All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 354: The ecstatic Willow God

To be honest, the content of this Nuwa treasure technique gave Xu Chenzhou some sense of déjà vu, a bit like the Hun Tian Bao Jian in the Legend of the Son of Heaven.

In the Legend of the Son of Heaven, the Hun Tian Bao Jian is also a skill passed down by the great goddess Nuwa.

It is divided into ten levels in total, and each level can master a special power.

For example, Bai Yunyan controls the smoke, and the steam is hot and boiling, spreading like miasma.

Mei Xia Dang controls the mist, and with the light flow of the mist, it can move attacks with a little effort.

Tu Kunlun can drive the earth and stone, and even minerals such as refined iron are within the control range of Tu Kunlun.

In addition to these three levels, the Hun Tian Bao Jian has another seven levels, and after practicing it, it can also master another seven different attributes of power.

Xu Chenzhou thought about it carefully and felt that the Hun Tian Bao Jian in his memory did have some similarities with this Nuwa treasure technique.

It seems that there is some unclear relationship between the great goddess Nuwa in the world of the Legend of the Son of Heaven and the Nuwa saint in the prehistoric world.

Otherwise, the techniques created by the two would not have these similarities.

Xu Chenzhou is very concerned about practicing Nuwa's magic.

Although this sage's magic is very profound and difficult, let alone practicing to the minor success level, even getting started is very difficult, but Xu Chenzhou still doesn't want to give up.

In fact, Xu Chenzhou has always been very envious of the blood-dropping rebirth level of the human immortal martial saint, but in order to practice the Yangshen martial arts to the blood-dropping rebirth, not only does it take a lot of time, but it also requires sufficient opportunities and talents, so Xu Chenzhou has never been involved.

After all, many Dao diagrams have different paths to the same destination, and there are many abilities of this level in other cultivation systems. Even the extraordinary martial arts he practiced can derive similar abilities, and it is not necessary to fight against the human immortal martial arts.

However, if practicing Nuwa's magic to the major success level can have such an ability, then Xu Chenzhou is very tempted.

Once he has practiced it, he will have an immortal trump card.

Anyway, he has been waiting for the Tianji clan spies to take action recently. This period of time is just free, so he can use the time to practice Nuwa's treasure technique.

In the Perfect World, in Shi Village, Xiao Shihao sat on a big stone, concentrating on the two jade slips in his hands.

One of the jade slips recorded the Liu Shen treasure technique, and the other jade slip recorded the Nuwa treasure technique.

Xiao Shihao got these two skills not long ago.

Liu Shen's method is a return gift from Liu Shen to Tongtian Sect Master, and Nuwa's treasure technique is a treasure technique developed by Nuwa Saint inspired by Liu Shen's method and the original true solution combined with his own avenue.

There is an inexplicable connection between the two skills.

In Shi Hao's left and right eyes, countless runes flowed, sometimes from the left eye to the right eye, and sometimes from the right eye to the left eye.

In a trance, Shi Hao seemed to see the two treasure books merged together, becoming very harmonious, as if part of them was originally one.

Although Shi Hao didn't understand what this performance meant, he could vaguely feel that if he could comprehend the relationship between the two treasures, it would be of great benefit to his cultivation.

However, these two treasures were too advanced for Shi Hao now. Even though he had tried very hard to comprehend them, he still felt that there was still a thin film between them and he couldn't break through.

He sat there with full concentration.

Shi Hao sat from day to night, and then from night to day. For a whole day and a half, he didn't move a step, and even didn't eat.

It wasn't until the old village chief came to call him that Shi Hao woke up from his meditation.

Only then did he realize that the thin film seemed to be within reach, but it was actually very difficult to break through and integrate the two treasures. He had to practice both of them to a certain level before he could hope to do it.

The little baby sighed helplessly, forget it, forget it, don't be stubborn, or take the treasure to show it to the God of Willow.

He originally wanted to comprehend how to merge the two treasures and then give Willow God a surprise.

Now it seems that he is still a little too naive.

Xiao Shihao patted the dust on his buttocks and ran towards the center of the village.

His speed was so fast that it was like a flash of lightning. The villagers in the village didn't even see Xiao Shihao's figure. They only felt a gust of wind blowing, and then the dust was all over the sky.

However, although everyone didn't see it, they knew who did all this. After all, there was no one else who would have such fun in the village except Xiao Shihao.

So Xiao Shihao ran all the way, and then he was scolded by many uncles and aunts.

Soon Xiao Shihao came to the side of Willow God.

The image of Willow God at this time was very different from that of Shihao when he first came to Shi Village.

This willow tree, which had been scorched and only a stump was left, had now sprouted new buds, and dozens of willow branches were floating in the air against the wind, showing a vibrant vitality.

There were also divine rays of light flashing on the willow tree, bringing with it a stream of light all over the sky, as if it was a holy spirit descending from heaven, or a banished immortal who had strayed into the human world. It was clearly just a willow tree, but it made people feel unattainable and wanted to worship it.

The recovery speed of the God of Willow was several times faster than in the original timeline.

All this is due to Xiao Shihao. During this period, he shared too much knowledge with Liu Shen. Among these knowledge, there are the way of yin and yang, the past Amitabha Sutra of the Yang Shen world, and the cultivation method from the prehistoric world. In addition to these knowledge, Xiao Shihao also gave Liu Shen several drops of the Great Creation Dew, and these Great Creation Dew are the main reason why Liu Shen recovered so quickly.

Sensing Xiao Shihao's breath, Liu Shen's gentle voice sounded: "Little guy, why are you running so fast, is there something urgent?"

"Well, didn't you ask me to give your Liu Shen method to my friends as a return gift that day?

As a result, my friend's elders had a feeling after reading the Liu Shen method, and actually created a new treasure technique.

This treasure technique is extremely mysterious. I have been studying it non-stop for the past two days, but I have never been able to find the right method."

Shi Hao's words made Liu Shen interested. Since Shi Hao opened his heart to him and shared the knowledge from the chat group, Liu Shen has received too many surprises from Shi Hao.

At the beginning, the cultivation system that Shi Hao showed was the Heaven Covering Method. Although the Heaven Covering Method caused a great shock to Liu Shen, it was still within the scope of Liu Shen's understanding.

After all, the Heaven Covering Method itself was born out of the Perfect Method and was perfected step by step by Emperor Huang Tian. Its essence is actually the same as the Perfect Method.

For ordinary cultivators, the Perfect Method and the Heaven Covering Method are two completely different ways of cultivation. The former moves blood and then engraves runes, while the other cultivates the secret realm of the human body. They are completely different and have no connection at all.

But in the eyes of an immortal king-level adult like Liu Shen, the inner connection between the Perfect Method and the Heaven Covering Method can be seen.

So at the beginning, she just regarded the friend in Shi Hao's mouth as the descendant of a cultivator who was gifted and opened up a new way.

But later, the things that Shi Hao took out became more and more outrageous. The first cultivation system that Shi Hao took out that had nothing to do with the Perfect World was the Yangshen Daoshu.

After all, Shi Hao understood that the most important thing for Liu Shen now was to let Liu Shen recover from his injuries as soon as possible.

The injury suffered by Liu Shen was very serious. Not only was his immortal body completely shattered, but his soul was also severely damaged. That is why Liu Shen was knocked down by the enemy in Shi Village.

So if you want Liu Shen to recover completely, you must work hard from both the physical body and the soul.

The physical injury can be recovered with the help of the power of the towering fortune dew, and the only way Shi Hao can think of to recover the soul is the Yang Shen Taoism, to be precise, the Past Amitabha Sutra in the Yang Shen Taoism.

The appearance of the Past Amitabha Sutra also made Liu Shen have great doubts about the origin of the group members mentioned by Shi Hao.

Because the existence of this thing completely violates the various cultivation laws in her cognition, why can the soul grow step by step just by visualization?

Why can the soul stay in the past forever just by visualizing an image of the past Amitabha.

And what are the various thoughts separated from the cultivation of Yang Shen Taoism? People's thoughts can actually be transformed into substances that reside in the real world. This is simply too outrageous.

Moreover, the ghost immortal realm recorded in the Amitabha Sutra in the past made Liu Shen a little confused. It only takes one to go through a series of thunder tribulations to transform one's soul again and again. Compared with the hardships of the perfect method, this kind of practice is simply too easy.

This even made Liu Shen doubt whether the Amitabha Sutra in his hand was a trick made up by a liar, with the purpose of making Xiao Shihao go astray.

It was not until Xiao Shihao personally demonstrated the power of Yangshen Taoism in front of Liu Shen that Liu Shen believed that the Amitabha Sutra in the past was real.

And after understanding it, Liu Shen was quite surprised by the various functions of the Amitabha Sutra in the past.

This Taoist technique is definitely a priceless treasure for soul cultivation. No matter what kind of injury you encounter, as long as your soul is not instantly broken, you can restore your soul by visualizing the Amitabha Buddha in the past.

The past is as it is, eternal and unmoving, and the soul lives in the past. No matter what kind of injury, the Amitabha Sutra in the past can easily repair it, just like a bug involving concepts.

Although Shi Hao didn't know whether the Past Amitabha Sutra would work for a powerful fairy king like Liu Shen, he still wanted to give it a try.

And the result was of course useful, and the effect was so good that even the knowledgeable Liu Shen was shocked.

On the night of getting the Past Amitabha Sutra, new buds began to sprout from the willow tree, and the growth rate of the willow tree was even more ferocious than when it got the Cangtian Creation Dew.

This means that the soul injuries of Liu Shen, who successfully visualized the Past Amitabha, are recovering at an incredible speed.

It's just a pity that there is a limit to practicing Yang Shen Taoism in the Perfect World, and it comes to an end at the level of ghost immortals.

After all, the thunder in the Perfect World does not have the special structure of the thunder in the Yang Shen World, which can help the soul of the ghost immortal to undergo tribulations and transform.

However, Liu Shen didn't care too much about this. After all, according to her knowledge, if she wants to get rid of the yin energy in the soul and refine the soul into the Yang Shen state, it is not necessary to rely on some special thunder power. There are many different ways to do this.

Moreover, even if she refines her soul into a Yang God, it will not necessarily be stronger than her Immortal King soul. What is more important to her is the powerful soul recovery ability brought by the Amitabha Sutra in the past.

Then Xiao Shihao took out many cultivation systems from different worlds, each of which opened the eyes of Willow God.

Whether it is the cultivation method of the genetic warriors who devour the stars, step by step, to draw in the cosmic energy, transform the body, master the laws, and finally construct a small universe of their own, or the cultivation method of the prehistoric immortal way, to gather qi to build the foundation, the golden elixir and the primordial infant, and then the transformation of the soul to survive the thunder tribulation and achieve the immortal body.

The content of the cultivation system of these worlds is a brand new experience for Liu Shen that she has never been exposed to.

It turns out that the Tao can be cultivated in this way? It turns out that the law can be practiced in this way?

For novice practitioners like Shi Hao, contacting the cultivation system of different worlds is just a horizon-opening thing, but for a giant like Liu Shen who has cultivated the perfect law to the realm of the Immortal King, it is a completely cognitive thing.

Because she felt that all her past common sense of cultivation seemed to be thrown on the ground and trampled on repeatedly, and then completely shattered.

But this is not a bad thing. After the cognition was broken, Liu Shen's horizons became more open, and many cognitive limitations that were previously trapped by experience were completely released at this time.

She also found the possibility of breaking through to the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor.

Of course, possibilities are just possibilities. Before he completely steps into the realm of Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Willow God does not dare to say that he is 100% sure of success.

That is why Willow God is so interested in the magic technique that Shi Hao mentioned. After all, none of the things that Shi Hao has taken out during this period of time are simple. The magic technique in Shi Hao's hand at this moment may make her closer to the realm of Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Little Shi Hao did not keep it a secret. He took out the Nuwa magic technique from his body and handed it directly to Willow God.

"Here, this is it. This magic technique is called Nuwa magic technique. It was comprehended by my friend's master after integrating the endless part of Willow God's method with the Great Dao of Creation. So I always feel that there is an inexplicable connection between it and Willow God's method, but no matter how hard I try, I can't comprehend it."

A willow branch stretched out and rolled away the jade slip in Little Shi Hao's hand.

"So that's the case. Then I really have to take a good look at what the connection is between this Nuwa magic technique and my Willow God's method."

This look was incredible. All the willow branches on the whole willow tree immediately drooped down.

"Smoke, cloud, and mist, life and death!

How wonderful, it turns out that they can be combined like this

What, it turns out that my endless life can correspond to the endless death.

Creation, death, that's it!"

As the voice of the God of Willow sounded, mists rolled over the God of Willow. It was visible to the naked eye that the willow tree, which was only three or four meters high, began to grow wildly at a speed that made people feel astonished.

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