All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 338 Large Experience Pack

In the villa's meditation room, Xu Chenzhou sat cross-legged, with countless energies fluctuating around him.

He was practicing the magic method that Zhang Junbao had just created to collect materials with opposite properties to the heaven and earth.

Zhang Junbao named it the Yin-Yang Qi Gathering Method.

Seventeen days had passed since the last group gathering. During these seventeen days, Xu Chenzhou turned on the time acceleration function while comprehending the core architecture technology of the virtual universe secret method, as well as Zhang Junbao's Yin-Yang Qi Gathering Method and Hong Yi's Heavenly Ghost Slaughtering Demon Illuminating Heart Mirror.

In other words, with the blessing of the time acceleration function, Xu Chenzhou had spent 170 days.

It was not difficult for Xu Chenzhou to comprehend the latter two. It only took him about ten days to comprehend the essentials of these two techniques.

However, the core architecture technology of the virtual universe architecture secret method really stumped Xu Chenzhou.

The set of virtual universe secrets created by the original ancestor is really profound. Even if we put aside the part about the law of swallowing the world, the remaining basic techniques are still very difficult and obscure.

To be honest, if Xu Chenzhou wants to reproduce the core architecture technology of the virtual universe secrets in its original form, he really can't do it.

So he can only constantly modify the core technology of the virtual universe secrets and replace the parts that he can't do with other low-end solutions.

Fortunately, he has a chat group as an aid. With the help of the time imprint, Xu Chenzhou can continue to try and error.

Under this premise, after a full 160 days of attack, Xu Chenzhou barely managed to gnaw it.

Of course, during these 160 days, Xu Chenzhou also completed the fifth-level extraordinary body adjustment. Now as long as he wants to break through, he can break through to the sixth level of extraordinary at any time.

Xu Chenzhou is not in a hurry to break through. After all, the initiative is in his hands now. If he encounters a strong enemy that he cannot deal with with his current cultivation, he can break through at any time.

He can attack when he advances and defend when he retreats, so Xu Chenzhou is naturally not in a hurry at all.

With this initiative, Xu Chenzhou wanted more. He wanted to gather all the luck before making a breakthrough.

But planning the luck of the human race still needs to be considered in the long run.

For some reason, the spies of the Tianji Clan have been very quiet recently. Even Xu Chenzhou couldn't find this group of hidden rats for a while.

In order to find this group of rats, Xu Chenzhou made many attempts, but all failed.

This is also normal. If these rats didn't have such hiding means, how could they dare to come to Shuilanxing to be spies? I'm afraid they would have been caught by the officials of the Shuilanxing government.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou tried to build a virtual universe on Shuilanxing in order to catch these rats.

After all, the virtual universe is constructed in a way that is discussed by group members in a chat group. At the moment of construction, everything in the original universe will be completely reproduced.

In this way, no matter how secretive these rats are, as long as the virtual universe can be formed, they will no longer be able to hide.

Yin and Yang energies kept interweaving in Xu Chenzhou's chest, spiraling around each other, and then connecting to unknown places one by one.

As the energy between heaven and earth fluctuated violently, a gray-black substance slowly emerged in front of Xu Chenzhou.

This substance seemed to be invisible and could not be seen with the eyes at all.

But Xu Chenzhou's mind could feel that the substance had indeed condensed in front of him.

Xu Chenzhou did not hesitate, and countless thoughts gushed out of his mind, turning into hideous-looking sky ghosts.

These sky ghosts had green faces and fangs, and their arms were covered with diamond-shaped barbs.

With the appearance of the sky ghosts, countless tiny demons in Xu Chenzhou's chest were all killed, and then these thoughts turned into extremely bright mirrors in the air.

It was the mirror of the heart!

As Xu Chenzhou's thoughts moved, these bright mirrors combined together in the air, turning into an extremely huge and magnificent mirror of the heart.

At one end of the ancient mirror were the infinite things of the entire world, as well as the Tao and principles intertwined between heaven and earth.

On the other side of the ancient mirror, there was a void.

With Xu Chenzhou's operation, an illusory universe model was slowly generated in the void.

However, the universe model evolved by Xu Chenzhou looked extremely empty, like an egg, with only countless chaotic auras surging in it, and it was in a state of being about to open but not yet opened.

Evolving the universe into this state was already Xu Chenzhou's limit.

If he had not witnessed the scene of Tongtian Sect Master's four swords opening the sky through the Zhuxian Sword, he might not even be able to evolve such an initial universe.

After constructing the prototype of the virtual universe, Xu Chenzhou was not in a hurry to reflect the Tao and the principles between heaven and earth into it.

He still had a process to do, which was to engrave his own precepts on the virtual universe model.

Xu Chenzhou had already thought of these precepts.

Since these precepts cannot be changed after engraving, Xu Chenzhou must engrave a set of precepts that can run stably for a long time, so as to maintain the normal operation of the virtual universe in the future and ensure that it can be under Xu Chenzhou's control.

Therefore, Xu Chenzhou directly borrowed the rules of the Virtual Universe of the Devouring World. After all, the Virtual Universe Company was able to become the largest giant among the human race in the Devouring World. The set of rules they had figured out would definitely meet the requirements of long-term stable operation.

Then Xu Chenzhou added some of his own private goods, mostly login methods and GM privileges such as the right to kick people.

After completing all the preliminary preparations, Xu Chenzhou began to prepare to reflect the Tao and Law of the original universe.

Xu Chenzhou was still a little nervous about this step.

After all, this set of procedures was deduced by several people, and Xu Chenzhou himself was a little unsure whether it would work.

He once wanted to try it in the practice space, but failed directly.

I don’t know why the Heavenly Ghost Slaughterer Heart Mirror can’t reflect the Tao and Law in the practice space at all. I don’t know if it’s because these Tao and Law are simulated false rules, or because the level of the laws simulated by the chat group is too high.

Under the shining of the mirror, the infinite Tao and Law of the star field world are reflected through the mirror into the universe model on the other side.

With the infusion of these Tao and Law, the infinite chaotic energy in the entire universe model exploded.

How powerful is the Tao and the Law of the Star Domain Universe? It is the truth that has remained unchanged for thousands of years, and has bred countless existences of the Heavenly Venerable level.

Under the infusion of this level of Tao and Law, the universe model constructed by Xu Chenzhou is as fragile as tofu, and it is destroyed by the infusion of infinite Tao and Law in an instant, and becomes the appearance of the Star Domain Universe.

Then Xu Chenzhou saw that the infinite Tao and Law were constantly evolving in the interweaving of chaotic energy, and countless laws were clearly displayed in front of him.

Suddenly, a terrifying amount of information was poured into Xu Chenzhou's mind along his line of sight.

This is a scene of the opening of the universe, containing all the information about the evolution of the Star Domain Universe from chaos.

The amount of information transmitted to his mind at this moment, if it is stored by human equipment, its volume may be as large as dozens of galaxies.

Even if he has the Qingdi Wood Dragon Brain and countless thoughts to assist, Xu Chenzhou still cannot handle such a huge amount of information.

In such an information storm, Xu Chenzhou can only select some information that he can understand for processing.

But even so, it still caused a terrible burden on his brain. He seemed unable to bear such a terrible pressure, and two lines of blood and tears dripped down from his eyes.

But Xu Chenzhou was reluctant to close his eyes, because this was a rare opportunity. Infinite Tao and reason flowed in front of him, and every glance could make his understanding of the law of the Tao advance by leaps and bounds.

As the saying goes, if you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Although Xu Chenzhou was not so crazy, just the blood and tears in his eyes were not enough to stop his heart from seeking the Tao.

Unfortunately, the rules of heaven and earth in the star field world were too powerful. In just a few breaths, the chaotic energy in the virtual universe model constructed by Xu Chenzhou was completely eroded.

At the moment when the virtual universe took shape, Xu Chenzhou felt a terrifying suction coming from the virtual universe model. The illusory laws were extremely hungry and frantically demanded energy from his body.

Xu Chenzhou did not dare to hesitate at all and directly cut off the connection with the virtual universe.

If he hesitated for half a second, he would definitely be directly sucked dry by the extremely hungry virtual universe.

Are you kidding? This is to support an entire virtual universe, and the energy required is endless.

Even if Xu Chenzhou pulls in hundreds of stars for energy, it may not be able to satisfy the hungry virtual universe, not to mention his small body.

Without the supply of energy, the virtual universe in Xu Chenzhou's palm lost its color at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the endless universe and starry sky were constantly collapsing.

Xu Chenzhou didn't care about these collapsed universes and stars, but just focused his sight on a small dot in the virtual universe model in his hand.

This small dot is exactly the Blue Water Star.

Xu Chenzhou didn't want to eat a fat man in one breath and build a virtual universe that can cover the entire star field world.

This time he tried just to build a virtual universe that can cover the Blue Water Star.

So those collapsed universes and stars are not important to Xu Chenzhou. What really matters is only this small dot in front of him.

Xu Chenzhou stretched out his hand and grabbed the gray matter he had just gathered in his hand and injected it into this small dot.

Visible to the naked eye, it was like injecting color into a black and white picture. This small dot that was about to collapse and become illusory became extremely lively with the injection of gray matter.

It jumped out of the virtual universe model in Xu Chenzhou's hand and stood in the void in front of Xu Chenzhou.

Not only that, the gray matter in this small dot was still spreading, and then it vibrated violently in the void, and attracted a lot of gray matter from the unknown.

These attracted gray matter smudged the entire starry sky around this small dot, making them jump out of the virtual universe model that was about to collapse.

Xu Chenzhou roughly counted that there were about twenty galaxies and three hundred life planets in the starry sky smudged by these later gray matter. Even the farthest life planet was about to reach the edge of the battlefield between the Star Domain Alliance and the Tianji Clan.

This was a change that Xu Chenzhou had not expected. Originally, the gray matter he had condensed should only be enough to materialize the virtual universe of the Blue Water Planet.

Being able to collect the gray matter that materialized the Blue Water Planet was the result of Xu Chenzhou's full efforts.

After all, these gray substances cannot be preserved at all. If they are not immediately injected into the virtual universe model, they will dissipate in a short time.

I didn't expect that there would be such an unexpected surprise in the process of materialization.

It turns out that this gray substance will involuntarily attract similar substances when it is integrated into the virtual universe model.

In this way, if you want to materialize a virtual universe that can cover the entire star field world, it may not be as difficult as he imagined.

After being stained by the gray matter, the entire starry sky in front of Xu Chenzhou became more lifelike.

In Xu Chenzhou's spiritual perception, the energy between heaven and earth poured into the model in front of him like a tsunami.

And these illusory models also became larger and larger with the infusion of energy. Xu Chenzhou could feel that the water blue star model in his hand was slowly expanding until it perfectly overlapped with the real water blue star.

And those subsequent stained starry skies also continued to expand with the infusion of energy until they covered all the twenty galaxies.

Seeing this scene, Xu Chenzhou's eyes showed a trace of joy.

They succeeded. This virtual universe secret method improved by group friends is really feasible.

But the next step is the most important part.

Xu Chenzhou wanted to verify whether the precepts he had recorded in the virtual universe in advance were effective.

When the energy was infused, Xu Chenzhou had already taken the initiative to disconnect from the virtual universe. If the precepts he recorded were ineffective, then even if the virtual universe secret method really took effect, it would not be of any benefit to him.

It's time to see whether Lu Mingfei is reliable.

Xu Chenzhou made a rather complicated finger seal with his hands, and the energy in his body was also running in an extremely complicated way. This was the beacon he had set in advance to enter the virtual universe.

If the precepts he left behind can really take effect, then as long as he is within the coverage of the virtual universe, he can enter the virtual universe the moment he makes this finger seal.

In an instant, Xu Chenzhou felt a sense of weightlessness in his body, and then he entered the virtual universe.

After entering the virtual universe, Xu Chenzhou looked around and found that he really appeared in an extremely wide hall.

This is the virtual universe landing point he set in advance. All people who log in to the virtual universe for the first time will appear in this hall.

Next, Xu Chenzhou experimented with several administrator backdoors he had left in advance, such as teleportation without CD, summoning heavenly punishment and kicking people, and the ability to retrieve world information, etc.

Xu Chenzhou prepared a lot of backdoors like this, enough for him to have god-like abilities in the virtual universe.

After testing these abilities one by one, Xu Chenzhou's face showed a faint excitement.

With a wave of his hand, a virtual image of the water blue planet appeared in front of him, and on this virtual image, there were dozens of gray dots.

These gray dots were all spies of the Tianji clan hidden on the water blue planet.

At the moment of setting up the virtual universe, the virtual universe can replicate all the information in reality. No matter what means the spies of the Tianji clan use to hide themselves, as long as they are still on the water blue planet, they cannot escape the records of the virtual universe.

Being able to hide on the Blue Water Planet for so long that the Star Alliance was helpless, all this is enough to show the superb hiding methods of the Tianji clan spies.

However, facing Xu Chenzhou's completely unreasonable magical power, their methods, no matter how superb, will not work at all.

However, even Xu Chenzhou did not expect that there were so many Tianji clan spies hidden on the Blue Water Planet.

You should know that each Tianji clan spy is a quasi-god-demon-level strongman of the half-step sixth level. A total of dozens of quasi-god-demon-level strongmen are enough to directly defeat the Tianji clan.

If the government officials of the Blue Water Planet knew that there were so many Tianji clan spies lurking on the Blue Water Planet, they would probably be scared to death.

But Xu Chenzhou is different. Looking at these Tianji clan spies, Xu Chenzhou's eyes are only excited.

These are not spies at all, they are just large experience packs.

Xu Chenzhou dare not think about what kind of conspiracy they are planning on the Blue Water Planet.

But no matter what conspiracy it is, it doesn't matter.

Because Xu Chenzhou knew the methods of the Tianji Group, no matter what conspiracy they were planning, their purpose was definitely for the fate of the human race.

And as long as they were planning the fate of the human race, it would be a great thing for Xu Chenzhou.

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