All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 58 Theory of the Origin of Heaven and Earth

In the cultivation space of the chat group, it was pitch black. With the arrival of Hong Yi, stars gradually lit up around him, and from a distance it looked like the Milky Way in the universe.

Hong Yi looked around. The space was probably dark and empty. Although he could still breathe through his mouth and nose, he felt suffocated.

It seemed that something invisible but very important was missing around him.

Then a cold mechanical voice came to his ears.

"Group member Hong Yi turns on time acceleration for 10 days. The current cultivation environment is corrected to the Yangshen world."

As the voice sounded, Hong Yi could feel the world around him gradually transforming, and the universe and the stars turned into green mountains and clear waters.

Next to him was a winding river with clear water, and countless fish could be seen playing at a glance.

A small thatched house stood by the river, with a stone table and several stone benches in front of it.

As the world changed, the feeling of suffocation slowly disappeared. Hong Yi felt that everything around him had returned to its familiar appearance, and even a warm feeling came from the air.

He felt a mysterious existence.

This existence has always been by his side, like air, sunshine, rain and dew, always accompanying Hong Yi.

But because it was too familiar, as if this existence should exist here, Hong Yi always regarded it as a part of nature.

It was not until he entered the cultivation space of the chat group, was pulled out of the familiar environment, and returned to the familiar place, that Hong Yi felt that there was such an existence around him.

This reminded him of a scripture posted by the group owner in the group, the Tao can be said, but it is not the Tao, the name can be named, but it is not the name, the nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth. Mysterious and mysterious, the door to all wonders.

This mysterious feeling can only be described by this scripture.

Hong Yi inexplicably had an intuition that if he could touch this existence more deeply, it would be of great benefit to his subsequent cultivation.

However, this feeling was floating, and deep thinking was like scratching an itch, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not touch it.

Hong Yi shook his head, kept this feeling in mind, and then devoted all his energy to improving the perfect method.

Time flies, and two days have passed in the blink of an eye.

I have to say that the time acceleration service of the chat group is really conscientious.

You don't have to worry about food and drink when practicing here. If you are thirsty, you can drink from the spiritual spring, and if you are hungry, there are a variety of dishes. These are all provided by the chat group for free, and they will appear on the stone table as long as you think about it.

Thanks to this thoughtful service, Hong Yi devoted himself to studying the perfect method.

Once his mind was tired, Hong Yi would restore his spirit by visualizing the past Amitabha Sutra.

Enlightenment and visualization, the two are repeated in a cycle, and Hong Yi completely squeezed the potential of these two days to the limit.

He knew that if he wanted to perfectly adapt the practice of the Blood Moving Realm to the Yang God World, he must have a deep enough understanding of the practice of the Blood Moving Realm, otherwise no matter how hard he tried, it would be a moon in the water and a flower in the mirror.

After two days of research, Hong Yi felt that he had a basic understanding of the perfect method.

"Chat group, purchase the time imprint service, the imprint time is 30 minutes."

He planned to practice it himself to see what it felt like to practice the original perfect method in the Yang God World.

Hong Yi began to practice the Perfect Method.

Ten minutes later, spider-web-like cracks suddenly appeared on Hong Yi, who was sitting cross-legged in the same place.

These cracks were very thin, but extremely conspicuous, because there was a surging golden light under the cracks.

From a distance, Hong Yi looked like a piece of precious bone, with various runes carved on it.

Hong Yi knew that there was probably a big problem with this practice.

But he was not panicked at all, and continued to guide the runes in his body to continue to merge into the blood.

As Hong Yi's practice progress continued to rise, these spider-web-like cracks suddenly split open, and countless blood essences came out from the newspaper, dyeing Hong Yi into a bloody man in an instant.

In this situation, Hong Yi was not surprised but happy, and a carefree smile appeared on his face.

"Chat group, read the time imprint, and trace back to the initial node."

As the power of the chat group descended, Hong Yi felt that his body had recovered to the state half an hour ago when he had not practiced the Perfect Method.

"I did it! I did it!" Hong Yi was extremely happy. He felt a strong sense of accomplishment. Relying on his own efforts to overcome the problem was much more enjoyable than using chat group points to directly localize and adapt.

Through practice, he found that the composition of the heaven and earth energy in the Yangshen world was completely different from that in the Perfect World.

The heaven and earth energy in the Yangshen world was more active, and it contained various components that activated the body.

The practice of the Blood Moving Realm was to directly seize the essence of heaven and earth through runes to temper the body.

However, the essence of heaven and earth in the Yangshen world was poisonous. After absorbing these essences of heaven and earth to temper the body, Hong Yi felt that every muscle and every fiber of his seemed to have its own thoughts.

In particular, the blood that absorbed the most essence of heaven and earth was even more violent, condensing into runes and gushing out of his skin.

Hong Yi thought carefully, perhaps the nature of this heaven and earth energy was the reason why the Yangshen world would take the path of human immortal martial arts.

For low-level warriors, the normal concentration of weather energy is actually not poisonous, but can activate the body and speed up the practice of physical martial arts.

But once the heaven and earth energy is condensed and refined into essence, this kind of heaven and earth energy is no different from poison for low-level warriors.

Therefore, in the early stage of human immortal martial arts, various boxing techniques are used to train the body, train the skin, bones, organs and marrow, and step by step become a flawless human immortal with the unity of spirit and flesh.

After achieving human immortality, the nature of this heaven and earth energy is not only no longer poisonous, but also becomes the nourishment for martial arts practice in the world.

Hong Yi guessed that the reason why warriors have the ability to reborn with a drop of blood after practicing to human immortality may be related to the nature of this heaven and earth energy.

After figuring this out, Hong Yi's thoughts flowed like a spring.

Since there is a problem with the heaven and earth energy, the solution is of course to subdue this heaven and earth energy.

Other people in the Yangshen world can never do this, but he is different. He has a natural filter in his hand.

That is the basic body-building exercise of the Star Alliance.

Although the basic body-building exercise of the Star Alliance is a method about eating, the flesh eats food and the soul eats thoughts.

The heaven and earth energy is neither a thought nor food, so the basic body-building exercise of the Star Domain Alliance cannot be directly effective.

However, Hong Yi did not intend to copy the book in its entirety. He only intended to learn from the cultivation concept in it.

The origin-level exercise is not an unreasonable exercise. It can achieve such an effect. Naturally, there is a principle behind it.

Although Hong Yi could not understand how this exercise achieved such abnormal digestion efficiency, after practicing for so many days, he still had a certain understanding of how the basic body-building exercise of the Star Domain Alliance worked.

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