All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 62: Master and Disciple

Han Li stood still and did not move, letting Mo Juren hold his wrist.

In the flash of lightning, countless thoughts passed through Han Li's mind.

He knew that Mo Juren acted so decisively this time, which meant that he had become suspicious. There was no way out of this round, and it was already a life-and-death situation between him and Mo Juren!

In this case, strike first to gain the upper hand!

Han Li raised his head and looked at Mo Juren, his eyes full of confusion, as innocent as a child.

"Teacher, after you left the God's Hand Valley, I have been working hard to cultivate Zhenqi. But I don't know why, no matter how I practice my Zhenqi, there is no progress, but my body is getting stronger and stronger. Teacher, please help me, is it? It’s not that I did something wrong.”

Hearing Han Li's words, a trace of doubt flashed in Mo Juren's eyes.

There is no progress in the Qi at all, but the body is getting stronger and stronger. What is going on?

Could it be that Han Li has a special physique that allows him to use all his energy to temper his body?

Mo Juren thought about various speculations in his mind.

If this is the case, it can be explained why Han Li became so strong in just one month.

But if this is the case, if Han Li's cultivation has not improved, then who will he seize next?

Thinking of this, Mo Juren's heart was in confusion. There was no time to cultivate another Han Li for him to seize.

Mo Juren concentrated on feeling the true energy in Han Li, and wanted to know whether Han Li's cultivation had improved during this period.

He didn't notice that at the moment when his eyes showed panic, a hint of joy flashed in the corners of Han Li's eyes.

Han Li controlled the intensity of the Qi in his body, keeping it at the level of the third level of Qi training, until he saw an expression of extreme disappointment on Mo Juren's face.

The muscles on his other arm behind his back were bulging, and the veins were twisting like dragons.

In an instant, a pillar-like arm hit Mo Juren's head, and his fist flew through the air, causing a roaring wind.

This time Han Li took action without any hesitation, and all the power of his body exploded in an instant.

The distance between the two is only one foot.

Moreover, Mo Juren was still immersed in the disappointment of seeing Han Li unable to improve his cultivation.

At such a short distance and at Han Li's speed, Mo Juren didn't even have time to blink. Han Li's punch was about to hit him in the face.

Feeling the sound of whistling fists and wind coming from his ears, Mo Juren felt a chill go down his spine.

He only had time to have one thought flash through his mind.

This punch is so fast, really too fast. I have been in the world for so many years, and I have never seen such a fast punch. To be able to die from this punch, I, Mo Juren, did not come to this world in vain.

Just when Mo Juren was about to close his eyes and wait for death, suddenly a big hand like a leaf fan stretched out in front of him.

This big hand is black and blue all over, and there is a layer of dead skin like scales on the back of the hand.

It doesn't look like a human hand at all.

The person who took action was Zhang Tie.

But how could Zhang Tie, who had taken action in a hurry, be able to block Han Li's killing punch with all his strength?

There was a thud, like a bronze bell being struck in a temple, and the sound of gold and iron came from the place where their hands met.

Zhang Tie's big hand was carried by the power of Han Li's punch and hit Mo Juren hard in the face.

Immediately afterwards, Mo Juren's body flew back more than ten meters like a piece of catkins, and then hit the ground heavily.

"Did you succeed?"

This question popped up in Han Li's mind.

Looking at Mo Juren's appearance, he probably won't be able to survive.

But Han Li deeply remembered the teachings given to him by the group leader. The most important thing when traveling in the world is to finish the last hit.

After killing someone, it is essential to crush their bones and spread their ashes. If you have the ability, it is best to directly destroy your opponent physically and mentally.

Han Li took out a concealed weapon from his arms, pointed forward fiercely, and threw it towards Mo Juren who fell to the ground.

Under his huge strength of 20,000 kilograms, this hidden weapon can fly faster than a bullet.

But what Han Li didn't expect was that Mo Juren, who looked like he was dead, suddenly burst out with a powerful internal force. Under the influence of this internal force, his body seemed to be a swimming animal. Like a big snake, it fiercely jumped forward two meters away, dodging all of Han Li's hidden weapons.

Then Mo Juren raised his head, his face covered with blood. He stared at Han Li fiercely, with a cold murderous intent coming from the corner of his mouth.

"Iron Slave, catch him at all costs."

The group members in the chat group were all watching the group live broadcast with rapt attention.

It wasn't until Mo Juren raised his head that everyone saw his face clearly and were instantly shocked.

Especially Xiao Yang Chan, who was so frightened that her face turned pale and she almost cried.

Her body was sweating in real life, as if she had been greatly frightened, which made Yang Jian beside her feel very worried.

Yang Chan (from Yuxu Sect): "This old man looks so scary, like a ghost."

Mo Juren's appearance at this time was really indescribable.

His nose was completely flattened by Han Li's punch, and it completely sunk into his skull, leaving a dark, bloody hole in place.

Not only that, Mo Juren's entire face was torn off, revealing a bloody face with distinct muscle texture.

In fact, if Han Li's punch hits, it will definitely smash Mo Juren's entire head into a watermelon, with red and white pieces flying into the sky.

But under Zhang Tie's obstruction, the power of this punch was dispersed a lot.

Zhang Tie's big hand was on Mo Juren's face, and he couldn't completely offset Han Li's power, so part of the original backward force turned into a downward force in the confrontation between the two, so Mo Juren was beaten into this ghost.

"Good, good! Very good, it seems that I really underestimated you, my dear disciple, feel the teacher's anger!"

Mo Juren was secretly afraid in his heart. Fortunately, before returning to the valley this time, he had issued an order in advance to pay attention to Han Li's actions at any time, otherwise he would really fall into this kid's hands this time.

But it doesn't matter, Mo Juren's surprise is greater than fear.

At the moment Han Li made a move, Mo Juren felt that the strength of the true qi in Han Li's body broke through to the fourth level.

Anyway, this body has been broken for a long time, so why not abandon it, just in time to replace it with a new body with extraordinary talent.

Looking at Han Li's strong body, Mo Juren's eyes revealed an extremely greedy look.

It can also be seen that Mo Juren is not dead, and Han Li still intends to capture the leader first.

He flashed, drove out the Luoyan Step, turned into a light smoke, and rushed towards Mo Juren.

At this moment, a majestic body blocked him.

Zhang Tie stretched out his hands and grabbed Han Li fiercely.

Han Li ignored Zhang Tie, he knew that the most important thing now was to kill Mo Juren.

He kicked his feet and used the Luoyan Step to shake off Zhang Tie.

What Han Li didn't expect was that Zhang Tie's move was incredibly fast and he actually grabbed his arm.

"Give up, disciple, even if you are born with supernatural power, you can't be the opponent of Tie Nu, just surrender."

Mo Juren was very confident. When others saw Tie Nu's body shape, they would definitely think that Tie Nu's strongest point was strength and his body must be clumsy.

But on the contrary, after his special refining, Tie Nu's speed was not inferior to strength at all, otherwise it would not have been possible to block this fatal blow for him in such a critical situation just now.

In addition, the strongest point of Tie Nu is his defense. He is invulnerable to swords and guns and is not afraid of internal injuries. He is simply a perfect puppet.

After Zhang Tie grabbed Han Li's arm, he took another step forward and hugged Han Li's body with two pillar-like arms.

Mo Juren saw Han Li being held in Zhang Tie's arms, and a wild smile appeared on his lips. Zhang Tie has the power to pull three bulls backwards. If he is held by him, even a great master with a congenital top will not be able to break free. The big thing is done.

He walked slowly to Han Li. At this time, he had already won. Although his injuries were very serious, he could still hold on for a few hours under the protection of his internal strength, which was enough for him to complete the possession.

Mo Juren put his hands behind his back. Even though he was unrecognizable, he still exuded the demeanor of a master.

"My good disciple, you really impressed me. You are decisive and ruthless. You are worthy of being my disciple, Mo Juren. I will take good care of your parents and siblings. You can go with peace of mind."

Looking at Mo Juren who walked in front of him, Han Li showed a calm smile on his face. His arm muscles swelled and he grabbed Zhang Tie's arms with both hands. The blue veins twisted like a swimming dragon.

Zhang Tie's hands, like iron hoops, were actually trembling slightly, and he couldn't control Han Li at all.

"My good master, who told you that my strength is not as good as your iron slave."

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