All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 49: Touma knows martial arts, no one can stop him

Although the chat group provides an adaptation function, the adaptation of the chat group is not the kind of unreasonable modification of the rules of the world so that group members can forcibly practice the techniques of other worlds in this world.

It's just a matter of modifying various contents in the exercises that are not suitable for the rules of this world into contents that are suitable for the rules of this world.

This will inevitably lead to changes in the power of the technique. "

Especially the top level of each cultivation system is extremely imprinted with this world. In another world, I think most of the cultivation will not be successful.

Let’s take the example of the world of little ones, who want to practice to the ultimate way of sacrifice.

You need to sacrifice your own way, everything will become empty and return to eternal silence.

Then resurrect from the dead, waiting to be alive again, truly above all else.

There is a saying, this kind of cultivation method, in another world, I am afraid that after the death of Nirvana, there will be no ashes left.

There is also the Taoist ancestor of Han Li's world who needs to integrate the rules.

However, who knows if the rules of another world would support your integration.

How to absorb knowledge from different cultivation systems, find a path of cultivation system suitable for your own world, and then reach the top is the real meaning of joining the chat group.

For example, Mikoto, for her, the most important thing to improve her superpower is to improve her computing power.

Therefore, the most useful technique for her in the group is the Past Amitabha Sutra, which can cultivate the soul and improve calculation power. "

Speaking of this, Xu Chenzhou couldn't help but think of another training system that was also very suitable for Misaka Mikoto, the magnetic field martial arts of the Sea Tiger World.

With the power of electromagnetic control, Misaka Mikoto will probably be very talented in practicing magnetic field martial arts.

But thinking of the style of Hong Kong comics, a picture slowly emerged in Xu Chenzhou's mind.

Colorful neon lights flashed in the skyscrapers, the night spread, and the moonlight slanted slightly. Misaka Mikoto slowly walked forward with a big red cloak behind her. In front of her stood a white-haired man.

The white-haired man had a gloomy face, a crazy look in his eyes, and was laughing wildly at the sky.

The expression on Misaka Mikoto's face was even crazier than Accelerator's: "Wow, you beast, don't go crazy here, I, Misaka Mikoto, will blow your teeth out today!"

This picture was so beautiful that Xu Chenzhou was a little afraid to look at it.

But if such a day comes, Xu Chenzhou, as a fun-loving person, is willing to go to the scene to shoot videos.

Record this memorable scene.

After returning to the thoughts in his mind, Xu Chenzhou continued to speak in the group chat.

"Of course, even so, the little Stone Village Bone Inscriptions are still a good choice.

Just the power of moving a hundred thousand kilograms of blood with his arms is already very tempting, and he is the best choice for practicing physical skills in the group.

The performance of the Past Amitabha Sutra is quite good in the cultivation of the soul. If you want to make up for your own weakness in the soul, practicing the Past Amitabha Sutra is a good choice.

In short, it depends on which direction you want to develop, just choose the exercises of the corresponding system for reference.

But you still need to know one thing. You can't bite off more than you can chew. Although there are many cultivation methods in the group.

But don’t think about wanting them all.

Human energy is limited, so choosing a major system and one or two minor systems is enough.

After you reach a certain level of cultivation, you will be able to look back and study other systems from a high position, and it will be much easier. "

Lu Mingfei (dragon-slaying master): "Then I will practice the Shicun bone inscriptions and the past Amitabha Sutra. According to the group leader's information, my body has the blood of the dragon clan, and my powerful soul can also facilitate my control of the spirit. And I There is still a little devil hiding in my soul, trading lives with me all day long. When my soul becomes stronger, I will give this little bastard a good beating. "

Shi Hao (Stone Village cub): "According to the group leader's brother, the Stone Village bone script itself is very powerful, not to mention that the old village chief still has an original true explanation in his hand. I will definitely use the Perfect Method as mine. I major in systems. But I will also study the information provided by brothers and sisters to see if it is helpful to me. "

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "Group leader, I just checked online, and I haven't seen any news about the absolute ability user plan on the Internet yet."

"However, according to the results of my investigation, the mass production of ability users has been terminated, so the absolute ability user plan should be on the agenda even if it has not started yet."

"My most important thing now is to improve my combat effectiveness in the shortest possible time, so I choose to concentrate on practicing the Past Amitabha Sutra. I will not be distracted by other cultivation techniques for the time being."

"By the way, group leader, I would like to ask, can I pass on these skills to others in the group?"

Check it online?

How could such confidential things be found? Misaka Mikoto probably used her superpower to advance Academy City's confidential institutions.

With her super power of electromagnetic manipulation, no one in Academy City can be her opponent in terms of information warfare.

Xu Chenzhou: "Of course. After you obtain the skills from the group space, these skills belong to you. It's up to you how to use them."

Misaka Mikoto (railgun): "In this case, I'm relieved. I want to pass the Bull Demon Power Fist to Kamijou Touma. If he only has the physical fitness of an ordinary person, even if he has Fantasy Killer and Premonitory Sense, he wants to defeat him. It’s also very difficult to get through, and you’re bound to be in a tough fight.”

"But if Kamijou Touma can learn the Bull Demon Fist and gain superhuman physical fitness, plus the ability of Fantasy Killer and Premonition Perception, then defeating Accelerator will become very simple."

Xu Chenzhou nodded secretly. Misaka Mikoto is indeed very smart. She can actually think of this.

With the current normal Accelerator's ability, if Kamijou Touma can practice the Bull Demon Fist to perfection, it will definitely not be a difficult task to defeat him.

Accelerator's superpower is vector operation, which can manipulate the vectors of almost all energy substances and change the direction with superpowers.

It's just that the current Accelerator has not learned the ability to control the wind and lacks long-range attack capabilities.

Although he has the ability of vector operation, which is almost cheating, Accelerator can only rely on the vector of external objects to attack distant enemies.

For example, manipulate the vector of steel bars to make them fly out, or manipulate the vector of stones to hit people with stones.

The power of this long-range attack is not as good as some level 4 superpowers with strong expressiveness.

If Kamijou Touma can master the Bull Demon Power Fist, and then use the Premonition Sense to dodge these attacks, it will be easy.

The reason why Accelerator is so strong now is that he can reflect all external attacks.

In simple terms, he has an invincible cheat and 100% damage reflection.

But the problem is that Kamijou Touma also has a cheat.

Kamijou Touma's cheat is very simple, that is, all beings are equal, making all cheats invalid, such as invincible cheats and 100% damage reflection, which are all shit in front of Imagine Killer.

He can't hit with long-range attacks, and he can't beat them in close combat. How can Accelerator be a match for Kamijou Touma?

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