All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 40 Qinghe Beast Milk

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Want to drink animal milk? Please wait for me for a while."

He really has a lot of animal milk at home.

Xu Chenzhou walked to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There was a row of glass bottles neatly arranged on the top shelf of the refrigerator, each with a capacity of two liters.

What is in the glass bottle is animal milk.

This kind of animal milk comes from a strange beast, the Qinghe Giant Beast.

The Qinghe Behemoth is a strange beast native to Aquablue Star. The adult Qinghe Behemoth is generally over five meters tall and has the ability to control water and wind. Its strong claws can tear rocks apart and run faster than the wind. quick.

Before the Star Alliance colonized the Aqua Blue Planet, the Qinghe Behemoth was the overlord at the top of the planet's biosphere food chain.

Wherever the Qinghe beast goes, all creatures are its food.

Legend has it that in ancient times, as long as the Qinghe beast howled, all animals within a hundred meters would kneel to the ground involuntarily, allowing the Qinghe beast to choose.

But all this changed when the Star Alliance arrived at Aquamarine.

No matter how powerful the Qinghe behemoth is on Aqua Blue Star, it has no meaning to the Star Alliance.

Humans are the creatures that truly stand at the top of the food chain.

In just 2000 years, the Qinghe Behemoth went from being the overlord of the Blue Star to the milk-producing beast now being kept in captivity.

Qinghe Giant Beast Milk is the flagship product produced by Yushoutang, the overlord of Shuilan Star Animal Husbandry.

Qinghe Giant Beast Milk is very mild and contains various nourishing energies.

Long-term consumption of this kind of animal milk can effectively relieve various hidden injuries suffered by warriors during practice and repair the body. It is one of the ten most suitable nourishing foods for warriors before they develop a fighting body.

Therefore, even though the price of Qinghe Monster Milk is quite expensive, it is still very popular among wealthy people due to its powerful effects.

As a truly rich man, Xu Chenzhou would not be stingy about spending money on animal milk.

Every time he places an order, he places an order on a yearly basis.

Two liters daily, delivered fresh.

What's in the refrigerator is the Qinghe Monster Milk he ordered.

Normally, two liters per day was Xu Chenzhou's basic consumption. There would not be so much Qinghe Beast Milk left in the refrigerator.

It's just that he has been in Yitian World for these seven days and has no time to digest the milk of the Qinghe giant beast.

In addition, his sister Xu Moran has no talent in martial arts and has no interest in martial arts. Naturally, she will not drink these expensive animal milks suitable for warriors.

So after seven days of accumulation, there was so much Qinghe Monster milk accumulated in the refrigerator.

Xu Chenzhou sent all these Qinghe beast milk to the chat group.

Designated red envelope (Shi Hao), a bottle of Qinghe beast milk.

Seven consecutive red envelopes were sent to the chat group by Xu Chenzhou.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Little guy, try it and see if these beast milk suits your taste. Also, don't receive all these red envelopes at once, just get a bottle first. If you can't keep it in ice, Qinghe beast milk The shelf life of other animal milk is very short, and it will deteriorate quickly when exposed to sunlight. Wait until you want to drink it, so that it will not go bad. "

This is also a rule of a chat group. As long as items exist in the chat group in the form of red envelopes, the time of these items will be stopped. No matter how long it has passed, what these items looked like when the red envelope was sent out will be what they looked like when they were received.

Outside Stone Village, on top of a huge rock.

A little milk baby was lying lazily on the stone and basking in the sun, with its two short legs dangling in the air and swaying, looking very comfortable.

At this time, the little guy was thinking with his head tilted.

What on earth is this chat group?

It looks so strange.

The rules written on the group announcement were so confusing that I had no idea what they meant.

Forget it, I'll ask the village chief grandpa later what it is.

However, the group leader sent me several red envelopes, saying they contained animal milk.

Do not know is not true?

Thinking of the sweetness and deliciousness of animal milk, Shi Hao's mouth started to drool.

He stretched out his fat, short hand and clicked several times in the void, and with a plop, seven consecutive glass bottles of milk appeared in front of Shi Hao.

Looking at these seven bottles of Qinghe beast milk, Shi Hao's eyes lit up, and stars appeared in his eyeballs.

"Wow! It's true. The group leader didn't lie to me. I can really get animal milk."

But then there was a trace of confusion in Shi Hao's eyes.

The village chief grandpa said that you should not drink anything given by strangers outside.

If you drink the animal milk given by the eldest brother of the group leader, you won’t be scolded by your grandpa later.

Shi Hao was still struggling in his heart, but his hands had already opened the cap of the glass bottle involuntarily.

Smelling the sweet smell of animal milk, Shi Hao couldn't control himself at all.

Involuntarily, I started to drink milk.

A bottle of Qinghe Giant Beast Milk entered Shi Hao's belly in the blink of an eye.

After drinking Grandma Beast, Shi Hao felt a little unsatisfied.

This kind of animal milk was completely different from the animal milk he usually drank. After drinking this animal milk, Shi Hao could feel his body warm and extremely comfortable.

Wow! It's really delicious.

Shi Hao (Stone Village cub): "Brother, the group leader, the animal milk you gave me is really delicious. I like it very much!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Hao looked at the remaining six bottles of animal milk in front of him, and suddenly remembered what Xu Chenzhou said, these animal milk would deteriorate quickly when exposed to sunlight.

He was just anxious to verify whether the animal milk in the red envelope was real, and in a moment of anxiety, he took out all seven bottles of animal milk.

Thinking that such delicious animal milk would go bad later, Shi Hao felt extremely heartbroken.

He picked up another bottle of Qinghe giant animal milk and started to gulp it.

Drink all the animal milk before it goes bad, so that it won’t be wasted!

But the future Emperor Huang Tian is just a three-year-old baby now.

Even if he can drink more, how much can he drink.

After barely finishing another bottle of Qinghe giant animal milk, Shi Hao’s belly has become round.

I can’t drink it anymore!

I can’t drink it anymore!

Such delicious animal milk is going to go bad! ! !

Looking at the five bottles of animal milk on the ground, Shi Hao closed his eyes, his little face shrank, tears sparkled in his eyes, and he almost cried.

Shi Hao (Shicun cub): "Group leader, big brother! I'm sorry! I was too impatient just now and took out all the milk. Now it's going to go bad. (Cat crying expression)"

This emoticon package was of course provided by Xu Chenzhou.

The chat group itself does not have an emoticon package, but the chat group provides an import interface, and group members can freely import emoticon packages into the group chat.

As the only group member living in the information age, Xu Chenzhou has no choice but to make group members become silly netizens.

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