All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 349 Then all my efforts were in vain!

Yao Ji and Yang Chan had a very harmonious mother-daughter relationship, so she did not shy away from asking directly.

"Chan'er, what have you been through in the past six months? How come you seem to have a very good relationship with the two saints?

And what exactly is this Sanqing Academy? Why have I never heard of it before?"

Yang Chan naturally answered her mother's question obediently.

She hid the part about the chat group, and then told Yao Ji in detail all her experiences in the past six months.

Listening to Yang Chan's story, Yao Ji's expression kept changing.

When she heard that the brother and sister were chased by the heavenly soldiers and almost fell into death, and even little Yang Chan was seriously injured and unconscious, and fortunately escaped from danger with the help of Yu Ding Zhenren, Yao Ji's eyes showed an angry look, like the morning light of dawn, trying to pierce the sky.

When she heard that Yang Jian successfully worshipped Yu Ding Zhenren and became a legitimate third-generation disciple of Yuxu, Yao Ji's expression became extremely gratified, as if her good son had finally made it.

When she heard that Yang Chan was gifted and attracted two saints to fight for her, Yao Ji was incredulous. What kind of monsters did she give birth to?

The second son was fine. Although he became a disciple of Yu Ding Zhenren, he was only a third-generation disciple of Yu Xu, which was still within Yao Ji's acceptable range.

The youngest daughter was too outrageous. Not only did she comprehend the Zhuxian sword in just one hour, but she also became a disciple of two saints at the same time, which shocked Yao Ji for ten thousand years.

She had never seen such a scene before.

Not to mention that she had never seen it before, even her brother Haotian would be dumbfounded if he knew about it and couldn't believe his eyes.

In the end, when Yao Ji heard that Yang Chan fought against three thousand heavenly soldiers and the incarnation of Qingluan Fairy at the same time to save her, she nervously grabbed the armrest of the chair. A huge force emerged from her pair of slender hands, and she directly pinched the armrest of the chair to create two clearly visible handprints.

You should know that there are no ordinary things in Sanqing Academy. Whether it is tables, chairs, benches, or pots and pans, they are all rare divine objects in the outside world.

After all, the entire academy was built by the three saints together. Anything they took out is an extremely precious treasure for others.

The chair that Yao Ji broke was made of a kind of wood called Fusang sacred wood. Even if there is no engraved magic array, the texture of this sacred wood is enough to resist the attack of ordinary true immortals.

And Yao Ji actually made two handprints on the chair made of Fusang sacred wood, which shows how nervous she was when she heard that Xiao Yangchan was fighting with Qingluan Fairy.

It was not until Yao Ji heard that Yangchan defeated the incarnation of Qingluan Fairy with a magical power that she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, Chan'er, you didn't fall into the hands of Fairy Qingluan.

Don't look at that slut who seems to be kind to others, but in fact, she is the most vicious and cruel behind the scenes.

I was suppressed in Taoshan this time because she caught me.

When I was in the Heavenly Palace, my relationship with her was pretty good. I treated her like a sister on weekdays and didn't have much defense against her.

She took advantage of my psychology half a year ago, approached me and suddenly captured me, so that I was captured by the heavenly soldiers without any resistance.

If she hadn't suddenly attacked, I would have had time to use the teleportation array that I had arranged in advance to send you away, so that your father and elder brother would not have died in the hands of the heavenly soldiers and generals."

Just as the mother and daughter were reminiscing about the past, the door of Yang Chan's dormitory was suddenly pushed open.

Then a clear and resolute male voice sounded: "Okay, Xiaochan, you should have had enough fun!

It's almost time to return the axe to me. I still have to go to the martial arts field to practice axe skills and try to rescue my mother as soon as possible."

As he spoke, a handsome man with a divine eye between his eyebrows and extraordinary demeanor walked into the room and walked straight towards Yang Chan.

But halfway through, the man looked in the direction of Yang Chan and Yao Ji as if struck by lightning, and even the snacks made of various spiritual fruits in his hand for his sister could not be held steadily, and they fell to the floor.

In fact, with Yang Chan's current cultivation, she no longer needs to eat.

However, fasting is a kind of ability, but it is not an iron rule that must be followed, otherwise the Heavenly Court would not hold the Peach Feast.

In essence, Yang Chan is just a little girl in her teens, who is at the age of greed. In addition, she has been hanging out with Xu Chenzhou and others for a long time and often tastes the delicacies of the heavens and the worlds together, so she has no habit of fasting.

Yang Jian also knew his sister's habits, so every time after Yang Jian finished fighting with his classmates in the martial arts arena, he would stop by the cafeteria to bring his sister some snacks made of various spiritual fruits and spiritual medicines.

Yang Chan liked these snacks very much, otherwise she would not let her brother bring her a few portions every day.

But at this time, all the snacks in Yang Jian's hand were scattered on the ground, but Yang Chan's eyes did not show any heartache, but a proud look.

She had never seen her second brother show such a surprised expression in her life.

She waved her hand and directly engraved Yang Jian's appearance on a jade slip with the magic of leaving a shadow.

Yang Jian did not notice Yang Chan's little action at all, and all his attention was focused on Yao Ji at this time.

Looking at the gentle and graceful woman in front of him, Yang Jian's eyes were slightly moist, and even a teardrop flowed out.

He shouted in a trembling voice: "Mom!"

Yao Ji was naturally distressed when she saw Yang Jian like this.

She knew the character of her second son, who was resolute and brave, indomitable, and a first-class hero.

Since Yang Jian was three years old, Yao Ji had never seen Yang Jian cry.

And now that he saw her, Yang Jian was so excited that he shed tears, which showed how intense his inner fluctuations were at this time.

She walked lightly to Yang Jian and reached out to gently stroke Yang Jian's head.

"Erlang, you have suffered so much during this period!"

Yang Jian was talking with his lips slightly open, and at this moment a clear and lively voice sounded.

"How about it, second brother, your sister is awesome!

I brought my mother back after going out for a trip!"

Yang Jian turned his head to look at his sister, with mixed feelings in his eyes.

He worked so hard during this period, and spent all his time except sleeping on cultivation, just to rescue his mother as soon as possible.

Yang Jian knew that in order to rescue his mother, he needed to at least cultivate to the level of a celestial being, and it would be best if he could master the new magical powers taught by the teachers of Sanqing Academy, so that he could be absolutely sure.

But at this time, Yang Jian had not even achieved the level of a true immortal, let alone cultivating to the level of a celestial being.

So he always felt that he was still very far away from the goal of rescuing his mother, and he still had a long time to work hard.

But he did not expect that his efforts had just begun, and his sister actually brought his mother back without any hesitation.

"Xiao Chan, how did you do it? Did you ask your two teachers to help?

That's right! Tongtian Saint and Nuwa Niangniang love you so much. As long as you ask, they will definitely be willing to help."

Yang Chan just shook her head: "I saved my mother by myself, and I haven't used the Qinglian Sword given by Tongtian Teacher. I just took your second brother's axe to split Taoshan."

Yang Chan paused and then continued: "Although the two teachers love me, I don't want to rely on others to save my mother.

Besides, even with the status of the two teachers, if they interfere in the affairs of the Heavenly Court, they will also be involved in cause and effect.

After all, the Great Heavenly Venerable and the Queen Mother of the West are the boys serving the boy, and the position of the Lord of the Heavenly Court It was also the one who personally conferred the title.

At this time of great changes in the world, the cause and effect are unclear, and it is not a good choice to rashly ask the two teachers to intervene in the affairs of the Heavenly Court. "

Yang Jian also nodded: "Sister, you are right, Master also told me so.

Otherwise, with Master's magical powers, it would be easy to rescue my mother.

Unless Haotian and Xiwang's mother take action, no one in the entire Heavenly Court can stop him.

But if he takes action, he will be involved in the cause and effect between him and the Heavenly Court, and the follow-up will be very troublesome.

Only you and I can save my mother, which is in accordance with the rules of heaven, and even the one in Zixiao Palace can't find any fault. "

At this point, Yang Jian's eyes became solemn.

"But sister, how did you do it?

Even if you have the axe to split the mountain, it is not an easy task to rescue your mother.

Not to mention anything else, just splitting the peach mountain requires at least the magic power of the real immortal level.

Could it be that you are already a real immortal now!!"

Yang Jian did not know Yang Chan's cultivation level. Unlike Yang Jian who often challenged his classmates on weekdays, Yang Chan was a low-key existence in Sanqing Academy.

Not only did the classmates not know that Yang Chan was a disciple of two saints at the same time, even when facing the second brother, Yang Chan deliberately kept it to herself and never exposed her true cultivation level.

This was not because Yang Chan was guarding against Yang Jian, but mainly because she was affected by the group of old shady guys in the chat group.

In the eyes of little Yang Chan, showing three or four points of strength and retaining six or seven points of level is a normal thing that cannot be more normal.

So in front of Yang Jian, the strength shown by Yang Chan is almost the same as Yang Jian, and they are completely in the same echelon.

Yang Chan nodded firmly, and then showed her cultivation of the peak of the True Immortal in front of Yang Jian.

A clear air rushed straight into the sky, stirring up the changes in the wind and clouds in the sky, and the whole room was filled with fragrance, and even golden lotuses bloomed.

This is a vision that only the True Immortal of the perfect level can have.

It means that Yang Chan has cultivated to the level of flawlessness and perfection in the realm of True Immortal.

Seeing Yang Chan's cultivation, Yang Jian's already dull expression became even duller.

Damn, am I being played by my sister!

He actually knew that his qualifications were not as good as his sister's, after all, he was also there when his sister was robbed by two saints.

But Yang Jian didn't expect that the difference in cultivation between him and his sister would be so outrageous.

The peak of the True Immortal!

To put it bluntly, Yang Chan's little finger can crush Yang Jian to death at this time.

The gap is so big that Yang Jian even wants to lie down.

Why should I work so hard? I might as well just turn into a sister-eating expert and let my sister take me flying.

Seeing Yang Jian's dumbfounded look, Yang Chan acted like a little adult, walked in front of Yang Jian and patted his brother on the shoulder.

"Brother, don't be discouraged, you are actually great!

Besides, you also contributed half of the credit for rescuing my mother.

If I hadn't given me the Dragon and Phoenix Mysterious Yuan Chapter and the Mountain-Splitting Divine Axe, I wouldn't have been able to defeat the Golden Immortal incarnation of Fairy Qingluan and successfully rescue my mother. "

What the hell?

Golden Immortal incarnation?

Yang Chan's words not only failed to comfort Yang Jian, but made Yang Jian almost unable to believe that what he heard was true, and even his heart of Taoism, as strong as iron, was almost broken.

My sister rescued my mother, and she also defeated an incarnation of the Golden Immortal level?

Although Yang Jian didn't know who Fairy Qingluan was, he knew too well how terrifying the powerful people in the Golden Immortal realm were.

If he wanted to defeat the powerful people in the Golden Immortal realm, he had to practice the Eight Nine Mysterious Art passed down to him by his master to the sixth level at least, and at this time he had only practiced the Eight Nine Mysterious Art to the second level. There are four levels of gap.

Even with his talent, it will take decades to catch up.

The successive blows made Yang Jian feel jealous, but he immediately cut off this thought.

After all, Yang Chan is his sister, and the stronger Yang Chan is, the happier he will be.

It's just that the gap between Yang Chan's cultivation and strength was too big for a while, which made Yang Jian almost lose his heart.

He took back the Dragon and Phoenix Xuanyuan Chapter and the Kaishan Divine Axe from Yang Chan with a bitter smile on his face.

"Sister, you are so scary.

It was like this when I first worshipped the saint, and this time you suddenly saved my mother.

Remember to tell me in advance if you have anything in the future, otherwise your second brother's heart will not be able to bear it. "

Yang Chan told Yang Jian again about how she split the mountain to save her mother, and then the three of them gathered together and started to talk about family matters.

The family had not been together for a long time and had endless things to say.

Except for some things about cultivation at the beginning, the family talked most about daily topics.

Yang Jian also forgot that he still had to practice axe skills, and quietly enjoyed the moment of family reunion.

The sun set, the stars were slanted, the night fell, and time passed like a passing star.

Yao Ji looked at the communication between her children and showed a look of relief in her eyes.

The days and nights under Taoshan, the reason that supported her to hold on was that she wanted to see such a scene again.

It's just a pity that although the family reunited again, there were still two people missing.

Just when the family was still enjoying the quiet time, a gentle female voice suddenly came to Yang Chan's ears.

"Xiaochan, you and your mother should have almost talked about the past. Bring her and your second brother to my bedroom. Your teacher Tongtian and I will wait for you here! ”

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