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Chapter 357 The strange reaction between Hong and Yangshen Daoism

Luo Feng's talent was so high that the original ancestor would not be stingy. He picked out some insights that were more helpful to Luo Feng at the moment and taught them to him.

It was a rare opportunity for Luo Feng at this stage to get the guidance of the original ancestor.

He studied with full concentration, and half a day passed quickly.

Luo Feng was now in the main control room of the x81 spacecraft, and Hong and Lei Shen were also in the main control room.

However, they could not see the existence of the original ancestor's phantom, but could only see Luo Feng talking to the air non-stop.

The two were a little confused by Luo Feng's behavior.

What happened to brother Luo Feng?

Talking to the air for no reason was like encountering a ghost.

They had seen many people who went crazy because they could not bear the pressure during the catastrophe, and those people behaved exactly like Luo Feng at this time.

But the two of them did not dare to interrupt Luo Feng rashly, after all, Luo Feng's image in their hearts at this time was extremely unfathomable.

They were afraid that this special behavior was Luo Feng's way of cultivation.

It was not until Luo Feng finished discussing the secrets of the virtual universe with Yuanzu and turned to walk in front of them that the tension in Hong and Lei Shen's eyes subsided a little.

Hong asked: "Third brother, what happened to you just now? Why did you keep talking to the air?"

Luo Feng admired Hong and Lei Shen very much.

He knew that he had been able to enjoy such a stable and peaceful life for so many years, basically all relying on Hong and Lei Shen, two top human powerhouses.

Otherwise, with the strength of other councilors, there was no way to resist the two beast kings in the sea.

It can be said that for all humans living on the earth, Hong and Lei Shen are their benefactors.

Luo Feng is naturally the same.

So in this timeline, although Luo Feng and Honghe Lei Shen did not have as many intersections as in the original timeline, he still became brothers with Hong and Lei Shen as in the original timeline.

The ranking of the three people was also arranged in the original order, Hong was the eldest brother, Lei Shen was the second brother, and Luo Feng was naturally the third brother.

Hearing Hong's words, Luo Feng smiled: "I didn't talk to the air all the time. Just now, a senior came to me through the virtual universe. He only opened the audio and video permissions to me, so you can't see his figure and hear his voice, so you think I'm talking to the air.

And this senior hasn't left yet, and is still standing beside me at this time."

"Really? The universe is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. There is such advanced technology.

If this terrifying technology is used as an eavesdropping tool, I don't know how terrible it is." Hong looked at Luo Feng's side in disbelief. With his eyesight, he could naturally see that there was nothing beside Luo Feng, and there was no trace of anyone's existence.

However, Hong did not doubt that Luo Feng was lying. After all, Luo Feng had no need to lie to him. Since Luo Feng said that someone was beside him, there must be someone standing beside him.

A strange look appeared in Luo Feng's eyes.

This big brother is really bold.

If the high-level people of the human race knew what Hong was thinking, they would probably laugh at Hong's idea.

It is certainly feasible to let Yuanzu be a spy.

With the terrifying invisible and shadowless characteristics of the virtual universe secret method, Yuanzu can instantly appear in any corner of the original universe without worrying about being noticed.

But who in the world can order Yuanzu to eavesdrop? With Yuanzu's status and position, even the founder of the giant axe can only respectfully perform the etiquette of a disciple in front of him.

However, Yuanzu didn't mind Hong's idea at all.

He looked at Hong and saw a smile flashing in his eyes: "This kid's idea is not bad. Whether it is the broken palace of the old man of the mechanical race or the sleeping palace of the two demon ancestors, I can go there whenever I want.

But these are meaningless. Even if I eavesdrop on the intelligence, it will at most bring some weak advantages to the human race in the process of ethnic confrontation.

In the war between the top ethnic groups, intelligence is certainly important, but intelligence can only fight for a city. To truly determine the status of the top ethnic group, you have to look at hard power.

Relying on intelligence all day will only make the elite of the human race learn speculative skills, but lose the spirit of fighting hard battles.

In front of the strength of the strongest in the universe, all the fancy things are meaningless. Getting too much intelligence is not necessarily a good thing for the human race.

So although I can enter and exit the confidential places of other top ethnic groups at will, I have never used this ability to gain intelligence advantages for the human race."

On Earth, Hong is the most powerful and noble human being, and a god in the hearts of many people, but in the eyes of the original ancestor, Hong is still a child.

After the original ancestor finished speaking, he walked in front of Hong and looked him up and down.

The more he looked, the brighter the light in Yuanzu's eyes became.

No one in the entire human race had a better vision than him in discovering talents.

He had a special intuition that could discover those gifted genius seeds from the crowd.

If he didn't have such an extraordinary vision, Yuanzu would not have been able to cultivate the future strongest people in the universe, such as the founder of the giant axe, the lord of darkness, the lord of chaos, and the lord of ice peak, for the human race.

The more Yuanzu looked, the more he could feel the special temperament in Hong.

I didn't expect it!

Not only was Luo Feng's talent beyond his imagination, but he also found a piece of gold hidden in jade beside Luo Feng.

Hong's talent is enough to reach the level of his apprenticeship.

If he had met a disciple like Hong before he was suppressed under the primitive universe, he would have taken him under his sect and made him the junior disciple of the Lord of Chaos City.

He was a little surprised: "Brother Luo Feng, let me ask you, is your eldest brother also from Earth like you?"

Luo Feng nodded: "Of course, my eldest brother, second brother, and I are all pure earth race."

“That was hell.

After I was separated from you last time, I checked the information about the earth. It is clear that the earth is just a little-known planet with life. It is inconspicuous in the entire vast universe, and it is surprisingly mediocre.

But such a small living planet can not only produce a genius like you that I can't even see through, but also a genius like your elder brother who has the opportunity to cultivate to become the strongest person in the universe.

Oh, by the way, your second brother is not bad. If he is taught well, he has a high probability of becoming the Lord of the Universe, and even the Lord of the Universe. He is considered a rare talent in front of other humans. But his talent pales in comparison to the two of you.

This kind of concentration of talents, not even the ancestral lands of the strongest saints at the core of the human race can match yours.

What kind of hell is this earth that is so terrifying? "

Luo Feng did not answer the original ancestor's question but instead asked: "Senior original ancestor, have you never visited the earth in person?"

The original ancestor nodded: "That's true. During this period of time, all my energy has been focused on understanding the Tian Jie Tian Talisman. The Tao on the Talisman is really too difficult and profound, and contains a completely different theory of cultivation from the way of a genetic warrior. , If I weren’t so curious about your kid’s origins, I wouldn’t even have time to look up the Earth’s information.”

"That's no wonder. If you, the original ancestor, went to my hometown and took a look in person, you would understand that it is no ordinary planet. It can even be said that it is not mediocre at all.

It is an experimental site created by the strongest person in the universe, Mountain Guest, who spent endless resources.

You should have heard of the original ancestor Zuo Shanke. The Yan Clan that rebelled against the human race was one of his experiments.

Under the influence of the earth, all earthly humans born on the earth will have otherworldly talents in their state of mind.

And not only that, even if they are not human beings on earth, as long as they are born on earth, it will still have a great bonus to the child's mental talent.

If the Yan Shen clan has the most physical talent, then the people on Earth have the most mental talent.

This is also the reason why talents like me and my eldest and second brothers emerge among humans on earth. "

After hearing Luo Feng's words, the original ancestor suddenly realized something.

So that's it. He was wondering just now about the virtues and abilities of a life planet that was so mediocre according to the data records, that it could breed three geniuses of this level.

If the earth is the handiwork of the most mysterious and powerful person in the entire original universe, Zuo Shanke, then everything makes sense.

Before the original ancestor was suppressed by the original universe, he also had some interactions with the Mountain Guest. It can be said that the Mountain Guest is one of the few beings among the strongest in the universe in the entire universe that he can be a little afraid of.

Luo Feng continued: "But senior, please keep this secret for me. After all, senior, you also know that once this matter is exposed based on the situation of the human race, I will never be able to protect my hometown with my current strength. Even Even humans on Earth are likely to be kicked out of the Earth and forced to leave their homeland.

And I have a merciless request. In case the secrets of the earth are exposed in the future, can you ask my seniors to lend a helping hand and temporarily protect my hometown for me? "

The original ancestor chuckled: "No wonder you kid told me such a big secret so simply, it turned out to be waiting for me here.

Indeed, with the specialness of you two brothers, once you really rise, the secret of your hometown will never be kept.

There will always be people who want to explore the past of the two of you on Earth, and when the time comes, they will always find something special about Earth.

But I agree to your request. As long as I'm here, no matter who has the wrong idea, I will ensure that he can't succeed. "

The original ancestor didn't mind helping Luo Feng temporarily save the earth. Once it was confirmed that there was hope of escape, he owed Luo Feng a huge favor. A small matter like saving the earth was not enough to repay this friendship.

Secondly, in the eyes of the original ancestor, all human beings, no matter what ethnic group they belong to, are treated equally and are all his children.

Whether humans on Earth are getting stronger or other human groups are taking advantage of the Earth's environment to become stronger, the essence is the same. They are enhancing the overall strength of the entire human group. Therefore, it does not make any difference whether the group living on the earth is human or other groups.

Not to mention that with Luo Feng and Hong's talents, as long as they want to protect this earth, even if it is taken away, they will be able to get it back sooner or later. His action is just to avoid this process.

"Thank you, senior. With these words from senior, I feel relieved."

After receiving the promise from Yuanzu, Luo Feng was completely relieved. With Yuanzu's words, unless the founder of the giant axe and the Lord of Chaos City joined forces to disobey Yuanzu, no force in the entire human race would be qualified to reach out to the earth.

Yuanzu continued: "But there is one more thing. Although your elder brother, Luo Feng, has the potential to become the strongest in the universe, his talent is very special. The later he cultivates, the smoother he will be.

So in the early stage, he can easily be lost in the crowd, and even die because of lack of good training.

Would you like to consider it? As long as you owe me a favor, I will open a back door for your elder brother and let him become the core seed of the virtual universe company with you.

It's just that he can't become a member of the original secret realm directly like you, so he can only join Primordial Secret Realm.

After all, with your eldest brother's extraordinary talent, even if he becomes a member of the Primordial Secret Realm, he will soon be deprived of his membership in the Primordial Secret Realm by others in the assessment. "

Hearing the words of Yuanzu, Luo Feng just shook his head: "That's unnecessary, I'm enough to have someone who can take the back door.

And I believe that with my eldest brother's potential, he can completely stand out in the Universe Genius Competition with his own strength and become the core seed of the Virtual Universe Company. "

Hearing Luo Feng's words, Yuanzu just laughed: "Although you are talented, you are far from the ordinary in your vision of people. Not as good as me.

You may not know what the concept of the Universe Genius Competition is. It is an ultimate competition held once every 10,000 years, gathering all the geniuses of the entire universe.

To stand out in such a competition, the most basic requirement is to comprehend the laws, and your elder brother has only touched the threshold of the field now, and there is still a long way to go before he comprehends the laws.

And with your elder brother's weird talent, it is far from enough to complete this journey in just ten years.

In my opinion, even if you devote all your efforts to training, your elder brother is at most qualified to enter the Universe Internal Genius Competition.

But if you want to become a member of the Virtual Universe Company through the Universe Genius Competition, you must enter the Universe Genius Competition Finals, and you must get a good result in the top 1,000. Your eldest brother's current strength is simply impossible to do this. "

Luo Feng looked at Yuanzu with a sharp gaze: "Senior Yuanzu, you said I don't know how to judge people, but I can only say that you don't understand my strength.

If I tell you that I can not only make my eldest brother stand out in the Universe Genius Competition and guarantee to get the top 100, but even my second brother will have the opportunity to join the Virtual Universe Company, Senior Yuanzu, do you believe it or not? "

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