All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 345 Whoever has the bigger fist has the final say

Faced with Long Tu's attack, Yang Chan was not panicked at all. She chopped left and right with the Divine Axe in her hand, completely blocking the attacks with tricky angles.

Not only that, Yang Chan still had the energy to speak.

Her face was full of anger, and her expression was like that of a furious King Kong.

"Humph, you are indeed a lackey of the Heavenly Court.

Our family was living happily and did nothing evil, but the generals of your Heavenly Court suddenly appeared, killed my father and imprisoned my mother, and also hunted down my brother and sister. If it weren't for our good luck, I'm afraid we would have been killed by your Heavenly Court at this moment.

As a result, you are still trying to confuse right and wrong and say that we are extremely evil."

While speaking, the power of the Divine Axe in Yang Chan's hand increased greatly, and the endless Jade Pure Mana was poured into the Divine Axe in her hand, which actually swept away the lightning halberd in Long Tu's hand, leaving a long wound on his arm.

Long Tu did not answer Yang Chan's question, because he felt a lot of pressure at this time. Every move of Xiao Yang Chan was extremely terrifying, and it was not like an attack that a true immortal could use.

In fact, Long Tu had never used all his strength, because he wanted to capture Xiao Yang Chan alive and then ask for credit from the Queen Mother of the West, but at this time he knew that if he held back, he might not be Xiao Yang Chan's opponent.

He made up his mind, and countless lightnings intertwined on the long halberd, and it seemed that a world composed entirely of lightnings appeared in the distance.

This is exactly the embodiment of the power of the immortal.

The immortals, with divine light shining everywhere, have millions of incarnations, magnificent magic power, and boundless magical powers. Every strand of magic power seems to contain thousands of phenomena and infinite rules.

The moves of the lightning long halberd in his hand are getting faster and faster, and the whole world is shaken by the whistling.

Every swing of the halberd seems to break time, stir the rules, and carry an irresistible tyrannical force.

Facing such a terrifying move, Yang Chan was not afraid at all.

Just a celestial immortal, what a thing.

She is a disciple of a saint, learning the Jade Purity Immortal Method and cultivating the Immortal Sword Intention.

Although she cannot use the Green Lotus Sword, how can a mere immortal with a shallow foundation be her opponent?

Yang Chan silently circulated the Jade Purity magic power in her body, and the endless Jade Purity immortal power in her body condensed on the Mountain-Splitting Divine Axe in her hand.

Under the impact of this terrifying magic power, the four characters of the Mountain-Splitting Divine Axe on the axe handle emitted a thousand-foot-long magnificent light, and countless profound runes derived from the magic power, and then evolved into a clear light at the axe blade.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, and the three thousand True Immortal Realm Heavenly Soldiers were completely unable to intervene, and could only continuously provide magic power for Longtu.

This battle lasted for three hours, and the aftermath of the battle between the two spread to tens of thousands of miles. The terrifying thunder and clear light destroyed everything within the range and turned it into a pile of dust.

Finally, Yang Chan found a flaw in Longtu. She immediately held the Mountain-Splitting Axe and fiercely chopped at Longtu's lightning halberd. The clear light burst out, and the small world bred in the lightning halberd was directly chopped into pieces, and then chopped directly at his body.

Just as Yang Chan's Mountain-Splitting Axe was about to chop Longtu, a clear and loud bird song came from the sky, and then a strong wind blew, and there were countless green feathers in the wind.

I saw a figure stepping on green clouds slowly appearing in the air.

She was wearing a green dress, with a beautiful face, and colorful ribbons fluttering behind her. The clouds are extraordinary, and she slowly spoke in the air: "It's really the person the queen wants. Very good, when I take her down, I will definitely ask for credit for you after returning to Yaochi."

With the appearance of this figure, countless green feathers attached to the clear light of the Mountain-Splitting Axe. The strong resistance made the Mountain-Splitting Axe in Yangchan's hand fall into a stalemate and could no longer chop.

Long Tu was still in shock. He didn't expect that even if he used all his strength, he would still not be Yang Chan's opponent.

This boy is indeed from the Three Religions. His magic power is extremely strong. He, a true immortal without any background, can't be his opponent at all.

He turned his head and looked at the green figure in the sky: "Thank you for saving my life, Fairy Qingluan. Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise I would have died in the hands of this little beast."

The person who came was Fairy Qingluan, one of the two divine birds who served the Queen Mother all year round.

These two divine birds are the two closest female fairy leaders to the Queen Mother of the West. On weekdays, the Queen Mother of the West likes to let these two divine birds do anything important. Therefore, in the heavenly forces of the Queen Mother of the West, Fairy Qingluan has an extraordinary status.

The status of his deputy general cannot directly hand over the information to the Queen Mother of the West, so he went to find Fairy Qingluan.

Qingluan nodded and said, "You have done a great deed by finding Yang Chan's trail and holding her back. Since I have arrived, I will not let you get hurt by her.

And the Queen Mother also attaches great importance to her, so I will do it myself."

While speaking, Fairy Qingluan turned her head and looked at Yang Chan.

"As expected of the bloodline of Haotian, this talent is really incredible.

I remember that you are only twelve or thirteen years old this year, but you have already reached the peak of the True Immortal.

What a pity.

If your mother had not violated the rules of heaven and had an affair with a mortal, with your identity and talent, you would be the most noble little princess in the heaven, and you would be loved by thousands of people, and you would gather the luck of heaven and earth in one body. Even I would call you my lord when I see you."

Yang Chan just sneered, "Stop pretending over there. If you want to catch me, show your true ability.

What's more, if my mother didn't meet my father, where would I come from?

Please tell me, what did our family do wrong to deserve to be torn apart alive by your heavenly court? "

Fairy Qingluan floated down and landed in front of Yang Chan.

There was an inexplicable smile on her face: "You asked me what your mother did wrong?

It is clearly written in the heavenly rules that there is a difference between immortals and mortals. As an immortal, having an affair with a mortal is a violation of the heavenly rules.

According to the rules of heaven, your mother should have been stripped of her immortal roots and bones, tied to a thunder pillar in heaven and endured the baptism of thunder for ninety-nine and eighty-one days.

It's just that Haotian personally interceded for Yao Ji, so the Queen Mother of the West spared your mother's life and buried her under the peach mountain.

And he also let you two brothers and sisters go. You only need to serve in the Heavenly Lock Immortal Domain for ten thousand years to wash away your sins and become immortals again.

Being able to make an exception outside the rules of heaven is such a blessing from heaven.

Even if you are not grateful, you actually dare to ask me what your family has done wrong.

How ridiculous? "

Hearing Fairy Qingluan's words, Yang Chan's heart was shocked.

He did not expect that suppressing his mother under the peach mountain was actually the result of Haotian's personal intercession.

From Yang Chan's perspective, her father and mother did nothing wrong at all.

It is natural for a man and a woman to be in love with each other. The father is unmarried and the mother is unmarried. Both of them are innocent, so there is nothing wrong with getting married.

After getting married, my father and mother lived in seclusion in the mountains. The men farmed and the women weaved to support themselves. They were always kind to others. They were a well-known family for their kindness and had never harmed anyone.

But in the eyes of heaven, his family is heinous.

His father and eldest brother died tragically in order to save him and his second brother, and his mother was also taken away and crushed under the Taoshan Mountain.

In the eyes of the people in heaven, such a result can be regarded as extrajudicial mercy.

This heavenly rule is so ridiculous.

Yang Chan asked coldly: "Violate the rules of heaven?

Who can lock this so-called heavenly rule, and what legal basis can it rely on? "

Fairy Qingluan's face also became serious: "This heavenly rule was naturally negotiated by the Great Heavenly Lord and the Queen Mother of the West. They are the masters of heaven appointed by heaven. They speak of the heavenly constitution and follow the law.

The state has national laws, and families have family rules. Heaven, as the hub of the world and the supreme place that governs all living things, naturally has a set of rules to control it.

The heavenly rules agreed upon by the Great Heavenly Lord and the Empress are naturally the eternal truth of heaven. If the immortals act in accordance with the heavenly rules, they can regulate Yin and Yang, harmonize the five elements, and make the whole world prosperous.

It is precisely because of this that all the immortals in heaven must abide by the rules of heaven, otherwise they will commit a heinous crime. "

The expression on Yang Chan's face became even more disdainful. If he were a pure aboriginal from the ancient times, he might have been swayed by Fairy Qingluan's words.

But after seeing the scenes in the heavens and the world, Yang Chan naturally understood how ridiculous this heavenly rule set by two people at will was.

If the content of the heavenly rules is to restrain the immortals from doing evil, then forget it, it is considered reasonable.

But just marrying a mortal, what impact would it have.

This is not the end of the Dharma.

In the prehistoric world, there are so many immortals, but I have never heard of any serious consequences caused by the combination of immortals with mortals except those in the heavenly establishment.

"It's ridiculous that the world should be judged based on just what they say."

Fairy Qingluan showed a smile on her face: "What's the use of getting angry with me? This is the rule of heaven.

Fairy Yaoji violated the rules of heaven and will naturally be punished. As his daughter, you will naturally inherit Fairy Yaoji's sins.

I know you came here just to save your mother. With the fighting power you just showed, if I hadn't shown up today, you would indeed have a chance to save your mother.

But when I get here, all this is just a delusion. Not only can you not save your mother, but you yourself are stuck here. "

Yang Chan's expression became colder and colder, as cold as a piece of ice: "So in the final analysis, it's not about who has the bigger fist.

If my fist is bigger than Haotian and Queen Mother of the West, then I can change whatever rules of heaven I want, and it doesn’t matter. "

Hearing Yang Chan's words, Fairy Qingluan was not angry at all, but still smiled and said: "Little girl, you are still too naive.

The root of determining the truth in this world is indeed the size of the fist.

As long as your fist is big enough, you make the rules.

For example, if you can defeat me today, you will naturally be able to rescue your mother.

But if you want to make heavenly rules, it's not that simple. Even if your magical power can really surpass the Great Heavenly Lord and the Queen Mother of the West, so what.

You must know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

No matter how strong you become, there will still be someone else above you who wants to make rules as you please, unless you can be stronger than that someone else.

But how is this possible? "

As she spoke, Fairy Qingluan looked Yang Chan up and down: "Looking at your magic power, the faint fairy light behind you, and the thousands of auspicious colors, you can see that it is the magic power of the Xuanmen authentic sect. It seems that you must have had the opportunity to join the three religions. No wonder you are confident that you can save your mother.

Unfortunately, in front of the Queen Mother of the West, the reputation of a disciple of the Three Religions is not easy to use.

Unless you are a direct descendant of the level of Twelve Golden Immortals, even if you are just a disciple of the Third Religion, your Majesty will arrest you immediately. "

As she spoke, Fairy Qingluan's sleeves floated, and then a colorful light swam out of her sleeves.

This is the Five-Colored Auspicious Cloud Handkerchief, the life-defining magic weapon that Fairy Qingluan has cultivated, which is known as a colorful cloud covering the sky.

This magic weapon is quite versatile, it can protect the body, kill the enemy, and lock the enemy, and it is Fairy Qingluan's favorite method.

The Five-Colored Auspicious Cloud Handkerchief turned into a colorful streak in the air like a dragon, and it was about to entangle Yang Chan in an instant.

Fairy Qingluan's cultivation is much stronger than Longtu. Her original cultivation is at the level of Taiyi Jinxian, and her cultivation and combat power can be regarded as the first echelon in the current heaven.

However, Fairy Qingluan did not come in person at this time. After all, Queen Mother of the West is high above, and almost all the affairs of the female officials in the entire heaven are handled by her and Caifeng, so there is no way to get away.

So the one who appeared here was just her incarnation, and her cultivation was only at the level of Jinxian.

The Golden Immortal Realm was already strong enough for Yang Chan.

Her realm was only the True Immortal Realm. To cross two realms and compete with the Golden Immortal Realm, even little Yang Chan could not do it.

But Fairy Qingluan was not invincible.

Because the figure in front of her was just one of her incarnations.

The energy contained in the incarnation was limited. Yang Chan could feel that the power in Fairy Qingluan's incarnation was only enough for her to cast Golden Immortal-level spells ten times with all her strength.

In other words, as long as Yang Chan could withstand ten attacks from the Golden Immortal Realm, she could exhaust all the power of Fairy Qingluan's incarnation.

Yang Chan stretched out her hand and brushed the Dragon and Phoenix Xuanyuan Chapter on her waist. In an instant, a dragon and a colorful phoenix circled and danced from her waist, crossing the sky. Ten thousand rays of light and thousands of auspicious auras hung down from the sky, and actually directly blocked the colorful clouds in the sky.

Fairy Qingluan was also a person who knew what she was talking about. She recognized it immediately when she saw the performance of the Dragon and Phoenix Xuanyuan Chapter.

"This is the Dragon and Phoenix Mysterious Yuan Chapter!

I have seen such a treasure in the official report of the Tianguan Mansion. It is said that it was taken by Jade Ding Zhenren, one of the Twelve Golden Immortals.

It seems that the person who rescued you and your sister from the heavenly soldiers and generals was Jade Ding Zhenren.

No wonder even the queen couldn't figure out where you and your sister went.

Haha, the Xianjiao is really good at calculating, so good at calculating."

Little Yang Chan silently apologized to Uncle Yu Ding in his heart. There was no way, so Uncle Yu Ding had to bear the blame for the time being.

The Xianjiao can bear this blame, but the Jiejiao can't.

Anyway, in the original timeline, after the second brother split the mountain to save his mother, this blame was put on the Xianjiao, and it didn't seem to have any adverse effects on the Xianjiao afterwards.

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