All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 341 The justice of splitting the mountain to save the mother

Xiao Shihao did not intend to tell Liu Shen about the dark future, and planned to bear it all alone.

He wanted to become stronger as soon as possible, so fast that he could accompany Liu Shen when she entered the boundary sea in the future, and so strong that he could blow up the three dark quasi-immortal emperors and the source of darkness.

Only in this way could he reverse Liu Shen's future of dying at the hands of Yu Di.

When Liu Shen saw that Xiao Shihao was not only unwilling to tell his thoughts, but also showed a resolute look, he instantly understood what happened.

As an ancestral spirit, Liu Shen had seen all living beings, and he could tell at a glance what ordinary humans were thinking.

And the little guy was too young, and almost all his emotions were written on his face, which was too easy to guess.

Although he did not want to tell Liu Shen about the dark future, Liu Shen still guessed the whole story from Xiao Shihao's performance.

The little guy's change must be because the person named Group Master told Xiao Shihao about the future.

And this future is probably related to himself.

The willow branches of Liu Shen shook slightly.

It seems that his future ending is probably not very good, maybe he died at the hands of a foreign strongman.

However, Willow God didn't care about this. When she went into the foreign land alone, she had already put life and death aside.

She was an ancestral spirit, born to protect the creatures of the nine heavens and ten earths.

And she believed that even if she died, she would definitely fight the enemy and make them pay a painful price.

Willow God's mind looked at the little guy gently.

She believed that the little guy would become a great figure in the future.

With the little guy inheriting her mantle, even if she died in the battle with the foreign land, the little guy could inherit her will and protect the creatures of the nine heavens and ten earths.

When Willow God came back to her senses, she found that the heavy look on Xiao Shihao's face had subsided a lot. He walked aside and began to practice the Six Paths of Reincarnation Heavenly Skill silently, devoting himself to cultivation.

The earthenware jar of beast milk that he had just held in his hand was placed by Shi Hao on the open space next to the willow tree. There was still one-third of beast milk left in the jar.

This had never happened before.

With the character of the little guy, he usually takes tons of animal milk. If his tongue is not long enough, he would probably lick the animal milk at the bottom of the earthenware jar clean. He has never left any animal milk.

Seeing this scene, Willow God did not say much, but each of her willow branches emitted a green light, constantly absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon from the sky and the earth to speed up the recovery of her injuries.

Seeing that the little guy was so motivated to reverse the future, Willow God could not help but be driven by the little guy's enthusiasm and devote himself to cultivation.

She would not watch the little guy work hard to save his future alone.

Everyone was still chatting in the group about Xiao Shihao's future experience, and they were indignant for Xiao Shihao. As they chatted, they found that Xiao Shihao had not spoken for a long time. After checking Xiao Shihao's status bar, they found that Xiao Shihao was offline.

Normally, no matter how busy the little baby is, he will hang a few divine thoughts to water the group, and rarely go offline to practice like this.

Everyone knew that Xiao Shihao was stimulated by the information Xu Chenzhou sent to the group, and now he is probably working hard to cultivate and become stronger.

Seeing this, everyone realized how much impact this information had on Xiao Shihao.

But this is understandable.

After all, among all the people in the entire group chat, Xiao Shihao is the only one who faces the most miserable and difficult future.

Most of the futures of other group members are bitter first and sweet later. They only need to solve the current troubles and have a smooth life in the future.

Even if it is Emperor Xin who has the most miserable future, the enemies he has to face are much weaker than Xiao Shihao.

In the world view of Wu Geng Ji, Hei Longtian is indeed strong enough, and can even be called invincible.

But if Hei Longtian is thrown into the perfect world, he may not even be able to get a small role.

Any Supreme Realm of the Perfect World or the Great Emperor of the Covering Heaven World can crush Hei Longtian with one finger.

Xu Chenzhou also let out a long sigh.

He knew that after telling Xiao Shihao the information, it was equivalent to ending Xiao Shihao's innocent childhood.

In fact, the person who practices the least hard in the entire group chat is Xiao Shihao.

This is not to say that Xiao Shihao is not working hard enough.

Xiao Shihao's hard work in practicing is enough to crush all his peers in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

But compared with a group of practice madmen in the group, Xiao Shihao is still a little bit behind.

Whether it is Xiao Nannan who bears the life and death of her brother, or Hong Yi who is eager to reach the other side and take the world away, or Di Xin who is facing the pressure of Black Dragon Sky and is determined to do his best to liberate the people of Da Shang, or Yang Chan who knows that her mother is trapped under Taoshan, the efforts of these people have reached a perverted level.

Xiao Shihao still has a lot of entertainment activities besides practicing, such as playing with friends in the same village, or following Maoqiu to explore the Great Wilderness, or chatting with Liu Shen beside her. And almost all other group members are under pressure or mission, so they dare not relax for a moment.

Even the most indifferent Xu Chenzhou has become a practice madman under the pressure of the Tianji Clan. He has not been exposed to the novel games and other entertainment methods in the Star Domain World for a long time.

However, these are just the previous situations. With Xiao Shihao's personality, after knowing the future, his life will definitely not return to the previous state.

Xu Chenzhou dared to assert that from now on, Xiao Shihao's cultivation will definitely not be as difficult as that of other people in the group.

When he passed this information to little Shi Hao, he knew that the cute little baby would no longer exist from now on, and the person who would be online from now on would be the young Emperor Shi Hao!

However, Xu Chenzhou did not regret this decision.

Before, he was not sure whether everyone had the hope of helping Shi Hao, so he decided to conceal it temporarily.

Now that he can be sure that Shi Hao's miserable future will be solved in the future, he should accompany Shi Hao to face it together, and there is no need to escape.

After seeing Shi Hao offline, the direction of discussion in the group chat returned to how to upgrade the chat group again as soon as possible.

Hong Yi (Lord of Daqian): "At present, the people who are most likely to complete the ultimate cub growth task in a short period of time should be me and Lu Mingfei.

There will be no big waves on my side, but the problem is that I still need some time.

According to my own estimation, I will be able to survive the nine-fold thunder tribulation in about a month, but I can't estimate the time required to break through the nine-fold thunder tribulation to the Yang God realm.

Maybe it only takes a moment, or it may take a long time.

After all, my mentality and ideas are completely different from those in the original timeline, and the opportunity to step into the Yang God is extremely idealistic, so I don't estimate it.

As for Ming Fei, the plot is relatively simple. With his current strength, he is enough to face those lingering dragon kings.

Even Odin and others in their prime are not invincible to Ming Fei now.

But there is another problem with Ming Fei, that is, the information provided by the group leader is incomplete, so we can't measure the strength level of the Black King and the World Tree at the top of the dragon world, and we can't even be sure of Ming Fei's true identity.

This is why Ming Fei has been a student until now.

I guess it may be because of the influence of his hunter career, so Ming Fei The boy never fights a battle without preparation, and he will not make a move until he is absolutely sure.

If we really want Ming Fei to make a sweeping move, we must think in advance about what we should do if the black dragon and the world tree that are not detailed in the group owner's profile really appear and become Ming Fei's enemy after Ming Fei completes the plot of the Dragon Clan World. "

Little Nannan (Yuhua Killing God): "Brother Ming Fei, is it really like what Brother Hong Yi said?

No wonder you shout boredom in the group chat every day but never go looking for trouble with those dragons, it turns out that you are too steady. "

Han Li (Seven Mysterious Sect Divine Doctor): "Of course it is true, I have already I found that Mingfei's personality is somewhat similar to mine.

With the support of the group chat, our strength grows very fast. Every month, everyone's combat power will change drastically.

If you are not like me or Hong Yi Junbao who can't wait to face the crisis, then temporarily restraining your edge and accumulating strength is actually a better choice.

Store up food, build a high city, and slowly become king. This is the truth that never changes.

Since you can be sure of it, you don't have to rush for a while. You can make plans before you act. This is the right way. "

Hearing the discussion of the group members, Lu Mingfei scratched his head. He didn't think as much as the group members said.

It's just that his hunter instinct told him that the water in the dragon world is deep, and it might be dangerous if he showed up too early, so he kept his troops in place.

But since everyone has raised his image to this level, Lu Mingfei's personality will naturally not destroy his own stage, so he can only pretend to be aloof and did not respond to the words of the group members.

And Xu Chenzhou nodded silently after listening to Hong Yi's words.

Indeed, this point cannot be ignored.

Although the dragon world is real to the group members, since it will be reflected on the old thief, the subsequent development will definitely not be out of the old thief's habit.

With the old thief's nature, he will definitely want to give the audience a knife. The final boss that Lu Mingfei faces will most likely be extremely powerful, and he must risk his life and pay a lot of price to defeat it, so that he can better harvest the audience's tears.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Palace): "In this case, it is not necessary to regard Mingfei as a breakthrough. If it really doesn't work, let me try first.

According to the standards just mentioned by the group leader, maybe I can complete the ultimate cub growth task after splitting Taoshan to rescue my mother.

If this is the case, it will not be difficult for me to complete the task.

After all, I have the support of Master Tongtian and Lady Nuwa, and I have the identity of a saint disciple. The group of people in the heavenly court dare not do anything to me. "

Yang Chan is now a disciple of two saints. If she faces other forces, she doesn't need to take action just by her identity. Just a word can determine the rise and fall of one force.

But facing the giant Heavenly Palace, the identity of a Saint's disciple is not so useful.

The Lord of Heavenly Palace, Haotian, is the Heavenly Emperor appointed by Hongjun Daozu himself, representing the face of Zixiao Palace.

If any Saint's disciple can ride on the head of Heavenly Palace and pee and shit, or even ignore the Heavenly Rules, then what is the meaning and value of the existence of Heavenly Palace.

In fact, Hongjun Daozu of Heavenly Palace attaches great importance to it, otherwise there will be no Conferred God Calamity in the future, and countless disciples of the three religions will be listed to work hard for Heavenly Palace and serve as the pioneers of the Heavenly Emperor in the name of Calamity.

Although the catastrophe is a fixed number, the divine power of the saints can also affect the changes in the number of days. However, if it were not for Hongjun Daozu and the three saints to jointly discuss the Conferred God List, then this catastrophe might not be the Conferred God Catastrophe, but some other catastrophe.

Yang Qiang even secretly guessed that Hongjun Daozu attached so much importance to the Heavenly Court, most likely because the Heavenly Court was fundamentally related to Hongjun Daozu's Dao.

Yang Chan actually wanted to split the mountain to save her mother a long time ago, but unfortunately her cultivation strength has not yet reached the level where she can split the mountain to save her mother. If she really wants to split the mountain to save her mother, she can only send out the Qinglian Sword or use the original Jiudang Xuanhuang Divine Light.

But Yang Chan did not dare, and could not sacrifice the Qinglian Sword.

She is the daughter of Yao Ji, and splitting the mountain to save her mother is naturally just.

No matter where she learned her skills, as long as she relied on her real skills to split the mountain to save her mother, it would not be a problem.

Even if the Heavenly Court wanted to investigate, there was no way to investigate, as the operability here was too high.

At worst, Master Tongtian could expel her from the sect first, and then take her back after the matter was settled. With a casual operation, she could turn Jiejiao into a non-stick pan, and with the protection of the identity of a saint's disciple, no one would dare to retaliate against her in the future.

But using the Qinglian Sword would be different.

The Qinglian Sword was a gift given to her by Master Tongtian himself. Once she used this long sword to split the mountain, Jiejiao would definitely be inseparable from it.

Her doing so would cause a great cause and effect between Jiejiao and the Heavenly Court.

You should know that the Conferred God Calamity caused by the twelve golden immortals committing the killing calamity alone caused countless immortals of Jiejiao to be included in the Conferred God List after their death, and the Jiejiao, which was once visited by thousands of immortals, to be scattered.

It was obviously the sin of the twelve golden immortals of the Chan Sect, but the unlucky ones were basically the people of Jiejiao.

Being affected still had such consequences.

If she caused a great cause and effect between Jiejiao and the Heavenly Court, Yang Chan didn't dare to think about what would happen in the subsequent Conferred God Calamity.

But no matter what, compared to the difficulty of other group members completing the ultimate cub growth task, splitting the mountain to save the mother is relatively simple.

Yang Chan is already thinking about whether to reveal some of the foundation of the perfect method.

She is a genius who can suddenly realize the sword intent of Zhuxian when they meet. Now that she has studied the perfect method for so long in Sanqing Academy, it is not surprising that she has created a secret technique!

Anyway, even if someone doesn't believe it, she can always take out other perfect methods of the same level to prove her understanding.

Xu Chenzhou shook his head: "I don't have any objection to you saving your mother. After all, it's really hard to be pressed under Taoshan. It's of course a good thing to save Auntie as soon as possible.

But I am 80% sure that even if you rescue your mother, you can't complete the ultimate cub task.

After all, splitting the mountain to save your mother is your brother's job. If you want to complete the cub growth task for me, the situation you have to face is probably much more complicated than splitting the mountain to save your mother."

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