All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 47: Beat up the crazy person

However, the Monster Hunter Alchemy contains not only drug formulas, but also a lot of knowledge about alchemy in the Monster Hunter world.

Xu Chenzhou kept deducing in his mind, and Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual core was also spinning wildly.

Although there was no way to obtain the medicinal materials in the Monster Hunter world, if he could find some medicinal materials with similar medicinal properties, he would still be able to replicate the recovery potion with similar effects.

As for where to find these medicinal materials, Xu Chenzhou said there was no need to worry at all.

The territory of the Star Domain Alliance is very vast, and the assets are extremely rich. In addition, there are ten worlds behind him. Xu Chenzhou believes that it is not difficult to find medicinal materials with similar medicinal properties to those in the Monster Hunter world as long as he is given some time.

In comparison, the value of [Monster Hunter Dragon Slaying Technique (Remnant)] is much lower.

The knife and sword techniques in this book are actually very exquisite. After all, they are combat skills summed up by countless hunters in the Monster Hunter world after hundreds of years.

This kind of combat skill tempered between life and death is definitely the most practical.

It's just that the limitations of this Monster Hunter Dragon Slaying Technique are too strong.

It was created for slaying dragons, and many of its moves were developed to deal with large creatures.

In the matter of slaying dragons, the Monster Hunter Dragon Slaying Technique is absolutely professional.

But if it is not for slaying dragons, then many of its moves would seem a bit bloated and cumbersome, and there is no need for it.

Unless there is a special need, ordinary people will never choose to practice such a technique with such a narrow application direction.

The only person in the group who has this need should be Lu Mingfei himself who has returned to the world of the dragon clan.

Han Li (disciple of the Seven Mysterious Sect): "This book of alchemy is very good. It turns out that you can use this kind of thinking to refine potions. It really opened my eyes. Mingfei, you are really amazing."

Han Lao Mo affirmed Lu Mingfei.

Han Li had been lurking in the group before and didn't say much.

He was a person who was frugal with words, and he usually didn't say much in the group.

Xu Chenzhou thought he would be lurking today.

Unexpectedly, he was blown out by Lu Mingfei's book of alchemy.

Hong Yi (Daqian Scholar): "I think the most powerful thing is this Monster Hunter Forging Technique, which can actually turn the enemy's power into your own use, and use war to support war. The value contained in it is really too great."

Xu Chenzhou saw Hong Yi's speech across the screen, and his heart couldn't hold it back.

As expected of you, Hong Yi, you found the blind spot at a glance.

When it comes to using war to support war, you are an absolute master. Apart from Fang Han and the others, there are only a few people in the world who can be compared with you.

Lu Mingfei (Dragon Slayer): "These things are not researched by me, but learned in the Monster Hunter world. I see that the skills in the group space are provided by everyone in the group, so I want to do my part."

Xu Chenzhou (Group Leader): "It is indeed like this. The chat group is everyone's chat group. Only when everyone works together can the chat group develop more prosperously."

This sentence is very mainstream, but it is indeed Xu Chenzhou's inner thoughts.

In his previous life, he was engaged in research work, and what he liked most was the academic atmosphere where everyone gathered together to communicate with each other and make progress together.

Shi Hao (the cub of Shi Village): "Does anyone in the group need a method? I have one here!"

Shi Hao (the cub of Shi Village): "But I am not as good as my brother Lu Mingfei. I only have a bone script that I can upload."

The little baby in Shi Village was also excited and sent messages in the group.

He first got a lot of delicious animal milk from Xu Chenzhou, and then learned the whereabouts of his parents and grandfather from him, which made the little baby have a good impression of Xu Chenzhou.

Originally, the little baby was thinking about how to repay Xu Chenzhou.

Now that he sees that everyone in the group needs a method, he is of course very happy.

He has the bone script of Shi Village taught to him by the village chief.

And the village chief did not prohibit him from passing on this bone script.

Shi Hao uploaded the technique [Ishimura Bone Text]

Xu Chenzhou laughed: "Little guy, don't look down on this bone text. Although the Ishimura Bone Text is simple, it is the key to practicing the Blood Moving Realm. The value of this bone text is really too great."

The power system of the Perfect World is an absolute high-end system in all the worlds.

Although it cannot be called invincible, at this stage, it is definitely an extremely precious cultivation secret book for the chat group of all the heavens.

Little Shi Hao contributed this bone text, which is very meaningful to all group members.

Misaka Mikoto uploaded the technique [Academy City Talent Development Manual] [Super-Electromagnetic Gun Application Manual] [Electromagnetic Force Analysis and Application]

Strictly speaking, what Misaka Mikoto uploaded cannot be considered a technique.

After all, Misaka Mikoto belongs to the scientific side of the Academy City, and it is a bit difficult for her to come up with a technique.

The three techniques she uploaded are the guiding textbooks for the development of superpowers in the Academy City, her summary of the use of her own superpowers, and the various research results obtained by other researchers from her superpowers.

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