All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 353 Nuwa Magic

Hearing the words of Master Tongtian, Yang Chan showed an expression of extreme surprise on her face.

The Baoshu version of the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, I didn’t expect that Teacher Tongtian would actually deduce such a good thing.

To be honest, the original version of the Four Swords of Zhu Xian was indeed too profound. After she got started with the cultivation of Zhu Xian's Sword Intent with the Caozi Sword Technique, she never made much progress.

Of course, the power of the entry-level Zhuxian Sword Intention is terrifying enough, enough for her to use this sword to counterattack enemies with a higher level than her. She can even fight with some ordinary golden immortals with the help of the Zhuxian Sword Intent.

If Xiao Yang Chan had used the Immortal Killing Sword Intent when he fought against the incarnation of Fairy Qingluan, the fight would not have been so difficult.

However, Yang Chan was not satisfied with letting her Immortal Killing Sword Intent stay at the entry level. After experiencing the incident of splitting a mountain to save her mother, she truly understood who her current enemy was.

The Queen Mother of the West had brought her family to where they were today. If this revenge was not avenged, Yang Chan would have trouble sleeping and eating.

She wanted to learn all the Four Swords of Zhu Xian as soon as possible and truly master the magical power of the Tongtian lineage. Only in this way could she have the capital to fight against a powerful person like the Queen Mother of the West.

And this set of treasured version of the Four Swords of Zhuxian given to her by Master Tongtian will undoubtedly help her master the real Four Swords of Zhuxian faster.

She quickly took the jade slip from the teacher's hand and put it into the storage ring as if it were a treasure.

After finishing all these things, Nuwa Empress did not let little Yang Chan leave yet.

She turned to look at Yao Ji and said softly: "Actually, I called your family here this time because I want to discuss something with you.

Brother Tongtian and I decided to invite your mother, Fairy Yaoji, to join Sanqing Academy and let her serve as a lecturer in the Shangqing lineage.

I wonder if your mother is willing? "

Hearing these words, Yao Ji's eyes flashed with a hint of surprise.

The saint personally invited her to join Sanqing Academy. How could she not be willing to do so?

And if she can really join Sanqing Academy, it means that she has a formal status in the Saint Dojo.

Once she can successfully join Sanqing Academy, even if the Queen Mother of the West knows her whereabouts, she will never dare to send anyone to harass her again.

Even when she left Sanqing Academy, Queen Mother Xi didn't dare to have any more ideas about her.

After all, as a lecturer of Sanqing Academy, if the Queen Mother of the West takes her away without the consent of the saints, it will undoubtedly be a slap in the face of all the saints.

This identity not only gave her a talisman, but also gave her a reassurance.

Yao Ji quickly said: "Thanks to the grace of the two saints, I am willing to join Sanqing Academy, but I still have a concern.

That is because the disciple's cultivation is shallow, and he doesn't know much about the teaching content of Sanqing College. If he rashly becomes a lecturer, the disciple is a little afraid that he will mislead his disciples. "

Leader Tongtian shook his head: "You don't have to worry about this matter, your cultivation level has reached the Golden Immortal realm, and you are not considered weak in my Jiejiao lineage.

What's more, what I teach and study at Sanqing College is the new way that suddenly appeared in the prehistoric world half a year ago. In the past two days, you have also listened to Chan'er's sermons with us. Based on your understanding of the new way at this time, It is more than enough to serve as a lecturer in the Shangqing lineage. "

After a pause, the leader of Tongtian Cult continued: "As for the various experiences you had in heaven before, you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Once you join my superior lineage, you will be under my protection, and no one will dare to touch you again. "

Hearing this, Yao Ji immediately knelt in front of the Tongtian Cult Master, nodded her head and performed a disciple salute: "Thank you, saint, for your grace!"

Yang Chan also quickly saluted with her mother and thanked Teacher Tongtian for the arrangement.

Yang Chan was sincerely grateful for this arrangement made by Tongtian Cult Master. From this matter, she could feel that the two teachers really cared about her.

Leader Tongtian accepted the gift calmly, then waved his hand and helped Yao Ji up from the air.

"Okay, okay, you are Chan'er's mother, there is no need to be so polite to me."

After finishing speaking, Master Tongtian turned to look at Yang Chan: "You did a good job in chopping up the mountain to save your mother this time, especially you did not take out the Green Lotus Sword rashly, but instead borrowed your brother's Dragon and Phoenix Xuanyuan Chapter and The Mountain God Axe, this move is the finishing touch. I don’t know how much karma has been saved for my Shangqing lineage. Let your mother join my Shangqing lineage and become a lecturer. "

Empress Nuwa smiled and said: "That's true. You may not know that there is a calamity coming in the prehistoric times. This calamity is not an ordinary small calamity, but a calamity comparable to the battle between dragons and phoenixes and the battle between lich. Tribulation.

This calamity will sweep across the entire prehistoric land, causing countless lives to be devastated, and countless cultivators to be reduced to ashes.

The most important thing is that this calamity is related to Heaven. If you are related to Heaven at this juncture, you will be more or less affected by the calamity.

At this special time point, although Heaven does not dare to provoke us, we do not want to provoke Heaven either.

In the original decree of heaven, Yang Jian should have done it by splitting the mountain to save his mother, and the calamity of splitting the mountain to save his mother should also be imprinted on Chan Jiao's body.

It's just that the emergence of the new way led to drastic changes in the ancient world, and all the certainties in the past were close to being empty, and only then did variables arise.

That's why Taoist Brother Tongtian and I accepted Chan'er as our disciple. In the end, Chan'er's cultivation level surpassed that of Yang Jian, and she became the one who cut down the mountain to save her mother.

It's just that in this way, the calamity of splitting Peach Mountain and rescuing the fugitives from Heaven should be on the shoulders of our Wa Palace and Taoist Brother Tongtian's Jiejiao.

There are only a few people in our palace, so we are not afraid of this calamity.

Brother Tongtian Dao is different. His Jiejiao family has a great cause. If there are these entanglements of cause and effect, he will not know how much he will pay in the calamity in the future.

Originally, the safest approach was to prevent Chan'er from chopping up the mountain to save her mother and leave this matter to Yang Jian. In this case, everything would go according to plan.

But as Chan'er's teachers, we naturally cannot stop our disciples from practicing filial piety. Taoist brother Tongtian was already prepared to bear the price of taking advantage of the cause and effect. Unexpectedly, Chan'er, a clever little boy, did not show any means of intercepting teachings. Instead, we borrowed Master Yuding's Dragon and Phoenix Xuanyuan Chapter. In addition, we have been paying attention to this matter, and we took action in time to cover up the secret for Chan'er. In this way, the cause and effect of splitting the mountain to save his mother will be shared by both Chan Jiao and Jie Jiao, and the bulk of the blame will fall on Chan Jiao, which invisibly reduces a lot of pressure on Taoist Brother Tongtian.

Of course, Yang Jian, don't worry. Although this blame is placed on Master Chan, it will not affect you and Master Yuding.

After all, this matter itself is the destiny of Chanjiao. Brother Yuanshi Dao has already planned how to resolve the cause and effect, so the consequences of this matter will at most make Chanjiao's luck slip slightly, so you don't have to worry at all. "

Sage Nuwa's explanation made Yang Jian suddenly realize. No wonder his sister would ask him to borrow the Mountain God Ax and the Dragon and Phoenix Xuanyuan Chapter in a sly manner early this morning. It turned out that this was the intention to take the blame for splitting the mountain to save his mother. on his head.

But Yang Jian didn't care much about this matter.

He's just taking the blame, and he's taking the blame for his own sister, as it should be.

In addition, Yang Jian still has no feelings for Chanjiao. Except for Master Yuding, he is not very familiar with other Chanjiao disciples. The luck of Chanjiao has slipped slightly. A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. .

Moreover, this matter itself should be his fate. His sister's early action can be regarded as blocking the cause and effect for him. Moreover, this matter has secured his mother a position as a lecturer in the Shangqing lineage, which is definitely worth the price of admission.

Then Master Tongtian explained to Yao Ji how to serve as a lecturer of the Shangqing lineage, and also gave her a black identity talisman. This talisman represented the identity of a lecturer of the Shangqing lineage. With this talisman, you can not only freely enter and leave the barrier of Sanqing Academy, but also have an independent residence in Sanqing Academy. There are also contribution points that can be collected every month, which can be used to purchase various items in Sanqing Academy. resource.

While Leader Tongtian was explaining, Empress Nuwa showed a hint of hesitation. She thought for a while, then took out a jade slip and handed it to Yang Chan.

"Actually, after seeing the exercises you gave me, I have gained a lot, and like Taoist Brother Tongtian, I have learned a treasure.

It's just that I've been hesitating whether to give it to you or not.

After all, your talent in swordsmanship is visible to the naked eye, and you are biting off more than you can chew. The Four Swords of Zhuxian is enough for you to learn, but giving you this precious skill will make you less attentive.

But I thought about it again, Chan'er, you have been my disciple for so long, but you have never learned my skills or learned any magical powers from me. This is still not good after all.

After all, you are also a disciple of the Wa Palace. If you go out for a walk, you can't even use one of my signature magical powers, which is ridiculous.

This is a treasure technique that I created after combining the Great Way of Creation and the Liu Shen Technique you gave me. Once practiced, you can master the wonders of creation, and you can live forever. It is also a supreme magic technique.

This magic has not yet been given a name.

Well, let me see.

I see that the names of the several skills you gave me are very simple and straightforward, Liu Shenfa, Hou Clan's Treasures, and Luan Clan's Treasures. In this case, my treasured arts might as well be called Nuwa's Treasures.

However, you must remember that after giving Nuwa's magic to you, you should not study too deeply. Just get started. As long as you can protect yourself with this magic, your main focus should be on the Four Swords of Killing Immortals. After all, The calamity is coming, and the right way is to work hard to improve your combat power. "

After everything was explained, Empress Nuwa finally signaled for Yang Chan and her family to leave.

Yang Chan and Yang Jian first took their mother to the lecturers' living area and helped their mother arrange many matters before the brothers and sisters left and returned to their respective dormitories.

After returning to the dormitory, Yang Chan was very excited and took out the jade slip given to her by the two teachers.

This is definitely a huge gain.

Although the two saints' perfect magic skills at this time have only reached the realm of true immortals, the power of the perfect magic spells they created based on the saint level of the prehistoric system is definitely far beyond the barriers of the realm.

Not to mention the Immortal King's magic, I'm afraid it's the Ten Evils' magic, or even the Liu Shen's magic. It's probably not as powerful as the saint's magic created by the two saints who combined their own great ways.

The friends in the group chat can't wait for a long time. This is a magic created by the saint himself.

Everyone still vividly remembers how powerful the Killing Immortal Sword Intention and Four Symbol Seals came from the saint last time.

Who can control his excitement.

Even Han Li, who had been diving, couldn't help but ask Yang Chan to upload the technique quickly.

Faced with the urging of group friends, Yang Chan quickly uploaded these two treasure books to the practice space of the chat group.

She could understand the impatient mood of her friends, because she was the same at this time.

As was the case after uploading the skills in the past, the group chat fell silent for a while, and everyone was immersed in comprehending the two sage treasures.

Especially the treasures of the four swords of Zhu Xian, which were extremely attractive to the group members.

After all, almost everyone in the group chat now has a Zhu Xian sword intent. With the Zhu Xian sword intent as a foundation, learning the Zhu Xian treasure is simply like adding wings to a tiger, and getting started is very fast.

Of course, this is limited to the part about the Zhu Xian sword intent in the Zhu Xian treasure. The rest of the parts about the other three swords are not so simple. They are still very mysterious and cannot be learned in a short time.

Xu Chenzhou was also completely immersed in these two treasures.

Time flies, and it passes in a flash. Facing such a difficult and profound treasure, time seems to have lost its meaning. In a blink of an eye, it has been two or three days.

And these two or three days are only enough for Xu Chenzhou to understand the role of these two treasures.

As he watched, Xu Chenzhou's eyes showed a look of surprise.

Zhuxian Magic is very powerful, it is a method of killing, Zhuxian Sword, Piercing Sword, Xian Sword, Juexian Sword, each sword is extremely powerful, if the four swords can be combined into one, they can form a Zhuxian Sword Formation, killing the heavens and the earth, it is extremely fierce.

But this did not surprise Xu Chenzhou, what really surprised him was Nuwa Magic.

This magic of the saint that combines Nuwa Saint's creation avenue and Liu Shen Magic really surprised him.

This magic is divided into nine parts, which can control the nine powers of smoke, cloud, haze, light, wind, ice, flame, life, and death.

After the nine parts are combined into one, these nine powers can even flow continuously, endlessly, forever and ever.

Moreover, according to the jade slip, once all nine parts of Nuwa's magic are practiced to the minor success stage, the practitioner's body can be kept alive by the rotation of these nine powers. Unless someone uses great power to smash them into pieces and destroy their soul, they can absorb energy from the void and then be resurrected.

This powerful vitality is somewhat similar to the rebirth of dripping blood in the Yang God world, and it is stronger than the rebirth of dripping blood in the Yang God human immortal realm in that even if the body is destroyed, the practitioner of Nuwa's magic cannot be completely killed.

Even if only the soul exists, the practitioner can be resurrected again, which can be called the realm of immortality.

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