All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 340 I want to blow up the dark quasi-immortal emperor's dog head

As far as Xu Chenzhou knows, Hong Yi has already written the last chapter of the Book of Changes. He only needs to complete the last bit of finishing work to write this masterpiece.

Hong Yi wrote this version of the Book of Changes by himself, without the help of other great scholars.

In addition, many group members also provided Hong Yi with their own understanding of the original Book of Changes. It can be said that Hong Yi's version of the Book of Changes was created on the shoulders of the original Book of Changes.

Once Hong Yi really finishes writing this Book of Changes, his accumulated insights may allow him to survive the nine-fold thunder tribulation in an instant, become a nine-tribulation ghost fairy, and even have the hope of directly cultivating into a Yang God.

Xu Chenzhou was thinking about who was more likely to complete the ultimate cub mission, and the group members also discussed enthusiastically. Everyone wanted to upgrade the group chat again to open more group functions.

Zhang Junbao (Lord of the New Dynasty): "According to the group leader, I am the only one who has completed the Ultimate Cub Mission in the group chat.

Come on, brothers, hurry up, I can't wait to experience the new features of the group chat."

Han Li (Seven Mysterious Doctors): "No, Zhang, why are you so proud here? It's because the power level of the world you were born in is relatively low. Even if you change to another world, you won't be able to pass it so quickly."

Zhang Junbao smiled and said, "Yes, the power level of the Yitian world is indeed the bottom among the many worlds in the group chat, but so what, it still can't change the fact that I am the only one who has completed the Ultimate Cub Mission.

Speaking of which, Han Li, why didn't you complete the Ultimate Cub Mission? Is it because you don't want to?"

Han Li had nothing to say to the proud Zhang Junbao. According to the rules described by Xu Chenzhou, if he wanted to complete the Ultimate Cub Mission, he had to at least pass the Spirit World and ascend to the Immortal World, and he might even become a Taoist ancestor.

Not to mention that his personality is more inclined to cultivate immortals, even if he really wants to fight, with his current cultivation of the Nascent Soul stage, there is still a huge gap between him and ascending to immortality, let alone becoming a Taoist ancestor.

Forget it, forget it, let's plant the land first.

His talent is not as strong as those animals in the group. If he wants to surpass them and make a comeback, he still has to rely on planting.

Xiao Shihao (the overlord of the virtual god world): "Brother group leader, how can I complete my ultimate cub growth task! I also want to help everyone!

But I have the least information in the group chat, so I don't know how to work hard."

Only Xiao Shihao was treated specially in the group chat, and the rest of the group members got information about their future, only Xiao Shihao's information was incomplete.

After all, Xiao Shihao's future was too bitter, and Xu Chenzhou at that time had no confidence in changing Xiao Shihao's future, so Xu Chenzhou deliberately concealed Xiao Shihao's future, wanting Xiao Shihao to have a happy childhood.

But now, with the rapid development of the chat group, the cultivation of the group members in the group chat has increased by leaps and bounds. Judging from the current progress of the group members, when Xiao Shihao needs to make decisions for eternity in the future, he must have many comrades around him.

Dark Immortal Emperor? A powerful sacrificial master? Like to bully the few with the many?

Let them see what a righteous group fight is.

That dark future is destined to never befall Xiao Shihao, and during the time he joined the group chat, Xiao Shihao's mind has also matured rapidly, and he has gradually become sensible.

Xu Chenzhou's mind moved, maybe it's time to let Xiao Shihao know his own future.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Xiao Shihao, I have sorted out your information, and I will upload it to the chat group later.

The future in that information is a bit dark, but Shihao, you must remember not to be affected by the information and the future.

You must know that we are always by your side, so even if the original future is dark, your future must be bright now."

Xu Chenzhou smiled again and then continued: "But don't worry about the cub growth task. After all, with the difficulties you will face in the future, it is very difficult to complete the ultimate cub growth task. Let's leave this matter to other brothers and sisters in the group."

Xiao Shihao was leaning on the wooden stake of Liu Shen at this time, holding a can of animal milk in his hand, drinking tons and tons.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou's message, Xiao Shihao was extremely excited and jumped up.

He turned his head to look at Liu Shen and said, "Liu Shen, the group leader brother is finally going to tell me the information about the future!

I am so looking forward to it. I wonder what my future will be like. Will I be able to become a super strong man like you, Liu Shen?"

The willow branches of Liu Shen swayed gently and brushed Xiao Shihao's head.

Then a cold female voice came to Xiao Shihao's ears: "I believe you, you can do it!"

Liu Shen had long been aware of the chat group. After Xiao Shihao kept getting all kinds of good things from the chat group, Liu Shen also roughly guessed what kind of existence the chat group was.

Liu Shen was already accustomed to the various magical things shown by the chat group.

Even when Xiao Shihao told Liu Shen that he could get the information about the future from the chat group, Liu Shen did not doubt it.

Even she was a little looking forward to it, wanting to know what the future would be like deduced by the very mysterious group leader brother in Xiao Shihao's mouth.

Xu Chenzhou did not let Xiao Shihao wait for a long time, and wrote about Xiao Shihao's future on the spot.

With his current level of cultivation, recalling the memories of his past life is as easy as eating and drinking.

In just ten seconds, Xu Chenzhou compiled Xiao Shihao's future information and uploaded it to the group chat.

This information runs through the plot of the three parts of Perfect World: The Sacred Ruins of the Heavenly Shroud, and thoroughly records Xiao Shihao's miserable and tragic life.

After Xu Chenzhou uploaded Xiao Shihao's information, the entire group chat fell into silence.

The group members who were still enthusiastically discussing how to upgrade the chat group as soon as possible were all attracted by Xiao Shihao's magnificent life experience.

With everyone's cultivation, it wouldn't take much time to read this information, but no one was willing to skip it at a glance. Every group member read Xiao Shihao's future experience word by word.

He pacified the chaos in the wilderness and killed seven gods. After he died, he resurrected again with his own willpower, fought against the foreign land, severely injured Anlan Yutuo, broke the Supreme Curse and became the Supreme, created the Heaven Covering Method, led 800 soldiers to sweep across the upper world and establish the Heaven Court, achieved the True Immortal, died again when he attacked the Immortal King, and resurrected from the burial soil, and finally became the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. He pacified the foreign land in one battle, fought three Quasi-Immortal Emperors, and finally successfully killed the source of darkness, and then he conquered the heavens with a sword, and finally achieved the sacrifice of the way.

In these two million and six hundred thousand years, there are countless sad songs, and he died and resurrected several times. The people close to him also withered. In the end, he went to the heavens alone and ruled the world for eternity, just to leave a perfect world for his hometown, leaving hope and seeds for the future.

Shi Hao had a very hard life. His three confidantes, Qingyi, waited for Shi Hao for 500,000 years and was later sealed in the bronze coffin of three lives. Huo Ling'er turned black and became a dark fire phoenix. It was not until two million years later that Shi Hao found her true soul. Only his last wife Yun Xi spent the longest time with Shi Hao. They lived together for nearly two thousand years, but she was also sealed by Shi Hao and fell asleep. They did not meet again until two million years later.

In addition to his confidantes, Liu Shen also died in the battle to help him fight against the three dark quasi-immortal emperors. His good brother Cao Yusheng also died in the battle and turned into a wicked Taoist Duan De. His grandfather, the Great Demon God, also died.

It can be said that Xiao Shi Hao has been losing and protecting in his life.

Although Xiao Shi Hao, who finally achieved the sacrificial path, has the strength to save everything, he has experienced too many joys and sorrows along the way.

Especially in the eyes of the group of friends in the group chat, Xiao Shi Hao is even more distressing.

Everyone has always regarded Xiao Shihao as the second favorite in the group chat (the first favorite is Xiao Nannan).

In their hearts, Xiao Shihao is a little playful, a little willful, but very kind-hearted little brother.

When they thought about how much this cute little guy would have to go through in the future, Yang Chan and Misaka Mikoto, two more thoughtful group members, couldn't help but want to cry.

Xiao Yangchan (a disciple of Nuwa): "Wow, brother Shihao is too miserable. These foreign fairy kings and dark quasi-immortal emperors dare to bully my brother Shihao like this. I want to beat their dog heads."

Xiao Yangchan choked and pulled out the Qinglian sword from his waist, took a look and then inserted it back.

If you want to beat up the dark quasi-immortal emperor, this Qinglian sword should not be good enough. At that time, you have to find a way to borrow Tongtian's Qingping sword to use, and Nuwa's red hydrangea and the map of mountains and rivers cannot be let go.

Misaka Mikoto's eyes were also slightly red, and a terrifying electromagnetic field was lingering around her. After practicing the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist, her combat power was terribly improved every day.

The electromagnetic manipulation ability and the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist are really a perfect match. With her current ability far exceeding level 6, she can easily push the magnetic field to 400,000 horsepower.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto was involuntarily pushing the magnetic field outside her body to rotate wildly. Electromagnetic waves were generated out of thin air, and terrifying electric currents surrounded Misaka Mikoto's body and turned into an electromagnetic vortex connecting heaven and earth.

Under the traction of the strong gravitational force, the clouds in the sky of the entire Academy City turned into a huge funnel shape, which was pulled and fixed by the electromagnetic vortex around Misaka Mikoto, forming an incomparably magnificent spectacle.

But Misaka Mikoto didn't notice how much of an impact she had made. She was just silently thinking in her heart, if she could push the Sea Tiger Explosion Fist to the level of one million or even one and a half million horses, could she fight against a dark quasi-immortal emperor and blow his dog head off.

Recalling the terrifying power of the strong who had reached the level of one million horses in the information provided by the group leader, Misaka Mikoto clenched her fist.

She could definitely do it, easily!

Except for the two female group members, the rest of the group members were also very distressed about Xiao Shihao's future experience.

After all, Xiao Shihao was the cub they watched grow up.

How could they let outsiders bully him!

Even Ying Zheng and Di Xin, who were still very weak at the moment, were filled with righteous indignation at this time, wishing they could lead the army directly into the perfect world.

Xiao Nannan (Yuhua Killer God): "It turns out that the Heaven Covering Method was actually created by Brother Shi Hao. As expected of Brother Shi Hao, he is so amazing!

But Brother Shi Hao's future is too hard. He has experienced so much alone. Fortunately, I will accompany Brother Shi Hao to fight in the heavens in the future and share some of his pressure."

Xiao Nannan's eyes are full of admiration. After she joined the chat group, the group member Xiao Nannan talked to the most was Xiao Shi Hao.

After all, the two little guys are of similar age and have more common topics.

And Xiao Shihao is also very good to Xiao Nannan. He was caught and taught a lesson by the old village chief many times for providing Xiao Nannan with cultivation materials.

The two little guys already have a revolutionary friendship like comrades-in-arms.

So when she saw Xiao Shihao's future, especially after knowing that she was involved in Xiao Shihao's future, Xiao Nannan was even more emotional. She really couldn't bear to see her brother Xiao Shihao live such a hard life.

Originally, Xiao Nannan's life goal was very simple, that is, to rescue her brother and then blow up the Yuhua Emperor and completely destroy the Yuhua Divine Dynasty.

For the previous Xiao Nannan, if she could do these two things, her life would have no regrets.

But after knowing the future direction of Xiao Shihao's life, Xiao Nannan silently set a higher goal, that is, to cultivate to the realm of the Immortal Emperor as soon as possible, and then go to the heavens.

The group members in the group reacted so strongly, not to mention Xiao Shihao himself.

At this time, he understood why the group owner said that to him before uploading his information, asking him not to take the future too seriously.

In fact, Xiao Shihao didn't care much about how hard his future experience would be.

Anyway, he still overcame all difficulties and defeated all enemies in the end, so he didn't need to take the difficult process to heart.

But watching his friends and relatives being sealed or dying in the future, Xiao Shihao couldn't help but feel pain.

Even though Xiao Shihao hadn't come into contact with many of these names at this time, he still felt a sense of sadness.

And among the dead was Liu Shen, which was even more unacceptable to Xiao Shihao.

Xiao Shihao turned his head to look at the willow tree he leaned against, with a sad and resolute look in his eyes.

He would never allow Liu Shen to be killed.

Seeing Xiao Shihao's eyes, Liu Shen's willow branches swayed slightly in the air, and a gentle voice sounded in Shihao's mind: "Little guy, what's wrong with you, why do your eyes suddenly become so heavy."

Xiao Shihao did not intend to tell Liu Shen what would happen in the future, nor did he intend to let Liu Shen bear this future.

Because even if Willow God knew about these things, he would not be able to avoid them. If he was not strong enough, as long as the three dark quasi-immortal emperors attacked, Willow God would still sacrifice himself for him. The only one who could change all this was himself.

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