All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 355 The source of darkness is mine!

Long, wildly long, wildly long, wildly long!

A section of willow branches sprouted new buds from the body of the willow tree, and rays of divine cloud filled the air. The cage covering the eight realms of the lower realm seemed to be blasted away by an extremely terrifying force. The terrifying spiritual energy penetrated from the sky and was led by the Willow God. Within the tree.

In less than ten breaths, Willow God's body grew into a terrifying willow tree that could cover the sky and the sun.

Each of her willow branches seemed to be inserted into the void, connecting the worlds of the heavens. Countless shadows emerged from these worlds, worshiping the statue of a willow tree.

The terrifying energy around Liu Shen also continued to radiate out as she grew, making the aura content in the entire surrounding space become richer.

The terrifying spiritual energy storm swept towards the surrounding area of ​​Shicun.

There were many villagers in Shicun who had just stepped into the blood-moving realm. Under the infusion of this terrifying energy, their physical bodies were constantly being strengthened. It didn't take long for them to reach the late stage of the blood-moving realm, and they had seven or eight arms in a flash. Ten thousand kilograms of power.

This is because these Shicun villagers do not understand the subsequent practice methods.

Some Shicun villagers who had learned how to practice in the Cave Heaven Realm even took this opportunity to open up five or six Cave Heavens in one go and successfully entered the ranks of Great Wilderness masters.

And this is only the most insignificant change brought about by Liu Shen's breakthrough.

As the tall willow trees opened up the sky, infinite spiritual energy from the upper world poured down, making the originally exhausted spiritual energy concentration in the entire eight realms of the lower world instantly become as rich as the nine heavens and ten earths.

Countless spiritual flowers and spiritual grass began to grow rapidly under the infusion of strong spiritual power, and many foreign places that had long been exhausted also restored their old appearance at this time.

Practitioners in the entire eight realms of the lower realm can feel that the invisible cage pressing on them has been lifted. The entire lower realm has changed from an environment that is completely unsuitable for cultivation to one that is as suitable for cultivation as the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Liu Shen actually changed the environment of the entire eight realms of the lower world by himself.

With the help of Nuwa's magic, Liu Shen thoroughly understood the cycle of life and death, and further deduced the original endless life of Liu Shen's method into a cycle of life and death, with no bounds.

For Liu Shen at this time, Ku Rong was just a thought, and life and death were just a word apart. The injury that was once serious enough to almost kill her was no longer a big problem for Liu Shen at this time.

If she hadn't just stepped into this realm of life and death, Liu Shen might have been able to recover from her injuries in a matter of seconds.

But even so, Liu Shen at this time has recovered the combat power of the true immortal level, which is enough to conquer the eight realms of the lower realm and defeat the invincible opponents in nine heavens and ten places.

Divine clouds rippled, green light flashed, and a black-haired woman wearing white clothes appeared out of thin air. She had a fairy aura about her, as if she was not a mortal person, but a god worshiped by all people.

She waved her hand, and a terrifying curtain rose, directly covering the entire stone village. Even the willow tree that blocked the sky and the sun was shrouded in this curtain.

With the protection of this layer of curtain, unless a giant of the Immortal King level comes to the eight lower realms in person, it is absolutely impossible to see through this layer of curtain.

The movement that God Liu made just now when he returned to his true form was really too loud. I am afraid that many old friends should have noticed the movement in the lower world at this time. In order to prevent unnecessary trouble, God Liu set up this curtain.

After taking the necessary safety measures, Liu Shen gently walked up to Shi Hao, who was still dazed, and reached out to touch the little milk baby's head.

"You little guy, you brought me an incredible opportunity, and you actually allowed me to return to the peak of a True Immortal in one day. And I also saw how I should go forward.

With this great opportunity, it is said that I am in the quasi-immortal emperor realm. Maybe I can truly step into the immortal emperor realm and completely quell the source of darkness. "

Shi Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Liu Shen, your combat power has returned to the peak of a true immortal! Then I can walk sideways in the eight realms of the lower world. Then I will see who dares to mess with me. "

Liu Shen reached out and flicked Shi Hao's head: "You little naughty boy, don't expect me to stand up for you in everything.

If anyone dares to bully you, I will naturally help you, but if it is just a fight between peers, then you have to fight it out on your own.

After all, I can't always be by your side. You still have to experience some things yourself. "

Hearing Liu Shen's words, Shi Hao was not disappointed at all: "That's enough, I'm just afraid that some old people are shameless.

As for the struggle between peers, I have never been afraid of anyone. Which peer in this world may be my opponent.

But Liu Shen, don’t snatch the source of darkness from me, I’m going to kill him with my own hands! "

Liu Shen was not surprised that Shi Hao knew about the source of darkness. After all, during this period of getting along with him, he had already discovered that Shi Hao knew a lot of secrets. Even some of the information Shi Hao knew was unknown to her. unknown.

"Little guy, you have to hurry up and work hard. I won't wait for you to practice slowly. The source of darkness is a disaster for the people. I will definitely suppress it as soon as possible after I become the Immortal Emperor."

Hearing Liu Shen's words, Shi Hao's eyes ignited with fire: "If this is the case, then I have to work harder and strive to enter the realm of the Immortal Emperor before you, Liu Shen."

Hearing Shi Hao's vow to step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor and pack away the source of darkness, Liu Shen couldn't help but laugh.

This little guy definitely doesn't know how terrifying the source of darkness is. This is a dead Immortal Emperor.

Throughout the history of the world, there have been several giants who have been able to step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

Even she only saw a glimmer of hope to break through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor after getting the help of those mysterious people behind Shi Hao. According to her estimation, with her way of life and death, it would only take 10,000 years to be sure. After completing the long road to the quasi-immortal emperor realm, he successfully broke through to the immortal emperor realm.

In fact, Liu Shen also believes in the little guy's potential. She firmly believes that this little guy also has hope of breaking through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor.

But to say that he could become the Immortal Emperor faster than her, even Liu Shen would not believe that such a thing would really happen.

Liu Shen stretched out his hand and pointed at Xiao Shi Hao's forehead: "Just now you asked me about the connection between this Nuwa magic and my magic, now I will pass on the insights I just gained to you.

If you can completely digest my insights, you can establish a connection between Nuwa's treasure technique and my treasure technique, merge the two into one, and initially step into the door of the cycle of life and death that I have just understood. .

The only pity is that the cycle of life and death is still too profound for your current cultivation level. Even if you can successfully understand it, you can only exert a superficial power.

But this is enough. With this level of understanding, no one in the same realm in the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths can be your opponent. "

After receiving Liu Shen's insights, Xiao Shihao stared at his short legs and ran towards the outside of the village.

He needs to step up his training, otherwise when Liu Shen really breaks through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, he may not be able to suppress the source of darkness.

Although it would be good to have someone do this for him, Xiao Shihao still felt that suppressing the source of darkness should be his responsibility.

While Xiao Shihao was running away, he was caught by a pair of strong hands.

Xiao Shihao turned around and realized that the person who caught him was the old village chief.

At this time, the old village chief looked serious. He looked at Shi Hao and asked: "What happened to the ancestor sacrifice spirit just now? Why did her body suddenly become so majestic? Did you, a brat, do something else?" "

It's no wonder that the old village chief asked such a question. In fact, the changes in Liu Shen during this period were all related to Shi Hao.

This brat was really restless. Fortunately, Liu Shen's changes during this period were all positive, so the old village chief never paid attention to this matter.

But this time it was different. The transformation of the ancestral sacrificial spirit was simply earth-shaking, and it actually grew into a look that could block out the sky and the sun, and even pierced the sky in a physical sense.

The old village chief was really not sure whether such a terrifying change was a blessing or a curse for Shi Cun, so he grabbed Shi Hao and wanted to ask him thoroughly.

Shi Hao scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

Whether it was the matter of the chat group or Liu Shen's restoration of true immortal level combat power, it was difficult to explain to the old village chief.

After all, the ability of his old man's heart must be taken into consideration.

Just when Xiao Shihao was struggling, the gentle female voice sounded again.

"Don't worry, the changes that have happened to me are not a bad thing, it's just that I broke through too quickly, so I can't control my strength.

If Shicun encounters any unsolvable difficulties next, you can come and pray to me under the willow tree, and I will help you get through it. "

After hearing Liu Shen's promise, the nervous look on the old village chief's face suddenly relaxed. He naturally believed in the ancestor sacrifice spirit unconditionally.

He let go of Shi Hao's hand and said to him: "You brat, remember to give me a shout before you make such a big fuss in the future, otherwise my old man's heart will really be unbearable, being treated by you every day. It was a surprise.”

Shi Hao was not confused by the old village chief's performance. He reached out and patted the old village chief's arm: "Old village chief, how can you be considered an old man?

I just saw that you successfully broke through to the spirit transformation realm with the help of Liu Shen's spiritual energy. With your current cultivation level, you can live for who knows how many years.

I think you should be more energetic, have a younger attitude, and have a big heart! "

Hearing Shi Hao's words, the old village chief showed embarrassment on his face.

Indeed, Shi Hao was right.

He had studied bone inscriptions for more than ten years, and later after Shi Hao obtained the method of cultivation, he also taught him how to cultivate in the subsequent realms.

Although his cultivation talent is actually very average, the spiritual energy that Liu Shen pulled down just now is too strong, so he successfully broke through to the spirit transformation realm. In terms of the lifespan of a monk in the spirit transformation realm, his current age has just entered the spiritual transformation realm. In the prime of life, it is far from the time when you can call yourself an old person.

After Shi Hao finished speaking, he didn't look at the old village chief's expression again, and ran out of the window again. He couldn't wait to understand the insights Liu Shen had just given him.

In the group public space, Xu Chenzhou also witnessed the entire live broadcast of Shi Hao.

He couldn't help but sigh, the sparks produced by the collision of power systems from different worlds were too colorful.

Stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, not to mention that there are jade from other mountains everywhere in the group chat, so there are even more places to learn from.

When each group of friends controls more resources in their respective worlds, the chemical reaction will be even more terrifying.

And for those of them who have chat groups, the more group members there are, the more obvious the benefits they can get.

Unfortunately, the chat group has not been open to drawing new group members for a long time.

I think it is because the current group chat level can only have so many group members. If they want to get the right to draw more new group members, they can only wait until they successfully upgrade the group chat.

Xu Chenzhou shook his head, shook off the thoughts in his mind, and then focused on the experiment in front of him.

In addition to comprehending Nuwa's magic, he also devoted part of his energy to another thing.

That is to study the original heaven and earth potion that can replicate the original heaven and earth magical powers.

After Luo Feng went to Qiulong Star, he brought him three sets of metal combinations for practicing the original heaven and earth for research.

With these metal combinations, the idea that was stagnant at the beginning can be promoted again at this time.

And Xu Chenzhou's research progress is quite smooth.

After using different instruments in multiple worlds for observation, Xu Chenzhou successfully separated a substance from the flesh and blood of the golden-horned beast that can react chemically with different metal combinations.

Xu Chenzhou named this substance original x. With this substance, when combined with a specific metal combination, this substance can show various different characteristics.

And after taking this substance, Xu Chenzhou found that he could grow and shrink at will and double his physical strength, almost replicating the six-layer effect of the original world.

Of course, the replica here refers to most of the effects of the first layer of the original world.

As for how the subsequent 20% of the original world works, Xu Chenzhou has no idea at all.

In other words, Xu Chenzhou has successfully developed a primary version of the original world potion.

With this potion, he can replicate most of the effects of the limited secret method of the golden-horned giant beast, the original world.

The only pity is that this potion cannot be effective forever. This substance will slowly dissipate after entering the human body, and the most important thing is that the cost of manufacturing the original world potion is too high. Not only does it require a large amount of the flesh and blood of the golden-horned giant beast, but it also requires a lot of precious metal combinations.

At present, this thing is still a bit useless, unless Xu Chenzhou can find a way to replicate this substance in batches, or find a way to make this substance exist permanently in the human body.

In this way, the original world potion can be considered a truly valuable potion.

Xu Chenzhou has found some clues for these two points, but it will take him some time to achieve them.

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