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Chapter 347: Kill them all, leaving no one alive

The immortal power was completely burned out, but the incarnation of Fairy Qingluan did not dissipate immediately.

However, without the immortal power, the incarnation of Fairy Qingluan has lost its combat effectiveness at this time.

She stared at the divine eyes between Xiao Yang Chan's eyebrows with a look of disbelief on her face.

I saw the chaotic energy rising and falling above the divine eye, and countless profound and mysterious runes were constantly rotating with the divine eye between Yang Chan's eyebrows as the origin, forming an extremely mysterious figure.

Fairy Qingluan sighed: "Using the power of the true immortal realm to attack and destroy my golden immortal incarnation is such a good plan and a great magical power!

Unexpectedly, Yao Ji’s daughter born to a mortal after she descended to earth would have such a talent.

I really miscalculated. "

In fact, Fairy Qingluan already attaches great importance to Yang Chan.

An incarnation of the Golden Immortal level also carries Fairy Qingluan's natal magic weapon, the colorful auspicious cloud handkerchief. Even in the prehistoric world, this kind of configuration is enough to go sideways as long as it doesn't encounter those hard problems.

From the perspective of Fairy Qingluan, Yang Chan is only thirteen years old this year, and half a year ago she was a mortal with no power. Even if she successfully becomes a disciple of the three sects, how powerful can she be.

As for Yang Chan's true immortal cultivation, Fairy Qingluan actually didn't take it seriously at all.

In her opinion, it only takes half a year to improve her cultivation to the realm of true immortality, and Yang Chan is 100% addicted to drugs.

The prehistoric world is rich in products, and all kinds of natural and earthly treasures emerge in endlessly. Some spiritual fruits even have magical effects that can directly make people become golden immortals.

This kind of monk who relies on the power of medicine to induce birth is a piece of shit in front of the monks in the same realm.

Let alone in front of her, the incarnation of the majestic Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Simply vulnerable.

How can the Golden Immortal defeat the drug-addicted Immortal, and the Flying Dragon Riding Face lose?

However, what Fairy Qingluan didn't expect was that Yang Chan's ability to reach the realm of true immortality so quickly was indeed due to her drug use, but the drug she took was not something that ordinary monks could access.

Many of the spiritual fruits that Yang Chan ate were innate spiritual roots that existed before the creation of the world. They could strengthen the monk's Dao foundation and refine the monk's wisdom root. As for the effect of increasing the cultivation level, it was only the most insignificant effect of these spiritual fruits.

In addition, Saint Nuwa personally suppressed the effects of the medicine for Yang Chan, allowing her to absorb all the effects of these spiritual fruits. Therefore, Yang Chan's cultivation was extremely solid, far exceeding that of monks in the same realm, relying solely on herself. His strength is enough to compete with the Heavenly General Long Tu who is at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal and is backed by three thousand Heavenly Soldiers, and he also has the Dragon and Phoenix Xuanyuan Chapter and the completely unreasonable Original Nine Dang Xuanhuang Divine Light as his trump card.

It can only be said that Fairy Qingluan did not lose unfairly.

Yang Chan did not stop after burning out Fairy Qingluan's magical power. The original nine-wave black and yellow divine light then swept away into the distance and shot at Tianjiang Longtu, who was severely injured by her before.

Although Fairy Qingluan arrived in time and rescued Long Tu just now, Xiao Yang Chan's Mountain Divine Ax had also severely injured Long Tu. This is why Tianjiang Long Tu has not intervened in this battle.

At this time, seeing Fairy Qingluan defeated, Long Tu had an incredible look on his face.

But before he could be surprised, he saw the divine light between Xiao Yang Chan's brows sweeping toward him.

This made Long Tu's face appear with a look of extreme fear.

He had clearly seen the power of this divine light just now. Even the golden immortal incarnation of Fairy Qingluan could not resist this magical power. How could he, a mere peak immortal, be able to resist it.

He yelled with fear on his face: "Yang Chan, you can't kill me, I am a general personally appointed by the Great Heavenly Lord, and a confidant of the Queen Mother of the West. If you kill me, you will officially start a war with the Heavenly Court.

Even if you are a disciple of the Three Religions, you cannot afford such a huge cause and effect.

If you kill me, Queen Mother Xi will not let you go. Not only will you die, but your brother will also die.

You must think carefully and don't be impulsive. "

Yang Chan said nothing with a cold face, and the original nine-wave black and yellow divine light shot straight towards Long Tu.

Divine light fell from the sky, shrouding the still wailing dragon figure.

He worked extremely hard to activate all the immortal power in his body, and even sacrificed his immortal body directly, forming a blood-red protective light shield.

But all this has no meaning at all in front of the original Nine Dang Xuanhuang Divine Light.

This move is the supreme magical power blessed by heaven. It combines the laws of the prehistoric world and the perfect world. The terrifying power is not something that a mere immortal in Long Tu can withstand.

Yang Chan has been avoiding using this move. The cause and effect involved in this move are too great. After exposing the original Nine Waves of Black and Yellow Divine Light, it will be very troublesome to restore its existence.

Otherwise, when she was fighting with Long Tu just now, she could have used the original Nine Waves of Black and Yellow Divine Light to kill him instantly.

It's just that Yang Chan was really pushed to the edge by Fairy Qingluan just now. Apart from taking out the Qinglian Sword, the original Nine Dang Black and Yellow Divine Light was her last trump card, so she couldn't use this move.

Now that he had used this move, Yang Chan had no intention of holding back.

The original nine-dang black and yellow divine light swept through the dragon diagram and then spread towards the three thousand heavenly soldiers behind him. Countless heavenly soldiers had fear on their faces and drove the escape light to run towards the distance.

Seeing this scene, Fairy Qingluan, who was quietly waiting for the incarnation to dissipate, couldn't help but speak.

"Yang Chan, you need to think about it carefully. Long Tu's threat just now is very straightforward, but it does make sense.

It’s okay if you kill Long Tu. After all, he was the one who attacked you first. I can make the decision for you and plead with the Queen Mother of the West.

But if you kill these heavenly soldiers, it would be tantamount to declaring war on the Heaven Court nakedly.

Since the establishment of the Haotian Heaven Court, no one has dared to slap the Heaven Court in the face so unscrupulously.

At that time, even if the Great Heavenly Venerable comes forward, there will be no way to save you. ”

Hearing the words of Fairy Qingluan, Yang Chan's mouth curled slightly and revealed a hint of smile.

"Declaring war on the Heaven Court nakedly?

Who are you? You are just a dog of the Queen Mother of the West. What qualifications do you have to say such words?

I do want to declare war today, but not to the Heaven Court, but to the Queen Mother of the West.

When the Queen Mother of the West killed my father, imprisoned my mother, and forced my family to be destroyed, the relationship between her and me had already been a life-and-death relationship. ”

As she said, she looked forward with cold eyes: "From now on, if any forces under the Queen Mother of the West appear in front of me, I will kill them all without asking why, leaving no one alive. "

Hearing this, the three thousand heavenly soldiers who were already running fast ran even faster, because they knew that if they were a little slow, the fatal white fairy light would turn them into ashes.

But no matter how fast they ran, how could they be faster than the original nine waves of Xuanhuang divine light.

Soon, all the three thousand heavenly soldiers were shrouded in the original nine waves of Xuanhuang divine light.

What Yang Chan said just now was not nonsense, all of them were her heartfelt words.

Through the communication with Fairy Qingluan, Yang Chan sorted out the intricate relationships in the Heavenly Court.

The Heavenly Court is now divided into two factions, namely the Great Heavenly Venerable faction and the Queen Mother of the West faction.

The Great Heavenly Venerable faction can barely be regarded as one of Yang Chan's own people.

According to Fairy Qingluan, after the fact that her mother came down to the earth to marry was exposed, the Great Heavenly Venerable, That is, her uncle once pleaded with the Queen Mother of the West for her family, which allowed her mother to escape the torture of having her immortal roots and bones removed, and barely saved her life and was pressed under the Peach Mountain.

From this point of view, the Great Heavenly Venerable should still care about her mother.

This can also explain why the second brother in another timeline can become the judicial god of the Heavenly Court, and has the unique privilege of listening to orders but not hearing announcements in the entire Heavenly Court.

This is not only because Yang Jian is a third-generation disciple of the Chan Sect, but also because Yang Jian is the nephew of the Great Heavenly Venerable. At the same time, having two big legs as a backer in the Chan Sect and the Heavenly Court is the source of Yang Jian's privilege.

However, Yang Chan is still very dissatisfied with the behavior of the Great Heavenly Venerable. In Yang Chan's opinion, although the Great Heavenly Venerable has done some things for his mother, he is not very attentive. .

The fact that her mother was trapped under the Peach Mountain was fine, after all, it did not cause irreversible consequences.

But her uncle must bear part of the blame for her father and elder brother.

After all, with the status of the Great Heavenly Venerable, she could easily protect everyone except her mother if she wanted to.

The fact that her father and elder brother died at the hands of the heavenly soldiers can only mean one thing, that is, the Great Heavenly Venerable did not take anyone other than her mother seriously.

If Yang Chan was just a little dissatisfied with Haotian, then she hated the Queen Mother of the West.

Unlike the Great Heavenly Venerable, for Yang Chan, the Queen Mother of the West was the culprit who destroyed their family's happy life.

It can be said that the conflict between Yang Chan and the Queen Mother of the West has reached a point where it is completely irreconcilable.

Yang Chan even speculated that the Queen Mother of the West The reason why the forces of the mother's lineage wanted to capture her and her second brother so much was probably to use them as bargaining chips to trade with Haotian.

Facing such an enemy who would not stop until his death, how could Yang Chan hold back?

The dragon map in front of him was the direct descendant of the Queen Mother of the West, and the three thousand heavenly soldiers behind him were naturally the power of the Queen Mother of the West, and naturally they were also within the range of Yang Chan's attack.

The butt determines the head. Yang Chan knew that some of these heavenly soldiers might not be guilty of death, but the moment they followed the Heavenly General Longtu to attack Yang Chan, their fate was doomed.

The divine light swept past, and first the Heavenly General Longtu turned to ashes in an instant, disappearing in the fairy light that seemed to come from the beginning of the universe and above time, and then the three thousand heavenly soldiers behind him turned to ashes with it.

There were only countless painful wails and pools of ashes left in the air.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chan finally sighed: "Why bother, why bother!"

The incarnation of Fairy Qingluan gradually dimmed and was about to dissipate, and her eyes were deep.

There was no longer the condescending look in her expression, but a hidden fear.

Before she came to the mortal world this time, she did not take Yang Chan seriously, but now Yang Chan has become her number one enemy.

Whether it was the extremely rapid and solid cultivation of little Yang Chan, or the magical power she displayed at this time that Fairy Qingluan could not understand at all, Fairy Qingluan was very surprised.

But what Fairy Qingluan feared most was the cruelty shown by little Yang Chan at this time.

It is hard to imagine that a girl in her teens can slaughter three thousand lives like Yang Chan without changing her expression.

This made Fairy Qingluan dare not even imagine what means Yang Chan would use to deal with the forces of the Queen Mother of the West.

Anyone would be afraid of such an enemy with outstanding talent and ruthlessness.

She secretly thought in her heart that this child must not be kept, and must be killed before Yang Chan fully grows up, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

But unfortunately, there is a nine-layer barrier between the heaven and the mortal world, and the prehistoric world is vast. Even if she wants to kill Yang Chan, her original body can't get here in a short time.

After the incarnation of Fairy Qingluan completely disappeared, Yang Chan stretched out her hand and recalled the axe of opening the mountain that Fairy Qingluan had just taken away.

In addition to the axe of opening the mountain, the relics left by the heavenly soldiers and generals who died in Yang Chan's hands, the authority token of the Thunder Department Great Heavenly Venerable, and the five-color auspicious cloud handkerchief, the life magic weapon of Fairy Qingluan, also fell into Yang Chan's hands.

The value of these things is quite extraordinary.

The authority token is related to the authority of the throne of the Supreme God of Thunder Department, Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun.

Although the authority token performed very poorly when dealing with little Yang Chan, this is because little Yang Chan is an acquired merit saint body that can be immune to the power of the throne.

There are only about ten people with acquired merit saint bodies like Xiao Yangchan in the whole prehistoric world.

When facing enemies other than these ten merit saint bodies, the authority token is equivalent to the combat power of a golden immortal.

As the life treasure of Fairy Qingluan, the Five-Colored Auspicious Cloud Handkerchief is no less powerful than the damaged Dragon and Phoenix Mysterious Original Chapter, and is also a treasure of inestimable value.

Even the most worthless relics of the heavenly soldiers are also of infinite value.

You should know that the heavenly soldiers and generals are all wearing the standard immortal armor and immortal weapons of the heavenly court.

Although they are just standard immortal armor and immortal weapons, the products of the heavenly court must be exquisite. Any immortal armor and immortal weapons taken out are enough to cause a scramble for them by a group of scattered immortals.

However, these treasures of inestimable value were not taken seriously by Yangchan at this time, because at this time, she only had eyes for the Peach Mountain in front of her, or more accurately, the Fairy Yaoji who was suppressed under the Peach Mountain.

Yang Chan put all these things into the storage space with a wave of her hand, and then raised her head to look up at the towering Taoshan Mountain.

She could even feel a kind and familiar breath coming from under Taoshan Mountain, as if she had returned to her mother's arms in an instant.

Only then did Yang Chan have time to take a good look at the Taoshan Mountain that was pressing down on her mother.

Each of the mountains in the prehistoric world is tens of millions of feet higher and weighs hundreds of millions of tons, towering above the earth. Any one of them in other worlds may be called an impossible creation.

Taoshan Mountain is even the best among these mountains. It is like a dragon breaking through the clouds, piercing the sky, and the peak is immersed in the clouds, as if it is going to penetrate the nine heavens and see the stars.

Looking at the towering Taoshan Mountain, Yang Chan's face became colder and colder.

Even if her mother's cultivation can withstand this towering peak, it is hard to imagine how uncomfortable it is to be pressed under such a huge monster.

She flew straight into the sky, to a height higher than the towering peak, and then raised the mountain-splitting axe in her hand.

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