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Chapter 352 From now on, the Three Pure Ones will be led by me, the Supreme Pure One.

This gift was just given to Xiao Shihao by Goddess Liu along with the thought of enlightenment. It was Goddess Liu's treasured technique.

Goddess Liu took out her own treasured technique as a gift because she had gained a lot from the world of the heavens that Xiao Shihao had shared with her during this period.

In particular, the technique of Zhuxian Sword Intent from Master Tongtian showed Goddess Liu a path that she had never imagined before, and even let Goddess Liu see the hope of breaking through the realm of Immortal King.

This was a great help to Goddess Liu.

So Goddess Liu also had a good impression of the group of friends that Xiao Shihao had never met.

In addition, Goddess Liu herself had a clear character of gratitude and resentment, and she was unwilling to accept the favor for nothing.

It was not easy to repay this favor. Although Zhuxian Sword Intent and Perfect Method were not in the same system, Goddess Liu could naturally see how great this technique was.

In Goddess Liu's current state, the only treasure on her body that was as valuable as Zhuxian Sword Intent was her Goddess Liu Technique.

Liu Shen didn't want to owe anyone a favor, so she took out her own magic as a gift and asked Xiao Shihao to pass it on to the group members.

In Yang Chan's opinion, Liu Shen's magic was more like a gift to Tongtian than a gift to the group members.

After all, Zhuxian Sword Intent was also obtained from Tongtian Teacher.

This opportunity is rare at this moment. Since the two teachers have shown an attitude of not wanting to delve into it, it doesn't matter if they reveal more, so Yang Chan plans to take this opportunity to pass on Liu Shen's magic to the two teachers.

Yang Chan raised her head and looked at the two teachers and asked, "Teachers, is my magical power really that helpful to you?"

Nuwa Niangniang smiled and said, "Of course, if it weren't for your reminder, Xiaochan, I'm afraid I don't know how long it would take to comprehend the cultivation method of the new way.

Maybe one Huiyuan, or maybe several Huiyuan, or even dozens of Huiyuan.

What you did helped me and Brother Tongtian save a lot of time."

"If that's the case, if I say that I have other magical powers related to the new way, will it be of great help to you and Teacher Tongtian?"

Nuwa Niangniang's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise: "Are there other magical powers? Chan'er, are you serious?"

Yang Chan nodded calmly, then took out a few more jade slips from her arms and handed them to Tongtian Jiaozhu and Nuwa Saint.

This time, Yang Chan brought out incredible magical powers, including the Six Paths of Reincarnation, the Original True Solution, the Roar Clan's Magic, the Luan Clan's Magic, and the Willow God's Magic.

Only the Grass Sword Art was left alone by little Yang Chan.

After all, there is a special connection between this magic and the Zhuxian Sword Intent, and Yang Chan didn't want Tongtian Sect Master to know that she was able to comprehend the Zhuxian Sword Intent so quickly because of the Grass Sword Art.

This time, Yang Chan didn't say that these magical powers were obtained by her own comprehension, otherwise if the two saints asked him to explain the comprehension ideas of these magical powers again, she really didn't know how to make it go.

But Yang Chan also has her own way.

She explained.

"I got these magical powers from Yuquan Mountain.

Just when the great changes happened in the prehistoric world and you, the saints, followed the rules of the world, suddenly a few shadows entered my mind.

You once said that Yuquan Mountain is the place with the most concentrated new Dao in the whole prehistoric world.

Perhaps it is for this reason that these magic skills came into being on Yuquan Mountain.

It's just that at the beginning, Chan'er's cultivation was shallow and she didn't understand the new Dao at all, so even if she got these skills, she couldn't understand them at all, and didn't even know what they were.

It was not until I learned many senior brothers' views on the new Dao in Sanqing Academy during this period that I gradually got some clues.

It is also because of the help of these magical skills that I can combine the magical power of my eyebrow center to evolve the original nine swings of Xuanhuang divine light."

Hearing Yang Chan's words, Tongtian Jiaozhu and Nuwa Niangniang looked at each other.

Heavenly General Skills? Born!

This is not completely impossible.

The prehistoric Heavenly Dao often does this. For example, when Nuwa Niangniang first received the merit of creating human beings, the prehistoric Heavenly Dao gave her the merit treasure, the Creation Whip, and a treasure book of creation.

Yuquan Mountain is the origin of the new Dao. It is very likely that the Heavenly Dao sensed the merit and generated several exercises.

There is even a possibility that the origin of the entire new Dao may be closely related to these exercises.

The two of them quickly took the jade slip in Yang Chan's hand and began to check it.

Little Yang Chan was not in a hurry. She pulled her mother and second brother to sit cross-legged again and began to practice.

The opportunity to practice beside the saint is something that many prehistoric creatures want but cannot ask for.

For her, this is naturally nothing, but for her second brother and mother, it is definitely a rare opportunity.

This time, the changes in the faces of the two saints were more exciting than before.

Sometimes they frowned, sometimes they smiled, sometimes they suddenly realized something, sometimes they were crazy, their joy, anger, sorrow and happiness were all shown on their faces, and they didn't look like saints at all.

The skills provided by Yang Chan really gave them a big surprise. The rich content and profound principles of these magical books even made them feel like they were back to the days when they listened to the teachings in Zixiao Palace.

I can die in the evening if I hear the truth in the morning!

The sun sets, the stars sink, and the moon shifts. I don't know how much time has passed.

After a long time, Empress Nuwa opened her eyes first, and an extremely terrifying aura emerged from her body.

This aura is different from the indifferent aura of the saint that is high in the sky and controls all things, but a more violent and powerful aura.

However, the power of this aura is much weaker than the saintly aura of Nuwa Empress. It is like the first fire of new life and the rising sun of dawn.

"What an original and true solution. It starts with moving blood, starts with runes, arranges the inscriptions, and then lights the divine fire. It's really wonderful!

Once I become a true immortal, my body will be freed from the prison. Although I have only walked halfway on this path, I have already seen that the end of the new path is definitely not inferior to our way of saints. "

It turns out that in just a few days, Saint Nuwa actually cultivated the perfect method to the realm of true immortality by relying on the content of the original true solution.

This is simply outrageous to the extreme.

A true immortal in a perfect world can be regarded as the ultimate giant, able to decide the life and death of countless sentient beings in the world with a single word.

A true immortal can achieve the realm of Immortal King if he takes one further step, and Liu Shen is just a giant in the realm of Immortal King.

Just after Saint Nuwa finished speaking these words, the aura of a true immortal came from the leader of Tongtian Cult next to her.

The leader of Tongtian also stepped into the true immortal world by relying on the original true solution!

Leader Tongtian touched his beard with great pride: "Hey, when we were practicing Taoism together in the past, as long as it was not a fighting and killing method, Yuanshi would always practice the fastest, and the eldest brother would practice the best.

It was the same when I was enlightened. I was always the last person.

Yuan laughs at me every time, saying that my understanding is not as good as his.

But this is also true. No matter what technique it is, I always wait for them to understand it before I can slowly catch up.

But this time it was different. Both Yuanshi and Big Brother were just groping outside the newly arrived door at this time, but I had already gone straight to the topic and completely entered the path. "

Hearing the words of Master Tongtian, Empress Nuwa couldn't help but cover her mouth and said with a smile: "Brother Tongtian, your understanding is definitely among the best among Zixiao's three thousand guests.

It's just that your two brothers are too perverted, which makes you seem to be a little less understanding.

And everyone has their own strengths. In terms of understanding of the method of fighting and killing, Brother Tongtian, you are definitely the number one person under the teacher. Even Brother Taishang is not as good as you.

So you don’t need to take what Brother Yuanshi Taoist said to heart. "

Leader Tongtian waved his hand boldly: "Junior Sister Nuwa, what are you talking about? I never took it to heart.

It's just that I've always been overpowered by my two brothers, so this time I wanted to let them see how powerful I am.

Hehe, when we discuss Tao next time, I must make them both look at each other with admiration.

Let them understand that from now on, among the three pure states, the higher pure state should be respected.

What's the use of having good understanding? Good vision is really good.

My apprentice is more powerful than their apprentice, and he is also more filial than their apprentice. They can't even think of disobeying me. "

“It’s true that when we accepted Chan’er as our disciple, Brother Taishang and Brother Yuanshi were both around, but only Brother Tongtian accepted Chan’er as his disciple.

Fortunately, I figured out at that time that there was some cause and effect between Chan'er and me. Otherwise, these skills would only be available to you, Taoist Brother Tongtian. "

The two saints were in a good mood at this time. Among these exercises, the most valuable to them was naturally the original true explanation.

The Original True Explanation records the details of practicing the Perfect Method from all aspects. It can be called an encyclopedia of the Perfect Method. The content in it is simply the essence of the Perfect Method cultivation system compiled over endless years.

Although the original true explanation in Xiao Yang Chan's hands was incomplete at this time, for the two saints, this incomplete original true explanation was enough for them.

After all, with the current state of the two saints, no matter what kind of cultivation system they practice, they are in a commanding position. What they lack most is the original true solution, a tool that can anchor all the details of the perfect Dharma cultivation system in detail, allowing them to explore on the road of exploration. It will not go astray.

For them, other techniques are not as valuable as the original true solution.

Every saint has his own way. For example, the way pursued by Master Tongtian is the way of the end, cutting off the sky, while the way pursued by Nuwa Empress is the way of creation. All things are born from the heart, and all things are self-centered.

Therefore, for them, even the most powerful skills can only be used as a reference. Only the skills that are in line with their own Dao are the most suitable skills for them.

Even if they get other skills, what they have to do is to dissect the details of cultivating the perfect system from these skills, and then combine them with their own Tao to deduce a practice method that suits them.

The original true solution completely omits this step.

Of course, this does not mean that other exercises have no value. The two saints have also gained a lot from these exercises. For example, Liu Shenfa's "Continuous Life and Life" provided the saint Nuwa with a perfect way to create a method that conforms to her path of creation. A lot of help.

After carefully putting away the jade slips in his hands, Master Tongtian looked at Xiao Yang Chan with a smile.

"Chan'er, your help to Master this time is really great.

Master is not a stingy person. Just tell me what wishes you have, and Master can satisfy you.

Of course, if you don’t have any wishes for the time being, you can leave them with Master first and wait until you think about it before you speak. "

As soon as this sentence was spoken, not to mention Yao Ji and Yang Jian, even Yang Chan's mind went blank.

This is the promise of a saint.

In the prehistoric world, this promise is even more precious than any innate spiritual treasure.

Normally, Yang Chan can make some small requests to Tongtian Patriarch, and if it is not too excessive, Tongtian Patriarch will sometimes satisfy Yang Chan.

But these small requests are different from the promise made by Tongtian Patriarch himself.

The promise of a saint is related to cause and effect.

The reason why Tongtian Patriarch accepted little Yang Chan into his family was also related to the promise.

It's just that the reason why Tongtian Patriarch made a casual promise was because he thought Yang Chan was just a little girl and it was impossible for him to make any excessive demands, and he almost lost the Qingping Sword.

At this time, Tongtian Patriarch had suffered the loss of making a casual promise to Yang Chan, and he was willing to make a promise again, which was enough to show how happy he was at this time.

Of course, this is also related to Xiao Yangchan's performance during this period. In addition to the fact that he directly asked for the Qingping Sword, which was a bit unusual, Xiao Yangchan has been very humble after worshipping the two saints as his teachers. He has never taken advantage of the status of the two saints' disciples to bully others. Even when he split the mountain to save his mother, Yangchan specially hid his status as a saint's disciple.

This is also the reason why Tongtian Sect Master is willing to make a promise with confidence.

Yangchan held a disciple ceremony to Tongtian Sect: "Teacher's gift, I dare not refuse, but the disciple has no wishes for the time being, please keep this wish for the time being."

She really has no use for this promise now, and Yangchan has a hunch that this promise will definitely be of great use, so she is unwilling to squander it.

Tongtian Sect Master seemed to have expected Xiao Yangchan's answer long ago. He didn't say much, but waved his hand and sent a jade slip he had just engraved to Xiao Yangchan.

"In that case, I will temporarily keep this wish. Chan'er, you can come to me anytime when you have made up your mind.

In addition to this wish, the teacher has a reward for you.

Just now, when I was comprehending the new Dao, I tried to merge the Zhuxian Sword Formation with the new Dao and use runes to interpret the Zhuxian Four Swords.

It's just that maybe because I didn't master the trick, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation was reduced a lot after the fusion.

However, this also reduces the difficulty of the rune version of the Zhuxian Four Swords. Chan'er, you are already very talented in the Zhuxian Four Swords. With the rune version of the Zhuxian Four Swords as a buffer, it will also be of great benefit to your understanding of the real Zhuxian Sword Formation."

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