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Chapter 348 Yao Ji doubts her life

Under the Peach Mountain, there is a small and cramped space in the middle of the mountain. In the space, there is a beautiful woman sitting cross-legged.

Countless bright golden runes were rotating around the woman's body, locking her tightly in the belly of the mountain.

This piece of evidence is Heaven's unique formation, the Immortal Seeking Formation, which can eliminate the three flowers on the top of the immortal's head and the weapons in his chest, making the immortal caught in the formation lose all ability to resist.

This woman is naturally Yang Chan's mother Yao Ji.

Yao Ji was wearing silk fairy clothes, with her hair spread behind her back, and a few strands of hair sticking to her cheeks. Her eyes were closed tightly, and her face was slightly distorted, as if she was suffering from great pain.

These runes can not only block her immortal power, but also put all the weight of Momoyama on her body, suppressing her physical body.

Without the blessing of immortal power, even if Yao Ji has the cultivation level of a golden immortal, it would still be a very painful thing for her to bear the weight of an entire peach mountain.

The physical pain is only one aspect, what makes Yao Ji even more uncomfortable is the psychological torture.

Since being suppressed by the Heavenly Court under Peach Mountain, she has been missing her family every moment.

Thinking about her husband and eldest son who died tragically in front of her, and thinking about her second son Yang Jian who had just grown up.

What worries and misses Yao Ji the most is her little daughter Yang Chan.

When she thought that Yang Chan was only thirteen years old when Heaven came to her door, she was so young and yet she was forced to flee alone by Heaven. Yao Ji felt like she wanted to eat the flesh of the Queen Mother of the West raw and drink the blood of the Queen Mother of the West.

But being locked in the Immortal Seeking Formation, she could do nothing. She could only stay silent and resist the endless, non-stop pain.

Originally in this state, Yao Ji had no sense of the outside world, but for some reason she suddenly raised her eyes and looked upward on a whim.

She felt an extremely kind and familiar aura, which reminded her of her little daughter Yang Chan.

When she thought of the little guy's pitiful appearance, Yao Ji couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

She secretly prayed in her heart that her daughter would never be caught by heaven, and she would definitely live a good life, even if she lived an ordinary life as a mortal.

At this moment, a loud rumbling sound came, as if rocks were rolling down.

Then a clear and exquisite fairy light broke through the darkness, like the dawn light, and appeared in this small and cramped dark space.

Taoshan, which had imprisoned Yaoji for more than half a year, burst open, and the huge mountain was split in half by a terrifying force.

The towering mountain peaks hit the ground on both sides, making a sound like thunder, and countless smoke and dust filled the air, even covering the sky.

The human race people living nearby even bowed in the direction of Taoshan, as if they were seeing gods.

The golden Immortal Prison Formation on Yao Ji's body also shattered into nothing as Taoshan disintegrated.

Without the constraints of the Immortal Seeking Formation, Yao Ji's three flowers on her head and the five qi in her chest also recovered, allowing her to once again possess the power of a golden immortal.

Then a petite and exquisite figure broke through the smoke and suddenly jumped into Yao Ji's arms and hugged her fiercely, and bursts of sobs could be heard.

Although Yao Ji did not see the appearance of this petite and exquisite figure, the moment she was hugged, she was sure that the person in her arms was the daughter she longed for, Yang Chan.

This scene left Yao Ji confused and completely confused as to what was going on.

Who was the one who split the Peach Mountain? Could it be that the Great Heavenly Lord secretly sent someone to do it?

But in this case, why was her daughter Yang Chan the first person she saw after breaking the seal?

It couldn't be that Yang Chan split open Taoshan and rescued her, right?

This idea is too crazy!

Taoshan is so majestic that even a person at the level of an immortal must hold a magic weapon at the level of a spiritual treasure to break through it.

When she left her daughter, her daughter was still a mortal, and it was only half a year since their mother and daughter separated. How could Yang Chan have the strength to split Peach Mountain.

Yao Ji touched the little head of Yang Chan who was sobbing in her arms.

"Chan'er, what happened? Who was the powerful person who rescued me?"

After hearing her mother's words, Yang Chan raised her little head and her sobbing stopped. She raised the mountain ax in her hand and said.

"Mom, of course I am the one who rescued you!

How about it, my daughter is awesome!

But it's not all the daughter's credit. At least the magic ax used to split the peach mountain was kindly provided by the second brother.

Forget it, let’s give some credit to the second brother. Let’s just say that we, brother and sister, rescued my mother together! "

real or fake!

It was actually Chan'er who rescued me!

Yao Ji originally didn't want to believe what Yang Chan said.

But immediately she felt the aura of the peak true immortal on Yang Chan, and the divine ax in her hand that was as powerful as the acquired spiritual treasure, so she had to believe what Yang Chan said.

It was actually my daughter who rescued me! !

The thoughts in Yao Ji's mind were going crazy. She was filled with doubts and had no idea how Yang Chan did it.

But before she could think about it carefully, Yang Chan grabbed Yao Ji's hand and said.

"Mom, it's not safe here. If you stay for a while, the people from Heaven will arrive. Let's talk somewhere else."

Yao Ji naturally understands this matter. It is impossible for such a big thing as the splitting of Taoshan to be hidden from the eyes and ears of heaven. Leaving here quickly is the right choice.

But then a wry smile appeared on Yao Ji's face: "Change the place? Changing the place is useless.

Heaven has the authority to monitor the prehistoric times, and as a Sin Immortal, I still have a Sin Immortal mark on my body.

With this mark, the Clairvoyant Eyes and Shunfeng Ears can lock my position at any time. No matter where we go, I am afraid it will be difficult to avoid the pursuit of Heaven. "

Hearing Yao Ji's words, Xiao Yang Chan just shook his head and said: "Mom, don't worry about this, just come with me. I guarantee that I won't give those people in Heaven ten more courage to go to the place later. Come in and be wild.”

Hearing this, Yao Ji could only follow Xiao Yang Chan to set up the first barrier and fly towards Sanqing Academy.

On the way, Yao Ji still frowned: "Chan'er, where are we going? You don't know how powerful Heaven is. Ever since my brother Haotian became the Emperor of Heaven, Heaven's power has become more and more powerful throughout the world. There are very few places that even Heaven would not dare to enter.

Except for the dojos of a few saints, only the territories of the oldest ones can keep the heavens at bay.

But how could these places allow our mother and daughter to enter easily? "

Yang Chan waved his hand and said: "The place we are going to is the saint's dojo, and the second brother is also there."

Yao Ji couldn't believe what Yang Chan said.

Saints are such lofty beings in the ancient world. Even though she is the sister of the Great Heavenly Lord, she has never met any saint, let alone visited the saint's dojo.

But looking at her daughter's vow, Yao Ji did not refute Yang Chan. No matter where her daughter wanted to take her, she was willing to follow her.

The worst case scenario is that she will be captured by the Heavenly Court again. Anyway, with the Great Heavenly Lord here, the Queen Mother of the West doesn't dare to do anything to her. At most, she will be pressured by another mountain.

This time, Yao Ji was able to see her daughter after escaping from the bottom of Peach Mountain, and Yao Ji was satisfied knowing that her daughter was living well now.

The two people's escape was extremely fast, and they arrived at Sanqing Academy from Taoshan in just a short time.

This is an extremely majestic building, standing on the mountains, suspended in the universe, as high as the sky, with stars twinkling between the pavilions and palaces.

This extremely majestic building is naturally Sanqing College.

This academy is a dojo built by three saints, so the saint's actions are naturally extraordinary.

The moment she saw this building, Yao Ji knew that her daughter was not lying. This was really a saint's ashram.

After all, how could such a miraculous creation appear if it had not been built by the saint himself.

And after seeing the plaque of the academy, Yao Ji was secretly frightened.

Because there is only one place named after the Three Purities in this world, and that is the monastery where the Saints of the Three Purities lived together before they became enlightened.

After the Sanqing Saints became enlightened, the three saints went their separate ways. Even the Sanqing Saints themselves never used the name Sanqing again.

At this time, this college dares to use Sanqing as its name, and the meaning goes without saying much.

Yang Chan took out the disciple token of Sanqing College and exchanged it for the plaque of Sanqing College. Then a force immediately teleported her and Yao Ji to the dormitory of the college.

In fact, the tokens of ordinary disciples cannot bring outsiders into Sanqing Academy.

But Yang Chan is different. What is her identity?

Not only is he a direct disciple of Master Tongtian, but he is also the only disciple of Saint Nuwa, the first guest of Sanqing Academy. He naturally has privileges!

After returning to the yard, Yang Chan looked around and did not sense Yang Jian's aura.

She knew that her second brother, who was a cultivator, should be in the martial arts field at this time communicating and sparring with other disciples of Sanqing Academy.

The second brother has been so diligent since his mother was taken away, and he doesn't even know how to take a break during cultivation.

Of course, the same is true for little Yang Chan. Her training is no less diligent than that of Yang Jian. Otherwise, no matter how tough her background is, how talented she is, or how many tricks she has done, she will never be able to reach the peak of true immortality in just half a year. realm.

Yang Chan was not in a hurry to call her second brother back, she wanted to give him a surprise.

Yang Chan couldn't help but look forward to what her second brother's expression would be like when he suddenly saw his mother when he returned to the dormitory.

After entering Sanqing Academy, the somewhat anxious expression on Yao Ji's face disappeared instantly, because she could feel that four incomparably stalwart, powerful, ineffable, unspeakable, invisible and unfathomable beings were watching this Sanqing Academy. .

With the gaze of these four beings, except for the one in Zixiao Palace, absolutely no one in the entire prehistoric world would dare to come here to act recklessly.

In other words, as long as she stays in Sanqing Academy, her situation will be safe.

"Chan'er, although you can take me into this saint's dojo, it won't be a good idea.

After all, this is a saint's ashram. According to etiquette, I should prepare a greeting card in advance and get permission before entering. "

Yang Chan waved her hand and said: "Mom, don't worry, these are nothing. I'll just go and tell Teacher Tongtian later. He loves me so much that he doesn't care about these little things."

Besides, it’s okay if Sanqing Academy doesn’t let you stay. I’ll beg your Majesty to let you live in the Wa Palace for a while. Anyway, your Majesty and I are not in the Wa Palace now, and the flowers and plants there are not in trouble anymore. People take care of it! "

What the hell?

Even though Yao Ji had already prepared herself mentally, she was going to try to believe whatever Yang Chan said no matter how outrageous it was.

After all, what Yang Chan said before was incredible, but it had all been proven to be true without exception.

But what Yang Chan said at this time was really outrageous.

What is Tongtian Teacher?

Could it be Tongtian Sect Master?

Could it be that Chan'er became Tongtian Sect Master's apprentice? This was too incredible.

Although the thousands of immortals of Jiejiao came to pay homage, Tongtian Sect Master actually did not have many direct disciples. The only ones he could call his direct disciples were Duobao Taoist, Wudang Holy Mother, Jinling Holy Mother, Guiling Holy Mother, Zhao Gongming and the three sisters Bixiao.

Apart from the eight of them, even the seven attendants who had great power in Jiejiao were not qualified to call Tongtian Sect Master a teacher.

But if Chan'er became Tongtian Sect Master's disciple, then what about the queen?

From what her daughter said, she and Nuwa were very familiar with each other, even to the extent that she could let her live in the Wa Palace with just one sentence.

This matter even shocked Yao Ji more than Yang Chan becoming the direct disciple of Tongtian Sect Master.

Nuwa was famous among the saints for being untainted by the mundane world. Although her combat power was weaker than other saints, she had one advantage, which was that she didn't need to compete for luck.

When other saints were fighting for the development of their sects, only Nuwa was sitting on the Diaoyutai in the Wa Palace, and she didn't have the slightest intention of personally going out.

So for the outside world, the Wa Palace was the second most mysterious existence in the entire Three Realms after the Zixiao Palace.

Even though Yao Ji was the sister of the Great Heavenly Venerable and had seen many big scenes in her life, she still doubted her life at this time.

However, Yao Ji didn't doubt that Yang Chan was lying. After all, there were not many people who dared to joke about the name of the saint in the entire prehistoric world.

It is not an empty talk to mention the name of a saint directly in the prehistoric world. If there is any untruth in the words, it is a matter of cause and effect.

Her daughter is well-behaved and smart, and she would definitely not do such a rebellious thing.

In other words, during the six months when she was suppressed in Taoshan, her daughter not only became the direct disciple of Tongtian Sect Master, but also maintained a very good relationship with Nuwa.

Yao Ji couldn't help but be curious about what her daughter had experienced in the past six months.

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