All Heavens Cubs Chat Group

Chapter 63: Mo Lao surrenders, Yang Chan teaches

When their fists and palms just touched, Han Li had already discovered that Zhang Tie's strength was not as good as his, and it was only about 10,000 pounds.

Han Li had paid so much attention to Zhang Tie before, mainly because the group leader gave the information that Zhang Tie smashed the stone gate of Shenshou Valley into pieces with just a few punches.

This stone gate is not an ordinary stone, but a kind of bluestone in Daqing Mountain. Ordinary swords can only leave a shallow mark on the bluestone.

Han Li also secretly tried it, and his full-strength punch could only leave a mark of four or five centimeters deep on the bluestone.

This made Han Li extremely overestimate Zhang Tie's real combat power.

But after the real fight, Han Li realized that the main reason why Zhang Tie could smash the big stone gate so easily was because Zhang Tie had trained his body to be as hard as steel under Mo Juren's refining.

His fist was like an iron hammer.

It was certainly easier for an iron hammer to hit the stone gate than Han Li's body.

Han Li had not expected Zhang Tie's speed to be so fast, so he was caught by him.

After being caught, Han Li actually had a chance to escape Zhang Tie's control.

But Han Li didn't. Instead, he took advantage of the situation and let Zhang Tie hold him, just to lead Mo Juren to him.

After all, Han Li didn't know how many treasures Mo Juren had obtained from Yu Zitong.

The information given by the group leader was written by him based on his memory, and there were many omissions.

If there were some powerful talismans, Mo Juren would still have a chance to turn the tables after pulling away.

Pulling Zhang Tie's hands apart, Han Li shook Zhang Tie hard and sent him flying five or six meters backwards.

Seeing this scene, Mo Juren knew that something was wrong. He turned around and wanted to escape, without even thinking about using his famous magic silver hand.

"Iron slave, help me stop him!"

But how could Han Li let him go?

Han Li rushed forward, crossed his hands, and forcibly pulled off Mo Juren's two arms.

Blood gushed out, flowing down Mo Juren's body to the ground, dyeing the dark yellow land red.

Then Han Li hit Mo Juren's neck with another fierce palm.

Mo Juren was just a mortal, and this time there was no Zhang Tie to help buffer, so he couldn't bear Han Li's 20,000-jin strength.

His neck broke, the skin and flesh on his neck tore apart, and his head flew out with a small section of the spine.

And Zhang Tie also stopped moving at the moment Mo Juren died, standing there blankly like a corpse.

Seeing this scene, Han Li was relieved.

It seems that my dear master is really dead this time.

But as a disciple, I still have to take responsibility and collect the master's body.

Han Li walked to Mo Juren's headless body, reached his hands into his arms, and carefully took out everything in his arms.

Then Han Li received a group red envelope, and a small red bucket appeared in his hand.

This barrel contains special gasoline from the Star Domain World. This gasoline has a very high temperature after burning, which is very suitable for cremation of corpses. It can directly burn human corpses into ashes.

While watching Mo Juren's body burning, Han Li couldn't help but have all kinds of thoughts in his mind.

I heard from Junbao that when Buddhist monks are cremated after death, relics will be burned out.

Mo Lao's martial arts are so profound that he should be able to burn something out after burning into ashes.

After watching this live broadcast through the group chat, Xu Chenzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Tie's strength is much weaker than they thought. This time Mo Juren returned to Gu Chunchun just to give up his head.

However, this is because the chat group was upgraded to level 2 in time, and the time acceleration function was turned on, so Han Li had 100 more days of practice time.

Otherwise, Han Li, who didn't have so much time to practice, couldn't be Zhang Tie's opponent, and even Mo Lao might not be able to beat him. At that time, there was no other choice but to escape in advance.

Han Li (disciple of Qixuan Sect): "I survived the disaster without any danger. Thank you for your help."

Then Han Li sent several red envelopes to the chat group.

These red envelopes contained props that group members had sent to Han Li before, such as the Longming Dagger, the three secret medicines provided by Lu Mingfei, etc.

Yang Chan (disciple of Yuxu Sect): "The group live broadcast was too exciting. If only I could defeat the enemy like this big brother at that time, then my father and mother would not be captured by the heavenly soldiers and generals."

It was not until this time that Han Li discovered that a name that was both strange and familiar appeared in the group chat.

Seeing Yang Chan finally appear, Han Li was ecstatic.

He had heard Xu Chenzhou talk about the information of the prehistoric world a long time ago.

The person who helped him the most in the group should be Yang Chan.

After all, both the prehistoric world and the mortal world are cultivation systems. The two systems are so close that they will definitely be of great help to him.

And I heard from the group leader that the spiritual energy in the prehistoric world is quite rich, and the resources are quite abundant. It is simply an inexhaustible treasure house.

If you can get the spiritual medicine of the prehistoric world and then cultivate it with the small green bottle, that scene Han Li dare not imagine how cool it is.

And I heard from the group leader that after entering the fairyland, the effect of the towering fortune liquid condensed by the small green bottle will increase a hundredfold.

If you can condense the towering fortune liquid in the prehistoric environment, I wonder what the effect will be.

As Han Li thought about it, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He immediately joined the chat, changing his previous taciturn image, speaking humorously, making Yang Chan laugh like silver bells from time to time.

After watching a group live broadcast together, Yang Chan and her friends in the chat group gradually became familiar with each other.

During the chat, Yang Chan gradually understood the group spirit of mutual help and common progress in the chat group, and visited the dazzling array of exercises in the group's practice space.

In addition, under the language offensive of Han Li, who temporarily became a socialite in the chat group, Yang Chan also decided to make a contribution to the chat group.

Yang Chan uploaded the exercises [Nine True Jade Qi Training Jue] [Heavenly Court Basic Spells (Incomplete)]

Through Yang Chan's introduction, everyone in the group chat also had some understanding of the two exercises uploaded by Yang Chan.

[Nine True Jade Qi Training Jue] is a foundation-building practice method created by the Queen Mother of Yao Chi for the fairies in the Heavenly Court.

This method focuses on laying the foundation, and the upper limit is not high. The highest can only be practiced to the True Fairyland.

After the female officials of the Heavenly Court practice to the True Fairyland, they can go to the Yao Chi's practice pavilion to change their exercises.

As the sister of the Jade Emperor, Yao Ji naturally has other better exercises.

But she had sneaked out after all, and the other skills in her hands had a strong Heavenly Palace imprint. Yang Chan's cultivation was low, so it was easy for the clairvoyant and the wind-earing to find out.

But the Nine True Jade Qi Training Technique was different. As the entry-level skills for the Heavenly Palace female officials, it was widely circulated in the prehistoric world. Practicing this skill would basically not expose one's identity because of the problem of skills.

Moreover, this skill was written by the Queen Mother after all, and it was peaceful and upright. There was no loss in the subsequent practice of other skills.

So before Yang Chan reached the true fairyland, Yao Ji did not plan to teach her other skills.

As for the Heavenly Palace Spells, some basic spells were recorded in it, such as the immobilization technique, the wall-penetrating technique, the air-control technique, etc.

Including the vertical earth armor horsemanship that Yang Jian had used before.

Xu Chenzhou looked at the skills that Yang Chan had sent out and couldn't help shaking his head.

Before the Conferred God, the foundation of the Heavenly Palace in the prehistoric world was really thin.

They actually have to select mortals with good qualifications to practice in heaven, and then be included in the immortal list after practicing to become immortals.

Some people who have never been able to practice to become immortals will be sent back to the lower world.

This is not a heaven, it is simply a heavenly university. Those who are good at learning stay in school for further studies, and those who are not good at learning are driven away to fend for themselves.

Xu Chenzhou (group leader): "Just take a look at this method, don't worry too much. If I am not mistaken, it won't be long before you, Xiao Yangchan, will get a method far beyond this."

Recently, I read book reviews and was scolded every day, saying that I shouldn't write Japanese comics. I thought about it and it was a bit inappropriate to write Japanese comics. I was young and ignorant at the time, and the chat groups I read basically all had Japanese comics and no one scolded me, so I wrote it. However, there are too many people scolding. Fortunately, the proportion of these two worlds in the story is not large, and there is still time to change it, so I want to change the previous one, but I am afraid that some readers want to read these stories. Here I ask for everyone's opinions, just reply in this paragraph. Those who reply 1 support deleting Misaka Mikoto and Lee's scenes, those who reply 2 support deleting Lee's scenes and keeping Misaka Mikoto, and those who reply 3 support continuing writing. (ps, if more than 20 people reply 3 in three days, even if I still plan to delete these scenes later, I will write the stories of these two worlds and put them in the related works as a special episode, so as not to disappoint the readers' support)

I chose to keep Misaka Mikoto and take it out separately because the whole story has been thought out, and I feel that it would be very interesting to write Misaka Mikoto in the past with the human supercomputer of the Amitabha Sutra and the magnetic field rotation of Kaihu, but I still respect the opinions of readers, and the voting will end in one day!

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