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Chapter 359: Wisdom Light Wheel, Sky Blood Spear

After the two got the secret book, they began to comprehend it.

Out of curiosity, Yuanzu also took out a book of the Creation Book from the pile of secret books that Luo Feng took out and began to read it.

At the beginning, the expressions of the three people were a little confused, but as time passed, the expressions on the faces of the three people gradually became different.

Yuanzu frowned and looked at the Creation Book in his hand. From his perspective, the way of cultivation recorded in this Creation Book was too weird, completely contrary to his past cognition.

After all, in the Devouring World, the warriors in the universe did not even have the concept of cultivating the mind.

The so-called cultivation of the mind, or the cultivation of the state of mind, is almost only circulated on Earth.

Yuanzu did not even know what cultivation of the mind was, let alone understanding the cultivation system of Yangshen Taoism, which is based on cultivation of the mind.

But as time passed, Yuanzu also slowly realized the mystery of the Creation Book.

After all, he is the strongest in the universe and the first genius in the human race besides Luo Feng. He recalled his past experiences and verified them with the various descriptions of Yangshen Taoism. Slowly, he actually constructed the concept of cultivating the mind in his mind, and then began to deconstruct the general framework of Yangshen Taoism.

As the process of comprehension progressed, the expression on the face of the original ancestor became more and more happy, as if he had solved some questions that had puzzled him for a long time.

Hong and Lei Shen's progress was much faster than that of the original ancestor.

Yangshen Taoism is a cultivation method rooted in the Chinese civilization system.

Reading books to nourish the qi, refining the heart and soul, in order to visualize and comprehend the true meaning of Taoism.

As the peak powerhouses who devoured the world and the earth, Hong and Lei Shen naturally have a deep understanding of Chinese civilization. Even the Nine-Layer Thunder Blade and the World-Destroying Spear Techniques they practiced were derived from the inheritance of Chinese civilization.

So the two of them easily understood the various cultivation concepts in the Yangshen Taoism system.

Soon, Lei Shen began to try to visualize the past Amitabha.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a huge Buddha stood in the void, all red gold, extremely solemn, as if standing on the river of time in the past.

After visualizing the past Amitabha Buddha, Lei Shen instantly felt that the nature of his soul had changed.

His soul also stood in the past like that huge Buddha, unchangeable, unshakable, indestructible, and irreversible.

Then, his soul began to transform rapidly, as if there was an extremely abundant nutrient in his soul that was constantly strengthening his soul.

Calming the mind, leaving the body, night travel, day travel, driving objects, showing up, and possessing.

Lei Shen's Yangshen Taoism realm was like a racing car running at full speed, and in an instant, he crossed seven realms in succession and came to the threshold of the ghost fairy realm.

This is actually not surprising. After all, Lei Shen has a very high talent in the cultivation of the state of mind. After years of practice, he has been able to make himself enter the state of being calm, sincere and natural, and one with heaven and earth in an instant.

This state is a manifestation of a very high level of state of mind. He is not afraid of the collapse of Mount Tai, and is fearless of life and death. He can almost be called in harmony with the Tao.

Such a high state of mind cultivation did not bring substantial benefits to Lei Shen in the past. Even if his state of mind cultivation was high, he could still chase him to ashes in one breath when he met a cosmic-level strongman.

This is because in the cultivation system of the Devouring World, central cultivation cannot be transformed into power, but this does not mean that Lei Shen's state of mind cultivation is in vain. The process of practicing the Amitabha Sutra in the past only transformed his state into a usable cultivation.

After practicing to the state of possession, Lei Shen felt that his soul was clear and his thinking speed was getting faster and faster. The problems that needed to be thought about for a long time in the past can now be understood in just a moment.

The accumulated resources in the past burst out completely at this moment, and the most beautiful fruits were produced.

Lei Shen felt that the thoughts in his mind were growing like bamboo shoots after rain, and he had sixteen or seventeen thoughts in a short while.

With the blessing of these thoughts, Lei Shen felt that his cultivation speed became even faster.

The more he practiced, the more Lei Shen felt the mystery of the Amitabha Sutra.

The universe, everything can change, only the past is eternal. After practicing the Amitabha Sutra, it means that his soul will stay in the past forever. No matter how many disasters or magical powers he encounters, there is no way to change his true nature.

Luo Feng also silently observed Hong and Lei Shen on the side. Seeing Lei Shen's rapid progress, Luo Feng couldn't help but show an envious look.

When he practiced the Amitabha Sutra, he practiced step by step from the out-of-body night tour. Counting the time acceleration, it took him nearly a year and a half to reach the realm of possession. In addition, he also had the help of incense and vows during his practice. I don't know how much hardship he went through before he finally succeeded.

Lei Shen did not use any external resources. He directly caught up with Luo Feng's efforts of one and a half years just by relying on his past accumulated state of mind.

However, although Lei Shen's progress was rapid, it was somewhat dwarfed by Hong beside him.

Hong's mental cultivation is much stronger than that of the Thunder God. His mental cultivation is so strong that he can pass through the eighteen illusions of love and desire set up by the Phantom King in one breath. It can be said that in terms of mental cultivation, Hong is no less than those saints in Chinese history.

And passing through the eighteen illusions of love and desire set up by the Phantom King is not Hong's limit. What really makes Hong stand out in mental cultivation is that he passed through twenty islands in the illusion sea at the cosmic level in one breath.

You should know that there are only 21 islands in the Illusion Sea, and the pressure generated by the Illusion Sea on the 21st island can even reach the level of the Universe Venerable.

Hong's cosmic-level cultivation to the 20th island is simply against the sky to the extreme, even against the sky to the extent that even the founder of the Great Axe can't help but come forward to accept a disciple.

With such a state of mind and cultivation, practicing Yangshen Taoism is simply like a fish in water.

Hong just began to watch the visualization diagram recorded in the Universe Sutra, and he felt that his soul was rapidly transforming at a terrifying speed, and thoughts were born from his soul.

These thoughts are extremely simple and pure, like crystal without any impurities.

Moreover, the thoughts also contain a sense of the world and the four directions, from ancient times to the present.

The world and the four directions are called Yu, and the past and present are called Zhou. These two sentences are also the general outline of the Universe Sutra.

If you can understand the mystery of the word universe, you can condense your thoughts into the Tower of Taiyu and the Bell of Zhouji.

The Tower of Taiyu represents the "Yu" in the word "Universe", which is the infinite space of the four directions of heaven and earth. The infinite "Yu" is called "Ji", and it also represents infinite power.

The "Zhouji" Bell represents the "Zhou" in the word "Universe", which means the flow of time from ancient times to the present. Once the "Zhouji" Bell comes out, it can freeze any soul and make everyone's thinking stagnant.

Although Hong is still unable to comprehend and condense the Tower of Taiyu and the Zhouji Bell in such a short time, the thoughts evolved in his soul have already faintly carried the meaning of these two artifacts.

Moreover, the speed of Hong's soul transformation is even faster. He did not even stay in the realm of possession, and directly broke through his soul to the realm of ghost fairy.

And this is not over yet. After breaking through to the realm of ghost fairy, his soul is still condensing thoughts. Dense thoughts like crystal flow out from the top of Hong's head, forming a river of stars as bright as the Milky Way above his head.

Luo Feng could see from a rough count that the number of thoughts condensed by Hong at this time had exceeded five thousand.

What a terrible progress this is. He had five thousand thoughts when he first entered the ghost fairy realm. Even in the Yangshen world, he was definitely a child of destiny.

What's more, this was the first time that Hong practiced the Yangshen Dao.

This performance was not inferior to the ancient disciples in the Yangshen world.

If there was no thunder tribulation in the Devouring World, Luo Feng even suspected that with Hong's current performance, he might be able to pass through the seven thunder tribulations in an instant and become a creator-level existence.

Five thousand thoughts shone brightly above Hong's head, condensing a great light and a great freedom.

The prototypes of the Tower of Taiyu and the Bell of Zhouji were also looming in the river of stars, as if they were about to be condensed at any time.

Countless thoughts kept turning like millstones, and sparks of thought kept flashing in the thought millstones.

This was Hong using the thinking ability brought by the long river of thoughts to comprehend his own martial arts.

As Hong's thoughts continued to sparkle, his aura became visibly sharper.

In just a moment, Hong broke through the realm of the second level of the domain and directly broke through to the third level of the domain.

And the third level of the domain is not Hong's limit.

During these years of cultivation, Hong has accumulated many problems related to martial arts in his heart.

These problems have not been figured out due to his insufficient cognitive level or his lack of knowledge.

After practicing the second sutra of the universe, Hong's thinking speed has reached the limit, and countless thoughts are intertwined, making his brain run faster than a supercomputer.

With such a terrifying thinking speed, many problems that could not be figured out in the past were solved in an instant.

This is the so-called great wisdom.

As the problems he had accumulated in the past were solved one by one, Hong's martial arts cultivation was also rapidly breaking through, and soon reached the peak of the third level of the domain, and could break through to the fourth level of the domain at any time.

The speed of progress was so fast that even the original ancestor who was concentrating on comprehending the Book of Creation was alarmed.

He looked at Hong with a dull face, and could hardly believe his eyes.

Through his understanding of the Book of Creation, he also roughly understood the general operating framework of Yangshen Taoism.

With his cultivation, since he understood what Yangshen Taoism was, he could naturally sense the long river of thoughts above Hong's head that was as bright as crystal.

He could feel that Hong's hidden terrifying talent had been fully realized. At this time, Hong Guang's comprehension was not inferior to any genius he had ever seen.

However, the original ancestor still couldn't believe that just a secret book of visualizing the soul could have such a terrifying effect, which directly made Hong undergo a reborn change.

He waved his hand casually, and two books appeared out of thin air and fell in front of Hong and Thunder God.

Then he turned his head and looked at Luo Feng: "These are the two secret books I specially selected for your elder and second brothers. They are in perfect harmony with the moves they practice.

Let them try to comprehend it. I want to see how long it will take them to master the first level of these two secret books with their current talents."

After hearing Yuanzu's words, Hong opened his eyes and reached out to pick up the secret book Yuanzu gave him.

From the conversation between Yuanzu and Luo Feng just now, Hong could feel that this senior who was unwilling to show his figure must be a great figure, and the secret book this senior took out should not be an ordinary thing.

With such a free opportunity, Hong would naturally not miss it.

The secret book that the original ancestor gave to Hong is called [Sky Overlord Blood Spear]. It is the inheritance left by a super genius who can compete with the immortal king-level immortals at the realm of the realm master. If this spear technique is practiced to the extreme, it can comprehend the law of space with the Sky Overlord Blood Spear. It is a first-class existence among all the secret books that can be practiced by all star-level warriors.

The secret book that Lei Shen got is not simple either. It is called [Thunder Breaking Sky Flute] and is also inherited from an invincible realm master. Although it is not as good as the Sky Overlord Blood Spear that Hong got, it is also a very precious secret book.

This level of martial arts skills cannot be successfully practiced by ordinary warriors at the star level. Only geniuses with extraordinary talents in the comprehension of laws can hope to practice, and it also takes a lot of time.

Even Hong and Lei Shen, who have evolved super-evolved, still have some difficulties in comprehending these two secret books and fall into a deep state of meditation.

Luo Feng was not in a hurry about this. He closed his eyes and rested his mind. His consciousness escaped into the group public space and began his own practice.

It takes ten days for the X81 spacecraft to travel from Earth to the Qilong Star.

These ten days passed in a flash, and soon the Qilong Star was within sight.

During these ten days, Luo Feng spent most of his time in the public space practicing martial arts, and the remaining half of his time asking the original ancestor various questions. In just ten days, Luo Feng gained a lot.

Seeing that the spaceship was about to arrive, Yuanzu waved to Luo Feng and said, "Okay, since you are about to arrive at Qiulong Star, it is almost time for me to go back to comprehend the Jietian Talisman.

When you arrive at Qiulong Star, someone from the Virtual Universe Company will naturally contact you.

By the way, please help me monitor the cultivation speed of your eldest and second brothers. When they succeed in cultivation, tell me through the virtual universe.

I want to see to what extent their understanding has been enhanced after practicing your technique.

Especially your eldest brother, as long as he can cultivate within a month, he doesn't have to wait until ten years later to get the top three, and my promise can be fulfilled immediately,"

Just when Yuanzu was about to leave, Hong suddenly opened his eyes.

"Senior, there is no need to ask my third brother to tell me about this matter. I have already practiced this secret book."

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