All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 59: Stone Village Bone Inscription (Yangshen Version)

In the cultivation space of the chat group, group members have various conveniences.

For example, at this moment, Hong Yi's mind moved, and the brush beside him was suspended in the air, and began to write on the paper at a speed that the human eye could not see.

In the blink of an eye, a cultivation secret book was created by Hong Yi.

[Shicun Bone Script (Yangshen Edition)]

Hong Yi had no idea whether he could practice this method. He just incorporated some theories and techniques of digesting vital energy in the basic body-building exercises of the Star Alliance into it according to his feelings.

Hong Yi called out the chat group and began to query the results of localization adaptation.

[Shicun Bone Script (Yangshen Edition)], the price of localization adaptation is one thousand points, please ask if you want to start adaptation.

One thousand points, saving three hundred points, but Hong Yi was still a little dissatisfied.

He continued to modify it, and soon there were more than ten different versions of [Shicun Bone Script (Yangshen Edition)] around him.

The adaptation points of these 10 exercises vary, the lowest is only 800 points, and the highest even exceeds the original version of Shicun Gu Wenwen, which requires 3000 points to be adapted locally.

Seeing the version that requires 3000 points to be adapted locally, Hong Yi couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

This version is his whimsical work, which incorporates the combat body training skills of the Star Domain Warrior World into it, hoping to speed up the progress of the blood-moving realm. Unexpectedly, he failed to draw a cat but drew a dog, and the adaptation points of the exercises were raised to 3000 points at once.

This made Hong Yi understand that he couldn't eat a fat man in one bite. Even with the help of the chat group, he still had to take one step at a time. It was too difficult for him to integrate multiple training systems at the same time at his current level.

Hong Yi thought secretly that this improvement was undoubtedly quite successful. After removing the cost of 200 points, he has now earned 500 points and seven days of training time.

But obviously, his improved [Shicun Bone Inscription (Yangshen Version)] still has a drawback that has not been discovered.

Hong Yi deduced for a long time, but could not find any problem.

So Hong Yi gritted his teeth and started practicing again.

After all, practice makes perfect. His knowledge of practice is still too shallow. Without practical experiments, it is too difficult to find problems by talking on paper.

After the first branding expired, Hong Yi still did not find any problems, so he spent 100 points to extend the branding time.

Finally, when he practiced for 50 minutes, Hong Yi found the problem again.

Just looking at the description, the practice of moving blood realm seems very simple, melting runes into blood to stimulate the divine light, and then taking the essence of heaven and earth to temper the body.

But in fact, there are many doors and doors in it.

The simplest way for practitioners to condense runes in blood involves more than 20 techniques.

For example, how should practitioners control their consciousness when they get started.

Another example is how to merge consciousness with blood and control blood to condense runes.

The problem lies in these more than 20 techniques.

Two or three of them are not suitable for the body structure of people in the Yangshen World.

Simply put, there are some functions that humans in the Perfect World have, but humans in the Yangshen World do not.

The body of people in the Yangshen World is like a Pad, and the body of people in the Perfect World is like a mobile phone.

The functions and structures of the two are very similar, but mobile phones can make calls, but Pads cannot.

As a result, the runes condensed by these techniques will have some minor defects.

After noticing the problem, Hong Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

I thought it was a difficult problem, but it turned out to be just this?

It's just controlling blood to condense a rune, isn't it easy?

Hong Yi's soul left his body and controlled the dust in the air to condense into stone village bone characters.

Since the techniques of the Perfect World cannot be used, then it's better to practice in the way that is unique to the Yangshen World.

As the last master of the peak of driving objects, he can control the dust in the air to condense runes, not to mention controlling his own blood.

Although Pads cannot make calls, such trivial matters can be solved by installing WeChat.

After finding a solution, Hong Yi continued to modify the technique.

Soon, several versions of [Shicun Bone Inscription (Yangshen Edition)] were released.

This time, there was indeed great progress, and the adaptation points of several versions of the technique were all below 300 points.

But unfortunately, no matter how hard Hong Yi tried, he could not reduce the adaptation points to below 100 points.

It was as if the last 100 points were a natural barrier.

After working hard for more than a day, Hong Yi finally accepted his fate.

100 points is 100 points.

Some money should be paid. He can grasp the general direction, but when it comes to the details, he still has to work with the chat group.

His current understanding of cultivation is still too shallow. The main reason for being able to complete this localization adaptation is the support of the chat group.

If he relies on himself, I am afraid that even if he has a hundred lives, it will not be enough for him.

With the expenditure of this hundred points, [Shicun Bone Inscription (Yangshen Edition)] is officially released.

After reading it, Hong Yi was convinced that the 100 points were not wasted.

Although the chat group made some insignificant changes, Hong Yi knew that details determine success or failure, and the changes in the chat group took into account every detail of the cultivation process.

It was precisely these small modifications that allowed him to increase his cultivation speed by more than half a time, and eliminated various hidden dangers, making the cultivation of this method safer.

After finishing this matter, Hong Yi calmed down and began to practice formally.

This time, Hong Yi accelerated for another ten days in one breath, and stayed in the chat group space for another hundred days.

During these hundred days, Hong Yi's most rapid progress was in his Taoist cultivation, from the peak of driving objects to the peak of revealing, and only a little bit away from breaking through to the realm of possession.

The progress of martial arts cultivation was much slower, and he only practiced the Tiger Demon Bone Refining Fist to perfection. To achieve a peak martial artist, he was only a little bit away from breaking through to the realm of innate martial artists.

The perfect method was even cultivated to the middle stage of the blood moving realm. The middle stage of the blood moving realm has a divine power of 20,000 kilograms, but Hong Yi still has the cultivation of a peak martial artist.

The cultivation of the two is from the inside to the outside, and the other is from the outside to the inside. With the addition of the two, Hong Yi's body has a huge force of more than 30,000 kilograms.

Hong Yi was very satisfied with the rapid progress of this practice.

Although his current strength was not enough to fight against Hong Xuanji, the other people in Hong Mansion were no longer afraid of him.

Even if it was Wu Laogou, the martial saint beside Hong Xuanji, Hong Yi was sure that he could escape from him.

Even with the right time, right place and right people, Hong Yi felt that he had a chance to kill Wu Laogou.

Just when Hong Yi was still thinking, the chat group suddenly issued a continuous reminder sound, and the group was as lively as the New Year.

This reminder sound can be turned off, but Hong Yi's only fun in the practice space is to chat with the sand sculpture group members, so Hong Yi will not turn off the chat group reminder except for visualization.

What happened? Hong Yi opened the chat group with great curiosity.

In the past few days, everyone in the group has been obsessed with time acceleration practice, and the group has not been so lively for a long time.

Could it be that Xiao Yangchan, who has been offline for a long time, finally came online?

Hong Yi secretly guessed.

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