All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 61 Late Little Yangchan

This is a rare and good sword.

Han Li took out his sword and touched the dagger lightly. His sword was like tofu and broke into two sections.

Such a sharp dagger can definitely break Zhang Tie's defense.

With the Longming dagger, Han Li felt that his mind was much more stable.

Han Li didn't know that this sword would be a treasure even in the Star Domain World.

It was forged with meteorites from outer space and a special polymer alloy, and even aviation steel can be easily penetrated.

As Xu's father's personal weapon in the past, according to Xu's father, he once used the Longming dagger to cut off the arm of a fourth-level combat body warrior.

The fourth-level combat body warrior has almost extraordinary organs all over his body, which is much stronger than steel.

The Longming dagger can cut off the arm of such a person, which shows how sharp it is.

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "Thank you, group leader. With this sword from the group leader, I am more confident now."

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Han Li, please start the group live broadcast later! We can also send you red envelopes and provide help according to the situation later."

Xu Chenzhou didn't know whether Han Li would trigger the cub growth task later, so he made insurance in advance.

Han Li nodded, and he naturally would not refuse Xu Chenzhou's request.

Han Li turned on the group live broadcast and then closed the chat group.

Now it's time for his life and death, he has to go all out and wait for Mo Juren's arrival.

Han Li closed his eyes and concentrated his mind.

All members of the group were also concentrating and watching the content of the group live broadcast.

Just then, a strange ID suddenly lit up.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Sect): "Well, I remember that I was hit by the general and seemed to be dying. What is this thing? How could it appear in my mind? Is this the world after death?"

Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, little Yang Chan, who had been offline for a long time, actually came online!

Yang Chan (Yuxu Sect member): "Wow! This group live broadcast is so magical. I touched this light screen with my mind, and it was like traveling to another world."

Little Yang Chan had never seen such an immersive group live broadcast before. She was so excited that she even forgot the sadness of her own death.

In the distant prehistoric world, there is a fairy mountain with pavilions and towers on the mountain, which looks like a fairyland in the sky.

There is a stone tablet at the foot of the fairy mountain. The stone tablet is white as if it was carved from white jade, and three words are engraved on the front of the stone tablet, Yuquan Mountain.

At this time, in a pavilion in the fairy mountain, a little girl was lying on the bed with her eyes closed, and drops of sweat kept flowing from her forehead, as if she was trapped in a nightmare.

Beside him, a young man was sitting cross-legged.

The young man had a heroic face and a majestic figure. There was a lightning-shaped pattern on his forehead. Just looking at his appearance, people felt a majestic aura coming to their faces.

At this time, the young man stared at the little girl lying on the bed with his eyes full of worry.

"Little sister, little sister, you have been in a coma for so many days, and even the master did not wake you up. I really worried my brother to death!"

Recalling the scene of that day, Yang Jian's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

In fact, Yang Jian knew that his mother Yao Ji's identity was not ordinary when he was very young.

When Yang Jian just learned to speak, Yao Ji had already begun to teach him to practice.

It's just that Yao Ji never used magic in front of him, and never let Yang Jian use magic.

Every time Yang Jian asked his mother why she didn't let him use magic, Yao Ji always smiled and shook her head.

"Child, I hope you will never need to use magic."

Yang Jian never understood why his mother said this.

It was not until the Jade Emperor came to capture his mother and sent heavenly soldiers and generals to hunt down their brothers and sisters that Yang Jian understood his mother's good intentions.

Never needing to use magic naturally means that their family is safe and happy.

Facing the pursuit of the heavenly soldiers and generals, Yang Jian used the Taoist method of riding the earth and armor taught by his mother to attach to him and his sister.

With the blessing of this magic, the practitioner can run faster than the fairy horses in the sky.

Even if the group of heavenly soldiers and generals sent by the Jade Emperor used all their skills, they were helpless in front of his Taoism.

Originally, he thought he had escaped with his sister.

Unexpectedly, just when they were about to run out of the encirclement of the heavenly soldiers and generals, a heavenly general with a square face and a pair of big ears suddenly made a move and threw a stone.

The stone was accompanied by five-colored streamers, crossing the sky like a rainbow.

The stone hit Yang Chan's back directly, causing little Yang Chan to spit blood and fall into death.

"What a celestial soldier, so vicious that he didn't even let a little girl go.

Come at me, Yang Jian, if you dare. What kind of celestial soldier is it to bully a little girl!"

Yang Jian still remembered the day when he turned around and rushed towards the celestial soldiers with anger.

He didn't want to live at that time. His mother was captured, and his sister and father died in front of him. What was the point of leaving him alone in the world?

Luckily, at this time, he met his teacher, Jade Ding Zhenren.

Jade Ding Zhenren just glanced at them lightly, and those celestial soldiers ran away in a hurry as if they had encountered some peerless beast.

But even though Jade Ding Zhenren saved little Yang Chan's life, his sister still fell into a coma and has not woken up yet.

Yang Chan (from Yuxu Sect): "I don't know how my brother is doing now. Without me as a burden, he should have escaped and ascended to heaven! I will die when I die. I hope my brother can be safe."

In the chat group, you only need to use your thoughts to materialize the words. Xiao Yang Chan regards the chat group as the manifestation of the afterlife, and speaks out the words in her heart one by one.

Through Xiao Yang Chan's inner monologue, everyone in the group soon knew everything that Xiao Yang Chan had experienced. No wonder Xiao Yang Chan was offline for so many days, and it turned out that she fell into a coma.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Xiao Yang Chan, don't worry, you're not dead yet. This place is the Zhutian Cubs chat group. For specific information, you can check the group announcement first."

Everyone in the group introduced the information of the chat group to Xiao Yang Chan.

Yang Chan was initially startled by Xu Chenzhou's sudden voice.

But everyone in the group was very enthusiastic, and Xiao Yang Chan soon understood where the chat group was.

After all, she was born in the ancient world, and her mother was the sister of the Jade Emperor, so she naturally knew a lot about the three thousand worlds.

By extension, the so-called heavens and worlds are just the three thousand worlds in a larger concept.

Yang Chan (from Yuxu Sect): "So I'm not dead now! Group leader, group leader, how is my brother doing now? Please tell me quickly, okay!"

Xiao Yang Chan knew from the group announcement that the group leader knew information about many worlds, so he couldn't wait to ask about his brother's safety.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Don't worry, your brother is fine. He is the future God of War in Heaven, Erlang Xian Sheng Zhenjun. How could something happen? And your mother is also fine, but she was pinned under the Peach Mountain by the Jade Emperor. "

"Not only that, according to my guess, your brother should have now become a disciple of Yuding Zhenren, one of the twelve golden immortals of Chanjiao, and also brought you to join Chanjiao. Otherwise, the title given to you by the chat group would not be Yuding. I’m from Xumen”

Upon hearing the news, Xiao Yang Chan let out a long breath.

It's okay, brother.

As for those who explain and not explain, Xiao Yang Chan said she doesn't really care.

Yang Chan (from Yuxu Sect): "But there is still something wrong. How could my brother become the God of War in Heaven? Our family and Heaven are inseparable."

Yang Chan was extremely confused. In her heart, Tianting was the brother and sister's biggest enemy.

Although the Jade Emperor was their uncle, this uncle not only refused to kiss her, but also sent his men to capture her mother, kill her father, and even kill her.

Xu Chenzhou shook his head: "I don't know much about your father, but the Jade Emperor probably has no ill intentions towards you two.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have sent such useless heavenly soldiers and heavenly warriors to hunt you two down.

As long as he sends some serious heavenly soldiers and generals, you two will never escape his pursuit.

Moreover, your mother was just pinned under the peach mountain. This punishment is already very light for a fairy who has an affair with a mortal.

Although Peach Mountain is heavy, no god can move mountains and seas. Being pressed under the mountain is nothing to a god with her level of cultivation.

The most painful thing for her is probably not being able to see you two.

And the general who took action was most likely not from the Jade Emperor.

In addition, there are many variables in the future, so your brother will join Tianting.

From your description, the general who attacked you had a square face and big ears, and he looked a bit like a Westerner. Maybe he was a Westerner who was trying to plot the destiny of the East.

But that’s not necessarily the case. It’s also possible that other forces are secretly working to sow discord between Western religion and Heaven.

The water in the prehistoric era is really too deep, and it’s hard to tell. "

The two were still chatting when the scene in the group live broadcast changed.

Two footsteps, one light and one heavy, sounded, and then two figures appeared in front of the God's Hand Valley!

Han Li heard a familiar cough from a distance.

This coughing sound was heartbreaking, as if the old man making the coughing sound was extremely weak and would die of coughing in the next second.

But Han Li knew that although Mo Juren was terminally ill, he still had amazing fighting power.

He won't take it lightly.

Mo Juren slowly walked into the God's Hand Valley with the mysterious man beside him.

There was a trace of anxiety and expectation on his face.

He quickly walked up to Han Li, his eyes straightened, and he looked closely at Han Li's body.

After a long time, a trace of surprise flashed across Mo Juren's eyes.

As a miracle doctor, how could he not see how strong Han Li's current physical condition was.

This made Mo Juren's mind wander.

Could it be that immortal cultivation techniques can strengthen a person's body?

With Han Li's performance, could it be that he has broken through to the fourth level of Qi training?

"Han Li, come here and let me see how your Qi training is going."

After saying that, Mo Juren stretched out a hand and shot it very quickly, grabbing Han Li's wrist like lightning.

It’s been a long time since I updated. I’ve been working overtime recently. It seems I really need to write more and save it.

I feel that my writing pace is a bit slow. I want to update more every day. Unfortunately, it is a new book period, so four thousand a day is the optimal solution.

I'm late today, so I just wrote a thousand more words. Please forgive me, and I'll try to write early at work tomorrow!

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