All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 46 Lu Mingfei is a good kid!

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "If the Zhang Zhenren you are talking about refers to Zhang Sanfeng, then I should be the Zhang Zhenren you are talking about."

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "Speaking of which, Junbao, you are only in your teens now!"

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "Yes, I am only seventeen this year."

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "Seventeen years old? I remember you just left Shaolin at this age?

Lu Mingfei's mind was racing. If Zhang Sanfeng was only seventeen years old now, wouldn't he have a chance to make up for the regret between him and Guo Xiang.

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "If that's the case, you have to seize the moment, otherwise it will be too late to regret if you miss it."

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "What are you talking about, seize the moment? ."

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "Junbao, don't pretend to be confused. You must have learned about the future development from the group leader. If you don't seize the opportunity now and miss Guo Xiang, you will end up alone in this life, and there will be no regret medicine to take at that time. ”

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Don't worry about Junbao, he's living a good life now."


In the video, a man and a woman are riding yellow ponies on the official road. They are talking and laughing, and they seem to get along very well.

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "The man and woman in this video, could it be Junbao and Guo Xiang!"

Hong Yi (Daqian scholar): "Yes, a few days before you joined the group, Zhang Junbao sent videos to the group every day. The two of them were either punishing evil and promoting good in the rivers and lakes, or riding horses together. His life is so colorful before he even got Guo Xiang, so why should you worry about him? ”

Although Zhang Junbao knew that Guo Xiang did not have the kind of love between men and women for him, he felt very happy to be able to travel the world with the person he loved.

After all, he was still a teenager, and he couldn't help but take some videos and send them to the group.

Lu Mingfei then checked the exercises in the group space.

Next to these exercises, there were introductions written by the group space for them.

When he saw Changchun Gong, Lu Mingfei exclaimed again.

"Fuck, there are even immortal cultivation exercises in our chat group! After practicing this exercise, can I fly like the immortals in mythology!"

"This Burning Flame Demon Fist is too exaggerated. The six-star martial saint combat body can transform into Yama, burn mountains and boil seas. With one blow, it will be corrupted for thousands of miles."

"There is also this past Amitabha Sutra, which cultivates the soul and achieves Yang Shen. As long as you practice it to seven thunder tribulations, you can create things in the void and become a creator-like existence. "

Lu Mingfei was completely stunned by the skills in the group.

He had long known that the chat group was of high quality and that its future achievements were limitless.

But before the six of them joined the group, there were only four members in the chat group, and it was obvious that the chat group was still in its infancy.

So at first Lu Mingfei did not have high expectations for the skills in the group space.

Now that he had carefully read the skills in the group space, Lu Mingfei realized how high the quality of the skills in the group space was and how strong the quality was.

Any one of these skills would cause countless people to scramble for it, causing a bloody storm.

As a result, in the chat group, such a powerful skill was actually given to them for free as a benefit for joining the group.

This made Lu Mingfei was deeply moved, and gradually had a deeper understanding of the principle of mutual help and common progress mentioned in the group announcement.

Feeling this spirit, Lu Mingfei's heart was warm, and he couldn't help but want to make some contributions to his friends in the group chat.

Group member Lu Mingfei uploaded the skills [Monster Hunter Forging] [Monster Hunter Alchemy] [Monster Hunter Tachi Swordsmanship] [Monster Hunter Great Swordsmanship] [Elu Cat Cooking Guide].

In a flash, Lu Mingfei used the power of the chat group to organize the knowledge he learned in the Monster Hunter World into a book and uploaded it to the chat group.

Among them, Hunter Alchemy was successfully uploaded, and Hunter Alchemy was merged into Hunter Blacksmithing.

The Monster Hunter Tachi Swordsmanship and Monster Hunter Great Swordsmanship were combined into a set of skills [Monster Hunter Dragon Slaying Skills (Incomplete)]

As for the Felyne Cooking Guide, the upload failed. After asking for Lu Mingfei's consent, the chat group uploaded it to the group space as free information.

Xu Chenzhou felt very relieved when he saw this scene.

Lu Mingfei is a capable guy. He has been in the Monster Hunter world for eight years. He is loyal and reasonable.

Although the names of the skills uploaded by Lu Mingfei are very simple, they are actually not simple.

The names are simple because the hunters in the Monster Hunter world do not have the habit of naming these things, but in fact, these three books The skills basically cover the essence of the knowledge in Monster Hunter World.

Hunter Blacksmithing is the most valuable of the three skills, which describes in detail how to forge armor and weapons.

In the process of forging armor and weapons, various techniques are used to integrate the energy of the monster into the equipment.

Armor and weapons forged in this way can inherit part of the power of the monster, and the user can greatly increase his own strength after wearing these equipment.

This is also the reason why the master hunters in Monster Hunter World can fight against the terrifying ancient dragons with mortal bodies.

Hunter Pharmacy records many methods of refining potions in Monster Hunter World, and these potions have magical effects.

For example, the recovery series of potions in it can quickly recover from injuries once taken.

Recovery potion (small) can speed up the body's recovery by ten times, and recovery potion (large) can speed up the body's recovery by thirty times.

And the top ancient secret medicine in this series of potions is even more amazing. It is said that as long as there is a breath, the ancient secret medicine can save people.

Of course, reality is not a game after all. The ancient secret medicine in reality is not like in the game. As long as you take it, you can immediately revive with full blood.

Its essence is to provide energy and speed up recovery, but the speed of recovery accelerated by the ancient secret medicine is too terrifying.

Even if you are missing arms and legs, as long as the injured person takes the ancient secret medicine, they can grow back within seven or eight minutes.

When Lu Mingfei was fighting against the world-annihilating dragon, he was hit by the claw of the world-annihilating dragon, and half of his body was torn apart. He relied on his strong vitality to survive. Then, only ten minutes after taking the ancient secret medicine, the torn half of his body actually grew back!

If these potions can be reproduced, their value is immeasurable.

But unfortunately, these secret potions require herbs from the Monster Hunter world.

Now that Lu Mingfei has returned to Earth, it is too difficult to obtain herbs from the Monster Hunter world, which greatly reduces the value of this book of pharmacy!

Too sleepy, there is still one chapter left, so I will post it in the morning.

By the way, this update time is too bad, I plan to adjust it to 6 pm,

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