All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 351: Willow God's Magic, Get Four More Swords

Hearing Yang Chan's words, Xu Chenzhou also showed a thoughtful look.

Yang Chan had not told them these things before, and this was the first time he knew about it.

It seems that the saints are not loyal to their teacher Hongjun Daozu, but have their own little thoughts, otherwise everyone would not be so concerned about the perfect method.

But this is nothing strange. Although the saints are high in the prehistoric world, they have no status in front of Hongjun Daozu.

At the end of the Conferred God Calamity, the saints fought a battle, and then Hongjun Daozu came to quell the dispute and gave each of the three saints a poison pill.

This poison pill is not simple.

At that time, Hongjun Daozu wrote a poem for this pill: This pill has a mysterious skill, because you three attack each other. If you change your mind first, the pill in your stomach will explode and you will die immediately!

In other words, after this pill is eaten, the life and death of the three saints will be in the hands of Hongjun Daozu.

With the abilities of the Three Pure Ones, it was impossible for them not to recognize the effect of this pill, but in the face of the oppression of Hongjun Daozu, they not only took the pill obediently but also praised their teacher for his mercy afterwards, as if what Hongjun Daozu gave them was not a poison pill but a panacea that could greatly increase their cultivation.

From this, we can see what the real relationship between Hongjun Daozu and the Three Pure Ones is.

For the saints who have already reached the top of the prehistoric world, there is still an existence above them who can decide their life and death at will, how can they not have some small thoughts!

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "It's not that you're going to go too far. If the two saints really wanted to do something to you, they wouldn't use such a gentle method to ask you about your thoughts.

In fact, they didn't intend to delve into it, they just wanted to test you.

As for exposing your relationship with the perfect law, it's fine.

Anyway, after you hand over the other perfect laws in your hands to them, they will definitely notice the clues.

After all, the system of the perfect law is the result of countless heroes in the world exploring and summarizing it in the endless river of time.

Starting from moving the blood mirror, step by step, opening up the cave, arranging the formation to crown the king, igniting the divine fire, and condensing the immortal seeds, each realm is orderly and strict, which can be compared to a perfect work of art. No matter how talented you are, you can't do it alone. Comprehended such a complete cultivation system in such a short time. "

Yang Chan (disciple of the Wahuang Palace): "But no matter what, we still have to come up with a set of comprehension ideas first.

Otherwise, even if the queen and the teacher don't want to delve into it, I can't justify it. "

Zhang Junbao (the lord of the new dynasty): "It's not difficult to come up with a set of comprehension ideas, but it's very difficult to compile this set of comprehension ideas to the extent that even the saints can't see the flaws.

Well, let's give it a try anyway!

When the time comes, we can combine everyone's ideas and maybe we can come up with a set of acceptable products. "

After Zhang Junbao finished speaking, the group chat fell silent, and everyone was thinking about how to help little Yang Chan come up with a set of comprehension ideas that could fool the two saints.

This is a very difficult thing.

Although everyone had a lot of experience when learning the original nine-wave black and yellow divine light and its three treasures.

However, these experiences and insights are all from their learning, and there is a big gap between them and the idea of ​​comprehending a magical power from scratch.

Even Zhang Junbao and Hong Yi, who have always been very good at comprehending the skills, fell into difficult thinking.

At this time, Shi Hao, who had been lurking in the group chat, suddenly appeared.

Shi Hao (the overlord of the virtual world): "Sister Yang Chan, I just told Liu Shen about you, and she said that he can help with this matter.

It's just that it doesn't know much about the prehistoric immortal way, so Liu Shen said that she didn't know whether the idea of ​​comprehension she provided would be discovered by the three saints."

Hearing Shi Hao's words, Yang Chan was instantly overjoyed.

If there is anyone among all the group members in the chat group and the people they contact who knows the original nine waves of Xuanhuang divine light the most, that person must be Liu Shen.

It was Liu Shen who disassembled the original nine waves of Xuanhuang divine light into three treasure books, which allowed everyone in the group chat to practice this innate magical power of Yang Chan.

At this time, Liu Shen was willing to help, and the comprehension ideas he brought out must be more convincing than the comprehension ideas they made up.

Moreover, after Xiao Shihao and Liu Shen revealed the existence of the chat group, Shihao even shared many cultivation methods from other worlds that he downloaded from the chat group with Liu Shen to comprehend together.

So Liu Shen at this time was not completely ignorant of the Honghuang Immortal Dao.

With Liu Shen's cultivation and talent, and knowing the cultivation systems of two worlds at the same time, it was definitely not difficult for him to compile a reliable comprehension idea.

After getting Yang Chan's approval, Shi Hao immediately uploaded the comprehension ideas provided by Liu Shen to the group chat.

Xiao Yang Chan quickly downloaded it.

The comprehension ideas provided by Liu Shen were extremely detailed and targeted, and it was obvious that they combined the various experiences she had when she disassembled this magical power.

At least everyone in the group chat felt that this set of comprehension ideas was simply seamless.

If they did not know that the original Nine Waves Mysterious Yellow Divine Light was an innate magical power evolved from the Way of Heaven, I am afraid everyone would think that this magical power was really researched step by step according to the comprehension ideas provided by God Willow.

Xiao Yangchan simply turned on the time acceleration and frantically digested the details of this set of comprehension ideas in her mind.

The original nine-wave mysterious yellow divine light is Yangchan's innate magical power. She is very familiar with it. In addition, this set of comprehension ideas is written in great detail, so Xiao Yangchan's comprehension speed is very fast.

It took about twenty days for Xiao Yangchan to master all the details.

At this time, two days have passed in reality, but the two saints are not impatient at all. Instead, they are concentrating on looking at the jade slips in their hands, and they smile from time to time.

As for Yang Jian and Yao Ji, they have no idea what happened. They were suddenly brought to the two saints, and then the two saints and Yangchan suddenly fell into a deep state of meditation.

Faced with such a strange scene, the two of them did not dare to make any extra movements, and they also closed their eyes and practiced together.

This is a rare opportunity.

As we all know, the top practice site in the prehistoric world is the dojo of the saints.

Saints, saints!

As the pinnacle of the prehistoric world, there are all kinds of strange phenomena on his body.

First of all, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is extremely rich around the saint, far exceeding the blessed land and cave heaven mentioned by ordinary cultivators, so as long as he stays beside the saint to practice, the speed of the cultivator breathing in the vitality of heaven and earth will be as fast as taking off.

But this is only the most insignificant benefit.

The most important thing is that practicing beside the saint is helpful for comprehending the laws and comprehending the supernatural powers.

Among the spiritual plants that can bless the understanding of cultivators in the prehistoric world, the most famous one is the Bodhi tree.

Although the Bodhi tree is an innate spiritual root that is extremely precious, how can it be compared with the existence of the saint who stands at the top of the prehistoric world.

Practicing under the Bodhi tree can increase wisdom, and practicing beside the saint is even more amazing.

The laws of the Tao are directly manifested, and infinite wisdom naturally increases. Practicing is just like flying in the clouds, and one can jump out of 108,000 miles with a somersault.

Yang Jian and Yao Ji have never had such a smooth practice experience, and they immediately immersed themselves in the practice, completely unable to extricate themselves.

This is the scene that Xiao Yangchan saw after leaving the chat group. Apart from her, her two teachers, her mother and her brother were all completely immersed in cultivation.

Instead, she seemed a little different as she suddenly stood up.

Yangchan walked in front of the two saints with a confident look.

Seeing Xiao Yangchan's actions, the two saints also put down the jade slips in their hands.

Nuwa Saint spoke first: "Although it was only two days, this magical power has solved many of my questions during this period. Chan'er, you really gave me a huge surprise."

Tongtian Sect Master also nodded and said: "This magical power is so exquisite that I feel a little amazed.

In terms of power alone, this magical power is actually not particularly outstanding. The power of many innate creatures' innate magical powers can easily reach this level of power.

But from a certain perspective, its value to us is more precious than my four swords of Zhuxian, or my second brother's nine seals of Yuanshi."

Nuwa Saint spoke again: "Looking at your appearance, Chan'er, you should have sorted out your thoughts, so hurry up and tell me, I can't wait!"

With the friendly assistance of God Liu, Yang Chan was full of confidence at this time.

Yang Chan explained the thoughts of enlightenment provided by God Liu in her mind to the two saints in detail.

From how she discovered that the foundation of the perfect method was all kinds of runes, to how she had the intention to engrave these runes in her body, how she thought of opening up a cave to absorb and exhale vital energy, and then how to combine these runes with the cultivation methods of the prehistoric world, and what techniques were used in the process of combination to make the different cultivation systems of the two worlds no longer conflict but harmoniously united.

Every step is well-founded, as if it is a complete reproduction of the scene of the original comprehension of the method.

The two saints also listened very attentively. They did not ask other questions, but listened to Yang Chan's story attentively, as if the person standing in front of them was not their little apprentice, but Hongjun Daozu in Zixiao Palace.

Yao Ji and Yang Jian also woke up from their meditation, and they became even more confused when they saw the scene in front of them.

Yao Ji even rubbed her eyes to confirm whether she was dazzled.

Could she have fallen into the illusion of the devil? She actually saw two saints listening to her daughter's lecture like students?

But which demon would be so bold as to dare to come to the sage's temple to stir up trouble?

Yao Ji couldn't help but shake her head and sigh. Her daughter was becoming more and more incomprehensible to her.

However, although they were confused, the two of them immediately perked up and listened carefully.

This was the content of the sermon that the sage listened to attentively. How could they miss it?

The whole sermon lasted for two days and two nights.

This was not that Yang Chan deliberately dragged the time, but there were too many details that needed to be explained.

Liu Shen's set of comprehension ideas not only covered how to comprehend the original Nine-wave Xuanhuang Divine Light from nothing, but also added many of her personal insights into the perfect method cultivation system. It was simply breaking up the previous several realms of the perfect cultivation system and integrating them into the comprehension ideas.

It was Liu Shen's approach that made this set of comprehension ideas so real and credible.

After all, the original Nine-Dang Xuanhuang Divine Light itself was born from the cultivation system of two worlds, and it also covers the knowledge of the two cultivation systems. If there is no content of the Perfect Method cultivation system, then no matter how eloquent Yang Chan is, it will seem that everything she said is just castles in the air and is not credible at all.

After Yang Chan finished talking about her thoughts on comprehension, the two saints looked at Yang Chan with different eyes.

The look of Tongtian Sect Master looking at Yang Chan became extremely admiring. He stretched out his hand and patted the jade table in front of him: "It's amazing, it's really amazing. Chan'er, your preaching really made me suddenly enlightened.

So that's it, so that's it!!

The new way turns out to be operated according to such a system, which is completely different from my Honghuang Immortal Way. There is a difference in the underlying logic.

No wonder no matter how I comprehend it, I always find it difficult to find the truth.

The root is wrong. No matter how much I think about the subsequent content, I will definitely not be able to get the correct solution!"

And the look of Nuwa Saint looking at Yang Chan was a little complicated. There was doubt and thinking, but it eventually turned into closeness.

Nuwa Saint and Yang Chan had been in contact for much longer time than Tongtian Sect Master. Nuwa Saint taught Yang Chan a lot of basic knowledge of the prehistoric fairyland. She knew too well that no matter whether it was magical power or comprehension ideas, it was absolutely impossible for Yang Chan to show them.

Her disciple had a big secret.

But Nuwa Saint also understood that Yang Chan was willing to expose this magical power in front of them, which itself represented great trust, so she had no intention of delving into it.

"Well, it's really good. With Chan'er's preaching content in the past two days, I have a complete idea of ​​how to develop a new way. Chan'er, you helped a lot this time!"

Seeing that both teachers approved of her preaching this time, Yang Chan felt relieved. This time she finally got away with it.

However, she also understood that she did not completely hide it from the two teachers, but the two teachers did not delve into it.

Yang Chan was thinking about whether to give the two teachers some perfect methods that she had prepared long ago according to the original plan. With these methods that were completely from the perfect world, the speed at which the two teachers could comprehend the new way should be much faster.

After careful consideration, Yang Chan decided to proceed according to the original plan.

She and the two teachers share the same fate, and it would be beneficial for her if the two teachers became stronger.

Moreover, she still had a gift from the God of Willow that she had not given to the two teachers.

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