All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 57 The feasibility of adaptive exercises

In fact, when they just joined the group, the two of them discussed this issue in the group.

In Xu Chenzhou's opinion, the entry-level parts of different cultivation systems are fine, and they are basically universal.

However, the peak realms of those high-limit cultivation systems are all strongly related to this world.

Xu Chenzhou seriously doubts that realms such as saints, Daozu, and above the Dao can only be successfully cultivated in this world.

For example, if you want to cultivate to the highest realm of Daozu Supremacy in the Perfect Method, you need to sacrifice everything you have first, let everything become empty, and then return in Nirvana.

The Daozu realm needs to integrate the rules of the mortal world to achieve.

For example, in the world of the Supreme One, if you want to achieve the Dao Fruit, you must not only go back to the past and occupy the future, but also absorb the power of the epoch cycle to cultivate the Dao Fruit that only one era has.

For example, in the prehistoric world, there are only seven saints. In addition to the seven saints and Hongjun, it is difficult for others to achieve the saint realm in the prehistoric world.

Even more abstract is the Star Change and Panlong worlds, where the way to achieve the ultimate is to sign on the Hongmeng Golden List.

The cultivation methods in each world in the early stage are the same, but the ways to achieve the ultimate in each world are very different.

To put it bluntly, these ultimate realms are not so much cultivated as obtained from the world through various methods.

Even if there is a chat group for local adaptation, Xu Chenzhou does not think that this kind of achievement of the peak realm can be successfully cultivated in other worlds.

For example, imagine using the perfect method to cultivate to a realm above the sacrifice in the prehistoric world.

That's not courting death. If there really is such a fool, Hongjun's mouth will be crooked with laughter.

To put it bluntly, the way to achieve the ultimate is not important. What is important is the power obtained after achieving the ultimate. With this power, one can become the chess player in the heavens and the worlds.

Although they have the chat group of the heavens, they can travel through the world. In theory, they can also practice the skills of other worlds, and then sneak into other worlds to practice and achieve the ultimate.

But, to be honest, this behavior is no different from courting death.

The risk is too high and the return is too small, so it is really unnecessary.

So after discussion in the group, they finally decided to use the cultivation system of this world as the main one, and then integrate the cultivation systems of other worlds as auxiliary.

In addition to the combat body system, Hong Yi felt that the upper limit of martial arts such as the Nine Yang True Classic and Yi Jin Jing in the Yi Tian world was too low and of little help to him.

Even if the Nine Yang Divine Art is perfected and Yi Jing Xi Sui is practiced to the peak, it is just the combat power of an ordinary marrow training grandmaster.

And because he does not practice Qi and blood, he cannot restrain Taoism, which is simply useless for Hong Yi now.

However, Hong Yi can also see that the potential of Qi martial arts is infinite, but potential is potential after all, and what he needs most now is time.

As for Changchun Gong, Hong Yi is very envious of it, but the problem is that Changchun Gong is too expensive, requiring 1,500 points of adaptation, and it is slow to practice, and the power in the early stage is also average.

Although cultivating immortals is very good, the tenth level of Qi training is really not very useful.

Moreover, it won't be long before Han Li will be able to obtain a stronger technique. By then, it will be more cost-effective to achieve it in one step.

However, several new group members have joined the group and brought many new techniques, among which there is naturally a cultivation system that makes Hong Yi feel excited.

Hong Yi downloaded the technique of Shicun Guwen from the technique library of the chat group.

The Blood Moving Realm of the Perfect World is of great help to the cultivation of the Human Immortal Martial Arts of the Yang God World.

The cultivation of the Human Immortal Martial Arts requires training the skin, bones, organs and marrow before one can achieve the Martial Saint.

The cultivation of the marrow training realm requires the full concentration of energy and spirit into the bone marrow, training the marrow like frost, and then changing blood throughout the body.

It can be said that the cultivation of the Human Immortal Martial Arts is from the outside to the inside, from the skin to the muscles to the bones to the internal organs and finally to the bone marrow, and then the bone marrow affects the blood, achieving a comprehensive transformation from the outside to the inside.

The cultivation of the Blood Moving Realm is from the inside to the outside, melting the runes through the blood, and then stimulating the morning light in the blood, and then tempering the whole body.

These two cultivation methods, one from the outside to the inside and the other from the inside to the outside, complement each other.

Hong Yi speculated that the first thing to be affected by the cultivation of the Perfect Method is the human bone marrow.

After all, the bone marrow produces blood, and the part of the human body that is most closely related to blood is the bone marrow.

The divine light stimulated in the blood must first be tempered by the human bone marrow.

In other words, if he can cultivate to the Blood Moving Realm and then complete the tempering of the internal organs of the body.

He can directly break through from the realm of the Innate Martial Master to the peak of the Marrow Training Grand Master, or even directly break through to the realm of the Martial Saint.

Moreover, the tempering effect of the Blood Moving Mirror is for the whole body inside and outside. In addition to the bone marrow, other parts of the body will also be tempered, which will undoubtedly greatly shorten the time for him to practice the Human Immortal Martial Arts.

Thinking of this, even with Hong Yi's temperament, he couldn't help but feel his heartbeat slightly accelerated.

[The localization adaptation of the Stone Village Bone Text requires 1500 points. Do you want to adapt?]

Listening to the adaptation sound coming from his ears, Hong Yi couldn't wait to click to agree.

What is there to hesitate about? Just go all in!

One thousand five hundred points to enter the Martial Saint, no loss, no deception, it's simply too worth it.

But just as he was about to click the "Agree" button, an idea flashed through Hong Yi's mind like lightning.

This idea made Hong Yi stop thinking.

"What does the so-called localization adaptation mean? If we can understand this, can we save a lot of chat group points?"

Hong Yi murmured to himself.

Originally, Hong Yi would never have the idea of ​​modifying his own cultivation techniques.

After all, he has just entered the path of cultivation and has little knowledge. Modifying the techniques according to his own ideas is no different from seeking death.

But things are different now. The chat group has just launched two major features, time acceleration and time imprinting.

With these two functions, Hong Yi's curiosity was ignited as to whether he could perform localization adaptation through deduction.

And he also has a trump card, which is the localization adaptation function of chat groups.

After spending so many days with Xu Chenzhou, Hong Yi also saw from Xu Chenzhou a lot of ways to win over chat groups.

Hong Yi is talented and intelligent, and he has long learned to draw inferences from one example.

There is no cost to check the suitability of the exercises. No matter how many times you adapt, it is free.

In other words, he can judge whether his modification direction is correct by constantly querying the adaptation points of the Ishimura Bone Inscriptions.

If the chat group's adaptation points decrease, it means that his changes are correct.

As soon as this idea appeared in Hong Yi's mind, it was like wildfire burning out of control.

"Five hundred points, ten days and four chances to try. If I fail, I will just use the adaptation function of the chat group."

This counting amount is the result of Hong Yi's careful consideration.

He now has a total of 3,500 chat group points on hand. Even if he uses up 500 points and spends another 1,500 points to adapt to the Ishimura Bone Inscriptions, he will still have 1,500 points left for time acceleration.

One hundred and fifty days were enough for him to cultivate his strength to the point where he could seize the Tathagata Sutra on Giant Whale Island.

Moreover, he can also continuously obtain chat group points by signing in.

Besides, his current cultivation progress is much faster than before. He can't afford to waste a mere 500 points!

Thinking of this, Hong Yi closed his eyes slightly and spent a hundred points to activate the time acceleration function of the chat group.

As Hong Yi's body sank into the void, there was a sudden flash, and a man who looked exactly like Hong Yi appeared on the spot. He blew out the candle, covered himself with a quilt, and fell into a deep sleep, as if Hong Yi had never left. .

This is the optional function [Retreat Assistant] provided by the chat group. Hong Yi who stayed in place is a dummy created by the chat group.

He can move like a normal person, eat, and even go to the toilet, and has intelligence and can answer some less complex questions.

But there is one drawback, that is, it has no fighting ability. When encountering a battle, it can only squat down with its head in its hands and take the beating obediently. It is a pure showmanship.

However, according to the chat group, this dummy is quite durable and will not die unless it is cut into pieces.

This function is really great for Hong Yi, who lives in the cage of Hong Mansion.

Otherwise, he would have to find a way to use time acceleration after leaving Hong Mansion.

After all, it would be troublesome to be discovered that he suddenly disappeared in Hong Mansion.

Hong Yi is not afraid of trouble, but now in the growth period, there is no need to ask for trouble.

Ah, the update is late today, sorry!

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