the heart of heaven with my heart, my heart is like a mirror, and the world is naturally in my heart.

In this way, we only need to reflect the universe in our hearts, and we can build the corresponding universe model.

However, there are many problems to be solved in this case, such as how to imprint the universe in our hearts, and where does the energy of the virtual universe come from? "

Hong Yi waved his hand: "These are all small problems. As long as we can bypass the prerequisite of understanding 80% of the rules of the universe, everything else can be solved.

I understand the heart of heaven with my heart. I remember that there is a Taoist technique in my library that can do it. ”

As he spoke, Hong Yi stretched out his hand and downloaded a Taoist technique [Heavenly Ghost Slaughtering Demons and Shining Heart Mirror] from the group technique space.

“This Taoist technique can transform one’s own Dao heart into a Heavenly Ghost, slaughter the inner demon, and then turn the original heart into a bright mirror, reflecting everything in the world.

We only need to transform our own thoughts into a mirror when constructing a virtual universe, and then reflect the heaven and earth itself into the model of the virtual universe, and then we can complete the entry of the law.

However, if we do this, even if we really construct a virtual universe, I am afraid we will not be able to obtain the authority to control the virtual universe like the original ancestor, and make various modifications to the virtual universe. We can only make it a mirror world that is the same as the original world. ”

Xu Chenzhou also nodded: "Well, this is the price of constructing a virtual universe by taking shortcuts. After all, we don’t really understand the laws of these universes. We just use the reflection method to record them into the model of the virtual universe, and naturally we can’t change the structure.

In this way, we may only have the authority to kick people and pull people into the virtual universe.

As for other permissions, we can only make changes after we have a deep enough understanding of the laws of the world."

Hong Yi spread his hands: "For me, being able to assume a virtual universe is enough. Anyway, my biggest goal is to use the virtual universe to communicate with a large number of middle and small worlds."

With Xu Chenzhou's idea, it seemed to inspire a brainstorming among the people present, and everyone put forward many useful insights around Xu Chenzhou's idea.

For example, Zhang Junbao solved the energy problem of building a virtual universe.

Since the law of building a virtual universe model requires heaven and earth to do it, it is better to let heaven and earth do the work of building the energy of the virtual universe.

The sky is clear and the earth is turbid, ghosts are yin and people are yang. Between heaven and earth, countless things have a relationship of yin and yang circulation.

So if you want to get the energy of heaven and earth for free, you have to use materials that are opposite to the nature of heaven and earth and are yin and yang to build a virtual universe.

In this way, heaven and earth are yang, and the virtual universe is yin. The moment the structure is completed, due to the law of yin and yang circulation, the energy between heaven and earth will naturally flow to the virtual universe, and then maintain the existence of the virtual universe.

This substance is extremely rare, but it is not non-existent. Only those who understand the Yin-Yang Law can sense this substance.

And Zhang Junbao happens to be this person who understands the Yin-Yang Law very well.

He wrote a method on the spot, which allows practitioners to collect this extremely rare substance.

Others also brainstormed, for example, Lu Mingfei made important suggestions on how to formulate the laws of the virtual universe based on the knowledge of the Word Spirit system.

In Lu Mingfei's idea, at the beginning of setting up the virtual universe model, the Word Spirit precepts can be buried in the model before the real universe laws are introduced.

In this way, in the process of the virtual universe taking shape, these Word Spirit precepts will become part of the virtual universe, thus establishing various rules.

However, the rules established by such means cannot be changed after they are established.

As time passed, the remaining seven days passed in a blink of an eye.

Everyone came up with more and more ideas, and the virtual universe secret method derived from the original ancestor, but completely different from the original ancestor's virtual universe secret method, and the virtual universe secret method exclusive to the chat group gradually took shape.

As the secret method of the virtual universe took shape, it also announced the end of this gathering.

Everyone left the group public space with great interest and returned to their own worlds, eagerly starting to try to build a virtual universe in their own worlds.

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