All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 343 You can chop me if you want

Yang Chan and Yang Jian's rooms were very close, separated by only a wall.

Yang Chan pricked up her ears to check on her second brother's current state.

She heard the sound of a giant axe splitting the air from outside the courtyard.

At this time, the genius of the prehistoric world was just dawning, and the future Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun had already started his morning practice with the Xuanhua Axe.

The sound of the axe was chiseling, breaking through the air and chopping the moon.

Yang Chan only heard the sound of Yang Jian waving the Xuanhua Axe, and Yang Jian's vigorous and heroic figure emerged in her mind.

Yang Jian has not yet obtained the three-pointed two-edged sword that is the symbol of Erlang Shen, and the Xuanhua Axe in his hand is a treasure he got when he was traveling outside not long ago.

Although its power is not as terrible as the three-pointed two-edged sword in myths and legends, it is also a good magic weapon.

Yang Chan even suspected that the magic axe used by Yang Jian to split Taoshan in Xu Chenzhou's information might be this Xuanhua Axe.

Yang Jian would practice the fighting magic for about two hours every morning. After Yang Jian finished practicing, Yang Chan pushed open the door and walked towards her brother.

She walked to Yang Jian's side with lotus steps and took out a carved handkerchief.

"Second brother, you have worked hard in practice. Let me wipe your sweat."

Seeing his sister's sudden gentleness, Yang Jian was a little frightened.

This was different from the little girl's usual behavior. Since she started practicing, her sister has become more and more violent. It has been a long time since she was as gentle as before.

Besides, with his current cultivation, how could he sweat?

He looked at his sister and felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Xiaochan, do you have something to ask me?"

Yang Chan put away her handkerchief, looked at Yang Jian with shining eyes and said: "Hehe, you are worthy of being my second brother, you know me.

I think the set of fighting skills you just practiced is really handsome.

Especially this Xuanhua axe, shining with cold light, cloak and moon-slashing, it looks so majestic!"

Hearing Yang Chan's words, Yang Jian rolled his eyes speechlessly, and he stretched out his hand to flick Yang Chan's forehead.

"You little girl, if you want to borrow an axe to play with, just say it directly, how could I not give it to you, take it!"

Speaking of this, Yang Jian handed the Xuanhua axe to Yang Chan, and then waved his hand.

Yang Chan took the Xuanhua axe, then picked it up and looked at it carefully in his hand.

I don't know what material this Xuanhua axe is made of, it feels cold and marrow, and there are four big characters engraved on the axe: the axe of opening the mountain.

Seeing the words "Mountain-splitting Divine Axe", Yang Chan was delighted. This axe was indeed the divine axe that her second brother used to split Taoshan.

Since she decided not to use the Qinglian Sword, it would be good to replace it with this Mountain-splitting Divine Axe.

But Yang Chan still did not let Yang Jian go, because she knew that Yang Jian had a lot of good things.

She looked at Yang Jian with her big watery eyes and then grabbed his arm and shook it slightly: "Second brother, in addition to this Xuanhua Axe, please lend me the protective magic weapon that Uncle Yuding gave you some time ago."

This coquettish posture was learned by Yang Chan from the video on Earth. It is said to be a way of coquettishness that works every time.

At that time, Yang Chan secretly remembered it in her heart, and it really worked well when she used it this time.

Seeing her sister's cute and innocent appearance, Yang Jian immediately softened his heart.

"Okay, okay, if you want to play, take it and play!"

After that, Yang Jian took off a jade pendant from his waist and tied it on Yang Chan.

This jade pendant is the Dragon and Phoenix Mysterious Yuan Chapter, a protective treasure given to Yang Jian by Jade Ding Zhenren.

As long as you carry this jade pendant, a divine dragon and a fire phoenix will protect you. Once activated, it can block the full force of dozens of ordinary golden immortals, and as for the attacks of celestial immortals, it is basically immune.

"Second brother, you are so kind!"

After taking the jade pendant in his hand, Yang Chan waved goodbye to Yang Jian, and then flew up on the cloud.

The reason why Yang Chan borrowed these two treasures from Yang Jian was not that Yang Chan wanted to harm his brother, or transfer the cause and effect of splitting Taoshan to the Chan Sect.

The main reason was that Yang Chan really had no treasures to show off except the Qinglian Sword and the Jietian Talisman.

The two saints were not stingy people. They did not give Yang Chan other magic weapons because they felt that the Qinglian Sword and the Jietian Talisman were enough to protect the safety of little Yang Chan.

One of these two can attack and kill to protect oneself, and the other can shield one from the heavenly secrets and not be affected by cause and effect. Holding these two treasures is enough to travel through the prehistoric world.

If you really encounter someone who can ignore the existence of these two treasures, unless they give Xiao Yangchan the innate spiritual treasure, the result will be the same and there will be no change.

However, Xiao Yangchan did not intend to use the Qinglian Sword when she went to split the peach mountain, and she also knew that she would be blocked by the heavenly court. Without other magic weapons, Xiao Yangchan was also a little lacking in confidence.

After this period of practice, coupled with the countless spiritual fruits carefully provided by the Nuwa Saint, Xiao Yangchan's cultivation has reached the peak of the true immortal at this time, and he is only one step away from entering the realm of the celestial immortal. This cultivation is three realms higher than Yang Jian, which can be said to be a cliff-like lead.

This is the benefit of having a saint behind you. Almost every fruit that Nuwa Saint brought out can make ordinary mortals become immortals instantly. If she hadn't cast a spell to transform some of the medicinal properties to strengthen Yang Chan's immortal foundation in order to lay a good foundation, Yang Chan would have almost reached the level of a golden immortal.

After leaving Sanqing Academy, Yang Chan flew straight to Taoshan.

The distance between Taoshan and Sanqing Academy is not close. Even with Yang Chan's true immortal cultivation, it would take three days and nights to reach.

Yang Chan was a little impatient while flying.

Although she had been separated from her mother for less than half a year, she felt that she had been away from her mother for a long time. She wondered how her mother was doing after being trapped in Momoyama, and whether she was also missing her.

Thinking of the suffering her mother had suffered, the longing in her heart made her speed up the escape from the light. A sound wave broke through the clouds and flew towards Taoshan like lightning.

Ordinary monks, even those with true immortal cultivation, would not dare to fly so wildly in the sky.

After all, this is the ancient world, where real immortals are inferior to dogs and immortals are everywhere. If a monk with no foundation is so arrogant, he will be beaten.

But Yang Chan is different.

Yang Chan drove the golden light flying in the sky, and behind him were auspicious clouds and brilliant colors. At a glance, he knew that he was a Taoist man, with profound knowledge, and that he was an authentic disciple of Xuanmen.

It would be nice if someone like her didn't bully others, but who would dare to tease Yang Chan.

Yang Chan flew all the way and arrived at the foot of Taoshan Mountain very smoothly.

Yang Chan frowned as soon as she arrived here, with a trace of anger on her face.

"What a heaven. It's not just about killing everyone, but they actually dare to do this to my mother."

She raised her eyes and looked towards the horizon, and saw a faint fairy light appearing in the sky, treasure wheels turning, and even the sound of gold and iron ringing.

There is actually a group of heavenly soldiers and generals hidden in the clouds.

Yang Chan took a cursory look and felt that there must be no less than three thousand people among the figures. Almost all of the heavenly soldiers were true immortals, and the heavenly general had reached the level of a heavenly immortal.

In addition to this group of heavenly soldiers and generals, there was a terrifying sense of oppression behind the army. There should be masters hiding behind it.

This made Yang Chan feel the anger of leaving. Having arranged so many people, it seemed that Heaven really wanted her mother to be suppressed in Peach Mountain forever.

You must know that the Heavenly Court at this time is not the Heavenly Court after the Conferred God Tribulation.

After the Conferring God Measuring Tribulation, the Heavenly Court not only had monks from the three religions as supplements, but also absorbed many practitioners from other sects. During the Journey to the West to measure the calamity, it could easily send out 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals.

Before the canonization of the gods, Heavenly Court was short of manpower, and even daily functions could not be carried out well. Under such circumstances, such a large army could be deployed to guard Taoshan, which is enough to show the importance Heavenly Court attaches to Yao Ji.

Yang Chan looked solemnly at the heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky. Even she found such a large army a bit difficult.

What the Heavenly Court did was even more outrageous than when it suppressed Sun Wukong. You must know that a being like Sun Wukong who caused trouble in the Heavenly Palace was suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain, and there was only land, guarded by Wufang Jiedi and others.

And the heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky also noticed the girl who suddenly appeared at the foot of Peach Mountain.

In an instant, bursts of roars came from the sky, as majestic as the might of God descending into the world: "This place is the center of heaven, all the idle people are waiting to get away quickly!"

The moment this sound rang out, it vibrated in the air like rolling thunder, as if there was a thunder on the ground. If an ordinary mortal heard such a sound, he would definitely be terrified and run away in a panic.

But Yang Chan didn't respond at all, as if the thunderous roars didn't exist.

She stared straight at the sky, and then walked towards Taoshan step by step.

Following Yang Chan's movements, the roar from the sky became more intense: "Bold monk, if you dare to offend the power of heaven, leave quickly, otherwise five thunders will come and turn you into powder."

As the roar sounded, countless clouds in the sky also gathered together, turning into a dark cloud covering the entire sky. Waves of thunder kept flashing in the dark clouds, and the thick thunder dragon slowly condensed, as if it would emerge from the sky at any time. It looked like it was splitting down from the sky.

Yang Chan was not afraid at all. There was a sneer on her face: "You can chop me if you want. What nonsense are you talking about?"

Above the clouds, a general wearing a general's uniform had a stern face. He turned to look at the deputy general standing behind him and said.

“These disciples of the Third Religion really don’t know what to say, and they dare to be so arrogant in front of me with their mere True Immortal level cultivation.

It's not just because they are disciples of saints that they are so lawless, it's really abominable. "

The deputy general held a red-gold long sword in his hand, and his tone was a little cold: "Lord Long Tu, if it weren't for the profound heel and kick of Xiangyun Escape she wielded, why would we bother talking to her like this.

But she may not know that this is an important place that Queen Mother Xi personally ordered us to guard.

We reminded her in every way that we had already fulfilled our etiquette, but she refused to leave and instead walked up the mountain.

Since this is the case, it won't be a problem even if she is killed, Queen Mother Xi will naturally support us. "

Tianjiang Longtu nodded slightly when he heard what the deputy general said. He stretched out his hand and waved a token floating from his hand.

The token was purple-black, with a dragon and phoenix golden seal in the center that read the word "Thunder". Countless thunder lights flashed on the token, containing terrifying power.

The Heavenly General muttered words: "The Nine Heavens are universal, responding to all directions, and I sincerely invite the Supreme Heavenly Lord of the Infinite Invisible Thunder Department to come to the world."

As the prayers from the general's mouth rang out, the thunder on the token became more intense. There seemed to be some power gathered in the general's hands through the connection of the token, allowing him to temporarily control the thunder and control the world. The authority of all thunders.

Seeing this scene, the lieutenant general admired sincerely: "So strong, my lord, after you use this Leibu Great Heavenly Lord token given to you by the Queen Mother of the West, you temporarily have a trace of authority over the Leibu Great Heavenly Lord, which is enough for you at this time." He has the power to defeat the Golden Immortal.

Sure enough, it was right to join the Heavenly Court. The Godhood is indeed the best choice for ordinary cultivators like me who want to transcend.

Now that the Heavenly Court is in ruins, the Godhood of various departments is temporarily vacant, which is the best time for us to rise. "

When the Heavenly General Long Tu heard the flattery of the deputy general, he also showed a proud smile. He was also immersed in the extreme pleasure of mastering power.

"Yes, joining the Heavenly Court was really the most correct move for both of us.

The qualifications of you and me are difficult to cultivate into a true immortal, but joining the Heavenly Court can not only use the resources of the Heavenly Court to cultivate into a celestial immortal, but also have the opportunity to master the power of the Godhood.

Unfortunately, mastering power with the help of the token is only a stopgap measure. It would be great if we could plan to get a Godhood later. "

His sight reached out of the clouds, and countless lightnings outlined his facial features, as if a thunder giant was looking down at Yang Chan in the sky.

He looked down at Yang Chan, but if you look closely, you will find that there is a trace of envy in his eyes.

The status of the disciples of the three religions in the prehistoric world is superior.

Even the Jiejiao, which is known for accepting all the immortals, is not something that ordinary people can join.

The Taoist temple of Tongtian is on the Golden Turtle Island, surrounded by 800 billion miles of sea. The creatures who can cross this vast sea and come to the Golden Turtle Island must at least have the cultivation of a true immortal.

And from the light of Yang Chan's escape just now, Longtu has already discovered that Yang Chan's background is extremely deep, and she is definitely a genius cultivator with extraordinary talent.

With an opportunity to kill this genius cultivator of the three religions openly, Tianjiang Longtu sent I found myself getting a little excited.

Rumble, the thunder dragon in the sky turned into a lightning and struck down fiercely. The terrifying lightning split the void and tore the space.

This is the heavenly thunder in the power of the Thunder Department, which is specially used to punish those monks who violate the heavenly rules and commit unforgivable crimes.

Once this thunder sounds, even ordinary celestial beings will be instantly annihilated, and even golden immortals can only barely resist it.

Seeing this scene, Long Tu's eyes were extremely excited.

No matter what kind of genius you are from the three religions, you are just a chicken and a dog in front of my Long Tu, and you can't stand a single blow.

But at the moment when the lightning was about to strike Yang Chan, the thunder dragon seemed to sense some breath and actually hovered in the air.

Then, in the incredible eyes of the heavenly soldiers and generals, the thunder dragon actually intimately surrounded Yang Chan's waist and swam around her non-stop.

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