All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 342: Rapid changes, multiple lines in parallel

There are actually not many records about Yang Chan in Xu Chenzhou's previous life. The more famous ones are the identity of the Three Holy Mothers of Huashan, the Agarwood Saving Mother and the Lotus Lantern.

Among them, Agarwood saving her mother is not a big problem, but it is not that simple when it is involved with the lotus lantern.

The lotus lantern is an innate treasure. According to legend, it was transformed from the lotus heart of the chaotic green lotus. It is the weapon of the supreme Milo and has infinite power.

Yang Chan's innate connection with the Lotus Lantern meant that it was not easy for Yang Chan to complete the ultimate cub growth mission.

Yang Chan didn't care about this: "Anyway, it's right to let me try, just in case it works.

And regardless of whether I can complete the task of helping the group leader complete the growth of the cubs by splitting Taoshan, I want to give it a try.

The second brother's practice is too slow. It will take at least ten years until the second brother can practice to split the peach mountain.

I can afford to wait, but my mother can't. "

Seeing Yang Chan say this, Xu Chenzhou shook his head and said nothing more.

It was Yang Chan's wish to split the mountain to save her mother. At this moment, Xiao Yang Chan actually felt that he could do it, so he might as well let her give it a try.

Anyway, even if she couldn't split Taoshan, Heaven would not dare to do anything to her in her current status.

Hong Yi (Lord of Daqian): “Looking at it this way, if we want the group chat to be upgraded as soon as possible, this matter still has to fall on me and Mingfei.

But it was too dangerous for Mingfei to take action rashly. I was always a little uneasy because I couldn't grasp the information about the Black King and the World Tree.

Although logically speaking, the Black King and World Tree have long since died, I always have an ominous premonition.

During this period of time, I raided all over Daqian and found many powerful magic weapons from those aristocratic families and sects. Several of them were as powerful as the Seven Tribulations Creator.

If you don't plan to take action, you can pick one up and take it with you. It should be helpful to you. "

Han Li (Qixuanmen Divine Doctor): "Yes! It's useless for us to discuss so much, we still have to look at Ming Fei's meaning.

If he doesn't want to take action, we can wait for Hong Yi to upgrade slowly. Anyway, there is no rush to upgrade the group chat. "

Misaka Mikoto (Railgun): "My opinion is the same. The current group chat can provide us with a lot of help. There is no need to take risks and do uncertain things just to upgrade."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "So Mingfei, what do you think? Do you plan to continue hibernating?"

Lu Mingfei has been paying attention to the chat content of the group friends.

Previously, Lu Mingfei was a little shy because he was thought too high-minded by his group friends, so he never spoke in the group chat.

Seeing Xu Chenzhou's question at this time, he finally started to send messages with his mind in the group chat.

Lu Mingfei (School Beauty Killer): "My words actually don't matter. It's okay to continue to lie dormant. It's not a big problem to try to take action.

In the world of monster hunting, as a hunter, I often had to face prey that was far stronger than myself, so some risks were nothing to me.

I lived like this for eight full years, licking blood from the edge of a knife.

Including the time you saw me hunting the black dragon, I wasn't 100% sure before taking action.

A monster like the black dragon that can destroy a city is like dancing with death. If I make any mistakes in the battle with the black dragon, you won't be able to see me now.

To be honest, I don’t know who is stronger, the Black King or the Black Dragon, but the strength gap between me and the Black King now is definitely not as big as the strength gap between me and the Black Dragon.

I dared to take action against the black dragon at that time, let alone now.

Besides, we don’t know whether the Black King will be resurrected or not. Maybe I am actually the Black King. There is really no need to slow down the upgrading of the group chat for this kind of thing.

Moreover, even if the strength of the Black King really exceeds my imagination, isn't there still a chat group as a fallback?

Since we have to face it sooner or later, it's better to take action as soon as possible to find out the information.

Anyway, hibernating in another world is hibernating, so it just happens to be an opportunity to travel in another world. "

Lu Mingfei had a determined look on his face, and a hint of fighting spirit ignited in his eyes. His expression was the same as when the black dragon ravaged the entire continent and wiped out all life, and then he resolutely decided to stand up.

Lu Mingfei's expression stunned Su Xiaoqiang, who was looking back at him secretly.

For some reason, she always felt that Lu Mingfei was so handsome at this time, with a manly spirit mixed with iron and blood flowing through him.

This masculine temperament is different from the childishness of other people of the same age who pretend to be masculine. It is a temperament that has been tempered over time.

Xu Chenzhou nodded while sitting in the floating car. Lu Mingfei's choice did not surprise him.

After all, the Lu Mingfei in front of him is a monster hunter who has been tempered for many years. After eight years of hunting, Lu Mingfei has long been reborn. If he is not the little loser in the original timeline, how can he be as fearful of battles as a tiger.

But in this case, the group chat will be very lively in the next period. Not only does he want to plunder the spies of the Tianji clan, but Xiao Yang Chan also plans to cut down the mountain to save his mother, and even Lu Mingfei plans to go out and officially intervene between the dragon clan and the mixed race. war between.

Xu Chenzhou's brain was running rapidly. These three things all have certain risks. It is best to separate the time of taking action. This way, if something goes wrong, it will be easier for the group members to provide timely support.

While Xu Chenzhou was thinking, the aerial vehicle carrying him had already taken him to the target location of the city center of Tiancheng City.

This is the most prosperous place in the entire Tiancheng City, with tall buildings everywhere, and countless hovercrafts shuttle back and forth between the tall buildings.

And between the buildings, there are countless virtual projections, playing various advertisements in a loop, neon lights flashing, and colorful clouds all over the sky.

It can be said that the headquarters of almost all well-known companies in Tiancheng City are located here, and the city government’s office building is naturally located here.

Xu Chenzhou first took a hovercraft to circle around the city center for a few times, and carefully explored where these Tianji clan spies were hiding.

According to the information he just got from the virtual universe, there are nearly fifteen Tianji clan spies gathered here, and I don’t know what they are planning.

Xu Chenzhou knew that there must be a shocking conspiracy here.

You must know that fifteen Tianji clan spies are equivalent to fifteen half-step sixth-level extraordinary people. With so many strong people, this force is enough to push the entire Tiancheng City, but these Tianji clan spies are still lurking here, so the value of what they are plotting is definitely greater than the entire Tiancheng City.

After scouting the spot, Xu Chenzhou got off the hovercraft, and then hid his identity and entered the hiding place of these Tianji clan spies. He wanted to lock the current identities of all Tianji clan spies.

Although Xu Chenzhou could not detect the secret method of hiding of the Tianji clan spies, it was easy to reverse their identities after having the information provided by the virtual universe.

In addition, Xu Chenzhou had the location information of these spies in his hands, and the offensive and defensive situation was reversed instantly.

He walked around the work places of these spies for several times, not only was he not discovered by anyone, but he also left a back hand on them and locked all their locations.

After looking around, Xu Chenzhou was really amazed at the lurking ability of the Tianji clan spies.

These people hid in all kinds of strange places. Some lurked in convenience stores and became ordinary employees, some worked as technicians in beauty salons, and some even lurked in Xu Chenzhou's Baihe Martial Arts Hall. The most bizarre thing was that a Tianji clan spy, who didn't know if he had any special hobbies, actually joined the most prosperous nightclub in the city center, Baiyu Feicui Building, and became a hostess.

Moreover, when Xu Chenzhou found the spy, he was actually accompanying a drunk guest in the bathroom.

That scene really opened Xu Chenzhou's eyes.

These aliens were so good at playing.

What made Xu Chenzhou even more concerned was that when he walked in the city center, he always felt a sense of crisis in his heart, as if there was some threat in the dark that could threaten his life.

But no matter how he explored, he could not locate the source of the crisis.

Even if Xu Chenzhou called the virtual universe again to query the information at that time, he still could not find any clues.

After exploring a circle, Xu Chenzhou left with satisfaction.

Not only did he leave a secret method to lock the spy's position, he also left several monitoring methods from different cultivation systems on a spy who looked like a leader, including Yangshen Taoism, Honghuang Xianfa, and Yinyang Fangshu from the world of Yingzheng, etc.

He knew that these Tianji clan spies must have means to block monitoring, but no matter how powerful this method was, it was impossible to prevent all the monitoring methods from so many different worlds.

If it can be done, then the secret method of the Tianji Clan is too amazing. If this is true, Xu Chenzhou is willing to admit defeat.

After finishing all this, Xu Chenzhou did not rush to leave the city center. He planned to live in the Baihe Martial Arts Hall for a while.

In this way, even if he did not collect intelligence, and then the Tianji Clan suddenly launched a plan, he would have enough time to react.

When he walked to the door of the Baihe Martial Arts Hall, Xu Chenzhou suddenly realized that the Baihe Martial Arts Hall had become completely different from the previous few months.

At this time, the entrance of the Baihe Martial Arts Hall was crowded with countless students coming in and out, which was much more lively than before.

Xu Chenzhou recalled the many advertisements about the Baihe Martial Arts Hall that he saw on the road.

These students should have been attracted by those advertisements.

The people who placed the advertisements were naturally the two brothers.

Since the Qianyuan Yiqi Rice sold well on Shuilan Star, the capital reserves of the Baihe Martial Arts Hall have become extremely strong.

And the two brothers are nostalgic people, and asked Xu Chenzhou if he could take out 5% of the business income to the Baihe Martial Arts Hall as operating funds.

Xu Chenzhou would not refuse this, after all, this martial arts school is the legacy left by his cheap father, and it is also the biggest obsession of the original ancestor before his death.

If it can be established with just a little investment, Xu Chenzhou does not mind spending some resources on it.

With this huge sum of money in hand, Baihe Martial Arts School instantly became rich and powerful, and the entire city center was full of advertisements placed by Baihe Martial Arts School.

You know, advertising in the city center is not cheap at all.

Apart from anything else, the price of those virtual projections suspended between the buildings is an astronomical figure.

However, in front of the Qiankun Yiqi rice, which is considered to be a huge profit, even if only 5% of the income is taken out, these astronomical figures in the eyes of ordinary people are just a drop in the bucket.

And this income is not invested in vain. With this income, the source of students in Baihe Martial Arts School has become extremely rich, and people who come to buy lessons every day are endless. In addition, with the help of Liu Sanbian, the martial arts school has several more second- and third-level extraordinary martial arts coaches, which has made the martial arts school's revenue capacity also have a rapid improvement, and it is almost achieving a balance between income and expenditure.

Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but sigh silently. Sure enough, after having money, no matter what industry it is, it will become easier to do.

Seeing the owner of the gym coming in person, many employees of Baihe Martial Arts Hall became nervous.

They had never seen the owner since they joined Baihe Martial Arts Hall. Everyone was trembling with fear, wanting to leave a good impression on Xu Chenzhou.

And the Tianji clan spy hiding in Baihe Martial Arts Hall was also in the crowd at this time.

Xu Chenzhou didn't pay attention to the performance of other employees. His attention was all on the Tianji clan spy.

The Tianji clan spy lurking in Baihe Martial Arts Hall is now the front desk receptionist of Baihe Martial Arts Hall.

She was wearing a beige OL suit, with a pretty face and a gentle smile on her face. There was no sign of anything unusual.

Xu Chenzhou walked slowly into Baihe Martial Arts Hall, pretended to turn his head and look at the Tianji clan spy casually, and then greeted him.

In the process of doing this, Xu Chenzhou's soul power was fully deployed, carefully observing all the performances of the woman in front of him.

But she still did not reveal any flaws, her heart rate, blood flow were normal, and even her breathing rhythm did not fluctuate at all.

Only then could Xu Chenzhou be sure that the Tianji clan spy lurking in the White Crane Martial Arts Hall was indeed not coming for him.

After knowing this, Xu Chenzhou did not stay in front of the people for long, but walked quickly to the practice room in the martial arts hall that was reserved for him. He planned to live here during this period of time.

It happened that this practice room was not too far from the staff dormitory. As long as he was in the practice room, he could monitor the spy's every move.

He wanted to see what big things the Tianji clan was going to do in Tiancheng City.

Xu Chenzhou did not intend to stop the Tianji clan's plan, and he even hoped that the Tianji clan could be bolder, and it would be best if it could be big enough to let him grab all the human luck needed to break through the sixth level of extraordinary at once.

In the distant prehistoric world, Yang Chan was also making preparations to rescue her mother.

She was not an impulsive person.

Under the premise that the Qinglian Sword could not be used, if she wanted to split the mountain to save her mother, she had to be fully prepared.

The student dormitories of Sanqing Academy were in the form of courtyards, with six houses gathered into one courtyard.

Ordinary students were six people in a room, and there were thirty-six people in a small courtyard.

Yang Chan and Yang Jian were the main disciples of Sanqing Academy, so their current treatment was still very good, and each of them had a special room to live in.

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