All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 350 Save, save, save, save!!

The owner of this gentle female voice is naturally the saint Nuwa.

After hearing the Empress's voice, Yang Chan stood up and bowed respectfully in the direction where Empress Nuwa asked for credit, and then said yes.

Yang Chan knew that there would be such a moment when she displayed the original Nine Waves of Black and Yellow Divine Light, so she didn't panic, she just turned around and explained the situation to her brother and mother.

Yang Chan was not panicked, but Yaoji was a little at a loss. She felt that her experience today was like riding a roller coaster. The fright her daughter gave her before had not yet passed, but now her daughter suddenly told her that she would take her to meet the two of them. saint.

This was the first time in her life that she had met a saint, the supreme being in the ancient world. How could Yao Ji not feel nervous.

Yang Chan was thoughtful and immediately held her mother's hand when she saw her reaction.

"Mom, please relax. The two teachers are very nice, so you don't have to be nervous."

With her daughter's comfort, Yao Ji relaxed a little.

Then the family, led by Yang Chan, walked towards the palace of Nuwa Empress.

The closer you get to the palace of Empress Nuwa, the fewer Sanqing Academy disciples are around, and the surrounding environment gradually becomes quieter.

The residences of the saints are all forbidden areas in Sanqing Academy. Ordinary disciples without corresponding tokens cannot get close to them.

Of course, Xiao Yang Chan was not one of them. She led her mother through many twists and turns, and soon arrived at the door of Nuwa's palace.

Even though this place is just a temporary residence of a saint, it still has an extraordinary atmosphere. The high steps of the Jade Gate, the pavilions and pavilions, and the laws of the great road are hanging down, wrapping the entire palace in the atmosphere of chaos.

As if sensing the arrival of little Yang Chan, countless chaotic energy separated from it, revealing a passage for Yang Chan's family to pass.

Yang Chan took the lead and walked into the palace.

From the outside, this palace is only the size of an ordinary attic, but as soon as you walk inside, it immediately reveals its extraordinary features.

Countless spaces are constantly extending outwards, as if being unfolded, to infinite heights in the infinite distance, as if this place is not a palace, but another prehistoric world.

There were two figures sitting in the palace.

One of the figures has the body of a snake and a graceful appearance. She has the aura of a mother who cares about the world, as if she is the source of everything in the world, the mother of all things, and the creator of all living beings. When people see her, they can't help but want to get close to her. .

Another figure was holding a long sword with a blue hilt, and his body exuded an aura of the end of the universe and the end of the world, as if he was the destination of the end of all things.

These two figures were the two saints. They were sitting on the futon, quietly waiting for the arrival of Xiao Yang Chan.

The closer she got to these two figures, the more Yao Ji felt that she could hardly think. This was not due to the influence of the aura of the two saints, but from a fear of the supreme life.

Saint Nuwa and Master Tongtian have tried their best to control their momentum, otherwise Yao Ji would not be qualified to get close to the two saints with her cultivation level. Even if she just glances at it from a distance, the terrifying amount of information can directly destroy her. The divine soul shattered her golden immortal body.

Big beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and she could only hold her daughter's little hand tightly, but even so, Yao Ji couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

At this moment, Yang Chan suddenly let go of his hand and jumped up to the two saints.

"Teacher, empress, the disciple is here, why did you ask me to come here?"

As Yang Chan spoke, the aura of the two saints who believed they were standing above all living beings and treating all things in the world as stupid dogs was instantly shattered.

There was a gentle look in the eyes of Empress Nuwa, and the originally stern face of Master Tongtian instantly revealed a smile. The smile was so sincere that it was like a mortal old man meeting his granddaughter.

Leader Tongtian knocked on the floor with the Qingping Sword in his hand and said: "You little naughty boy, how could you not know why we called you here? Tell the teacher quickly, what's going on with your magical power?"

Empress Nuwa also spoke: "Since the new way was integrated into the ancient world, three Tao brothers and I gathered here to understand the new way, but no matter how we tried, we still couldn't get it right.

Although the spells we have comprehended are also mysterious, they have never been able to break out of the prison of the Three Thousand Daos of the Ancient World, and we are still trapped in the Dao.

If this continues, then the new methods we have comprehended will be of very little help to us.

After all, the three thousand saints in the prehistoric era have long been exhausted. No matter how much we innovate, it will be difficult for us to improve our cultivation further.

But the set of magical powers that you little girl just used actually started from a completely different angle. Although there are still shadows of the Three Thousand Great Paths in it, most of the mental techniques and skills have completely escaped from the Three Thousand Great Paths. The cage showed a new avenue as if it were the beginning of the world. "

As she spoke, the empress showed a smile on her face: "Fortunately, Chan'er, you were lucky enough to join me and Taoist Brother Tongtian in advance. You also greeted us in advance and asked us to cover for you.

Otherwise, if it were another character, as long as he dared to display this magical power, he would have been arrested by me and three Taoist brothers and studied carefully. Even Teacher Hongjun might have taken action.

Teacher Tongtian and I don't covet this set of magical powers of yours. We just need you to explain to me the way you understood this set of magical powers at that time. "

Hearing this, Yang Chan immediately showed a bitter look.

Before she went out to save her mother, she had already greeted the two teachers in advance and asked the two teachers to conceal the secret for her. This is why there are only two saints in the palace of the empress.

But he didn't expect that the two teachers didn't want the exercises, but wanted to know her thoughts on enlightenment!

If the two teachers wanted the magical power of the Original Nine Waves of Black and Yellow Divine Light, Yang Chan would definitely hand it over immediately without saying a word.

Yang Chan is not an ungrateful person. She also knows how kind Teacher Tongtian and Nuwa Empress are to her.

Regardless of the spiritual fruit and elixir that Empress Nuwa gave her these days, as well as the Qinglian Sword and Zhuxian Sword Intention given to her by the Tongtian Cult Master, they are all treasures of infinite value.

Not only this magical power, but Yang Chan also prepared many perfect methods and planned to hand them over to the two teachers later. On the one hand, he can use these perfect methods to establish his own genius character, and on the other hand, he can also repay the favor. The kindness of the two teachers in teaching her during this period.

But the two teachers wanted her to explain the idea of ​​​​penetrating this magical power, which immediately stumped Yang Chan.

She knows how to understand the hammer.

This set of magical powers is directly fed by the heavenly way and evolved directly through her great merits.

How should Yang Chan explain this? Could it be that he directly revealed that this set of supernatural powers evolved independently due to the merits sent down by heaven?

When the two teachers asked her how she obtained her merits, how would she answer them?

And it would be difficult for her to explain how she was able to hide her acquired merits and virtues in front of the two teachers.

These are all due to the chat group. She can't expose the existence of the chat group to herself. Maybe she will tell the two teachers about the existence of the chat group after she has attained the level of a saint, but it is not yet time to expose the chat group. when.

Yang Chan reached out and took out two white jade slips from her arms. She handed the two jade slips to Nuwa Empress and Tongtian Cult Master respectively before leaving respectfully.

"My dear, what are you saying? Aren't the disciple's magical powers the same as those of the two teachers?

How good the two teachers were to me has always been engraved in my heart. A mere set of magical powers means nothing.

These two jade slips contain the original version of my magical powers that I burned in advance, and I asked two teachers to review them. "

Empress Nuwa and Master Tongtian did not refuse, and reached out to take the white jade slip in Yang Chan's hand.

Then Empress Nuwa spoke again: "I am very pleased that you have such filial piety, Chan'er.

But even with the original magical power, I'm still curious about how you came to understand this magical power.

Can you explain it to me in detail? I think your perspective should be very helpful for me and Brother Tongtian to understand the new way. "

Yang Chan had a look of embarrassment on her face: "Since your Majesty has asked for it, of course it's okay!

But please give me some time to let my disciples sort out their thoughts. "

After saying that, Yang Chan closed her eyes, as if she was deep in thought.

At this time, in the chat group, all the group friends were also urgently invited online by Yang Chan.

Yang Chan (a disciple of the Wa Palace): “Help, help, help, help!!!!!!!

Brother leader, help!

There are also brother Junbao, brother Hongyi, brother Han Li, brother Mingfei, sister Meiqin, and brother Shi Hao...! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! "

Yang Chan called everyone out in the group chat. This matter was no longer something she could handle.

Xu Chenzhou has been paying attention to the situation in the prehistoric world.

When he saw Yang Chan calling for help, he immediately appeared.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It's just as I expected, Xiaochan, you won't be able to fool me so easily this time.

Your two teachers must have doubts about the origin of your magical power, so they asked you to tell them the way you understood the original Nine Dang Xuanhuang Divine Light. "

Hong Yi (Lord of Daqian): "It's not surprising. After all, those saints have been studying for more than half a year but still haven't figured out the perfect method. As a result, Xiaochan, you suddenly came up with an extremely mature magical power. They didn't produce it." It's strange to have doubts.

Moreover, they went to Yuquan Mountain in the first place to find the root of their mental state. You were living in Yuquan Mountain at the time, so it was reasonable to suspect you. "

Hong Yi thought thoughtfully, and it can be seen from this incident that the chat group's blocking ability has rules.

If they do not take the initiative to reveal the abilities they obtained from the chat group, then even a saint-level existence will not be able to see clearly their reality. However, once they actively transfer the abilities obtained from the chat group, then the things they proactively reveal will be unclear. In some cases, the blocking function of chat groups will be disabled immediately.

For example, Yang Chan used the original Jiudang Xuanhuang divine light to actively attack the Golden Immortal incarnation of Fairy Qingluan. The two saints immediately noticed Yang Chan's magical power.

Yang Chan's body of acquired merit, which Yang Chan had never actively used, even though it had played a role in the attack of Long Tu's Leibu Heavenly Lord, the two saints were not aware of it at all.

Zhang Junbao (the leader of the new dynasty): "But this is not a bad thing. Strictly speaking, Saint Tongtian and Saint Nuwa are on our side.

Being able to strengthen both of them is actually a good thing for you.

After all, besides saints, there is the only heaven in the prehistoric world. If your two teachers can be stronger than the existence in Zixiao Palace, then you can sit back and relax in the prehistoric world.

In fact, Xiaochan, you took the initiative to use the original Nine-Dang Xuanhuang Divine Light this time, and there was also a part of your mind that wanted to reveal the new method and the information related to you to the two saints. "

Yang Chan (a disciple of the Wahuang Palace): "Well, it is true. During this period, I have been listening to the lectures of the two teachers and learned many secrets of the prehistoric world from them.

There are some things that the two teachers did not say explicitly, but as long as you think a little, you can know what they mean.

In the original prehistoric world system, Hongjun Daozu is the supreme existence.

Because the source of the prehistoric three thousand ways is the three thousand demon gods in the chaos, Hongjun Daozu is not only one of the three thousand demon gods, but also the only chaotic demon god in the world.

Except for him, the other three thousand demon gods have been defeated by him in one calamity after another and integrated into the avenue.

In this process, he has exhausted the prehistoric three thousand ways, and it can be said that he is the source of the three thousand avenues. No matter how far others extend these three thousand avenues, it is meaningless, because all this is to prepare wedding clothes for Hongjun Daozu.

After all, Hongjun Daozu is the source of the three thousand great ways, whether it is the end of the great way, the creation great way, or even the way of inaction, as long as these great ways become stronger, Hongjun Daozu will also become stronger.

Moreover, Hongjun Daozu is also the controller of the prehistoric heavenly way. As long as they are in the prehistoric world, no matter who they are, they can't escape his control.

But now everything has changed, after I brought the perfect law to the prehistoric world.

In order to advance to a higher-energy world, the heavenly way of the prehistoric world actively integrated the perfect cultivation system into the prehistoric world, which made the cage created by Hongjun Daozu appear a little flaw.

The source of the great way of the perfect law is not him, Hongjun Daozu, which means that all the saints may surpass Hongjun Daozu in the comprehension of the perfect law.

The perfect law alone may still not be able to defeat Hongjun Daozu, but if the great ways that the saints are originally good at are added, everything is possible.

As the saying goes, one step further from the top of the pole, for great powers like them, sometimes being a little stronger is too strong.

This is also why, as soon as the Perfect Method came out, the Three Pure Ones, who were originally going to fight each other, shook hands and made peace, and jointly founded the Three Pure Ones Academy. Even the always peaceful Nuwa Niangniang would get involved.

It is precisely because of this that I took the risk of using the original Nine-wave Mysterious Yellow Divine Light. ”

Yang Chan sighed and said, “But I didn’t expect that I wanted to establish my genius personality through the original Nine-wave Mysterious Yellow Divine Light, and then find a way to hand over the Perfect Method information in my hands to the two teachers, but the two teachers actually asked questions about my thoughts on comprehending the supernatural power. This can be said to be a mess!”

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