All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 358: Hundred Thoughts Blossom, Enlightenment Increases

Luo Feng's words made Yuan Zu couldn't help but widen his eyes, and he wondered if he heard wrongly.

"Boy Luo Feng, do you know what you are talking about?

You still don’t understand the intensity of the battle between geniuses in the universe!

This is a terrifying competition that brings together stellar talents from across the universe.

Let me tell you this, if the Cosmic Genius Battle is held now, and if you don’t use that weird cultivation system, it will be very difficult for you to stand out in the Cosmic Genius Battle of Qianwu Universe Country with your current combat power, let alone It’s the finals of the entire universe.

And your eldest brother and second brother are not as powerful as you at this time. In just ten years, it is too difficult to cross such a huge gap.

Is it possible that you want to cultivate your elder brother through some means of encouraging young people to grow up?

In this case, there is no chance at all. After all, after joining the Virtual Universe Company, you can obtain a large amount of resources, and some of them can indeed temporarily increase combat power at the expense of future potential.

But such progress is of no significance. Instead, it will overdraw your eldest brother's future potential, causing him to stop at the level of the Master of the Universe and be unable to make any progress. "

The vision of the original ancestor is very vicious. Indeed, if he does not use the power of the golden-horned beast clone to cover the sky and the power of Yangshen Taoism, but only uses the power of the genetic warrior system, even Luo Feng at this time will be difficult to suppress those outstanding talents. A stellar genius.

After all, his current level of moves is still at the domain level, far from being able to comprehend the rules.

Compared with Rong Junbolan and other geniuses who understood the law at the stellar level, his combat power has no advantage at all.

Wanting to get a good ranking in the cosmic genius battle is something he can't do, let alone Thor and Hong, who are far less powerful than him.

Regarding the Original Ancestor's doubts, Luo Feng just shook his head calmly: "Of course I will not choose the method of trying to encourage others. As the original Ancestor said, using this method to gain combat power is just a castle in the air. Even if you can join the Virtual Universe Company with this, it will be a castle in the air." Not a good thing for either of them.

Not to mention the trick-or-treating method, I don’t even need to give them the resources from Virtual Universe Company to be sure that they can do what I say. "

"You sound so arrogant, Luo Feng, are you serious?"

The original ancestor started pacing with his hands behind his back, a thoughtful look in his eyes.

There is a prerequisite for the star-level cosmic genius battle, that is, the cultivation level of the warriors participating in the cosmic genius battle must remain at the star-level realm.

In other words, the most critical dimension of the cosmic genius battle competition is actually the participants' ability to understand the rules of moves.

The stronger the understanding of law moves, the stronger the combat power of the same realm will naturally be.

The original ancestor could tell with just one glance that Hong and Lei Shen's understanding of the laws was quite average. Although their understanding of the laws was much faster than ordinary people, they were still on par with the strongest geniuses in the universe. Not a small gap.

It is too difficult to bridge such a gap in just ten years without using resources. .

If he took action himself, he would naturally be able to do what Luo Feng said easily, but what realm is he and what realm is Luo Feng?

Luo Feng nodded: "Of course I am serious, in fact what I said was already very conservative.

In fact, I even think that my eldest brother has a chance to reach the top three in the universe genius battle, and my second brother also has a chance to reach the top 100.

If senior doesn't believe it, why don't you stay a little longer. Later you will know why I have so much confidence. "

The original ancestor stared at Luo Feng and said with great interest: "Okay, since you said so, then I want to see what methods you have.

If you can really make your eldest brother get the top three results, I can grant you another request that is not excessive. "

Hearing the words of the original ancestor, Luo Feng's face showed a hint of joy. He did not expect to have such a gain.

This is a very valuable request from the original ancestor.

Although the original ancestor owed him a big favor, it stands to reason that with this favor, he could ask the original ancestor for help with many things.

But Luo Feng also knows that favors will be consumed.

Unless absolutely necessary, he was unwilling to waste the friendship with his original ancestor at will.

Since this request was made by the original ancestor himself, it is naturally not included in the human relationship and can be used at will.

He turned to look at Hong and Lei Shen and said, "Big brother and second brother, you both heard the conversation I just had with this senior."

After Luo Feng mentioned the existence of the original ancestor to Hong and Lei Shen, the original ancestor had already lifted the sound shielding on Hong and Lei Shen.

Sound doesn't matter, it won't reveal his identity anyway.

The visual shielding is still not lifted. After all, the existence of the original ancestor is an extremely confidential matter. Except for the top human beings and Luo Feng, it is best not to be known to anyone else.

Hong was a little confused: "I heard what you said, but I just can't understand it. What is the battle of geniuses in the universe?"

There was too much information in the chat between Luo Feng and Yuanzu. Whether it was Virtual Universe Company or the Universe Genius Battle, it was like a heavenly book for Hong, who was exposed to the vision of the universe for the first time.

Luo Feng turned to Hong and Lei Shen and began to explain the information about the battle between geniuses in the universe.

The more Luo Feng explained, the more confused Hong and Lei Shen became.

"Ah I!

The top three in the space genius battle! ! ! ! ! "

Hong pointed to his nose.

Hong really didn't expect that his third brother Luo Feng actually thought so highly of him.

He actually dared to make a promise to that senior that he could get the top three in the Universe Genius Competition in ten years.

Although both Hong and Lei Shen were extremely confident, their experiences on Earth also forged an invincible heart of Tao for them.

But you have to know that their current cultivation is only at the planetary level, and they haven't even seen the door to the star level.

Suddenly, they have to compete with all the star-level geniuses in the entire universe in ten years, and even squeeze into the top three.

This shock to Hong was no less than the shock that the fish-headed monster felt when he heard you get rid of Tang Monk and his disciples.

Seeing Hong and Thunder God's reactions, Luo Feng laughed and said, "Brother, don't you have confidence?

You know, if a warrior wants to practice in the universe, the most important thing is to fight.

Various practice resources will not fall from the sky. If you want to get these resources, you have to fight and rob.

And the opportunity to join the Virtual Universe Company is definitely a rare opportunity for you.

The Virtual Universe Company is one of the six strongest forces of the human race. Being able to become the core of the Virtual Universe Company is a great opportunity. Members, it means that the resources that ordinary warriors fight for with their lives are easily available to you.

For example, the Mu Ya crystals that we fought for on Earth before are not worth mentioning at all for the members of the Virtual Universe Company.

All members who can join the core secret realm of the Virtual Universe Company can apply for the use of the energy cultivation cabin unconditionally.

Once you step into a new realm, you can instantly reach the peak of that realm, directly saving all the processes of breathing in and out cosmic energy.

In addition, there are various benefits. "

As he said this, Luo Feng began to introduce the benefits of joining the Virtual Universe Company to Hong and Lei Shen.

The more Hong and Lei Shen listened, the more thrilled they became.

The two of them have practiced on Earth for decades, and they really understand the importance of resources.

The members of the Virtual Universe Company are completely two different classes from ordinary warriors, and the status gap between different secret realms of the Virtual Universe Company is also not small. The treatment between the lowest-level Doomsday Secret Realm and the highest-level Original Secret Realm is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

Originally, Hong and Lei Shen did not pay much attention to the Universe Genius Battle, but at this time, both of them had a raging fire in their eyes.

Hong said firmly: "Of course I have confidence. Since there is such a good opportunity, if I can't seize it, I will regret it for the rest of my life!

The top three is not enough. If possible, I want to fight for the first place."

Thunder God nodded fiercely: "That's true, but you look down on me, the second brother, too much. The goal you set for the eldest brother is the top three, and the goal you set for me has become the top 100.

This time I must let you see my strength, the second brother, not to mention the original secret realm, I must at least get a place in the Taichu secret realm."

Looking at the two brothers' full of fighting spirit, Luo Feng patted them on the shoulders: "Very good, very energetic!

This is like my eldest and second brothers!"

After that, he took out two virtual universe landers and handed them to Hong and Thunder God.

"But what the senior said just now is right. It is really difficult to stand out in the universe genius battle.

Big brother and second brother, you can log in to the virtual universe.

I have found opponents for you. You can experience the intensity of the universe genius battle first.

Their strength, well, can probably be ranked in the top one million of the star-level powerhouses in Qianwu Universe.

And when fighting with you, they will also suppress their cultivation to the planetary level."

This was prepared by Luo Feng a long time ago. He asked Babata to contact several powerhouses for him and paid them to fight with Hong and Lei Shen.

The reason for doing this is to let Hong and Lei Shen clearly recognize how big the gap is between them and the real geniuses in the universe, so that they will have more motivation to practice.

Hong and Lei Shen took the helmet with full confidence.

Although they both felt a little timid about getting good results in the universe genius battle.

But if they were only dealing with the top one million powerhouses in Qianwu Universe, they were still very confident.

Through this period of time with Luo Feng and Babata, they also know how valuable it is to comprehend the domain at the planetary level.

You know, there are many cosmic-level strongmen who can't comprehend the domain, and they have done this at the planetary level, which can definitely be regarded as geniuses.

It is impossible for the top one million to be stronger than them.

Luo Feng naturally understood their thoughts, but Luo Feng said nothing, just stood there silently waiting for the two to log off.

And Yuanzu showed a smile on his face: "You kid is really bad, first arouse the fighting spirit of the two of them, and then hit them hard, so that they can really devote themselves to cultivation.

But if you only have these means, it is far from enough.

If hard work is useful, what is the use of talent."

Hong and Lei Shen didn't let Luo Feng wait too long. After about half an hour, the two took off the virtual universe landing device on their heads.

At this time, the two no longer had the confidence at that time, but showed an expression of Taoism collapse.

They were hit hard. The opponents Luo Feng found for them were all masters of the fourth or even fifth level in their domain.

For Hong, who had only realized the second level of the domain at this time, and Lei Shen, who had just entered the domain, it was definitely a dimensionality reduction attack.

Lei Shen lost miserably and couldn't even fight back.

Hong was better, at least he could fight with the opponent for a few moves, but he still couldn't hold on for long.

The two of them lost in a row, and even lost in the end, and didn't even want to talk.

However, Luo Feng didn't lie to Hong and Lei Shen. With the strength of the fourth and fifth levels of the domain, he could only rank in the top one million among the star-level masters in the entire Qianwu Universe.

Luo Feng walked up to Hong He and Lei Shen and said, "Brother, don't be discouraged. Your current strength is indeed not ranked in the Qianwu Universe Country, but this is not a big problem. Don't doubt yourself.

You are very talented. This is what the senior and I agree on.

It's just that the talent of us humans on Earth is not in the understanding of the law, but in the state of mind.

This kind of talent is difficult to realize in the early stage of martial arts practice, but the later the stage, the more obvious our advantage.

And since I have made a promise, I naturally have the confidence to help you realize your talent in advance and have the capital to compete with those genius-level martial artists on the same stage."

As he said this, Luo Feng placed the Yangshen Taoism that he had prepared in advance in front of Hong He and Lei Shen.

Luo Feng was not stingy with Hong He and Lei Shen. Since he decided to teach Yangshen Taoism to his two brothers, he would naturally not hold back.

So Luo Feng directly gave out the most powerful Yangshen Taoism books he had on hand. There are the Universe Two Sutras of Tai Shang Dao, the Past Amitabha Sutra from Yuan, and other powerful treasures collected by Hong Yi later.

"These secret books contain a cultivation method that is completely different from the Gene Warrior Dao.

The strength of these secret books is similar. Big Brother and Second Brother, you two can choose to practice the one you like.

Once you can practice to the point of differentiating thoughts, you can achieve the blossoming of a hundred thoughts, double your understanding, and realize the talents of us earthlings in advance."

Hong and Lei Shen took the Taoist magic from Luo Feng's hand, and they were more and more shocked as they turned over.

Because Luo Feng carefully introduced the effects of this Taoist magic on the cover page of each Taoist magic.

Whether it is the magic of the Universe Second Sutra to reverse time and space, or the magical power of the Past Amitabha Sutra to make the soul immortal, they let the two know how precious these secret books given to them by their brother are.

After weighing the pros and cons, the two chose different Taoist magics. Hong chose the Universe Second Sutra, while Lei Shen chose the Past Amitabha Sutra.

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