All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 50 Return and Sister

Misaka Mikoto had already sat up from the bed in the dormitory. There were seven or eight electronic devices beside her, including an iPad, a computer, and a mobile phone.

You can see that there was a faint flash of electricity on her body, connecting these devices.

There were countless codes flashing on these devices like waterfalls.

Misaka Mikoto was paying attention to the chat records in the chat group, and on the other hand, she was distracted by operating these devices to hack into all the secret institutions in the Academy City.

Yes, that's right, Misaka Mikoto was really crazy this time.

According to the group leader, the Absolute Ability User is a Class A confidential plan.

So Misaka Mikoto decided to decrypt all Class A plans in the Academy City.

At this time, Misaka Mikoto didn't care whether this behavior violated the regulations of the Academy City.

She just wanted to determine when the Absolute Ability User Plan would start.

She is now the age of a freshman who has just entered school.

According to the information provided by the group leader, Accelerator killed his sister outside the laboratory in August when she was in the second year.

And she has just entered the first year of Tokiwadai Middle School.

In other words, the current timeline is still one year away from August of the following year.

The Absolute Power User Plan should not have officially started at this time.

In this case, I still have time. With the help of the chat group, I still have hope to defeat Accelerator with my own ability.

A glimmer of light flashed in Misaka Mikoto's eyes.

Although it is possible to defeat Accelerator with the power of Kamijou Touma.

But Misaka Mikoto's personality does not want others to do this.

Especially to let a stranger fight for her.

If she can stop the Absolute Power User Plan by her own power, Misaka Mikoto is willing to fight with her life!

Of course, in order to prevent that dark future from happening, Misaka Mikoto will still teach Kamijou Touma the Bull Demon Power Fist.

This is a double insurance. Once the plan starts, if it works, I will do it myself. If not, let the strengthened Kamijou Touma do it.

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "By the way, I have some things here. Mingfei, you and Mikoto take them. These incense statues are made by the group owner, which will help you practice the Amitabha Sutra."

Designated red envelope (incense statue x5).

Zhang Junbao (Jianghu Sanren): "These statues should be of great help to your cultivation. The incense resources in Yitian World are very rich. If you need them later, you can find me. The group leader has uploaded the skills of making incense statues to the group space, and I have learned it."

Xu Chenzhou made a total of 350 incense statues. These incense statues absorbed the incense power of the entire Shaolin Temple. Each one contains extremely huge incense power.

Before making the incense statues, Xu Chenzhou first asked Zhang Junbao for his opinion in the group, and Zhang Junbao naturally would not object.

He didn't kill Shaolin Temple completely for the sake of Master Jueyuan. The group leader wanted to plunder the incense resources of Shaolin Temple, which was also a good thing for him.

With these incense statues, he can absorb incense and practice anytime and anywhere.

As for Hong Yi and Han Li, they applauded even more. They had long been coveting the incense resources of Yitian World.

According to Zhang Junbao's opinion, the bulk of these incense statues will be divided among the four of them, and each person can get 80 incense statues.

The remaining 30 incense statues will remain in his hands. If any group members want to practice the Amitabha Sutra in the future, he can provide some to them as resources.

Lu Mingfei and Misaka Mikoto received the red envelopes.

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer): "Group leader, I also have something to send to everyone."

Red envelope (secret medicine x8)

Lu Mingfei (dragon slayer) "This is the pill in my medicine bag. I didn't bring back any equipment from the Monster Hunter World, but I don't know how this medicine bag came back with me.

It should be because this medicine bag is too small and it is a personal collection, so it was brought back by the way.

There are some medicines prepared for me by the people in the village for my battle with the black dragon.

The ancient secret medicine was eaten by me during the battle, and there are only ten or so secret medicines left. Everyone accept it!"

Eight pills were taken out, and Lu Mingfei still had seven or eight pills in his hand, so everyone accepted them one after another, without being polite to Lu Mingfei, this is a good treasure to save their lives.

If they have such good things in their hands, they will not be stingy, and they will definitely share them with group members.

After dividing the incense statue and secret medicine, everyone began to digest the harvest this time, and the group chat fell into silence for a while.

Xu Chenzhou saw that no one continued to send messages in the group for a long time, and little Yang Chan had not been online, so he closed the group chat.

This time he gained too much, and he also needed some time to settle down, sort out his own cultivation system, and figure out how to go in the future.

Yang Shen Fa, Perfect Fa, Mortal Cultivation Fa, including the warrior system of the Star Domain Alliance, all have their own merits.

He wanted to find a cultivation path that suits him best.

At this time, there was a sound of unlocking at the entrance.

Then a youthful and energetic footsteps came.

"Brother, you are finally back! I miss you so much."

Dong Dong Dong, the little bun ran over quickly and rushed to Xu Chenzhou.

A pair of big eyes on the slightly chubby face flickered, and there were tears in the eyeballs.

Before Xu Chenzhou went to the Yitian world, he actually told Xu Moran that he was going out to practice for a few days and intensively train his actual combat skills in order to pass the star-level martial arts assessment in twenty days.

However, in the past few days, none of the messages Xu Moran sent to Xu Chenzhou received a response, and all of them fell into the sea.

Although Xu Moran also knew that some martial arts masters hated their apprentices to be distracted when they were teaching.

Participants in the training of those martial arts masters had to hand in their mobile phones before the start.

But it was still inevitable to worry.

"Look at what I have in my hand! Knowing that you will come back today, I specially prepared a lot of delicious food!"

Xu Moran raised the shopping bag in his hand.

The tail of the rock-horned giant lizard, the upper ribs of the blue gold flame cow, the phoenix bird eggs, and the Penglai lotus root are all high-end ingredients that Xu Chenzhou likes to eat.

The ingredients in the shopping bag are extremely rich, and it is so bulging that it can't be put in.

Xu Mo Ran didn't ask where Xu Chenzhou had been, nor what he had done in the past few days, but carefully prepared a table of delicious food for Xu Chenzhou.

"Wow! So many delicious foods, Mo Ran you are so nice!"

Xu Chenzhou reached out and touched the little bun's head.

This little bun is really doing good for him wholeheartedly.

Who can refuse such a lovely sister?

Inheriting the original owner's memory, plus so many days of getting along, Xu Chenzhou has completely regarded the little bun as his own sister.

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