All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 339 Kill those old men

Xu Chenzhou carefully observed the distribution of these dozens of black spots and found that they were mainly concentrated in three areas.

They are Huazhou Baizu Mountain, Nanlizhou Jiuxiao Dragon Island, and Beilizhou Tiancheng City.

Huazhou Baizu Mountain is one of the four secret realms of Shuilan Star.

It is a relic left by the Baizu Mountain sect that has long disappeared in history. The secret realm carries many ancestral spirits of Baizu Mountain. If you can get the recognition of these ancestral spirits, you may get the inheritance left by Baizu Mountain from them.

And Jiuxiao Dragon Island is also very familiar to Xu Chenzhou. It is also one of the four secret realms of Shuilan Star. Not long ago, the Cultivator Association wanted to invite him to enter this secret realm, but Xu Chenzhou refused.

Every time Jiuxiao Dragon Island is opened, it will last for a hundred days. According to the time calculation, the secret realm of Jiuxiao Dragon Island should still be open at this time.

As for Tiancheng City, it goes without saying that it is the city where Xu Chenzhou lives.

The first two places are the four secret realms of Shuilanxing. Xu Chenzhou can understand why the Tianji Clan is focusing on these two places.

But what in Tiancheng City where he lives can attract so many Tianji Clan spies to gather, which makes Xu Chenzhou feel a little confused.

But this is also a good thing. These Tianji spies gather near Tiancheng City, and Xu Chenzhou can just catch them all in one fell swoop.

Of course, Xu Chenzhou is also very jealous of the two groups of Tianji Clan spies from Jiuxiao Dragon Island and Baizumen. They are all his experience packs, and Xu Chenzhou doesn't want to let any of them go.

After knowing the location of the Tianji Clan spies lurking near Tiancheng City, Xu Chenzhou went out immediately without hesitation.

Xu Chenzhou didn't know what would happen if he condensed the virtual universe again and let the two virtual universes overlap.

Xu Chenzhou didn't intend to try this dangerous approach. God knows what the consequences of doing so would be.

So before leaving the coverage of this virtual universe, this is Xu Chenzhou's only chance to condense the virtual universe.

Now he has no way to monitor the information of these Tianji clan spies in real time, so he must take this opportunity to keep the whereabouts of these Tianji clan spies firmly in his own hands.

There are 18 Tianji clan spies lurking in Tiancheng City. Their hiding places are very bold. Except for three spies hiding in the wilderness, the others are hiding in various corners of the central part of Tiancheng City.

These hiding places can be said to be quite bold. Several of the spies even hid in various shops on the street of Tiancheng City Government.

If Xu Chenzhou had not found their information through the virtual universe, he would not have believed that they would choose such a radical hiding place.

While rushing to the hiding place of these spies, Xu Chenzhou opened the chat group and reported the experimental progress of the virtual universe secret method to the group friends.

After hearing that Xu Chenzhou had successfully completed the architecture of the virtual universe, and the functions of the constructed virtual universe were almost the same as what they imagined, the group friends were excited and everyone was very excited.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "Hehe, it's really me. If I were to reward people for their contributions in developing the secret method of the virtual universe, I would definitely be ranked in the top four."

Hong Yi (Lord of the Universe): "Mingfei, when did you become so modest? If I were to say, your contribution to the development of the secret method of the virtual universe would definitely be ranked in the top three.

If it weren't for the knowledge of the Word Spirit Disciplines you provided, we wouldn't be able to make good use of it even if we could build a virtual universe.

In my opinion, the group leader is ranked first, Junbao is ranked second, Mingfei is ranked third, and I am ranked fourth."

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "That's true, but Hong Yi, you forgot someone."

Luo Feng (Earth Lord): "Yes, Hong Yi, you forgot me. Although I didn't make any constructive suggestions in the process of studying the virtual universe, if I didn't provide the virtual universe secret method, where would you go to study the virtual universe secret method?"

Hong Yi laughed: "Luo Feng, what you said is not wrong. The main reason is that Mingfei just talked about the process of developing the virtual universe secret method, so I subconsciously excluded you.

During this period of time, the entire chat group You are the one who made the biggest contribution to the group chat.

But how did your title become Earth Lord, Luo Feng? I remember that you didn't register the ownership of the Earth on Qiulong Star, and didn't you leave Qiulong Star a few days ago? "

Luo Feng (Earth Lord): "I really didn't register on Qiulong Star. What's the point of registering who is the Earth Lord on Qiulong Star? It can defend against Nuolan Mountain, but it can't defend against the top leaders of the five major forces.

At the beginning, my performance and that of Hong could make the Giant Axe Arena send powerful people to explore the Earth and discover the secrets of the Earth.

And my performance in this timeline The discovery will only be more amazing than before, and I am afraid that the time when the earth is exposed will be earlier than the original timeline.

Those universe masters and universe masters don’t care who the master of the earth is. As long as they think the earth is valuable, they will find a way to hold the earth in their own hands.

In another timeline, I am a genius of that level, but I still can’t keep the ownership of the earth in the hands of a group of evil wolves.

So after I decided to meet the original ancestor, I didn’t plan to register through Qiulong Star.

In fact, I directly asked the original ancestor to use his authority to help me register the ownership of the earth.

Humph, this is one of the rewards that the original ancestor promised to give me.

I don't believe that with the original ancestor coming forward, there will be people who dare to snatch my ownership of the earth. "

It's not that Luo Feng doesn't want to rely on his own strength to protect the sovereignty of the earth, but the problem is that the value of the earth is too high. Before he grows up to be able to rely on his own strength to protect the sovereignty of the earth, he will inevitably attract the attention of a group of jackals.

By then, even if the Chaos City Lord personally comes forward, he will not be able to help him protect all the sovereignty of the earth.

It is necessary to cede the oceans of the earth like in the original timeline, and it may even be necessary to cede more territory.

The experience of the sovereignty of the earth being divided by the top leaders of the Human Alliance is definitely one of the most aggrieved moments in Luo Feng's life experience in another timeline.

Although Luo Feng knew that as long as his strength grew to a level that could shut everyone up, he could easily take back the sovereignty of the Earth, and the so-called ceding of territory was only temporary.

But if there was a choice, Luo Feng did not want to give up the sovereignty of the Earth even for a day, a second, or a moment.

Luo Feng then said in the group: "The two strongest forces of mankind are the Virtual Universe Company and the Giant Axe Arena, and the leaders of these two forces are essentially the disciples of the original ancestor. With the original ancestor standing behind me, those high-ranking human beings will never be able to touch the homeland that belongs to the human beings on Earth, no matter how jealous they are."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Then there will be a good show to watch!

If someone really wants to seize the Earth, and after he makes a move, he finds that the person standing behind you is the original ancestor, I don't know how wonderful his expression will be. "

Everyone chatted for a while about Luo Feng becoming the Lord of the Earth, and then Zhang Junbao came online.

As soon as he came online, Zhang Junbao posted a video.

In the video, Zhang Junbao's eyes were quite tired, and his hair, which was originally combed quite neatly, was now scattered, with a dishevelled look, and he did not look like Zhang Zhenren at all.

He stretched out his hand and kept trying to build the prototype of the virtual universe in the air, but no matter how Zhang Junbao tried, the prototype of the virtual universe in his palm kept collapsing and could not take shape at all.

Zhang Junbao (Lord of the New Dynasty): "It's too difficult! It's too difficult! It's really too difficult!

I have been studying the secret method of the virtual universe these days, but no matter how hard I try, I still can't break in.

How did you do it, group leader? It's only been eighteen days, and you have successfully constructed a virtual universe. ”

Xu Chenzhou is also very familiar with Zhang Junbao’s image. When he just started to study the virtual universe architecture technology, his image was also like this.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "I spent more than 18 days. Including the time of time acceleration, I studied for a full 180 days.

I see that Junbao, you should be getting started soon. Once you get started, the progress will be much faster. ”

Zhang Junbao couldn't help but smile bitterly: "No way! Group leader! How come you have so many group points? It's like you can't spend them all.

You should know that my group points have been spent a long time ago, and now I rely on daily sign-ins to get by.

And the group chat doesn't even provide us with a list of achievements. If we want to complete the achievements, we can only rely on luck. Is there any other channel to get group points? "

Hong Yi also said: "Yes, life without group points is really hard.

Forget about the localization of the skills. As long as you don't really practice, you don't need to use this function if you just use it as a reference.

And even if you really want to practice, it's not a big problem.

Now we are not newbies who have just joined the group chat. We can completely localize step by step through our own attempts.

But the time acceleration function and time imprint function are both rigid needs. I really miss the days when I just joined the group chat and had a lot of points to spend. "

Xu Chenzhou was also helpless about this. It was not that he did not want to provide convenience for group members, but mainly because he did not know any other channels to easily obtain group points.

The reason why he had more group points than his group members was because of his special identity as the group leader. Not only did he complete one or two more exclusive achievements than his group members, but he was also able to obtain group points by completing the cub growth task.

This topic instantly opened up everyone's chat box. There had been no new people in the group chat for a long time, so the points of the old guys in the group were almost exhausted.

Speaking of group points, everyone was very eager.

It was mainly the group functions provided by the group chat, each of which required a lot of group points.

Especially The time imprint function is an even more urgent need for several group members who want to break through the world limit by their own strength.

After all, without the time imprint function, they can't keep trying various possible breakthrough paths without any worries. It's too difficult to develop a new path by their own strength.

But group points are the currency of group chat after all. The channels for obtaining them are completely determined by the rules of the group chat. Even if everyone discusses a flower, there is no way to get an extra channel out of thin air.

In the end, Xu Chenzhou said: "Speaking of which, our group chat level has been stagnant for a long time without upgrading. Maybe after the upgrade, there will be new channels for obtaining love points in the group chat.

Even if we don't talk about the possible channels for obtaining points, the random crossing function that has been confirmed to be added will be of great help to us.

But it's not easy to upgrade the group chat, and we still need everyone to work together."

Xu Chenzhou looked at the group chat panel in front of him with a thoughtful expression. In fact, the conditions for upgrading the group chat have basically been met.

The reason why it has not been upgraded yet is mainly because of the last requirement.

That is, two group members need to complete the ultimate cub growth task.

The indicator for completing the ultimate cub task is that the cub completely breaks its own destiny or grows to the peak state in the previous timeline. So far, only Zhang Junbao has achieved this.

Xu Chenzhou does not like to interfere in other people's lives. Completely breaking destiny is related to the group members' own choices, so he does not intend to urge the group members to complete this goal.

If the group members were not so eager for points, Xu Chenzhou would not even plan to tell everyone about this.

After knowing that the group chat has upgraded the next indicator, everyone began to discuss how to complete this indicator.

At present, Han Li, Shi Hao, Misaka Mikoto, Yang Chan, Di Xin, and Luo Feng have the greatest difficulty in completing this indicator.

Especially Shi Hao, Han Li, Yang Chan and Luo Feng, they can't see the hope of completing it in a short time. Their world power limit is too high, and they still have a long way to go to cultivate to the peak.

Relatively speaking, it is easier for Xiao Nannan, Ying Zheng, Hong Yi and Lu Mingfei to complete the target.

Especially Hong Yi, who is only one step away from completing the target.

People like Yang Pan and Hong Xuanji have been dealt with by Hong Yi.

Now Hong Yi only needs to deal with the group of Yang Gods in the origin land, and then swallow the two old Dengs, Changsheng Dadi and Zaohua Daoren, and he should be able to complete the ultimate cub growth task.

However, this matter is simple to say, but it is not easy to do.

After all, in order to deal with this group of Yang Shen Lao Deng, Hong Yi must step into Yang Shen or achieve the realm of shattering vacuum.

And it is even more difficult to swallow Changsheng Dadi and Zaohua Daoren.

The more you practice Yang Shen Taoism, the more difficult it is, and the greater the leap in combat power.

Some ghost immortals are stuck in certain realms and it is difficult to break through in their lifetime.

However, Hong Yi practiced very hard during this period. In addition, Hong Yi had the cultivation resources of the entire universe, and he could easily obtain the Taoist secrets that countless ordinary people dreamed of. With the blessing of these conditions, Hong Yi's Yi Dao was almost taking shape.

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