All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 361: He can’t stay in the original secret realm for long!

After the spacecraft arrived at the Horned Dragon, Luo Feng took Hong and Lei Shen to find a place to stay.

This is a small single-family manor that has been bought by Luo Feng as his residence on the Qiu Long Star.

This kind of manor is not affordable for ordinary people on Qiu Long Planet, but for Luo Feng, it is just a matter of a few witchcraft coins.

After bringing Hong and Lei Shen to the Horned Dragon Planet, Luo Feng gave each of them a virtual universe lander.

With the help of the Virtual Universe Lander, Hong and Lei Shen can compete with opponents of the same level through the Virtual Universe Arena to increase their actual combat experience.

As for the Giant Ax Martial Arts Arena, Luo Feng has no plans to introduce it to them just yet.

After all, the battle in the Giant Ax Martial Arts Arena can really lead to death. Hong and Lei Shen have only come into contact with Yangshen Taoism not long ago, and their potential has just been developed. There is still a lot of room for improvement. There is absolutely no need to go there at this time. Fight hard in the giant axe-fighting arena.

He planned to let Hong and Lei Shen practice on the Horned Dragon Star for a period of time. After the two men's combat power improved, they would decide whether to enter the Giant Ax Arena to fight.

After arranging things for the two sworn brothers, Luo Feng did not go out again.

Luo Feng had no intention of going out to buy the metal combination of the deity world that he originally planned to buy for his friends. He just waited quietly at home for the people from Virtual Universe Company to arrive.

After all, after becoming a member of the Virtual Universe Company, he can enjoy great discounts on various materials and can buy these metal combinations at a very low price. Although Luo Feng is not short of money now, there is no need to spend it carelessly.

The people from Virtual Universe Company arrived very quickly. Luo Feng only waited for a few hours before they arrived at Luo Feng's manor.

I saw a silver-white sword-shaped spaceship descending from the sky. The spacecraft was about two hundred meters long, fifty meters wide, and nearly forty meters thick. Looking from a distance, I could feel the primitive atmosphere on the spacecraft, as if it were on top of it. Contains countless years of precipitation.

The hatch opened, and dozens of men wearing virtual universe uniforms filed out and formed two rows on both sides of the hatch.

The aura of each of these uniformed men is extremely terrifying, almost all of them are Territory Lord level beings, and there are even several Territory Lords mixed in among them.

Then a middle-aged man walked out of the hatch. With a smile on his face, he walked quickly to Luo Feng and said respectfully.

"Hello, His Highness Luo Feng, I am your guard commander Chongming. From now on, I will be responsible for your safety, Your Highness."

Before the spacecraft landed, Chongming had already contacted Luo Feng through the virtual universe, so the two went straight to the point when they met.

Luo Feng looked up and down at this middle-aged man. His appearance was somewhat different from that of humans on Earth. His whole body was golden in color, and there was a wedge-shaped red crystal inlaid between his eyebrows. His whole body was filled with an extremely terrifying aura.

This is the pressure from the immortal gods. Even though Chongming has tried his best to restrain himself at this time, it still exerts a certain sense of oppression on the star-level Luo Feng.

An immortal god serves as a guard for a stellar genius. This is the gold content of the original secret realm.

The sound of the spacecraft landing also alarmed Hong and Lei Shen who were practicing in the house.

The two people walked out in a daze. The moment they saw Chongming, their bodies involuntarily put into a fighting posture.

Hong subconsciously raised the spear in his hand, and the God of Thunder also pulled out his sword with a clang.

Because they sensed an extremely terrifying sense of danger in the person in front of them, they were like rabbits facing a tiger, and their stress response was directly aroused.

Seeing this scene, there was a slight fluctuation in Chongming's eyes.

Planetary level three realms and four realms?

It seems that the His Highness he serves this time is indeed extraordinary. Not only is he a peerless genius who can join the original secret realm, but the friends around him also have extraordinary qualifications.

"Brother, second brother, don't be nervous, this is the guard commander sent to me by Virtual Universe Company."

Seeing the reactions of the two sworn brothers, Luo Feng hurriedly spoke to comfort them.

Chongming also walked over quickly and saluted Luo Feng's eldest brother and second brother.

Although he is an immortal god, he understands that in front of a genius like Luo Feng, his ordinary immortality is nothing at all. There are many geniuses in the original secret realm who can kill the feudal immortals in the Realm Lord realm.

Therefore, Chongming also showed great respect for his master's two brothers.

Hearing this, Hong's face showed an expression of extreme surprise.

Because in his spiritual sense, he could feel that the golden-skinned man in front of him was as unfathomable as the sky. He was as inconspicuous as a speck of dust in front of this man. With just one breath, he was as unfathomable as the sky. It may be blown away directly.

This terrifying existence may already have the ability to directly destroy the earth.

If he comes to the earth, he will definitely be an undisputed god, able to control everything of all living beings and become the supreme existence. Even the golden-horned giant beast that put the entire earth into crisis before is just a piece of cake in front of Chongming. An ant.

But this kind of existence actually became the guard leader of his third brother.

He was said to be the leader of the guard, but to put it bluntly, he was Luo Feng's subordinate.

As long as Luo Feng's order does not violate the regulations of Virtual Universe Company, Chongming must obey it unconditionally.

If someone had told Hong about this yesterday, Hong would have scoffed and refused to believe it.

But seeing it with his own eyes, Hong had to believe it all.

It was not until this time that Hong fully realized what it meant to be a core member of the Original Secret Realm of the Virtual Universe Company.

It was indeed worthy of being the first prize in the Universe Genius War held once every 10,000 years. It was indeed extraordinary. Once he could join the Original Secret Realm, it was like a carp leaping over the dragon gate and becoming a dragon from then on.

This also made Hong more determined. He must make a splash in the Universe Genius War ten years later.

He was not very interested in the status and power of the members of the Original Secret Realm. He was mainly jealous of the cultivation resources that this identity could bring. The ups and downs of decades on Earth made him thoroughly understand how huge the difference was in whether there were cultivation resources for cultivation.

After explaining the matter to his two brothers, Luo Feng left his x81 spaceship.

He no longer needed this spaceship. After becoming a member of the Original Secret Realm, in addition to the guard commander of the immortal gods, the Virtual Universe Company also prepared many assets for him, including a spaceship carrying cutting-edge technology.

The shell of this spaceship is made of special metal, which can withstand the attack of immortal gods. It also carries the latest power system and has a very fast sailing speed. Although it is not as good as the Meteorite Star left by Hu Yanbo, it is already extremely precious.

Luo Feng didn't know whether other members of the original secret realm had this treatment. Anyway, the silver battleship in front of him already belonged to him.

In fact, the x81 spaceship left by Luo Feng is actually quite valuable, but Luo Feng at this time no longer cares about these small amounts of money, not to mention that this spaceship is quite commemorative. After all, it carried three people into the universe, so Luo Feng simply left it to his two brothers.

With this spaceship in hand, if something really happened on Earth that Xu Xin and Luo Hai couldn't handle, Hong and Lei Shen could also rush back to Earth in time via the x81 spaceship.

After boarding his new spaceship, Chongming took Luo Feng to the initial universe at a high speed.

The so-called initial universe is actually the universe left by the original ancestor.

This universe is still in the early stage of the universe, so it is called the initial universe.

In the initial universe, since the universe is still in the state of evolution, the laws of the universe are directly exposed.

Being able to directly see the laws of the universe in the initial universe is very helpful for warriors to comprehend the laws. After the original ancestor was suppressed, this initial universe became a treasure land for the human race to cultivate talents, and was managed by the original ancestor's disciple, the Lord of Chaos City.

The first stop for every genius who joins the four secret realms of the virtual universe is the initial universe, and Luo Feng, a genius who joins the original secret realm through special channels, is no exception.

The silver spaceship sails at an extremely fast speed. The flight speed close to the speed of light turns countless stars outside the window into twisted lines. After the speed reaches the speed of light, the entire spaceship directly escapes into the dark universe, and then begins to fly wildly at a speed of eighteen times the speed of light.

The scene in the dark universe is extremely bizarre.

Luo Feng stood in front of the hanging window and watched the scenery flying outside the window, while broadcasting a rare scene to the group friends.

Luo Feng knew that he might spend a long time in the dark universe.

He remembered that Xu Chenzhou had said in the information he had given him that in another timeline, he had been cultivating on the spaceship of the Virtual Universe Company for three years before reaching the initial universe.

Luo Feng had no way to deal with this. The territory of the Devouring Universe was too vast, and there was no wormhole that could cross the universe to match it, so he could only fly slowly in the dark universe at superluminal speed.

Fortunately, even if he was in the dark universe, he could log in to the virtual universe and enter the chat group, otherwise these three years would be a bit of torture for him.

Just when Luo Feng was about to enter the state of meditation, a pair of big hands suddenly stretched out from the void.

The spaceship was traveling in the space-time tunnel of the dark universe at this time. The color of the walls of the space-time tunnel was as gorgeous as if it was splashed with watercolors of different colors. At this time, a pair of big hands slowly appeared from the gorgeous walls of the space-time tunnel. Two huge handprints were highlighted.

Then the big hands grabbed the silver-white sword-shaped spaceship and dragged it hard. Then Luo Feng felt a dizziness surge into his mind, making him almost faint. He was in a daze.

After a long while, Luo Feng woke up a little.

At this time, he heard Chongming beside him exclaimed: "We are back to the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Corporation?

How is this possible? We were just at the Qianwu Universe Country on the edge of the universe. How could we cross countless light years and return to the center of the universe in such a short time?

Unless the Lord of the Universe who is proficient in the laws of space personally took action, but my mission was just to transport geniuses to the initial universe. Why could I provoke such a big man to take action personally.

Even if His Highness is a genius from the original secret realm, it shouldn't be possible, could it be?"

Before Chongming finished speaking, he looked up and down at Luo Feng with an extremely weird look. It seems that the background behind this His Highness who suddenly fell from the sky is more terrifying than he thought.

It was so terrifying that a master of the universe was willing to take action personally, just to save Luo Feng several years of time spent on the journey.

From Chongming's exclamation, Luo Feng also understood what had happened.

Luo Feng knew without even thinking that this must be the work of the original ancestor.

The person who made the move was either the Lord of Chaos City, the Lord of Darkness or the Lord of Ice Peak.

He had already prepared to settle down on the spaceship for a while, but he didn't expect the original ancestor to prepare such an unexpected surprise for him.

However, Luo Feng was not opposed to this. After all, the speed of cultivation in the initial universe must be much faster than his own practice in the spaceship.

Luo Feng shook his head vigorously and stood up.

Chongming had been standing respectfully by the side for a long time, and his eyes became more respectful when he looked at Luo Feng.

"Your Highness, we have arrived at the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company. I wonder if you want to rest at the headquarters for a while or go to the Initial Universe as soon as possible."

Luo Feng walked to the hanging window with curiosity in his eyes, looking at the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company in the distance.

This is a continent suspended in the universe, endless and vast.

The round sky and square earth in the ancient legend of the earth has become a reality at this time.

There are many stars and planets beside this continent, but they look like dust in comparison with this continent.

Even the well-informed Luo Feng couldn't help but be dumbfounded at this moment. The strength of the Virtual Universe Company is too strong. If they want to create such a continent in the universe, the materials used may be able to directly empty dozens of galaxies.

Seeing Luo Feng's surprised expression, Chongming smiled. Even this prince with an amazing background would be shocked in front of the magnificence of the Virtual Universe Company headquarters.

He began to explain to Luo Feng: "This continent is the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company. There are trillions of creatures living on it, all of whom are the most cutting-edge elites of the Virtual Universe Company.

The area of ​​this continent is as large as dozens of light years. Even the surrounding stars, planets and other celestial bodies are terrifying technological weapons that protect the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company.

In addition to various administrative agencies, there are also hundreds of living areas, which have all kinds of enjoyment to meet the hobbies of all human races. Your Highness can enjoy the most distinguished treatment after coming to the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company.

Because Your Highness is a core member who was specially recruited to enter the original secret realm, there is no other companion to drag us down, so we have plenty of time, and we can wait until Your Highness has finished the experience before entering the initial universe.

I wonder if Your Highness would like to come to the headquarters of the Virtual Universe Company for inspection."

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