All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 39 The Yang Sheng Yin Shuai chat group (can be read now, sorry, I came back late)

Xu Chenzhou looked at the figure of the three-year-old baby next to him, and then looked at the vicissitudes of life uncle, and was a little speechless.

The age standard of this cub in the chat group is really a bit loose!

It is comparable to the bottom line of some people.

Judging from this, the last group member should be from the world of Monster Hunter.

Xu Chenzhou is too familiar with the black dragon under his feet.

As a handicapped player, when he was still Canglangxing, he fought with this black dragon for more than ten hours, and finally succeeded in killing it.

But to be honest, as a game world, there is no absolute protagonist in Monster Hunter, so Xu Chenzhou is a little curious about who this figure in front of him is.

As time passed slowly, a line of text gradually emerged under the feet of the figure.

Seeing this line of text, Xu Chenzhou's eyes widened, and the whole person was stunned again.

Dragon World Lu Mingfei, age 18+7 years old, note: (Monster Hunter Returns)

No? You told me that this guy is Lu Mingfei, what a joke.

However, Xu Chenzhou thought of the various Lu Mingfei on the novel website in his previous life, and he couldn't help but feel relieved.

Lu Mingfei is definitely the most varied male protagonist in fan fiction. The return of Sekiro and the return of Elden Ring are just a piece of cake.

There are also many explosive ideas, such as the return of Warhammer, Immortal Lu Mingfei, etc.

As for Monster Hunter World, to put it bluntly, it is more in line with Lu Mingfei's personality.

After all, Lu Mingfei's job when he went to Kassel Academy was to slay dragons, and Lu Mingfei's job when he traveled to Monster Hunter World was also to slay dragons.

Wherever you go to slay dragons, it's not slaying?

Speaking of slaying dragons, Monster Hunter World dares to say it's second, and no other world dares to say it's the first!

After all, the hunters in Monster Hunter World kill dragons like crazy, and everyone is a master of dragon hunting.

Just think of Lu Mingfei going to another place for tutoring before going to Kassel Academy.

In fact, it is quite reasonable.

And Xu Chenzhou also understood why the chat group invited Lu Mingfei to join the group during this time period.

The Lu Mingfei in front of him has already slayed the black dragon.

The black dragon has been killed, and the Monster Hunter world has been cleared for him, which means that Lu Mingfei's life is about to enter the next stage, returning to the world of dragons.

To be honest, it is also appropriate to say that Lu Mingfei is a cub after his return.

However, this chat group's operation almost hurt Xu Chenzhou's waist.

Xu Chenzhou is quite satisfied with the two characters drawn today.

Just drawing a Desolate Emperor is worth the price.

To be honest, there are really few characters in the heavens and the world that can be stronger than the Desolate Emperor who has achieved the sacrificial path.

Although the power level of Lu Mingfei's world is a little lower, there are also some desirable features in the world of dragons.

In addition, Xu Chenzhou had a good impression of Lu Mingfei when he read the novel.

Xu Chenzhou was also very happy to be able to change his fate.

At this time, Xu Chenzhou suddenly discovered something quite outrageous.

Including the two newly drawn group members, there are now a total of six members in the chat group.

But why are they all men!

This is a bit outrageous.

There are so many cute girls in the world, is it possible that you can't draw any of them?

Although Xu Chenzhou is not a pervert, and he won't have any strange thoughts if a female member joins the group, but who can refuse more cute girls in the chat group?

Could it be that the chat group is operating in secret?

Xu Chenzhou looked at the chat group with suspicion.

Old thief! Don't go too far! Hurry up and hand over my girl!

At this moment, a prompt sounded from the chat group.

"Congratulations to the group owner, the gender of the group members drawn for six consecutive times are all male, and the achievement of Yang Sheng Yin Shuai is obtained. The group owner is rewarded with two chances to draw (designated female)."

Well, there is an achievement, and two chances to draw designated women are awarded, so I'll barely forgive you!

Xu Chenzhou was a little nervous about these two chances to draw, after all, the girls were drawn this time.

It was still a familiar scene, a junior high school girl with light brown hair appeared in the world shadow.

The moment he saw this figure, Xu Chenzhou guessed her identity.

After all, Xu Chenzhou was too familiar with this Tokiwadai Middle School uniform.

Academy City, Level 5 Super Railgun Misaka Mikoto.

She is known as Misaka Sister in the world. She is a girl who can use a coin to shoot a super railgun.

Not bad!

This world is not bad either. Whether it is the superpowers of Academy City or the forbidden techniques of magic, they all have some merits.

The most important thing is that as the first girl in the group, Misaka Mikoto is really cute!

There is another chance to draw. Who will be drawn?

Xu Chenzhou pressed the draw button with expectation.

This time, a little girl appeared in front of Xu Chenzhou.

The little girl was dressed in ancient costumes, with her hair loose, and was running non-stop with a little boy.

Xu Chenzhou had many guesses in his mind, but he still couldn't guess the identity of this little girl.

So he could only wait for the chat group to give an answer.

After a while, the handwriting appeared!

Hong Huang, Yang Chan (13 years old)

It turned out to be Yang Chan, the famous Three Holy Mothers, the sister of Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian!

No wonder the little boy next to him has a barely visible crack on his forehead, it turns out he is Erlang Zhenjun Yang Jian.

And this Yang Chan is from the prehistoric world, which is simply double happiness.

However, there are many secondary settings in the prehistoric world, and the expression of different prehistoric worlds is very different. The introduction in the chat group only wrote the prehistoric world, so Xu Chenzhou couldn't be sure what the strength of Yang Chan's world was!

Xu Chenzhou naturally did not hesitate and immediately sent an invitation.

The arrival of these group members blew out the three little ones who were hiding in the group.

Xu Chenzhou (group owner) "Welcome everyone to the chat group of the young cubs of all heavens. You can first read the group announcement to understand the basic information of the chat group. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me."

Xu Chenzhou had already written the basic information of the chat group of the young cubs of all heavens in the group announcement. Otherwise, he would have to repeat a lot of information every time a new member joined the group, which was quite troublesome.

These group announcements will automatically translate the chat group, and even if you can't read, you can understand its meaning.

Moreover, the information in the group announcement is quite complete, including the role of the chat group, the basic concepts of the heavens and the worlds, etc.

After reading the group announcement, the group members will naturally have a basic understanding of the Zhutian Cubs chat group.

The three little ones in the group were also very excited. Finally, there were new people, and four of them at once.

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "Welcome everyone, I am Zhang Junbao from the Yitian world."

Hong Yi and Han Li also welcomed the arrival of the newcomers in the group chat.

After the three messages were sent, the group chat fell into a long silence.

For a while, no one popped up, and the newcomers were concentrating on checking the messages in the group announcement.

After a long time, a message broke the silence.

Shi Hao (Shicun Cub): "I don't understand what is written in the group announcement! But these are not important. Brothers and sisters, I'm hungry. Can I drink animal milk here?"

Xu Chenzhou saw Shi Hao's message and smiled.

The current Emperor Huang Tian is still a three-year-old kid. It is normal that he can't understand the content of the group announcement.

After all, the myriad worlds and the dimension-crossing are too profound for a three-year-old.

Although Shi Hao is very precocious, he is only three years old now, and it is still difficult for him to understand the rules of the cub chat group.

Shi Hao is just a child who likes to drink animal milk now.

There will only be one Japanese anime character in this book, Misaka Mikoto. If you don't like it, just skip the plot of A Certain Scientific Railgun.

The main reason is that many readers who followed the update after voting wanted to continue to read Misaka Mikoto's plot. I'm really sorry. I know it's unnecessary to keep a character, which disgusts some readers who don't want to read Japanese anime characters.

But there is no way. I didn't think about adding this character at the beginning, and I have to be worthy of the readers who followed the update.

I apologize to the readers who were affected again.

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