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Chapter 360: Go through fire and water without hesitation

The original ancestor's gradually fading figure stopped instantly.

His mouth was slightly open, and his whole body stood motionless as if under a immobilization spell.

Then they looked back at Hong.

At this time Hong also stood up.

Because he couldn't see the original ancestor, he bowed in the direction of Luo Feng and said, "Junior, thank you senior for giving me the magic!"

The shadow of the original ancestor waved his hand and said: "There is no need to pay attention to these small things, but have you really understood the first level of [Sky Domination Blood Spear]?"

Hong replied calmly: "Juniors naturally won't talk nonsense. If seniors don't believe it, I can demonstrate it on the spot."

As he spoke, Hong stretched out his hand, and a crimson spear came from the depths of the spacecraft and was held in his hand.

This spear is his portable weapon, and it would be an SSS-level peerless weapon on earth.

After getting the spear, Hong Ben began to practice the Sky Tyrant Blood Spear on the spot.

This marksmanship, with the sky as its meaning, combines the two profound original laws of wind and space.

After mastering the first level of the Sky Hegemon Blood Spear, you will be able to add a trace of the mysterious power of the wind and space systems to your moves.

The law of wind can greatly increase the speed of the user's attacks, and the law of space can also distort space. The combination of the two can make the speed of the Sky Tyrant's blood gun reach an incredible level.

In an instant, the entire cabin was filled with dots of gun light.

The tip of the red spear was like fire, and the red was like a drill, sweeping through the entire space like a long river, dyeing the country thousands of miles away with red makeup.

And the most terrifying thing is that Hong's gun was fired so fast, but there was no sound of breaking the wind. There was silence in the cabin, as if it was in a vacuum.

This is also the effect of the wind law. After erasing the sound of the move, Hong's quick move became more difficult to resist.

The original ancestor watched Hong use the [Sky Domination Blood Spear], and the admiration in his eyes became stronger and stronger.

Hong's performance completely exceeded his expectations.

He has taught so many geniuses, including the founder of the Great Ax and the Lord of Chaos City, the pinnacles of the human race.

The two of them are the two most talented disciples that the original ancestor has come into contact with in such a long life.

But the original ancestor knew that even the founder of the giant axe and the Lord of Chaos City, when they were at the planet level, they would not be able to comprehend this gun skill manual left by the invincible world lord in such a short time.

According to the original ancestor's estimation, it would take a planet-level Chaos City Lord about twenty days to hope to comprehend the first level of the [Sky Domination Blood Spear], and a planet-level Great Ax Founder would also need about fifteen days. time.

In fact, let alone ten days, even if the time is relaxed to one month, being able to comprehend the first level of the Cangqiong University Gun in one month is already a quite amazing achievement, and it can definitely be regarded as a human race. The pinnacle of genius.

This is also the reason why the original ancestor promised Luo Feng that if Hong Neng understood the first level of the Sky Tyrant Blood Spear within a month, he would directly fulfill his promise.

Because if Hong can really master the first level of the [Sky Domination Blood Spear] in just one month, then it will not be difficult for Hong to get into the top three in the Universe Genius Competition.

The original ancestor looked up and down at Hong who was demonstrating the Blood Spear of the Sky Tyrant.

After practicing the Second Meridian of the Universe, Hong seemed to have been opened up to the Ren and Du channels, and there was an aura of wisdom all over his body.

"Okay, okay, that's enough, I already believe that you have cultivated into the Sky Dominant Blood Spear.

Is your name Hong?

Okay, I remember the name.

Later, I will give you the complete secret manual of the Sky Tyrant Blood Gun from Tuoluo Peak. "

The complete cheat code of [Sky Domination Blood Gun]!

Hong couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise in his heart.

In the process of just comprehending it, he already knew how mysterious this marksmanship was.

Compared with this marksmanship, his World-Destroying Divine Spear is simply rubbish, not worth mentioning at all.

Even all the martial arts he had come into contact with in the past were dwarfed by the Sky Tyrant Blood Spear.

The martial arts knowledge involved in this secret book made Hong feel that his horizons had been broadened and his whole person's cognition had changed.

Just by comprehending the first level of Sky Domination Blood Spear, Hong could feel that his combat power had increased by at least five times.

Hongdu couldn't imagine how much his combat power would be increased if he could successfully cultivate the Sky Tyrant Blood Spear completely.

Hong bowed to the original ancestor again and thanked the original ancestor for the reward.

But Hong didn't know that a mere Sky Domination Blood Spear meant nothing. It was nothing in the eyes of the strongest person in the universe like the original ancestor.

What really matters is that his name is remembered by the original ancestors, which is a rare honor.

You know, the original ancestors now no longer care about the specific things of the human race, and even many of the newly promoted original ancestors of the universe are too lazy to recognize them.

Being able to be remembered by the original ancestor means that he has entered the sight of the highest level of mankind. As long as he maintains his current performance, various resources will naturally be tilted in the future.

After chatting with Hong, Yuan Zu couldn't help but turned to look at Luo Feng and said: "Brother Luo Feng, you really are not bragging.

With your eldest brother's current understanding, it is really possible for you to get into the top three in the Universe Genius Competition.

No, no, no, it takes ten days to master the first level of the Sky Hegemon's Blood Spear, and he may even achieve the first place in the Universe Genius Battle.

This is really scary.

A cultivation secret book will completely transform your brother.

I'm really getting more and more curious now about where all these weird things of yours come from. "

Luo Feng had a smile on his face: "That's natural, and I have never told lies in front of my original ancestor, You.

As for the origin of the things, it is very complicated. Please forgive me for the inconvenience of telling this. "

The original ancestor didn't mind that Luo Feng didn't tell him the origin of these things, he just laughed.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, then don't say it, but can you give me a copy of these secrets of yours?

I'm interested in them now. "

Naturally, Luo Feng would not refuse. For the current Luo Feng, the original ancestor was his biggest background and backer, and he was also a background and backer that he could completely trust.

Handing over the Yangshen Taoist system to the original ancestor would only bring benefits and no disadvantages to him.

After all, the original ancestor was able to comprehend the secrets of the virtual universe on his own.

With his talent and cultivation, Bao Buqi will be able to comprehend something extraordinary after acquiring the Yang Shen Dao Technique.

And based on the relationship between Luo Feng and the Original Ancestor, once the Original Ancestor realizes something, Luo Feng will not be the one to benefit in the end.

But give it back, some things still need to be made clear.

"But senior, there is one thing I must tell you. The fundamental reason why my eldest and second brothers' talents have improved so horribly is that their state of mind has reached an extremely high level.

The most important aspect of practicing Yangshen Taoism is the cultivation of one's state of mind.

If other people were practicing Yang Shen Taoism, they would never be able to make such terrifying progress like my eldest and second brother.

Moreover, the process of practicing Yangshen Taoism may be more difficult for humans other than Earthlings. After all, their mental talents are far inferior to those of Earthlings, and they may have to work ten to twenty times more than Earthlings. can achieve the same effect. "

The original ancestor smiled and nodded: "Of course I understand this. If anyone can be as perverted as your elder brother, then this secret book of yours will be too terrifying. I'm afraid it won't be long before the entire human race will have many more people." Hundreds of thousands of the strongest people in the universe.

But even so, the gold content of this secret book is still very terrifying.

Secrets like this that can improve a practitioner's talent are the most precious resources.

Time is nothing to domain lords or world lord level warriors. They can easily live for millions of years.

With this time, you can also practice this secret book to an improved level by relying on water grinding skills.

Let alone immortal god level warriors, time is completely meaningless to them.

The bottleneck that really restricts them from getting stronger is actually their talent.

If the existence of Yangshen Taoism were known to others, it would probably make all the immortal gods trapped in the bottleneck go crazy.

But don't worry, I won't tell anyone else these secrets without your permission. "

After copying the secret book and storing it in the virtual universe server, the original ancestor waved goodbye to Luo Feng, and then his figure gradually disappeared.

Luo Feng also raised his hand and waved in the direction of the original ancestor.

Seeing Luo Feng's movements, Hong asked: "Third brother, judging from your appearance, is that senior gone?"

"Yes, he's gone."

Hong breathed a sigh of relief: "What is the origin of this senior? Not only does he have great powers, but he is also so mysterious?"

Luo Feng did not answer directly: "The identity of this senior is very involved. Before your strength reaches a certain level, brother, it is best not to know the information about him.

But brother, your performance just now shocked this senior. I can see that he appreciates you very much.

When you join Virtual Universe Company in the future, with the help of this senior, your path will be much smoother. "

Hong laughed: "This is all your fault, Third Brother!

Brother, I know what kind of talent I have. It took me decades of hard training in martial arts to reach the second level of my field.

Just now in the virtual universe, I was severely educated by the opponents you invited, and after talking with them, I know that they are actually not much older than me.

If it hadn't been for the Second Book of the Universe that you, Third Brother, gave me, I'm afraid that with your elder brother's talent, I would have been lost to everyone in a short time after entering the universe. "

Luo Feng shook his head: "Brother, you don't have to be so arrogant. You heard what the senior said just now. Your talent in mental state cultivation can definitely be regarded as the strongest in the universe.

The reason why the current performance is relatively mediocre is because it is difficult to convert the state of mind cultivation into real-time combat power, and it is a late-stage talent.

However, big brother, your talent in the state of mind is really outstanding. Even if there is no existence of the Second Universe Sutra, big brother, as long as you are given a suitable stage, you can still shine with your own light. "

Hong said: "That's what I say, but without this Second Universe Scripture, I don't know how long it will take to realize my talent.

But third brother, where did these secret books of yours come from? They give me the feeling that they are completely in line with my Chinese civilization system. However, I have been on earth for so long and I have never seen similar cultivation methods. . "

It’s not surprising that Hong has such doubts. Although the [Sky Domination Blood Spear] is mysterious, Hong can tell at a glance that it is a technique from other civilizations in the universe, so Hong can only be amazed and has no doubts.

But this is not the case in the Second Classic of the Universe. Whether it is the writing or the various nouns, it all reveals a strong Chinese style and is definitely a local inheritance of China.

Luo Feng said: "I can't tell you the origin of the exercises for the time being, but what I can tell you, brother, is that these exercises do not come from our earth. They come from a place where the cultural environment is very similar to the earth.

I will take you there when the time is right. After all, brother, you have now reached the realm of ghosts and immortals. If you want to go further, you must experience thunder tribulation, and this thunder tribulation can only be found in that place. "

Hong walked forward and patted Luo Feng on the shoulder: "Since you said so, third brother, I won't ask about it, eldest brother.

It’s up to you, third brother, to make arrangements for going to that place!

Just take us there whenever it is convenient for you.

Anyway, for me, the realm of ghosts and immortals is enough.

Although I can't survive the thunder tribulation now, continuous practice can still increase the number of thoughts and improve my cultivation talent.

This thing is a great kindness to me.

From now on, as long as you, third brother, invite me, eldest brother, I will go through fire and water without hesitation. "

The God of Thunder also stood up. He had actually woken up from trance just now, but he had only understood one-third of the first level of the [Thunder Duan Tian Xiao Dao].

In fact, Lei Shen was still full of confidence when he comprehended [Thunder Breaking Tianxiao Sword], because after practicing the Past Amitabha Sutra, he felt that he was simply too strong.

He can now figure out any problem at once, and his thinking speed is as fast as lightning.

Compared to my current self, my past self was simply a fool.

The extremely powerful soul made Lei Shen even feel that after practicing the Amitabha Sutra, his understanding and talent had reached the level of the strongest genius in the universe. Even the talents of Hong and Luo Feng were no match for him.

Therefore, while Lei Shen was practicing, he was secretly hoping that his performance this time would be better than that of his elder brother, and that he could successfully comprehend the [Thunder Duan Tian Xiao Dao] before Hong did.

However, what Lei Shen didn't expect was that the talent gap between him and Hong not only did not narrow, but actually grew wider.

He had just comprehended one-third of the [Thunder Breaking Tianxiao Sword], and Hong had completely comprehended the Sky Tyrant Blood Spear.

Therefore, the shocked Thor did not speak and just watched Hong's performance quietly.

But even so, his heart was still full of gratitude to Luo Feng.

Because the God of Thunder knows how much the practice of the Amitabha Sutra has helped him.

Being able to teach him this level of training manual without asking for anything in return, Lei Shen was completely impressed by Luo Feng's character.

He also bowed to Luo Feng and said: "Eldest brother is right, so am I. Third brother, if you need anything later, just come to me."

Luo Feng naturally understood the weight of this promise. With Hong and Lei Shen's character, if he really needed help in the future, even if he knew he would die, Hong and Lei Shen would not frown.

However, Luo Feng didn't think that with his current speed of improvement in cultivation, there would be anything that would require the two brothers to go through fire and water to help.

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