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Chapter 344 I have great merit, why do you want to kill me?

Seeing this scene, Heavenly General Long Tu had doubts in his eyes.

"What's going on? Why can't the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder that I control fail to hurt her? Could it be that as a disciple of the Three Religions, even the Heavenly Dao doesn't dare to send down the calamity punishment?

No, not possible.

I am not attacking a saint, I am just a disciple of the three religions in the realm of true immortals. How can I withstand the authority and power of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Lei Department? "

Although Long Tu was confused, his movements were not slow at all. The Thunder Authority Token in his hand emitted thousands of colorful lights, looming in the air, and actually merged into his body.

"It seems that this person should have a magic weapon close to him that can avoid thunder disasters.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a disciple of the three religions. This kind of grounded person is different from the grassroots like us.

But so what, I am the Heavenly General personally sealed by the Heavenly Court, in charge of the authority token of the Ministry of Thunder, acting on behalf of Heaven, and eradicating all evil spirits.

How can a mere magic weapon be compared with the power of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department? "

When he thought that Yang Chan, who was only a true immortal, could possess such a precious treasure, Long Tu couldn't help but feel jealousy in his heart.

He was also a true immortal before joining Tianting.

In order to become a true immortal, he has gone through countless tribulations. Starting from a mortal with average qualifications, he has gone through all kinds of hardships that ordinary people can't even imagine, and only then can he become a true immortal.

I originally thought that after becoming a true immortal, he would be able to leap across the ocean and swim freely across the world.

But what Ling Long Tu didn't expect was that in the world of immortality in the ancient world, the true immortal was at the top of the food chain. Everyone could bully him, and any demon king who ran out of the corner could ride on his head and shit. Urine. In particular, there are some disciples of the sect who have not yet become immortals but are still able to trample him under their feet with their powerful magic weapons.

After becoming a True Immortal, his life was not only the same as before, but it also made him more deeply aware of the difference between a grassroots like himself and a sect disciple.

So when Heavenly Court began to recruit people, Long Tu made a prompt decision and became the first batch of true immortals to join Heavenly Court. He used this as a springboard to become the confidant of the Queen Mother of the West, and had a fairly good position in Heavenly Court.

After becoming a Heavenly General, Long Tu felt that he was completely different from before. The disciples of the sect who used to bully him wantonly could only nod and bow down when they saw him, completely losing their previous arrogance.

In addition, he also used various resources in heaven to refine his immortal body and improve his qualifications by leaps and bounds, making him not inferior to the true disciples of the top sects. This made Long Tu feel that he had become a person above all others.

But there are still a group of people who still look down upon him.

That is the children of the three religions.

Not to mention they nodded and bowed to him like the disciples of the three sects, the disciples of the three sects didn't even bother to look at him.

An ordinary general like him is a transparent person in the eyes of the disciples of the three religions.

At this time, he saw that Yang Chan was a disciple of the three religions and could hold such a precious magic weapon. She was simply the person he hated most in Long Tu's life.

The thunderous faces in the sky were glaring with anger, countless thunders spread among the clouds, and the thunder and lightning sparks reflected on the faces made the entire sky brighter.

After completely integrating the token of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department, Long Tu's control over the authority of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department has reached a new level, almost possessing the power of the real incarnation of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department.

He shouted loudly, bursts of thunder came from the sky, and then a pair of thunderous hands broke through the clouds.

This pair of big hands covered the sky, and countless thunderbolts criss-crossed, covering the sky.

The big hand pressed hard, and countless thunderbolts moved accordingly, turning into thunder dragons that kept swimming around the big hand.

The law of thunder and lightning also manifested, and countless terrifying thunders of different properties evolved.

Shangqing Jade Sky Thunder, Jiuxiao Demon-Suppressing God Thunder, Creation Evolution God Thunder, Nine Nether Demon Blood Thunder, Heavenly Tribulation Thunder.

Every thunderbolt contains terrifying power that can destroy a peak immortal.

Such a scene is simply devastating.

Even if it were a small world facing this palm, it would not be able to withstand its power.

Seeing how terrifying Heavenly General Long Tu's attack was, the three thousand Heavenly Soldiers behind him shouted in unison.

"The great power of God, control the thunder, slay demons and demons, and promote my divine power.

Exalt my power! "

The roars of countless true immortals merged into one, and the terrifying sound waves even overshadowed the rolling thunder in the sky.

Under the big hand of thunder and lightning, I am afraid that the whole world will be wiped out in an instant.

This is the full blow of the Heavenly General who has taken charge of the power of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department.

The terrifying thunder and lightning hand descended from the sky, and the fingertips controlling countless thunder were about to prick Yang Chan.

Faced with this terrifying blow, Yang Chan did not panic at all, and even thought of teasing the thunder and lightning dragon that kept swimming around her.

Just between the lightning and flint, the terrifying hand of thunder and lightning suddenly disintegrated, as if the snow met the scorching sun, turning into streaks of lightning and dissipating in the air.

What was going on? Heavenly General Long Tu was confused, and the three thousand heavenly soldiers behind him were even more stunned, unable to understand what was happening at all.

But Yang Chan showed a sneer.

If this lightning strike was really compacted, even the defensive magic weapon Longfeng Xuanyuanzhang he borrowed from his second brother would not be able to withstand it.

After all, this is a blow that relies on the authority of the Great Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department. Its power may have touched the peak of the Golden Immortal, and its power is enough to destroy the small world.

But Xiao Yangchan had seen through Longtu's true and false long before he made his move, and knew that he could launch such a terrifying attack with the help of the power of the god position.

Each god position in the heaven has its corresponding scope of authority. For example, the power of the Thunder Department Great Heavenly Venerable is to control all the thunder in the world, eliminate demons and evil, and clarify the universe. As long as you can obtain this power, you can instantly have the combat power of Taiyi Jinxian.

Of course, the token in the hand of Tianjiang Longtu only contains a small part of the power of the Thunder Department Great Heavenly Venerable, which is not as terrifying as that.

But to put it bluntly, the reason why the power of the god position has such terrifying power is that it comes from the gift of heaven.

The power of the god position is entrusted by heaven, which is an extension of the power of heaven, and it is also the support given by heaven to the heaven to control the world.

But who is Xiao Yangchan?

She is a post-natal merit saint body, with the merit of opening up a new way for the prehistoric world. With such terrifying merit, Xiao Yangchan can be called the daughter of the prehistoric heaven.

This kind of divine authority bestowed by the Heavenly Dao is not very useful for people with great merits. For example, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in the Fire Cloud Cave can directly ignore the authority of the gods, not to mention Xiao Yangchan, whose attack on the prehistoric Heavenly Dao is far higher than that of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

Not to mention that Longtu only temporarily took over the authority of the Thunder Department Great Heavenly Venerable with the help of the token, even if Haotian personally appointed him, the real Thunder Department Great Heavenly Venerable recognized by the Heavenly Dao could not use his authority to punish Xiao Yangchan.

This is also the reason why Xiao Yangchan was so calm in the face of the Heavenly Dao Tribulation Thunder.

She had learned about this in the Sanqing Academy a long time ago. After discovering that the other party used the divine authority, she was too lazy to react and just walked calmly towards the mountain.

Xiao Yangchan was calm, but the Heavenly General Longtu could not be calm.

The divine authority was actually invalid?

This was the trump card that the Queen Mother of the West left for him in order to completely suppress Fairy Yaoji.

Now that the power of the divine throne has expired, he must personally face the disciple of the three religions who has come up the mountain.

To be honest, although he hates the disciples of the three religions in his heart, he still doesn't want to appear in front of them in person.

This is certainly not because he is afraid of Yang Chan. In Longtu's view, Yang Chan is just a small true immortal, and Longtu has already reached the peak of the celestial immortal.

The gap between the realms after becoming an immortal is different from that of a mortal.

The gap between a true immortal and a celestial immortal is a world of difference. One has just broken through the immortal realm and shed his mortal body, while the other has begun to control all kinds of laws and even has the ability to open up a small world in the chaos.

The main reason for this is that Longtu doesn't want to personally attack the disciples of the three religions.

Because of his duties, if he kills little Yang Chan with the power of the divine throne, then the cause and effect of killing Yang Chan will be borne by the throne of the Thunder Department Great Heavenly Venerable. But if he personally takes action against little Yang Chan, then everything will be completely different, and the cause and effect of the entanglement with the disciples of the three religions will be directly tied to him.

The current situation is completely putting him on the fire.

After all, he received the order from the Queen Mother of the West. If he doesn't take action at this moment, he will not have a good result even if he can return alive.

Just as he was hesitating, the deputy general beside him exclaimed.

"I have seen the appearance of this little girl before!

This person is a Class B wanted criminal in the Heavenly Court, Yang Chan, the daughter of Fairy Yao Ji. The Queen Mother of the West once issued a death order that Yang Chan must be captured!"

Hearing this, Long Tu was shocked.

What, this disciple of the three religions who came to the mountain was actually Yang Chan, the daughter of Fairy Yao Ji.

The wanted criminals in the Heavenly Court are divided into four levels: A, B, C, and D. Among them, the Class C wanted criminals are those great demon kings who are dominating the world and causing trouble to one side, and the Class B wanted criminals are some great immortals who have sentenced the Heavenly Court. Only those who have the ability to subvert the foundation of the Heavenly Court can be called Class A wanted criminals.

Although Yang Chan is only a Class B wanted criminal, catching a Class B wanted criminal is enough to get a very generous reward, which will definitely make all the heavenly soldiers and generals salivate.

And Yang Chan and Yang Jian, the two siblings, are even more incredible. They are Class A wanted criminals that the Queen Mother of the West has ordered to be caught.

If Yang Chan can be caught, the generous reward is simply unimaginable, and he can even get rid of the embarrassing position of a heavenly general and become a famous immortal god listed in the immortal strategy in the heavenly court.

You must know that once you are listed in the immortal strategy, you can have immortal roots, and you can also truly master the power of the god position. From then on, you will share the prosperity and decline with the heavenly court. The status is completely different from that of a heavenly general like him who is only a heavenly soldier.

Longtu weighed the pros and cons in his heart. It is indeed a big cause and effect to deal with the disciples of the three religions head-on. It is very likely that he will conflict with some disciples of the three religions in the future.

But the problem is that the benefits of this matter are too great, so great that he can't control himself at all.

Thinking of this, the fear in the heart of the Heavenly General Long Tu disappeared instantly. Sometimes when you can fight, you should fight. As long as you can become a genuine immortal god in the Heavenly Court, even the disciples of the three religions cannot attack him at will without a suitable reason.

He turned his head to look at the deputy general and said.

"Go to the Heavenly Court and report to the Queen Mother of the West that we have found Yang Chan's trace.

I will stay here first to see if I can capture her alive.

Even if I can't catch her, I will hold her back and wait for the Queen Mother of the West to disobey the order!"

This deputy general was the attendant he brought from the room. He joined the Heavenly Court with him and always obeyed his orders.

Hearing Long Tu's order at this time, the Heavenly General naturally did not dare to neglect it.

"Yes, sir, be careful, I'll be back soon."

After saying that, the deputy general left on a cloud and flew towards the Queen Mother of the West's palace.

And Long Tu led the three thousand heavenly soldiers behind him to form a magic circle and slowly fell from the sky, blocking Xiao Yangchan.

"Good thief, this is a forbidden area set by the Queen Mother of the West. Immortals and gods are forbidden to go there. Those who violate it will be killed.

I advised you to hurry up, but you not only didn't listen, but you were so arrogant that you dared to go deep into the forbidden area.

There are both on the left and right, take them down for me."

Seeing that the heavenly soldiers and generals in the sky finally appeared, Xiao Yangchan showed a sneer on his face.

"Come, come, I've been waiting for you for a long time!

Three thousand heavenly soldiers and generals, facing a little girl like me, not only did they not dare to attack, but they also hid in the clouds and shot arrows at me. Is this the spirit of heaven?"

The heavenly general Long Tu used the magic power of the three thousand heavenly soldiers behind him to condense a long lightning halberd, and stabbed it fiercely at little Yang Chan.

"Little girl? Do you think I don't know who you are?

The daughter of the sin fairy Yao Ji, the offspring of the female fairy and the human race, the Class B wanted criminal of heaven, Yang Chan.

To deal with a vicious person like you, why should I pay attention to morality?

When I arrest you, you will know how powerful I am."

Yang Chan stretched out her hand and took out the Xuanhua axe from behind, slashing forward fiercely, and collided fiercely with the lightning halberd in Long Tu's hand. The mana fluctuations that escaped from the place where the two fought were like waves and tides, sweeping in all directions.

If this wasn't the prehistoric world, where the space barrier between heaven and earth was extremely solid, I'm afraid that just this one fight would be enough to shatter the void and destroy everything.

In the prehistoric world, there are two types of fighting between cultivators. One is long-range fighting to compete with each other in terms of mana.

The other is close combat, which not only tests mana, but also tests the understanding of moves.

Close combat is much more dangerous than long-range fighting. In long-range fighting, you can hold back and test, and there are many variables.

But close combat is different.

The magic weapons used by immortals after becoming immortals are basically immortal weapons, and even some cultivators with great opportunities can have spiritual treasures.

These weapons are extremely powerful. Unless they are immortals who specialize in body training, the immortal body is not as solid as magic weapons.

Once hit, the immortal body can be shattered in a few hits, and the person's soul will be directly destroyed.

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